Topic: Is Genocide Coming to South Africa? | |
Back in the 1980s, South Africa figured prominently on the West’s radar screen. Protests against apartheid were everywhere; the movement even inspired a song: “Sun City.” With the fall of the apartheid regime in 1994, however, people lost interest in the faraway land.
But with the murder of Eugene Terreblanche, leader of the neo-Nazi Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB), South Africa is, albeit briefly, back in the news. What the media isn’t reporting, though, is that the killing of Terreblanche has little to do with his unpalatable political views, but is part of a wider pattern of targeting whites — virtually none of whom are supremacists. In fact, thousands of white farmers have already been murdered. While racial strife in South Africa isn’t surprising, the current level of violence is no accident, but the work of a demagogue. His name is Julius Malema. ![]() Leader of the ruling African National Congress’ (ANC’s) Youth Movement, Malema is a black supremacist who aims to follow in the footsteps of Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe, who has long been persecuting white farmers in his nation. David Smith at The Guardian reports on the story, presenting a glimpse of a dystopian South African future: The year is 2019. President Julius Malema thumps his fist on the lectern and roars: "South Africa shall never be a colony again!" He whips up the crowd into a patriotic frenzy with chants about the hated Boers. He promises: "We will drive the white man from the land, we will drive him from the mines, we will drive him from the boardrooms. Africa for the Africans." This is the nightmare future that haunts many South Africans, black and white. They regard Malema as a clown, a loudmouth and a bully. But they increasingly fear that he really could follow Nelson Mandela in going from the African National Congress youth league to president of the republic. Unfortunately, Malema Version 2010 is no better. He has continued to agitate the masses by singing a song containing the words “kill the Boer” (“Boer” is a Dutch word meaning “farmer,” but it has become a derogatory term for any white South African), even after the nation’s courts ruled it hate speech and the ANC, finally, asked its members to stop singing it. As for the ANC government, its response has been an attempt to cover the problem up. It no longer records the races of those who commit murder and their victims, as this had shown that the latter group included a percentage of white South Africans disproportionate enough to attract the attention of The media also is complicit in the cover-up, as black-on-white crime is just too politically incorrect to touch. Yet there’s no fooling those on the ground. As Pamela Geller at American Thinker writes: Whites in South Africa are keenly aware of the plans to kill them. They expect mass killings to begin very soon after the death of Mandela, but to tell this to the world is a waste of energy. More than three thousand white farmers have already been murdered, and Genocide Watch lists the Boer farmers in South Africa as victims of genocide — but the media couldn't care less. Malema has praised Zimbabwe's murderous seizure of white-owned farms as "courageous and militant." White South Africans know what's coming. And if it comes, the media — which seem to have forgotten one of their favorite terms, “hate crime” — will have blood on their hands. As Geller also points out, “The mainstream media portrays all white South Africans as racist monsters like Eugene Terreblanche. This is simply not true. And remember: A key step on the road to genocide is to dehumanize the intended victims.” Yet, should Malema’s dark vision become reality, whites won’t be the only victims. When racial hatred drove Mugabe to seize farms from whites — the only ones with experience running them — the unsurprising result was starvation, as Zimbabwe was transformed from breadbasket to economic basket case. And if Malema replicates Daddy Mugabe’s deadly mix of bigotry and neo-bolshevism, South Africa will descend into the same morass. Food may be scarce and foreign investment even more so. It’s what’s known as “Cutting off your nose to spite your face.” This isn’t lost on educated black South Africans, one of whom David Smith quotes as saying, "Malema for president? Never. I will personally kill him before that happens." That’s certainly easier said than done. What may be more likely, sadly, is that Malema will kill his nation. |
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Wed 12/25/13 08:55 PM
Please correct me if I am wrong. It is my belief that when the Dutch settled South Africa there were no permanent residents there. The only "Africans" that came by were nomadic tribes. The Black Africans came down when the farmers needed labor and jobs were scarce in the northern areas. Then when Diamonds and Gold were found the influx of Black workers increased 100 fold. Bottom line is that Blacks do not have an historical claim to all of Africa. The northern part is mostly non-black and South Africa was a wasteland before the Dutch settled it.
