Topic: stand up to a treasonous and illegal federal government | |
The original post has a major flaw, the "Tea Party" that insists on hanging their hat on a political party, specifically the Republicans. It is the two party system that has led to the grief we are experiencing today, the illusion of choice. What choice, both parties have the same owners and have the same agenda. It's all smoke and mirrors to make the general public, that "majority" believe they make a difference. Stop for a minute and look around, what has changed from Clinton to Bush to Odumbo or more appropriately "Slick Willie", "Village Idiot", and "Supreme Being"? The answer was in the original 13th Amendment that was conveniently burned by the British, sort of like all those government records that were in World Trade Building 7, think about it! Also while you're thinking, what do Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley and John Kennedy have in common? They were all against the power the banks sought thru the manipulation of our currency..... Against central bank charters.... the ones Congress and this admin just reinstated as their 100 year charter (the Fed Reserve Act) expired last month..... Aah, a thinking man that is awake. |
We could have been done with the Fed Reserve on Dec 24th, 2014 as their 100 year charter expired..... but Obozo signed another 100 year renwel....just like he did the NDAA even tho Osama is dead... He could not relinquish the power to make them forever chartered.....that would take the power of congress..... so he simply renewed it we're stuck with the same problems for another 100 years now with a stroke of our kings pen.....without so much as a whisper in the news! If he were found guilty of the fraud/treason implicated to/on his background, and officially impeached and criminally charged, we could be done with the NDAA, the FED, Obozo and his healthcare fiasco all in one fell swoop...... It would be an historical beginning to fixing the problems in our nation! ![]() Renewed, not renewed, still does not change the status of an unconstitutional act. But then great care has been taken to insure this has never gone before the Great Mystical powers in black robes. It would go the way of the National Industrial Recovery Act. |
The original post has a major flaw, the "Tea Party" that insists on hanging their hat on a political party, specifically the Republicans. It is the two party system that has led to the grief we are experiencing today, the illusion of choice. What choice, both parties have the same owners and have the same agenda. It's all smoke and mirrors to make the general public, that "majority" believe they make a difference. Stop for a minute and look around, what has changed from Clinton to Bush to Odumbo or more appropriately "Slick Willie", "Village Idiot", and "Supreme Being"? The answer was in the original 13th Amendment that was conveniently burned by the British, sort of like all those government records that were in World Trade Building 7, think about it! Also while you're thinking, what do Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley and John Kennedy have in common? They were all against the power the banks sought thru the manipulation of our currency..... Against central bank charters.... the ones Congress and this admin just reinstated as their 100 year charter (the Fed Reserve Act) expired last month..... Yep,and with the new Chair,it's the Old,Print Baby Print! |
I wonder what our founding fathers would say if they took a close look at today's politics, debt, and problems in general?
Thomas Jefferson would probably say "I told you so".
