Topic: Two complete separate reactions.
Dodo_David's photo
Tue 12/17/13 04:16 PM

I am wondering why the strong difference in reactions from the following two statements when I feel they are the same thing.

I say to someone "I prefer brunettes, and there are very few blonde girls I find attractive"

The reaction I get is normally "Well I like blondes, but to each their own"

and the second one is

2. I say to someone "I prefer white girls, and that there are very few black girls I find attractive"

The reaction I get to the second one is that I'm a racist, white, skinhead, cracker, redneck with no class

They both are personal physical preferences why the completely different reactions?

They are both stating judging someone on the basis of a physical attribute, is it really necessary for the different reactions?

How about re-wording the second statement to make it more diplomatic.

Try saying the following: "I find that I am more sexually attractive to women who have light skin tones than to women who have dark skin tones."

Lol Yeah! Sure that will work :laughing:

Why wouldn't it?

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 12/17/13 04:18 PM

I am wondering why the strong difference in reactions from the following two statements when I feel they are the same thing.

I say to someone "I prefer brunettes, and there are very few blonde girls I find attractive"

The reaction I get is normally "Well I like blondes, but to each their own"

and the second one is

2. I say to someone "I prefer white girls, and that there are very few black girls I find attractive"

The reaction I get to the second one is that I'm a racist, white, skinhead, cracker, redneck with no class

They both are personal physical preferences why the completely different reactions?

They are both stating judging someone on the basis of a physical attribute, is it really necessary for the different reactions?

How about re-wording the second statement to make it more diplomatic.

Try saying the following: "I find that I am more sexually attractive to women who have light skin tones than to women who have dark skin tones."

ahhh, dodo gets it,,,,!! skin color is a physical attribute,,,,some 'white people ' have darker skin than some 'black people'

That's right. Skin color is just a physiological characteristic, and non-racists know that.

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/17/13 04:19 PM
lol,, as do racists

isaac_dede's photo
Tue 12/17/13 04:42 PM
Edited by isaac_dede on Tue 12/17/13 04:43 PM

I've been avoiding posting here, because topics like this really annoy me, but I can't help myself, so I'm posting anyway. I'm with TeeBee, what is the point of this thread? To make it known that you don't like black women? Did someone assume you did? I'm a black woman and I'd never assume a white guy liked a black woman, even if he said he did, I wouldn't believe him. Based on history and all that good stuff. I've never personally known a white guy who treated a black woman with anything resembling respect. (For those who have, good on you, I can only speak for myself)

The only point I see in you making this thread is to insult black women. Why? I don't know. Unless you're constantly inundated with black women approaching you sexually (which I seriously doubt) I don't see why you would post this. I used to get emails from Indians and Nigerians on the regular until I changed my filters, I'm not attracted to them either, but I would never make a post attempting to shame them. That is plain rude and unnecessary. You prefer blondes over brunettes and you don't see the difference in not liking black women? You're saying you prefer one type of white woman over another, that has nothing to do with race, since you're white.

If you don't see the difference is discussing the merits of one woman over the other and then trying to compare that over not liking anything about black women, you need to educate yourself. That is a racist statement. That is an unnecessary statement. I wonder what would happen if I made a thread extolling the virtues of light skinned black men over dark skinned black men and then said, "but to me, all white men are ugly." Pretty sure I'd be in hot water for that.

Whether or not you like the term or not, you're a racist, not because of how you feel, but because you felt the need to voice it. Racists attempt to hurt and shame people, tolerant people keep those opinions to themselves. I can see if a black woman approached you sexually and you told her you're not attracted to black women, in that case, it would be her fault for bothering you at all, but in this case, this is entirely unwarranted and more than a little sad. Do you feel better for having posted this? I hope so, if nothing else, it reveals your character.

That is all.

This thread doesn't reveal my character at all, but if you think it does than go ahead. The reason I discussed this is because my girlfriend and I were discussing race and why here father wouldn't like me(he's black) and he wants his daughter to date black guy, and she knows he wouldn't accept me because i'm white. But she says she has a preference for white guys, so really no guy that she likes can she feel comfortable bringing home(if he's white).

The reason I posted it from my perspective is because if I said I don't feel accepted because of my white skin-color I would get crucified on here and people saying "you have no idea what it's like...don't pretend you know how minorities feel" or something to that respect.