Aparteid was introduced to keep the country in the control of the original settlers. The methods were cruel and stupid. The idea had merit buit the implementation is where the whites messed up. You can't control with violence for long. Sooner or later the violated become the violaters. It is the pendulum rule. Something is wrong and the solution always swings the pendulum to the other extreme. Yes I believe that genocide will occur and the Afrikkaners will be driven from their homes or killed and South Africa will become like Zimbabwe. I am not a racist and don't give a rats butt what color you are. I do have a big problem with stupid and don't tolerate it at all. In reality, stupid is not racist either it is the great leveler. |
Aparteid was cruel and stupid but necessary for the times. Afrikkaners were greatly out numbered by Black Africans. Violence was met with violence to control Black Africans to prevent what is happening today. Appartied is not Genocide.
South-Zimi here we come!
EFF 'killing' banner causes outrage
News24/Sapa 14 October 2013 Cape Town – Social media buzzed on Monday over a picture of a banner allegedly shown at the Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) launch in Marikana. A picture showing a red banner with the words “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate” was quickly shared on various social networks on Monday. Another picture shows a banner saying "Honeymoon is over for white people in South Africa". "I also saw 'we need to kill them like they killed us' banners yesterday," User Qaanitah Hunter said in a Tweet. "I'm not aware of that banner," EFF's national spokesperson Mbuyiseni Ndlozi told News24. "It's not official" ![]() |
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Thu 12/26/13 01:32 PM
genocide? no
The term "genocide" did not exist before 1944. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Human rights, as laid out in the US Bill of Rights or the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern the rights of individuals. violence has and will remain a reality in S Africa, as it is elsewhere though 'revolutionaries' and 'rebellion' often comes with the belief that people need to die for change to happen,, which is a sad human philosophy,,, too bad we didn't have some actual black Africans to comment about the experience of living through apartheid IN S AFRICA, though just seems strange for people from every country BUT THERE to be commenting on what their experience is or has been,,,,, I don't buy for a minute that the dutch were the first there,although I think it makes firm sense that throughout African history (the continent of Africa) thare has been diverse peoples and CApe Town is not all of south Africa, naturally, to give curfews and use violence against grown folks when they should have every right to enjoy what they are contributing to,,,,is shameful,,, |
Genocide Maybe.
Over 3000 Afrikaner farmers and their families have been murdered. Murder of whites has increased yearly since the end of Appartied. Genocide Watch has put SA on stage of a polarized country. Violence against whites has driven most of them from Pretoria to Capetown for some protection. From what I have read, it is just the begining after Mandelas death. The media here does not report what is happening there. |
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Thu 12/26/13 02:23 PM
Genocide Maybe. Over 3000 Afrikaner farmers and their families have been murdered. Murder of whites has increased yearly since the end of Appartied. Genocide Watch has put SA on stage of a polarized country. Violence against whites has driven most of them from Pretoria to Capetown for some protection. From what I have read, it is just the begining after Mandelas death. The media here does not report what is happening there. and we know this how? being our only source without being there is the media,,,,, 3000 since when? there are currently upwards o 50 million in s Africa about 5 million who are white ( Afrikaner) ,,, 3000 dead in some unknown period of time is nowhere near a genocidal trend,,,, if genocide were truly a goal of the mainstream/majority, at 1 afriKaner to every ten Africans,, IM sure it would have already been accomplished |
Genocide Maybe. Over 3000 Afrikaner farmers and their families have been murdered. Murder of whites has increased yearly since the end of Appartied. Genocide Watch has put SA on stage of a polarized country. Violence against whites has driven most of them from Pretoria to Capetown for some protection. From what I have read, it is just the begining after Mandelas death. The media here does not report what is happening there. and we know this how? being our only source without being there is the media,,,,, 3000 since when? there are currently upwards o 50 million in s Africa about 5 million who are white ( Afrikaner) ,,, 3000 dead in some unknown period of time is nowhere near a genocidal trend,,,, if genocide were truly a goal of the mainstream/majority, at 1 afriKaner to every ten Africans,, IM sure it would have already been accomplished 3000 since 1991. Youtube has many reports from SA. Such as this. |
