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Topic: NYT: Obamacare kills jobs.
Dodo_David's photo
Tue 02/04/14 04:31 PM
From the New York Times:

"Health Care Law May Result in 2 Million Fewer Full-Time Workers"

Obamacare is so bad that even the NYT acknowledges it.

willing2's photo
Tue 02/04/14 04:35 PM
It was a bad deal from day one.

Even an extinct Dodo would know that.laugh laugh laugh laugh

mightymoe's photo
Tue 02/04/14 05:30 PM
only the die hard barry lovers can't see it....

jazzysdad's photo
Tue 02/04/14 07:55 PM
You guys happen to be republicans by any chance?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 02/04/14 08:01 PM

You guys happen to be republicans by any chance?

by chance? not me, i claim neither... but i do hate the liberals right now

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 02/04/14 08:23 PM

You guys happen to be republicans by any chance?

I don't know of any Republicans who are regulars in this particular forum.

Besides, the topic of this thread is what the New York Times is reporting about the Affordable Care Act.

By the way, the NYT changed the title of its story after I created this discussion thread.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:21 AM
In an opinion piece for the New York Post, John Podhoretz writes the following:

Now the CBO is saying is that in 10 years, about the same number of people will lack insurance as before. This, after new expenditures of as much as $2 trillion and a colossal disruption of the US medical system.

If that's not startling enough, there's also the telling projection about ObamaCare's impact on employment - "a decline in the number of full-time-equivalent workers of about 2.0 million in 2017, rising to about 2.5 million in 2024."

In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank writes the following:

For years, the White House has trotted out the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office to show that Obamacare would cut health-care costs and reduce deficits:

"CBO Confirms Families Will Save Money Under Health Reform."

"CBO Update Shows Lower Costs for the New Health Care Law."

"CBO Confirms: The Health Care Law Reduces the Deficit."

Live by the sword, die by the sword, the Bible tells us. In Washington, it's slightly different: Live by the CBO, die by the CBO.

The congressional number-crunchers, perhaps the capital's closest thing to a neutral referee, came out with a new report Tuesday, and it wasn't pretty for Obamacare. The CBO predicted the law would have a "substantially larger" impact on the labor market than it had previously expected: The law would reduce the workforce in 2021 by the equivalent of 2.3 million full-time workers, well more than the 800,000 originally anticipated. This will inevitably be a drag on economic growth, as more people decide government handouts are more attractive than working more and paying higher taxes. . .

. . . But there's only so much White House officials could do. Obamacare has been undermined by the very entity they had used to validate it.

It is the Congressional Budget Office that is saying negative things about the Affordable Care Act. Only a Democrat partisan would try to spin the CBO's claims into an alleged partisan attack by Republicans.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:42 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 02/05/14 05:43 AM

As Con would say..... "Bush dood it!" laugh

indignus's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:51 AM
A friend of mine is a teacher and her school district moved her from 5 days to 4 days so they wouldn't have to pay her insurance. now she has to pay for her own insurance and she makes less money...

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:53 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 02/05/14 05:54 AM

According to the CBO, 2 million workers will be able to throw off the chains of full time bondage, and will be able to work reduced hours and still participate in the Dear Leader's wonderful compulsory affordable health care scheme plan.

Spokesperson for Commissar Reid states truthfully that Rethuglikkkan Teabagger Reactionaries will try to "spin" the loss of the equivalent of 2 million full time enslavements as a negative to further their racist attack on Dear Leader.

Under Obamacare,individuals will be empowered to make choices about their own lives and livelihoods, like retiring on time rather than working into their elderly years or choosing to spend more time with their families, White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

No longer will they be shackled by ability to gain meaningless material goods, or improve the quality of their non-productive end years. People's Legitimate Speaker Peloski stated, "losing that 40-hour work week will really free Americans like you to pursue your happiness to follow your passion."

The CBO also envisions further enslavement hour reductions into the future, redistributing more joy to more workers!

via The People's

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 02/05/14 07:18 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 02/05/14 07:22 AM

Democratic Senator: If You Want Your Doctors Back Pay More

WASHINGTON, February 4, 2014 US Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D- N.H.) said in an interview last Friday that the millions of people who have lost their doctors due to Obamacare may be able to get their doctors back. However, there is a catch. They have to be willing to pay more, she said.

Wasn't the point of the Affordable Care Act to cut the costs of medical care? On average, premiums have skyrocketed 44% due to Obamacare. In many cases, premiums have even tripled. According to Shaheen, the solution is to simply pay even more for healthcare.

