Topic: Where were U?
eileena9's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:02 AM
I was at work, listening to my partner's radio. I was only half listening because my partner that day was someone who complains about everything, I just looked at him and said "just shut up a minute what are they talking about?' I could not believe it, so I ran to the cafeteria where the tv is and just sat there watching as the second Tower was hit.

My brother was supposed to be working at building 7, the first one to collapse, but stayed home to sign my nephew out of school, and my sister-in-law just came up from the subway to see the first Tower come down.

My boss wasn't going to let anyone go home because he said 'we aren't in any danger so why leave?' My father was an electrician who did all the wiring in the Towers when they were built, so I knewthis was going to hit him hard, and he was inconsolable.

All those who died that day from the cowardly acts of those terrorists are resting in peace with God and watch over the rest of us. May their families have some consolation in the fact that we are all sharing in their loss.brokenheart brokenheart brokenheart

Puffins1958's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:03 AM

I know so many people that work in Manhattan, other parts of the city. West St. phone building is literally right next to the twin towers. They have a school for phone company people there. Till this go to school there and there is a hole in the ground where the towers stood tall. For years I couldn't go into that building. Such a horrible thing to remember, so tragic....for all the people that have lost their lives

tloutn's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:29 AM
I was at work, and had just finished an assessment on a patient when the first reports of "a plane hitting the tower" came across the TV. Of course, none of us thought the worst, at first, but then right in front of our eyes, the second plane hit and I was immediately numb all over.

As I stood in the lobby with my boss, and her boss and a small collection of other employees, I realized that several of us had tears in our eyes. I remember thinking what it must be like for the people trapped above the flames, what it must be like to know that this is "your time", and how would I react. Then the unimaginable occurred, we saw a small dark object falling from the north tower and we realized it was a person. That answered my question and I felt tears rolling down my face. But then something else incredible happened, I had just for a moment, a peace fall across me knowing that all those many of these fine people who were suffering, they soon would be in a much better place.

My dad used to talk about where he was when JFK was assassinated and it meant nothing to me. After 9/11 I understand not only why it meant so much to him, but I also have a better understanding of my dad. I'll always remember that day, the sights, the sounds and the people I shared it with.

no photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:34 AM
I know, tloutn, I never understood the whole Kennedy thing either, I wasn't born when it happened, but now, I do. There isn't a detail of that day that I'll forget. I can tell you what the weather was, what I was wearing, everything. It was my favorite outfit too and I could never wear it again.

LoriZ's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:38 AM
I was a home care nurse then, and I was at a patients house. I remember watching the whole thing with the older couple. As soon as it happened my pager went off, and it was my office, telling us all to get out of the field. They cancelled all non-essential visits for the day. I remember my first thought was "this was no accident". We watched for awhile, all the way until the second tower fell, I left the house and my next thought was gas up the car and get the kids. My older son was 18 and my younger was still in high school. I was sure this was an act of war, and I panicke thinking about my sons being drafted or something.
I went back to the office, made sure there was no further instructions and then spent the rest of the day, at home, with my boys watching it all unfold.
I guess maybe feeling helpless.

summerlady's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:40 AM
At that time I was working four days a week in a local office, and one day a week at home. Sept. 11, 2001 was my day at home. I was on the computer at home when my (now separated) husband called and said we were under attack and to turn on the t.v. I didn't believe him at first, then I saw the second plane hit. Shanksville is about 40 mi. from here. Watching the events of that morning, it seemed like a movie, at first. I kept praying that they would find survivors.

no photo
Tue 09/11/07 05:15 AM
Now I know what people meant when they say they they knew exactly what they were doing when JFK was shot....

September 11, 2001(Ironically, also on a Tuesday):

I was on vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC. I was in my rental car, driving north up the coast towards Wilmington, NC. I was on my way to the U.S.S. North Carolina Naval Museum. As i usually do when i'm driving, I'm searching the radio stations, and finally land on the Howard Stern show. I even remember he had Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson on as guests that morning. All of a sudden Howard says, "Hold on a moment. I've just been handed a serious news story. A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center". The first thing I thought was a single-engine plane, maybe the pilot had a heart attack or something. I scanned the dial again, loking for a news station. By the time I found one, the second plane had hit.

I returned to Myrtle Beach, and a while later, went to lunch at one of the city's mall food courts. They had a TV in the area, so I watched for a while, and then walked around the mall to "walk lunch off". It was about noon by now, and I noticed that quite a few of the smaller mall stores had closed. People were trying to contact people they knew who were in the NYC area. By 5 PM, everything had closed, it was like a Sunday evening. The Sun News, MB's local paper, released a special edition(I still have it today). I spent the evening in my hotel room, calling family and friends in Knoxville, TN, and staying glued to the TV screen.

And that was where I was on September 11, 2001. And I will never forget.

im2fun's photo
Tue 09/11/07 06:10 AM
thanks catchme, I got my flags out flying this morning. This will tell my age but I was in high school when Kennedy was shot and will never forget that day, that was a terrible tragedy at the time, then came 9/11. I had the tv on and watched the whole thing and stood there in shock, not believing what I had just seen. Watched the 2nd tower get hit and the ppl falling out of the buildings. It was a horrible day in history. That night my adult kids wanted us to be together and watch what had gone on as it was repeated several times for days. Prayers go out for the families ad for the country. God bless us all.