June 30, 2013
Murders of Afrikaner farmers There's a report in the Daily Mail on the situation in South Africa which reveals some disturbing statistics regarding Afrikaner farmers. There were 25 white farmers murdered last month alone in South Africa: Last month alone there were 25 murders of white landowners, and more than 100 attacks, while Afrikaner protest groups claim that more than 4,000 have been killed since Mandela came to power. Last year the President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, was filmed singing a song called "Shoot the Boer"(Whites): At a centenary gathering of the African National Congress last year, Zuma was filmed singing a so-called ‘struggle song’ called Kill The Boer (the old name for much of the white Afrikaner population). As fellow senior ANC members clapped along, Zuma sang: ‘We are going to shoot them, they are going to run, Shoot the Boer, shoot them, they are going to run, Shoot the Boer, we are going to hit them, they are going to run, the Cabinet will shoot them, with the machine-gun, the Cabinet will shoot them, with the machine-gun . . .’ And a political rival of Zuma, Julius Malema is open about wanting to drive Afrikaner farmers off the land: Malema wants all white-owned land to be seized without compensation, along with nationalisation of the country’s lucrative mines. Ominously, Malema, 32, who wears a trademark beret and has a fondness for Rolex watches, this month promised his new party will take the land from white people without recompense and give it to blacks. Malema wants all white-owned land to be seized without compensation, along with nationalisation of the country’s lucrative mines. ‘We need the land that was taken from our people, and we are not going to pay for it,’ he said. It's interesting that Malema should claim that the land was taken from his people. The original inhabitants of South Africa were the Khoisan hunter gatherers. The Afrikaners settled the western part of South Africa after their arrival in 1652, displacing the Khoisan. The Xhosa people (the ethnic group that Mandela and Desmond Tutu belong to) had meanwhile pushed down the east coast, themselves displacing the Khoisan. The Xhosa were themselves then pushed further westward by pressure placed on them by the migration of the Zulus. In other words, the Xhosa themselves took land from the Khoisan and the Zulus took it from the Xhosa in a series of migrations. The Daily Mail article also reports on the Afrikaner community of Kleinfontein. This is one place that Afrikaners can live in without fear of violent crime: Most crucially of all, in a country with 60 murders a day, there is no armed robbery, murder or rape in Kleinfontein. ‘An old lady can draw money here without any fear,’ says Marisa Haasbroek, a resident, mother of two teenage girls, and my guide for the morning. ‘It’s safe, quiet and peaceful.' For now. |
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Thu 12/26/13 09:08 PM
Genocide Maybe. Over 3000 Afrikaner farmers and their families have been murdered. Murder of whites has increased yearly since the end of Appartied. Genocide Watch has put SA on stage of a polarized country. Violence against whites has driven most of them from Pretoria to Capetown for some protection. From what I have read, it is just the begining after Mandelas death. The media here does not report what is happening there. and we know this how? being our only source without being there is the media,,,,, 3000 since when? there are currently upwards o 50 million in s Africa about 5 million who are white ( Afrikaner) ,,, 3000 dead in some unknown period of time is nowhere near a genocidal trend,,,, if genocide were truly a goal of the mainstream/majority, at 1 afriKaner to every ten Africans,, IM sure it would have already been accomplished 3000 since 1991. Youtube has many reports from SA. Such as this. three THOUSAND? In 20 years? is that supposed to be high? 150 per year,,? in the usa in the year 2010 alone, there were 5000 blacks killed by whites and 8500 whites killed by blacks,,, I don't consider us on the brink of genocide either,,, wow |
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Fri 12/27/13 08:13 AM
I would say that 150 farmers and their families per year is a lot as they live in very rural areas.