At least for people who are willing to pay more, that they have that option of going to their doctor and hospital no matter what their insurer does, Shaheen stated.

Here, Shaheen attempts to shift blame on the insurance companies. However, the healthcare law prohibits insurers from offering many plans. As a result, millions lost their health insurance and doctors respectively.

Welcome to New Hampshire's shiny new two-tier healthcare system. You can keep your doctor and access the best hospital for you, but only if you are willing to pay more ,much more. Does Senator Shaheen really think she's off the hook because she voted for Obamare, but did not write it, said Republican challenger Jim Rubens.

Shaheen told supporters at a private event that Obamacare was having a positive impact. In contrast to Shaheen's claims, major insurance providers have dropped at least ten hospitals in New Hampshire, and now tens of thousands of women in the state are without care providers due to Obamacare.

In the interview, Shaheen even admits that there is a serious lack of doctors and hospitals accepting the new healthcare plans under Obamacare. However, she refused to answer whether or not she'd vote for it again if given the chance.

Less Jobs,and higher Healthcosts!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 02/05/14 07:44 AM

willing2's photo
Wed 02/05/14 09:16 AM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 02/05/14 09:20 AM

You guys happen to be republicans by any chance?

Now,it's my turn.
Are you, any of your family or friends Illegally here in the US?

Also, do ya'll refer to (our) country as the US or Aztlan?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 02/05/14 04:15 PM

Obozocare definitely kills jobs...... let's hope that the only killing practiced under this monstrocity

metalwing's photo
Wed 02/05/14 04:20 PM

A friend of mine is a teacher and her school district moved her from 5 days to 4 days so they wouldn't have to pay her insurance. now she has to pay for her own insurance and she makes less money...

Repeat this story millions of times and you have those who were hurt and cancel out those who got free medicaid. They could have expanded medicaid without obamacare.

no photo
Wed 02/05/14 04:56 PM
Edited by alleoops on Wed 02/05/14 05:20 PM
That Obamacare Will Drive 2.5 Million Americans Out Of The Workforce

Yesterday, Washington’s official non-partisan bean-counter, the Congressional Budget Office, dropped a bomb. By 2024, says the CBO, Obamacare will reduce the size of the U.S. labor force by 2.5 million full-time-equivalent workers. That’s roughly triple what the CBO had estimated three years ago. Such a sizeable decline in the labor force will have substantial detrimental effects on the U.S. economic and fiscal picture. But the CBO wasn’t responsible for the most amazing thing that happened yesterday.
That title belongs to the Obama White House, where Press Secretary Jay Carney claimed that 2.5 million Americans leaving the workforce was a good thing, because they would no longer be “trapped in a job just to provide coverage for their families, and would have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.”frown

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:22 PM

A friend of mine is a teacher and her school district moved her from 5 days to 4 days so they wouldn't have to pay her insurance. now she has to pay for her own insurance and she makes less money...
mid school year? I thought the aca wouldnt take effect til 2014 and she should have at least a full 'school year' contract. When did they do this?

Seen a lot of this even locally. Has to do with a time sensitive thing. You know.... "implemented prior to" or some other wording. They can't alter some contracts but they can alter items within it based on hardship and other elements of employment.

Cause and affect

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:24 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 02/05/14 05:28 PM

Oregon State is under investigation for fraud on their "Cover Oregon" fed funded website. $220M given with oversite and procedural analysis since 2010. All check points were certified during implementation, but the money is gone and the website has NEVER worked

It just gets better

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:38 PM

A friend of mine is a teacher and her school district moved her from 5 days to 4 days so they wouldn't have to pay her insurance. now she has to pay for her own insurance and she makes less money...
mid school year? I thought the aca wouldnt take effect til 2014 and she should have at least a full 'school year' contract. When did they do this?

Seen a lot of this even locally. Has to do with a time sensitive thing. You know.... "implemented prior to" or some other wording. They can't alter some contracts but they can alter items within it based on hardship and other elements of employment.

Cause and affect
I work for a school district, and it hasnt happened yet, so I guess I will have to keep watchin the news and my mailbox. Havent seen it anywhere.

About 70% of our local economy is tied to the many military bases, the other 30% to tourism. I have heard it a lot.... complaint after complaint. They call it the "Affordable Care Act"..... as it bankrupts an entire nation and its people!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 02/05/14 05:38 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 02/05/14 05:39 PM
WTF? Double post

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