Topic: ughhhh
no photo
Tue 12/24/13 09:39 AM
I can't Nudge or send messages...

Journeyman236's photo
Tue 12/24/13 09:47 AM

I can't Nudge or send messages...

Reload your M2 page or power off ur phone
if on mobile.

no photo
Tue 12/24/13 09:54 AM

I can't Nudge or send messages...

Reload your M2 page or power off ur phone
if on mobile.

Thank youuuuu...will do...

no photo
Tue 12/24/13 09:58 AM
Nudgy is broken:(

Journeyman236's photo
Tue 12/24/13 10:00 AM

Nudgy is broken:(

Sounds like a personal problem laugh
I had the same problem with fb last night,
couldn't open any photo folders.
I logged off, restarted the phone &
It was all fine!

charles's photo
Wed 12/25/13 12:52 PM
From what exact platform are you having this trouble, 2KidsMom? Both aspects of the site are working everywhere I've tried. Perhaps a reboot or a computer cleanup might do the trick.