There were 25 white farmers murdered last month alone in South Africa: This will increase since Mandela's death. The Communist ANC want's to take all the farms from Afrikaner farmers as the consider the land belongs to SA. Both of the candidates in the April elections want to "Kill the Boers" and sing the song. Boers are considered whites. Before appartied there were 85,000 farms in SA, today there are fewer than 11,000, most farmed by white Afrikaners. The communist/racist government wants all whites out of SA. One of the men running for president said about the farm attacks, "If you don't like the attacks,leave South Africa". This makes whites living there targets for crime while the police look the other way. The genocide Museum. (Warning Graphic)!__page-1-copy2 |
I would say that 150 farmers and their families per year is a lot as they live in very rural areas. There were 25 white farmers murdered last month alone in South Africa: This will increase since Mandela's death. The Communist ANC want's to take all the farms from Afrikaner farmers as the consider the land belongs to SA. Both of the candidates in the April elections want to "Kill the Boers" and sing the song. Boers are considered whites. Before appartied there were 85,000 farms in SA, today there are fewer than 11,000, most farmed by white Afrikaners. The communist/racist government wants all whites out of SA. One of the men running for president said about the farm attacks, "If you don't like the attacks,leave South Africa". This makes whites living there targets for crime while the police look the other way. The genocide Museum. (Warning Graphic)!__page-1-copy2 genocide still involves wiping out an entire race, the numbers given here don't give an indication its anywhere close to a reality at this point in time |
I would say that 150 farmers and their families per year is a lot as they live in very rural areas. There were 25 white farmers murdered last month alone in South Africa: This will increase since Mandela's death. The Communist ANC want's to take all the farms from Afrikaner farmers as the consider the land belongs to SA. Both of the candidates in the April elections want to "Kill the Boers" and sing the song. Boers are considered whites. Before appartied there were 85,000 farms in SA, today there are fewer than 11,000, most farmed by white Afrikaners. The communist/racist government wants all whites out of SA. One of the men running for president said about the farm attacks, "If you don't like the attacks,leave South Africa". This makes whites living there targets for crime while the police look the other way. The genocide Museum. (Warning Graphic)!__page-1-copy2 genocide still involves wiping out an entire race, the numbers given here don't give an indication its anywhere close to a reality at this point in time The OP is "Is genocide coming to South Africa?" that is a question not a statement. To some, genocide can mean the killing of many numbers of the same race. South Afica is under a genocide watch level which, has been upgraded recently. The coming elections in SA with racist/ communist candidates and the ANC may lead to more violence towards the white South Africans. |
I would say that 150 farmers and their families per year is a lot as they live in very rural areas. There were 25 white farmers murdered last month alone in South Africa: This will increase since Mandela's death. The Communist ANC want's to take all the farms from Afrikaner farmers as the consider the land belongs to SA. Both of the candidates in the April elections want to "Kill the Boers" and sing the song. Boers are considered whites. Before appartied there were 85,000 farms in SA, today there are fewer than 11,000, most farmed by white Afrikaners. The communist/racist government wants all whites out of SA. One of the men running for president said about the farm attacks, "If you don't like the attacks,leave South Africa". This makes whites living there targets for crime while the police look the other way. The genocide Museum. (Warning Graphic)!__page-1-copy2 genocide still involves wiping out an entire race, the numbers given here don't give an indication its anywhere close to a reality at this point in time The OP is "Is genocide coming to South Africa?" that is a question not a statement. To some, genocide can mean the killing of many numbers of the same race. South Afica is under a genocide watch level which, has been upgraded recently. The coming elections in SA with racist/ communist candidates and the ANC may lead to more violence towards the white South Africans. ok, I was not aware of that definition of genocide, by that definition, we could really list several countries including America which are 'genocidal' anything is possible, I just don't believe there are the numbers required to truly eradicate white folks in south Africa,, not raw numbers, but numbers with the interest or willingness to actually do it,, probably why it makes such an interesting news story,, I doubt it is the MAINSTREAM goal or interest,,,,, |