I understand people have strong feelings on the issue(as they should) but i was curious to see the general reactions of what people think and why saying someone may be more attracted to one skin-tone over another, just as someone may be more attracted to one eye-color or another. I understand black comes in all different shades, and I never said I would rule someone out just because the color of their skin, I simply said I may don't find most black girls attractive(or really my girlfriend saying she doesn't find most black guys attractive, but it was translated to be from my perspective)

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/17/13 04:46 PM

I've been avoiding posting here, because topics like this really annoy me, but I can't help myself, so I'm posting anyway. I'm with TeeBee, what is the point of this thread? To make it known that you don't like black women? Did someone assume you did? I'm a black woman and I'd never assume a white guy liked a black woman, even if he said he did, I wouldn't believe him. Based on history and all that good stuff. I've never personally known a white guy who treated a black woman with anything resembling respect. (For those who have, good on you, I can only speak for myself)

The only point I see in you making this thread is to insult black women. Why? I don't know. Unless you're constantly inundated with black women approaching you sexually (which I seriously doubt) I don't see why you would post this. I used to get emails from Indians and Nigerians on the regular until I changed my filters, I'm not attracted to them either, but I would never make a post attempting to shame them. That is plain rude and unnecessary. You prefer blondes over brunettes and you don't see the difference in not liking black women? You're saying you prefer one type of white woman over another, that has nothing to do with race, since you're white.

If you don't see the difference is discussing the merits of one woman over the other and then trying to compare that over not liking anything about black women, you need to educate yourself. That is a racist statement. That is an unnecessary statement. I wonder what would happen if I made a thread extolling the virtues of light skinned black men over dark skinned black men and then said, "but to me, all white men are ugly." Pretty sure I'd be in hot water for that.

Whether or not you like the term or not, you're a racist, not because of how you feel, but because you felt the need to voice it. Racists attempt to hurt and shame people, tolerant people keep those opinions to themselves. I can see if a black woman approached you sexually and you told her you're not attracted to black women, in that case, it would be her fault for bothering you at all, but in this case, this is entirely unwarranted and more than a little sad. Do you feel better for having posted this? I hope so, if nothing else, it reveals your character.

That is all.

This thread doesn't reveal my character at all, but if you think it does than go ahead. The reason I discussed this is because my girlfriend and I were discussing race and why here father wouldn't like me(he's black) and he wants his daughter to date black guy, and she knows he wouldn't accept me because i'm white. But she says she has a preference for white guys, so really no guy that she likes can she feel comfortable bringing home(if he's white).

The reason I posted it from my perspective is because if I said I don't feel accepted because of my white skin-color I would get crucified on here and people saying "you have no idea what it's like...don't pretend you know how minorities feel" or something to that respect.

I understand people have strong feelings on the issue(as they should) but i was curious to see the general reactions of what people think and why saying someone may be more attracted to one skin-tone over another, just as someone may be more attracted to one eye-color or another. I understand black comes in all different shades, and I never said I would rule someone out just because the color of their skin, I simply said I may don't find most black girls attractive(or really my girlfriend saying she doesn't find most black guys attractive, but it was translated to be from my perspective)

her father has racist views too,

my firm belief is just assessing attractiveness on some standard like 'race',, just lumps together all those physical things you find unattractive into one race spedficially,, which I find silly and racist

but doesnt impact my life

funny thing is, most of the time, such people have probably seen attractive people in the race they 'generally' arent attracted to,,but they never assumed THOSE people were part of the race,,

because they made up their mind what that race generally looks like ,and that it is 'generally' not attractive,,,,

isaac_dede's photo
Tue 12/17/13 05:58 PM
Edited by isaac_dede on Tue 12/17/13 05:58 PM

her father has racist views too,

my firm belief is just assessing attractiveness on some standard like 'race',, just lumps together all those physical things you find unattractive into one race spedficially,, which I find silly and racist

but doesnt impact my life

funny thing is, most of the time, such people have probably seen attractive people in the race they 'generally' arent attracted to,,but they never assumed THOSE people were part of the race,,

because they made up their mind what that race generally looks like ,and that it is 'generally' not attractive,,,,

Thank you msharmony even though I may disagree with you on most subjects I now see where my confusion lies, and to avoid confusion in the future I will have to choose my words more carefully.