Ben Franklin would say: "We gave them liberty, independence, and a Republic, and like a spoiled child they grew tired of it and threw it away!" "I tried to warn them about trading liberty for a little false security!" "Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins." - Ben Franklin ![]() |
Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power |
"I know not what treason is, if sapping and betraying the liberties of a people be not treason." - Cato (234 BC - 149 BC)
I think there was adequate evidence after the election that the votes were not "fair and square." Obama won, yes, but he won on promises that have not been kept and as time has moved forward his illegal activities have grown to the point where many who once supported him, no longer do so. I am in basic agreement with much of what your post is saying, Moe, as long as it is not a thinly veiled call for a military coup. We do by the Constitution here, so there must be a legal process..... what we really need to do is vote out the current incumbents and get control over the electoral process. A dictator is a dictator whether he's an organizer from Chicago or a general matters not....we don;t want either. "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.... The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun." - Patrick Henry "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson This was the manner in which this great country was born and may necessarily be the manner of it's rebirth unless the people wake up and reinstate our Republician values and I am not referring to a political party but our form of government, a "REPUBLIC". |
Ben Franklin would say: "We gave them liberty, independence, and a Republic, and like a spoiled child they grew tired of it and threw it away!" "I tried to warn them about trading liberty for a little false security!" "Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins." - Ben Franklin ![]() Aah, but Ben Franklin did say it himself: The story goes that as Benjamin Franklin emerged from Independence Hall at the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a woman asked him, “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”. Mr. Franklin replied, "A republic, madam – if you can keep it." |
Thomas Jefferson would probably say "I told you so". and 'DAMN, my supporters lost their slaves?' jk, but perhaps Jefferson was no more of an infallible God than Obama,,,,, he also 'told' us not to have the races mixing,,,, just a thought |
Thomas Jefferson would probably say "I told you so". and 'DAMN, my supporters lost their slaves?' jk, but perhaps Jefferson was no more of an infallible God than Obama,,,,, he also 'told' us not to have the races mixing,,,, just a thought The founding fathers argued over many things, agreed on little, but they worked together to piece together a document that forged a nation of people, not a Democracy, but a Republic, where the individual has rights even in the face of a majority or a democratic vote. They made it "THE" law of the nation and guaranteed the rights we already had as free people could not be taken from us by any body..... even congress! Unalienable and "shall NOT be infringed" means just that, under THE LAW, our Constitution! Congress can make laws, but not laws that infringe on personal liberties! Gov't does not give us our rights, therefore they can not take them from us! They are "UNALIENABLE" since they are granted by birth, not gov't! We are not subjects, we are citizens! Their oath of office begins with a promise to protect those rights, not abridge, limit, infringe upon, or suspend them! |
govt does not give us air, so they need not make a lengthy document describing it and they didn't
but they did define 'rights' they decided which things were 'unalienable' rights and did so fairly vaguely the constitution is the law of the land, but it is not nearly so simplistic and black and white as people continue to pretend it is and even those who wrote it did not consider it a source of all encompassing wisdom for eternity as they wrote it with the potential to be 'amended' |
Edited by
Fri 01/10/14 08:51 AM
govt does not give us air, so they need not make a lengthy document describing it and they didn't but they did define 'rights' they decided which things were 'unalienable' rights and did so fairly vaguely the constitution is the law of the land, but it is not nearly so simplistic and black and white as people continue to pretend it is and even those who wrote it did not consider it a source of all encompassing wisdom for eternity as they wrote it with the potential to be 'amended' Our rights, by birth, are like the air. Because they belong to the individual, unless they are "given" away, they can't be infringed upon. Therefore because they are ours no gov't has a right to tell us what they are or should be. If it has to do with our life, our liberty, or our happiness (which is pretty self explanatory.....anything that pleases us), gov't has no right to dictate it. I have no "right" to infringe upon your rights, so where do you figure gov't has a right to infringe on anyones rights? Just like with guns. You may not wish to own or use one, that is your right, but if I do, what right do you have to tell me I can't unless I turn it against you?? |
