Topic: unconditional love | |
I have unconditional love for someone. It means I trust them totally.
I have unconditional love for someone. It means I trust them totally. So you feel unconditional love and trust are the same? Unconditional love doesn't mean you trust someone and trust doesn't mean you love someone unconditionally. Hence my question. |
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Tue 12/31/13 03:20 AM
Can another human love another human unconditionally...? Because I feel that when I love someone its unconditionally. No matter what, but its hard to find that in return. Interesting question. People often talk of unconditional love, but I don't think most fully understand what that means. There's almost always conditions, even though we think this is not the case. I think the closest we can get to unconditional love, is the love for our own children, and from what I gather, grandchildren. This^^^ We are conditional-intentional or not! |
I have unconditional love for someone. It means I trust them totally. So you feel unconditional love and trust are the same? Unconditional love doesn't mean you trust someone and trust doesn't mean you love someone unconditionally. Hence my question. No nitpicker. It means I trust them to do right by us. |
I don't believe there is such a thing. If you love a woman and she betrays you it doesn't mean you stop loving her when you decide to break up with her. It just means you have principles. Good insight here. Makes me think that you have known love and had your heart broken and from your other posts it is plain that you have some bitterness towards women. Back on topic; as I understand it, "unconditional love" is being commited to loving someone whatever they do. This is akin to religious faith. I can certainly still love my dog if she pees on the carpet and I can still love someone that I really care about if they have a psychotic episode because they are just being stupid and they can't help it. What I can't abide is people that have free will. ![]() but I don't get the point about free does that fit in? Well, existentialists hold that what seperates us from animals is that we have second order desires and they only have first order desires. A second order desire is a desire about a desire. It's wanting to want something. An addict might want heroin but he might not want to want heroin and if the second order desire represents his true will but he is unable to translate it into a volition and just acts upon the first order desire to take heroin his will is not free. A mother may have a desire to strangle her crying baby but she does not want to want to do that and won't unless she is psychotic and has no control over her own actions and just acts on impulse. It's an interesting philisophical debate and even though it's a dispute between Plato and Hume and the argument is that reason is the slave of the passions, Choosing between desires does seem to be a rational process. |
I kind of see the whole "unconditional love" concept as an urban myth or popular psychobabble. Maybe at best a something to aspire to but never quite attainable.
While we may want to think we will love certain people unconditionally, especially our children, even children can abuse that bond enough either by intention or disability long enough that the parent will care for the child and honor the desire to love, but I don't think it really is unconditional love. Love is something that reciprocates at some level. Often not at equal levels, like a parent loving and nurturing a helpless infant but even that has a certain degree of satisfaction and reward because nurturer's are seen as heroic and admirable by society in general. Anyone who has been tested by a mouthy teenager counts the day until they can be packed off to their "independence" but is both tearful and deliriously happy when they get their diploma.. |
I think unconditional love is connected to or the same as oneness-consciousness. Which is a higher vibrational state of being.
I think it is possible to have moments where you truly experience unconditional love, but I don't think we are able as of yet to maintain this higher level of being. I think it's easier to feel unconditional love and being one with all that is than to feel that way about an individual person. There's always ego aspects involved in personal relationships, and I believe the intensity of ego "interference" increases the more we love someone. Everyone has expectations (=ego) in a love relationship and beliefs as to how a partner should behave. |