Here is where my confusion was when I say white/black I am specifically talking about the physical attribute of skin color, I definitely don't think just because someone has a darker skin complexion that they look a certain way, or that all people of that skin color have any other physical attributes in common, and I can understand why people may get upset thinking that is what i mean and that i am lumping their skin color with other attributes they assume I mean something to the effect of "I think all black people look the same, and i don't find that look attractive" that is not what I meant at all in this topic and I apologize if anyone took it that way, again I was talking specifically about skin-tone.

Maybe one day we will get to where people don't see race and instead only see it as another physical attribute, such as green-eyes, or blonde hair, but it doesn't seem that will be any time soon.

I think it was Reagan that said we would never truly be a united people until we were attacked by aliens and we united as the human race against another race.

I understand the stronger views on the subject, and why people may take it differently than what I intended thank you.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 12/17/13 09:14 PM
It's all PC bulls*...Nothing more annoying than a politically correct person stating your flaws standing atop a soapbox crafted from irony and cynicism.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 12/18/13 04:07 AM
Must say a number of things I've read here rattle my cage.

Why should we have to rephrase and talk about lighter and darker skin tones? Why?
If someone's black, he's black. Someone's white, he's white. Should we now have to beat around the bush about FACTS because other people are quick to take offence and overreact?

So now I'd have to say "There are few people with darker skin tones in my area". And if I say "There are few black people in my area" I'm now a racist?
And from now on I also have to get upset when a black, yellow, purple, red person refers to me or my race as "white"?
And yet the people with darker skin tones (no, not the white ones with sprayed on then, I don't mean them) where thrilled when the US had their first BLACK president elected?
Makes me wonder which race has a problem with skin colour?

There's nothing racist about saying black, white, purple, yellow, green, until people add a racist value to it. Which can be both the speaker and the recipient.

Comparing "I don't find black people attractive" to "whites are not intelligent" is so askew.
You CAN in actual fact not feel attracted to any black person, but now way on earth an entire race can NOT be intelligent.

And also peculiar it always seem to focus on black people? Hardly ever hear this stuff coming from Asians for instance.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 12/18/13 05:33 AM
Edited by Dodo_David on Wed 12/18/13 05:34 AM

That's right. Skin color is just a physiological characteristic, and non-racists know that.

lol,, as do racists

Well, I am not a racist, and I do not associate with any.

My friends and I do not judge people according to their skin color. Thankfully, there are still plenty of non-racists in America. :smile:

Anyway, we now know that the OP is a hypothetical situation.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Wed 12/18/13 05:35 AM

because you can change hair color but not your skin color.

skin color can be changed , late Michael Jackson as an example

teebee79's photo
Wed 12/18/13 05:36 AM

Must say a number of things I've read here rattle my cage.

Why should we have to rephrase and talk about lighter and darker skin tones? Why?
If someone's black, he's black. Someone's white, he's white. Should we now have to beat around the bush about FACTS because other people are quick to take offence and overreact?

So now I'd have to say "There are few people with darker skin tones in my area". And if I say "There are few black people in my area" I'm now a racist?
And from now on I also have to get upset when a black, yellow, purple, red person refers to me or my race as "white"?
And yet the people with darker skin tones (no, not the white ones with sprayed on then, I don't mean them) where thrilled when the US had their first BLACK president elected?
Makes me wonder which race has a problem with skin colour?

There's nothing racist about saying black, white, purple, yellow, green, until people add a racist value to it. Which can be both the speaker and the recipient.

Comparing "I don't find black people attractive" to "whites are not intelligent" is so askew.
You CAN in actual fact not feel attracted to any black person, but now way on earth an entire race can NOT be intelligent.

And also peculiar it always seem to focus on black people? Hardly ever hear this stuff coming from Asians for instance.

I want to let this thread die...cause in truth, I'm really over it.

CrystalFairy, It's not that you call someone black... or darker skin... white or lighter skin.

That's not offensive... no one cares.

What I find offensive, and I would think anyone would... If 2 people are in front of you:

One is blond has blue eyes and HOT
the other is dark chocolate has brown eyes and HOT

You choosing, the blond blue eyed hot guy is fine. You saying... I LOVE Blond hair and Blue Eyes... is fine

What would be offensive to me... if you felt the NEED to say, I Love Blue eyes but the Black skin is unattractive to me.