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Fri 12/27/13 11:34 AM
I would say that 150 farmers and their families per year is a lot as they live in very rural areas. There were 25 white farmers murdered last month alone in South Africa: This will increase since Mandela's death. The Communist ANC want's to take all the farms from Afrikaner farmers as the consider the land belongs to SA. Both of the candidates in the April elections want to "Kill the Boers" and sing the song. Boers are considered whites. Before appartied there were 85,000 farms in SA, today there are fewer than 11,000, most farmed by white Afrikaners. The communist/racist government wants all whites out of SA. One of the men running for president said about the farm attacks, "If you don't like the attacks,leave South Africa". This makes whites living there targets for crime while the police look the other way. The genocide Museum. (Warning Graphic)!__page-1-copy2 genocide still involves wiping out an entire race, the numbers given here don't give an indication its anywhere close to a reality at this point in time The OP is "Is genocide coming to South Africa?" that is a question not a statement. To some, genocide can mean the killing of many numbers of the same race. South Afica is under a genocide watch level which, has been upgraded recently. The coming elections in SA with racist/ communist candidates and the ANC may lead to more violence towards the white South Africans. ok, I was not aware of that definition of genocide, by that definition, we could really list several countries including America which are 'genocidal' anything is possible, I just don't believe there are the numbers required to truly eradicate white folks in south Africa,, not raw numbers, but numbers with the interest or willingness to actually do it,, probably why it makes such an interesting news story,, I doubt it is the MAINSTREAM goal or interest,,,,, I don't think America has ever been on a Genocide Watch. Correct me if I'm wrong. Apparently the potential is there we can only watch violence against whites grow. A growing number of whites are leaving SA out of fear for their lives. Whites in SA still control the wealth of the country and the communist want it. |
I would say that 150 farmers and their families per year is a lot as they live in very rural areas. There were 25 white farmers murdered last month alone in South Africa: This will increase since Mandela's death. The Communist ANC want's to take all the farms from Afrikaner farmers as the consider the land belongs to SA. Both of the candidates in the April elections want to "Kill the Boers" and sing the song. Boers are considered whites. Before appartied there were 85,000 farms in SA, today there are fewer than 11,000, most farmed by white Afrikaners. The communist/racist government wants all whites out of SA. One of the men running for president said about the farm attacks, "If you don't like the attacks,leave South Africa". This makes whites living there targets for crime while the police look the other way. The genocide Museum. (Warning Graphic)!__page-1-copy2 genocide still involves wiping out an entire race, the numbers given here don't give an indication its anywhere close to a reality at this point in time The OP is "Is genocide coming to South Africa?" that is a question not a statement. To some, genocide can mean the killing of many numbers of the same race. South Afica is under a genocide watch level which, has been upgraded recently. The coming elections in SA with racist/ communist candidates and the ANC may lead to more violence towards the white South Africans. ok, I was not aware of that definition of genocide, by that definition, we could really list several countries including America which are 'genocidal' anything is possible, I just don't believe there are the numbers required to truly eradicate white folks in south Africa,, not raw numbers, but numbers with the interest or willingness to actually do it,, probably why it makes such an interesting news story,, I doubt it is the MAINSTREAM goal or interest,,,,, I don't think America has ever been on a Genocide Watch. Correct me if I'm wrong. Apparently the potential is there we can only watch violence against whites grows. A growing whites are leaving SA out of fear for their lives. Whites in SA still control the wealth of the country and the communist want it. If it were the other way around ,you'd hear them crow Genocide at the top of their Voices! |