Topic: What with no one want to talk on the phone/ | |
Every time a man says they want to get to know me they all want to email or text. I just want to talk on the phone and see who they really are? So what up with this? Well, with e-mail or a text message, the woman actually has to stop talking long enough to send the message. This break in the woman's talking allows the man to get a word in. ![]() Sorry ladies, but there is some truth to this. I was on the phone with a woman I met online. She chattered like a squirrel with ADD. I couldn't get in a single word! Finally she said her minutes were used up and hung up. I just sat there shaking my head, trying to get the buzzing in my left ear to stop. On the other end of the spectrum, I was on the phone with a woman that had next to nothing to say. Then she said she was having an anxiety attack, and hung up. Some people just aren't phone talkers. |
^^^^^^This....I hate talking on the phone..
Texting ![]() Jmo ![]() |
^^^^^^This....I hate talking on the phone.. Texting ![]() Jmo ![]() Texting drives me crazy because I usually carry the cheapo phone that has the little key pad. The whole Idea of texting seems like and electronic leash to me. I swear it seems some folks have to ask permission to go to the bathroom on their phones. I like my freedom to go and come as I please without someone trying to track me by GPS. TOoooooo Big Brother for me. Too many crazy jealous folks that can't trust anyone. |
Sorry to bring this up, but ever thought the problem could be YOU? Maybe it's NOT the man's fault. Maybe it was the way you communicated. Things you said. We'll never know for sure. Either way, you both chose not to carry on, for one reason or another. If you both wanted it to work, it would have. I think you both just couldn't be bothered putting in the effort, anymore. And that's when it becomes the beginning of the end. When both stop making an effort. It's all well and good blaming the other person, but it will always take two to tango. There is only so much texting you can do, before you both finally meet up in the physical world. If all it's ever gonna be is a texting kind of relationship, then why bother? It would just be wasting your time. There has to be a stage where you both eventually meet. I've never got as much pleasure from texting, than I have in the physical sense.
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Hell, I'm actually annoyed with txting anymore. If there is something more than a quick message and you want to carry on a conversation, call me don't text. I'm the type that would rather get the conversation over with than drag it out waiting for the response. my opinion
because you are woman, all your needed for fantasy have giving your trust on phone.
Net area so vast.. None believe eachother. i thik there r no need of reality current world..thats why...
I think it's simply that we've grown up in an age where we're more familiar communicating via email or online that actually talking is really uncomfortable. I'm of the same way. I really struggle face-to-face sometimes too. In my head I know exactly what I want to say and I sound smart and funny, but it rarely comes out that way when I'm nervous... So, in answer to your question, it's probably lacking confidence in talking on the phone (as I do) and worried he'll ruin it by saying something stupid (just as I do). Issue granted, it not the point that a "relationship" of some sort will possibly in sue? If texting/e mailing is all that one is searching for , then a simple note of that is needed! If you truly wish to form a bond/relationship with this individual, you at SOME POINT actually need to have communication outside the general text/e ail....or it is going to be a "cyber relationship"! Can't honestly think that you will "meet up" for coffee and just sit across and text eachother!! |
HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!!!! AWESOME! I love that guy! but...sure have had my fill of the antics of BLIND SILLINESS when the phone actually rings! |
They have time to think about what they are going to say. Yeah, men tend to want to engage their brains before opening their mouths. ![]() since when? |
They have time to think about what they are going to say. Yeah, men tend to want to engage their brains before opening their mouths. ![]() since when? |
Reasons why they (men and women) here can't call or allow you to call them; 1. They're not real 2. They're probably married or in a form of relationship and don't want to be caught by their partner 3. They don't have personal cell phone 4. Don't have that courage speaking to a stranger 5. Dumb, (can't talk) I would be in the #4 on this list |
Aw longboarder! I'd talk to ya
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Aw longboarder! I'd talk to ya ![]() thank you and plus i am slowly starting to build my confidence as i was going through a low patch in my life |
Brush the haters off longboarder lol
Brush the haters off longboarder lol i am with a whole new out look on life thanks to long boarding plus it can open the world to me for travel wise |
If either one stop's putting enough effort in, it'll fail. That's why I mention eventually moving on to phone calls.
Yup emo... u have a point
Yup emo... u have a point Oh. Hello you. Again ;) |
Edited by
Thu 02/13/14 01:06 PM
Reasons why they (men and women) here can't call or allow you to call them; 1. They're not real 2. They're probably married or in a form of relationship and don't want to be caught by their partner 3. They don't have personal cell phone 4. Don't have that courage speaking to a stranger 5. Dumb, (can't talk) I would be in the #4 on this list ![]() |