Topic: Lake monsters
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Tue 04/01/14 12:15 AM
Edited by Up2Us on Tue 04/01/14 12:16 AM

I wonder what they would taste like. Slowly roasted or just grilled.
I'm sure the lake monsters are wondering the same thing about people... laugh


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Tue 04/01/14 03:40 PM
Edited by Up2Us on Tue 04/01/14 03:39 PM

I've never seen that video before.. cool!! and for the most part.. all the videos seem to be shot in and around the area we had our country home.. I've heard stories from others who lived in the area all year round(and for generations) about the lake having caves.. the maps show that in some areas, the lake is deeper then 600 ft.. (around where we were and a few other spots) so.. regardless of the many skeptics.. I know what I felt that day.. and what my ex SAW!

funny how for YEARS I would swim the length to Lords Island & back, water ski, sail and boat (as well as fish) the lake.. but after that encounter?? I can't bring myself to go IN the water again.. or ANY large bodies of water for that matter(I'm out near Lake Champlain now).. and I'm NOT one that scares easily!!

however I WILL go boating and sailing (in large crafts ONLY) but reFUSE to go IN the water... ever again!!

Champ image:


As you already know, Lake Champlain has its own legendary Lake Monster called Champ.
I don't blame you for wanting to stay out of the water....smokin

Champ sighting video:


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Thu 04/03/14 07:16 PM

I wonder what they would taste like. Slowly roasted or just grilled.
I'm sure the lake monsters are wondering the same thing about people... laugh

drinker drinker drinker :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Fri 04/04/14 06:03 AM

Champ image:


As you already know, Lake Champlain has its own legendary Lake Monster called Champ.
I don't blame you for wanting to stay out of the water....smokin

Champ sighting video:


I've heard of him however I've never seen him OR felt him.. mind you.. I won't go swimming in that water either noway seems I'm attracted to large bodies of water containing very large monsters though... scared

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Fri 04/04/14 07:13 PM
Beware of the bearded clam too.shocked

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Thu 04/10/14 09:59 PM

Beware of the bearded clam too.shocked
Clam chowder....:tongue:

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Thu 04/10/14 10:01 PM
Chinese Kanas Lake Monster Filmed By Tourists

Ten tourists from Guangdong and Hubei provinces were the latest to report a "water monster" sighting in Kanas Lake, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. They told local media that they saw a giant black creature on July 5 that stirred waves over 1 meter high and left a wake over 10 meters long for 20 seconds about 100 meters away from their boat.


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Sat 04/19/14 01:12 PM
Has Apple maps found the Loch Ness Monster?

A mysterious shadowy form spotted using Apple's satellite map app has Nessie believers convinced that the sea monster has been found

Article Link:

mightymoe's photo
Sat 04/19/14 01:30 PM

Has Apple maps found the Loch Ness Monster?

A mysterious shadowy form spotted using Apple's satellite map app has Nessie believers convinced that the sea monster has been found

Article Link:

i saw this, looks like a huge boat to me...

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Sat 04/19/14 02:40 PM
Looks like a whale to me....smokin

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Sat 04/19/14 07:19 PM

Boat wake, or Nessie?

While the anomaly initially appears to be the wake of a boat, "experts" have noted that it is unlikely as there is no visible hull or superstructure. Imaging errors are also unlikely, as other boats in the area are clearly visible, making the appearance of a mythical creature clearly the more reasonable explanation.

"What ever it is, it's just below the surface and heading south so unless there have been secret submarine trials going on in the loch, the size of the object would make it likely to be Nessie," Campbell said.


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Mon 04/21/14 01:11 PM
Loch Morar has an alleged monster too - Morag - nice and scenic place and tis the deepest loch in Scotland indeed the uk although English foreigners call em lakes cos they are stone bonkers

personally I think tis all pants these loch monsters, or lake beasties, if you prefer that term

do they exist in the sea perhaps in - lakes nope

mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/21/14 04:41 PM

Reports of plesiosaur-like sea beasts pop up throughout the world, the most famous being Scotland’s Loch Ness monster. Sweden has its own version, the lesser known Storsjöodjuret (translated as “The Great-Lake Monster”). This beast supposedly dwells in Storsjön Lake, which reaches depths of over 60 meters (200 ft). Descriptions of the supposed reptile vary considerably, giving rise to the idea more than one may populate the lake.

The creature dates back to at least 1635, when the first reports of it found their way into print. The Loch Ness monster’s most famous image, the so-called “Surgeon’s Photograph” has long been debunked, but Storsjöodjuret has some relatively compelling (albeit blurry) footage.

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Wed 04/23/14 02:06 AM

Storsj�odjuret is described as a serpentine or aquatic reptile with fins across its back and the head of a dog. It is reported to measure approximately six meters long, and some accounts describe it as having several humps. The lake monster was first reported in 1635 and is the only one of its kind in Sweden.


Video of monster:

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Fri 04/25/14 07:29 PM

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Fri 04/25/14 07:31 PM

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Sat 04/26/14 12:38 PM
Edited by Up2Us on Sat 04/26/14 12:45 PM
Could Loch Ness support a large creature, or creatures?spock

Loch Ness Facts - Loch Ness is the largest body of fresh water in Britain.
(1) There is more water in Loch Ness than all the other lakes in England, Scotland and Wales put together.
(2) It is around twenty two and a half miles long and between one and one and a half miles wide, a depth of 754 feet with the bottom of the loch being as flat as a bowling green.
(3) It holds 263 thousand million cubic feet of water which is around 16 million 430 thousand million gallons of water with a surface area of 14000 acres and could hold the population of the world 10 times over.
(4) It is fed by 7 major rivers the Oich, Tarff, Enrich, Coiltie, Moriston, Foyers and Farigaig plus numerous burns, with only one outlet the River Ness which flows 7 miles through Inverness into the Moray Firth 52 feet below the loch surface.
(5) During a heavy rainfall the lochs level has been known to rise by as much as 7 feet and a rise of 2 feet is common place.
(6) The rain catchment area for Loch Ness is so large that a rainfall of just quarter of an inch adds 11.000.000 tons of water to the loch.
(7) It is said that the loch never freezes and this is true.
(8) Because of the great amount of water in the loch a thermocline lies at around 100 feet down in the loch. The top 100 feet of water alters temperature depending on the weather conditions but below the thermocline the temperature never alters from 44 degrees Fahrenheit. So as the surface water cools in winter and nears freezing point it sinks and is replaced by the warmer water from below. This can cause the loch to steam on very cold days, in fact it as been estimated that the heat given off by the loch in a winter is the equivalent to burning 2 million tons of coal.



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Mon 04/28/14 02:56 PM
Edited by Up2Us on Mon 04/28/14 03:39 PM
This is a different view: spock

Loch Ness monster is "spiritual"�� say Buddhists

The Loch Ness Monster could be confirmed as a �"spiritual entity"�� when a new Buddhist centre opens in the Highlands, it was revealed today.
Britain’s first Buddhist Lama, who is heading up the new project, said Nessie is a “naga” - a water deity which brings prosperity in the religion


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Mon 04/28/14 07:53 PM
Cool thread! Loving itdrinker

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Mon 04/28/14 10:45 PM

Cool thread! Loving itdrinker