JOHNNIE5's photo
Tue 09/11/07 06:34 AM
I was at home this day sleeping because I werked the 5 30 pm to 1 30 am shift. When I woke up in the morning around 10 am I heard that the Vancouver International Airport was shut down. I thought another bomb threat, turned off my radio and went to watch my shows on t.v. When I turned my t.v. on to channel TBS to watch my program what I saw I was not ready to see and that was the 2 towers falling. I thought what the hell is this some kind of sick joke? I ran through the whole house waking my roommates to come and watch the tv. They all yelled at me (lol) but when they saw the tv they said the same thing. Is this some kind of sick joke?
I went to werk that night, and everyone asked if I heard what happened and I said yes. My boss said U can take the night off with pay if u wish. I said no thats ok. But what pissed me off that night is when I arrived at werk they asked me to go to the roof and lower the flags to half mast. I said to my boss WTF they have not been lowered yet? WTF have u guys been doing today? Its like 5 pm and this happened what this morning? and I just walked away.

but that is where I was today

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no photo
Tue 09/11/07 06:39 AM
I was here at the newspaper when we heard about the 1st tower, and when the 2nd was hit we all gathered around the T V in the breakroom in disbelief. and then we put out a special addition that afternoon, it seemed so unreal!!!

pkh's photo
Tue 09/11/07 06:44 AM
I was sleeping when a friend called,a day etched in our minds forever.

blonderockermom's photo
Tue 09/11/07 07:00 AM
I was on my way to work, listening to the radio. At first they cut into a song playing, and said an airplane had hit one of the towers. the DJ's were alway's joking around, so i figured that was what they were doing. I remember thinking that was really messed up to joke about something like that. Then they said it again, and I realized it was no joke. I started crying, and was so sick to my stomach, I had to pull over.
I grew up in N.Y., and had a sadness I will never forget, but I don't think anyone will ever forget where they were when that tragedy occured. GOD bless all the angels we lost that day.brokenheart

WhispersandWinks's photo
Tue 09/11/07 07:36 AM
I had worked the night shift and was sleeping. While up to use the bathroom, my ex told me to stay up a minute and watch the news on the Today Show. How horrible. Surreal, for sure.

Two hours later, my son, an MP in the USArmy told me he was being deployed, and that he loved me.

I lost it..........

My prayers for our nation and those who lost friends and loved ones. Continued prayers for those who still fight for our freedom, and our governing bodies. :heart:

CrystalClear's photo
Tue 09/11/07 07:51 AM
I was at work in Manhattan, when a co-worker came crying to everyone and gathered us in the conference room, where we turned on the TV and, in disbelief, gazed at the 1st tower in flames. I remember my initial thought being this was a freak accident, when suddenly, we all watched as the second one hit. The tears, the crying and the numbness are still very fresh in my memory. I remember closing the office, asking everyone to pick up their families and go home. I ran to my children's school, took out money from the ATM, and stayed outside of my apartment in Manhattan as I watched the smoke, from what I would say, too close.

Then, as we continued to hear, another plane hit, another plane fell, it was eminent that we were at war and fear took over the numbness. The FEAR was wallowing down my throat but I had to keep calm, as my children were already scared. I didn’t know if I should get in my car and run; where was I gonna go?

Phone lines were all busy so you could not get in touch with anyone. I remember thinking, What will I tell my children if anything happens to their father, who worked at TD Waterhouse in Wall Street, just a short distance of ground zero.

For 3 yrs I would not step foot anywhere near ground zero. It has affected many of us New Yorkers in many different ways. For me, I will not get on the trains and I am always skeptical about over-crowded areas.

My heart to all those who lost loves ones, not just at the WTC, but Pentagon, Phili and those at War.:heart:

sarahlovesnerds's photo
Tue 09/11/07 07:52 AM
aww i was at home sick from school and my mom and i watched the entire thing on the today show so sad frown

mishaellyn's photo
Tue 09/11/07 07:56 AM
I was at a meeting at work and someone in the break room had seen it on tv. Needless to say the meeting was over and we watched what was happening.

no photo
Tue 09/11/07 08:16 AM
i was a sophomore in high school and had just walked into study hall when someone asked if we could turn on the tv to watch what was going on....i didnt know anything about it until that point....the rest of the day at school we didnt really do anything but watch what was going on on tv.....

no photo
Tue 09/11/07 08:19 AM
I was at Boise State University attending my morning class, when they rolled a tv into the room. Pretty much all of my classes that day were spent watching the news.....

no photo
Tue 09/11/07 10:07 AM
i was getting ready for work and was putting on my socks while watching the first tower burn. they were showing live footage of the burning building and they were discussing how such a thing could happen when all of a sudden the second plane flew into view and smashed into the second tower. i think i thought something like,"what the ****!" and i went to work. there wasn't any doubt about what happened and most of my coworkers spent the better part of the morning in the break room watching the coverage.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 09/11/07 10:11 AM
I was listening to music while mom was watching TV when the news story popped up. At the time everyone thought it was an accident, so tragic as it was I couldn't do anything about it so I went shopping that day.