Topic: women or black president?
no photo
Wed 10/25/06 05:20 PM
I think a women has a better chance than a black person. As far as
H.Clinton I would vote for her, I feel she is a strong woman and can
handle herself in odd and pressuring situations. We all saw how she
handle the famous case with her husband and even though people wanted
her to make this decision of leaving her husband she stood by him and
made a decision she felt was right. I have mad respect for her. So when
it comes down to it sexism has improved more than racial prejudice.

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:44 AM
As far as Bill Clinton went, as far as President, he was very good.
Decent anyway. His wife shares alot of the same views, and has more of a
backbone than he did. Not saying Id vote for her, but she is a viable
candidate in my eyes. All I want is to never have a Bush in office
again. Make sure our next pres can count and talk w/o stuttering.

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:51 AM
Neither... not for now at least... Women are not capable of leading this
Country, and only Colin Powell could have the support to be the first
Black President.
It will take another Thousand years to produce a worthy Black
candidate, and even longer to produce a woman, thats ready!

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 05:20 PM
Ontario, I totally disagree. What is youreasons for a women not being
able to and far as C.P. there is a chance. I also feel Obama has a

michael1313's photo
Thu 10/26/06 06:05 PM
well,,,my thought on this,,,reguardless of color,,,the men have been
runnin' things for ???,,,time to try another aproach,,,
give th ladies a try,,,might mean world peace,or total distruction,but
it WOULD be better than th leaders we have now,,,
but I do not claim to know how it will be,just don't like Bush.
rather try for compassion,than oil co.,Greed,,,and war...M.

michael1313's photo
Thu 10/26/06 06:07 PM
If Ms. C. Rice would run for office,,,she'd get my vote...M.

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 08:46 PM
Well...Ms Drama, is it...Obama, is simply the flavor of the month, by
Thankgiving he will not be the talk around the table.
Just like he was,nt a month ago... and as far as a woman in office... I
heard there was a T.V. show about a Woman President... is it still on...
I would,nt know...I don,t watch cartoons...!

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:05 PM
No its Drama Free, and far as cartoons I don't watch those. You still
did not answer my question

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:42 PM
Being President is a gender based being a football player...
or chef... a women can trying doing it but would not be taken seriously.

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:52 AM
I think it depends on the woman and how she handles herself. Its really
no different than having women governors, with an list of modified
duties including other countries and foreign affairs.

Ontario's photo
Fri 10/27/06 11:53 AM
Sorry, but no its not...!

TxSixStringS's photo
Sat 10/28/06 03:29 AM
Black male: Colan Powell.

Forget Hillary!

I'd vote for a woman if I liked her stand on the issues and thought she
presented a good plan for the future... Sure!

CrazyJ's photo
Sat 10/28/06 05:49 AM
Just by the way things are I think it would be a black male, nothing
aganst the ladys it's just how america seems to be. I think anyone would
be better than whats in office now!

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 05:57 AM
agreed,,,"Powell" has more smarts in his finger,than Bush has in his
library of books,when Mr.Powell left office,so too did my respect for
Bush,,,because you do not get to where Mr. Powell is his life for just
being a political puppet,like BUSH.

Ontario's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:25 AM
Maybe it could have been Powell...but he won,t run... so it will stay as
it has been...!

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:12 AM
Wow, good points across the board.
My 2 cents worth.
That office is definatlely a good old boys office. It will be very
dificult to get the boys to allow a woman in office. You have to realize
that even if a woman had a good chance its not really the voters who
decide. Its the moeny people like the federal reserve which is no more
Federal than you and I. Its a private corporation that backs whome they
see fit and they usually get who they want. With that said,
Osama Barak I believe might make a run for it and he appears to be down
the center as far as issues. Hillary has a lot of momemtum but I really
think a woman has alot more ground to make up to get past this buttheads
in washington.
Colen Powell would have been a great candidate just on integrity because
he is admired by lots of folks. A woman can represent the nation unlike
what someone said about some parts of the world not respecting a woman.
I have to dissagree with that because we had Madelin Allbright and Condy
rice doing all the running around for the states and people listen. they
might treat their woman like crap but when someone comes as secretary of
state they wont ask her to bow and be a servant.
I think with all the gay governors, senator and congressman perverts and
lobbying stealing with the Jack Abranoof scandal going on people really
re-evaluate and say "damn all this other guy did was get some oral sex"
and think it wasnt that bad after all because who did affect other than
his family? But when you get what all is going on and has gone on in the
last couple of years it makes us wonder and of course you still have
your party loyals who dont care what has happened and what their party
has done they will still vote for the party and not worry about issues.
I say do away with electoral college. Let the winner be the person who
gets the most votes and have a term limit on congress that way they cant
run the place. Also no lobbying in congress.:-) That will be the day ah?

CrazyJ's photo
Sun 10/29/06 08:37 AM
Money doe talk and BS needs to walk

Ontario's photo
Sun 10/29/06 06:59 PM

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:04 PM
I agree crazy

Ontario's photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:14 PM
By the way,,,Ms Drama we have unfinished business.