Or I find Black skin to be a turn off, I prefer the blue eyed , Blond guy.

I don't beleive in censoring people.... you can say what you want... If you see black people, feel free to say " There are a large group of black people here" that's fine... No one would paint you with a racist brush.

My whole point I'm trying to make black , white, purple, yellow.
If a race, a color, height, weight is NOT your cup of tea.... Why feel the need to voice that objection?

You can have in your heart, I don't find that skin color attractive AT ALL. Who can tell you can't feel this way.

What is unacceptable no matter how many times people post to this thread... Is to TELL someone I don't like you because your skin is too dark.
I don't like you because you are too fat.
I don't like you because your lips are too thick.

This is BASIC human decency. This is not a race issue... or race baiting.

Or Blacks being oversensitive, or Whites being villified.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 12/18/13 05:41 AM

My whole point I'm trying to make black , white, purple, yellow.
If a race, a color, height, weight is NOT your cup of tea.... Why feel the need to voice that objection?

You can have in your heart, I don't find that skin color attractive AT ALL. Who can tell you can't feel this way.

What is unacceptable no matter how many times people post to this thread... Is to TELL someone I don't like you because your skin is too dark.
I don't like you because you are too fat.
I don't like you because your lips are too thick.

This is BASIC human decency. This is not a race issue... or race baiting.

Or Blacks being oversensitive, or Whites being villified.

I agree with teebee.

What is the purpose of telling people that you don't like them because of their physical features?

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 12/18/13 05:45 AM

because you can change hair color but not your skin color.

skin color can be changed , late Michael Jackson as an example

Michael Jackson had a skin disorder that left his skin with white blotches. He used cosmetics to make his skin have a consistent color.

Having seen other black Americans with the same skin disorder, I understand why Jackson did what he did.

teebee79's photo
Wed 12/18/13 06:00 AM

because you can change hair color but not your skin color.

skin color can be changed , late Michael Jackson as an example

Michael Jackson had a skin disorder that left his skin with white blotches. He used cosmetics to make his skin have a consistent color.

Having seen other black Americans with the same skin disorder, I understand why Jackson did what he did.

Orange and fuzzy is kinda HOT, though flowers

jacktrades's photo
Wed 12/18/13 06:13 AM

Must say a number of things I've read here rattle my cage.

Why should we have to rephrase and talk about lighter and darker skin tones? Why?
If someone's black, he's black. Someone's white, he's white. Should we now have to beat around the bush about FACTS because other people are quick to take offence and overreact?

So now I'd have to say "There are few people with darker skin tones in my area". And if I say "There are few black people in my area" I'm now a racist?
And from now on I also have to get upset when a black, yellow, purple, red person refers to me or my race as "white"?
And yet the people with darker skin tones (no, not the white ones with sprayed on then, I don't mean them) where thrilled when the US had their first BLACK president elected?
Makes me wonder which race has a problem with skin colour?

There's nothing racist about saying black, white, purple, yellow, green, until people add a racist value to it. Which can be both the speaker and the recipient.

Comparing "I don't find black people attractive" to "whites are not intelligent" is so askew.
You CAN in actual fact not feel attracted to any black person, but now way on earth an entire race can NOT be intelligent.

And also peculiar it always seem to focus on black people? Hardly ever hear this stuff coming from Asians for instance.

Well said:thumbsup:

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/18/13 08:14 AM

Must say a number of things I've read here rattle my cage.

Why should we have to rephrase and talk about lighter and darker skin tones? Why?
If someone's black, he's black. Someone's white, he's white. Should we now have to beat around the bush about FACTS because other people are quick to take offence and overreact?

So now I'd have to say "There are few people with darker skin tones in my area". And if I say "There are few black people in my area" I'm now a racist?
And from now on I also have to get upset when a black, yellow, purple, red person refers to me or my race as "white"?
And yet the people with darker skin tones (no, not the white ones with sprayed on then, I don't mean them) where thrilled when the US had their first BLACK president elected?
Makes me wonder which race has a problem with skin colour?

There's nothing racist about saying black, white, purple, yellow, green, until people add a racist value to it. Which can be both the speaker and the recipient.

