Topic: where are the women?
simba28's photo
Thu 02/06/14 07:25 AM
I wonder if i will ever find my soul-mate:heart: . come on guys help me out..)

willing2's photo
Thu 02/06/14 07:32 AM
They all at my house having champagne and swimming in my pool.

simba28's photo
Thu 02/06/14 07:38 AM
well, that must be a big party then, can i crush!!!!haaa

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 02/06/14 09:49 AM
Edited by Dodo_David on Thu 02/06/14 09:54 AM
They all at my house having champagne and swimming in my pool.

willing2, too bad that you aren't home for that event.

One of the women was overheard talking about you.
She said, "The lights are on, but nobody is at home."
Me being a Melmacian, I assumed that she was speaking literally.