govt does not give us air, so they need not make a lengthy document describing it and they didn't but they did define 'rights' they decided which things were 'unalienable' rights and did so fairly vaguely the constitution is the law of the land, but it is not nearly so simplistic and black and white as people continue to pretend it is and even those who wrote it did not consider it a source of all encompassing wisdom for eternity as they wrote it with the potential to be 'amended' Our rights, by birth, are like the air. Because they belong to the individual, unless they are "given" away, they can't be infringed upon. Therefore because they are ours no gov't has a right to tell us what they are or should be. If it has to do with our life, our liberty, or our happiness (which is pretty self explanatory.....anything that pleases us), gov't has no right to dictate it. I have no "right" to infringe upon your rights, so where do you figure gov't has a right to infringe on anyones rights? Just like with guns. You may not wish to own or use one, that is your right, but if I do, what right do you have to tell me I can't unless I turn it against you?? liberals don't understand this, they think they know better than everyone else... |
Edited by
Fri 01/10/14 09:40 AM
Thomas Jefferson would probably say "I told you so". and 'DAMN, my supporters lost their slaves?' Actually Jefferson attempted to start a movement to abolish slavery. Didn't believe in it. But this is where is hypocritical side has shown through as he was not willing to be in the minority in giving up his slaves. He was more of a "talker" than "do'er", and pretty much decided that people would not yet hear this new ideal. He had the brains, and the beliefs, just not the guts. This would be unlike Washington, whom I'm pretty sure gave up his slaves, and a great deal of his own wealth to pay down the national debt we collected from our revolution. Jefferson was still a very intelligent man, who had seen much, and who we could learn much from. |
Edited by
Fri 01/10/14 09:57 AM
Thomas Jefferson would probably say "I told you so". and 'DAMN, my supporters lost their slaves?' Actually Jefferson attempted to start a movement to abolish slavery. Didn't believe in it. But this is where is hypocritical side has shown through as he was not willing to be in the minority in giving up his slaves. He was more of a "talker" than "do'er", and pretty much decided that people would not yet hear this new ideal. He had the brains, and the beliefs, just not the guts. This would be unlike Washington, whom I'm pretty sure gave up his slaves, and a great deal of his own wealth to pay down the national debt we collected from our revolution. Jefferson was still a very intelligent man, who had seen much, and who we could learn much from. I agree, every human has strengths and weaknesses, can make mistakes and achieve accomplishments,,,including our 'founding fathers' |
govt does not give us air, so they need not make a lengthy document describing it and they didn't but they did define 'rights' they decided which things were 'unalienable' rights and did so fairly vaguely the constitution is the law of the land, but it is not nearly so simplistic and black and white as people continue to pretend it is and even those who wrote it did not consider it a source of all encompassing wisdom for eternity as they wrote it with the potential to be 'amended' And you would be wrong yet again, in so many ways, too many to actually describe here. But here is a question that you will never answer correctly: Why can't the Bill of Rights be amended? |
govt does not give us air, so they need not make a lengthy document describing it and they didn't but they did define 'rights' they decided which things were 'unalienable' rights and did so fairly vaguely the constitution is the law of the land, but it is not nearly so simplistic and black and white as people continue to pretend it is and even those who wrote it did not consider it a source of all encompassing wisdom for eternity as they wrote it with the potential to be 'amended' Our rights, by birth, are like the air. Because they belong to the individual, unless they are "given" away, they can't be infringed upon. Therefore because they are ours no gov't has a right to tell us what they are or should be. If it has to do with our life, our liberty, or our happiness (which is pretty self explanatory.....anything that pleases us), gov't has no right to dictate it. I have no "right" to infringe upon your rights, so where do you figure gov't has a right to infringe on anyones rights? Just like with guns. You may not wish to own or use one, that is your right, but if I do, what right do you have to tell me I can't unless I turn it against you?? But you may turn it against another under a certain circumstance, besides self defense. Know what that would be? |
govt does not give us air, so they need not make a lengthy document describing it and they didn't but they did define 'rights' they decided which things were 'unalienable' rights and did so fairly vaguely the constitution is the law of the land, but it is not nearly so simplistic and black and white as people continue to pretend it is and even those who wrote it did not consider it a source of all encompassing wisdom for eternity as they wrote it with the potential to be 'amended' Our rights, by birth, are like the air. Because they belong to the individual, unless they are "given" away, they can't be infringed upon. Therefore because they are ours no gov't has a right to tell us what they are or should be. If it has to do with our life, our liberty, or our happiness (which is pretty self explanatory.....anything that pleases us), gov't has no right to dictate it. I have no "right" to infringe upon your rights, so where do you figure gov't has a right to infringe on anyones rights? Just like with guns. You may not wish to own or use one, that is your right, but if I do, what right do you have to tell me I can't unless I turn it against you?? liberals don't understand this, they think they know better than everyone else... Very true and so well said so long ago: "It is indeed difficult to imagine how men who have entirely renounced the habit of managing their own affairs could be successful in choosing those who ought to lead them. It is impossible to believe that a liberal, energetic, and wise government can ever emerge from the ballots of a nation of servants." - Alexis de Tocqueville |