Comparing "I don't find black people attractive" to "whites are not intelligent" is so askew.
You CAN in actual fact not feel attracted to any black person, but now way on earth an entire race can NOT be intelligent.

And also peculiar it always seem to focus on black people? Hardly ever hear this stuff coming from Asians for instance.

its not possible for an entire RACE of people to be unattractive either,, that's my point

unless one has a hang up on their RACE, as there is no ASTHETIC TRAIT one could find unattractive that exists in EVERY PERSON Within a race,,,

and I don't run across Asians anywhere near as much as whites and blacks run into or interact with each other, their situation in America is quite different as is their history

so yes, people are BLACK< and if one states a FACT About BLACK people in terms of documented information,, how many there are, what their average wealth is,,,etc,,, that is not offensive or racist

however, it is still RACIST to attribute a characteristic to an entire race that is as subjective as intelligence, or attractiveness, or cleanliness,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/18/13 08:18 AM

That's right. Skin color is just a physiological characteristic, and non-racists know that.

lol,, as do racists

Well, I am not a racist, and I do not associate with any.

My friends and I do not judge people according to their skin color. Thankfully, there are still plenty of non-racists in America. :smile:

Anyway, we now know that the OP is a hypothetical situation.

yes, and by your definition of racist,,one who judges people according to their skin color

neither am I or most people, most people have the conscious to be open with INDIVIDUALS They meet or associate with to leave the door open for their preconceptions and assumptions to be proven or proven wrong

but , MOST AMERICANS still do have them,, whether they admit to them or not,, and MY DEFINITION includes those people,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 12/18/13 01:13 PM

That's right. Skin color is just a physiological characteristic, and non-racists know that.

lol,, as do racists

Well, I am not a racist, and I do not associate with any.

My friends and I do not judge people according to their skin color. Thankfully, there are still plenty of non-racists in America. :smile:

Anyway, we now know that the OP is a hypothetical situation.

yes, and by your definition of racist,,one who judges people according to their skin color

neither am I or most people, most people have the conscious to be open with INDIVIDUALS They meet or associate with to leave the door open for their preconceptions and assumptions to be proven or proven wrong

but , MOST AMERICANS still do have them,, whether they admit to them or not,, and MY DEFINITION includes those people,,,

noway msharmony, are you saying that, according to your definition of racism, most Americans are racists?

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/18/13 01:44 PM

That's right. Skin color is just a physiological characteristic, and non-racists know that.

lol,, as do racists

Well, I am not a racist, and I do not associate with any.

My friends and I do not judge people according to their skin color. Thankfully, there are still plenty of non-racists in America. :smile:

Anyway, we now know that the OP is a hypothetical situation.

yes, and by your definition of racist,,one who judges people according to their skin color

neither am I or most people, most people have the conscious to be open with INDIVIDUALS They meet or associate with to leave the door open for their preconceptions and assumptions to be proven or proven wrong

but , MOST AMERICANS still do have them,, whether they admit to them or not,, and MY DEFINITION includes those people,,,

noway msharmony, are you saying that, according to your definition of racism, most Americans are racists?

umm,,, yeah

isaac_dede's photo
Wed 12/18/13 02:31 PM

That's right. Skin color is just a physiological characteristic, and non-racists know that.

lol,, as do racists

Well, I am not a racist, and I do not associate with any.

My friends and I do not judge people according to their skin color. Thankfully, there are still plenty of non-racists in America. :smile:

Anyway, we now know that the OP is a hypothetical situation.

yes, and by your definition of racist,,one who judges people according to their skin color

neither am I or most people, most people have the conscious to be open with INDIVIDUALS They meet or associate with to leave the door open for their preconceptions and assumptions to be proven or proven wrong

but , MOST AMERICANS still do have them,, whether they admit to them or not,, and MY DEFINITION includes those people,,,

noway msharmony, are you saying that, according to your definition of racism, most Americans are racists?

umm,,, yeah

Most Americans are racist? and we have a black president, who couldn't have gotten elected with the black vote alone(although statistics say he took 95% of it) But the white vote was split about 50-50,

If your definition were true(it isn't) we wouldn't have a black president, as there had to be enough NON-RACIST American's to vote for Obama(a racist wouldn't vote for him) So sorry if that is your belief but is isn't based on any sort of facts.