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Topic: Toys brought back home?
TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 09/04/07 08:15 AM
With the current HUGE recall on toys made in China. Will America bring its companies back to the states?

Recently over 9 million toys have been recalled for dangerous parts, lead paint, and misc. faults.

Many American toy companies, such as MATEL, PLAYSCHOOL, FISHER-PRICE, and INFANTINO are American based companies whose products are made in China.

Going through my sons toy box I discovered my son's toys were 95% Made in China, 3% Made in Mexico, and 2% Other. Not one toy was made in the united states! Also I discovered approx. 25% of his toys were recalled this year!

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 09/04/07 08:20 AM
Its sad that we have so little made in the good ole USA

Toys,food,pet foods, all kinds of stuff being recalled...
I say we stop buying thing's from china... grumble

What is this? A new form of terrorisum? Or they just don't care
what they make or sell...

Shame on us (USA) for buying the junk in the first place...huh

mnhiker's photo
Tue 09/04/07 08:26 AM
This is the fault of outsourcing
and letting companies move overseas
without any controls at all.

We can all thank NAFTA and this
administration for not keeping
better checks on quality control
for companies.

This administration let's corporations
do just about whatever they damn please.

I don't fault corporations that play
by the rules and don't deceive consumers,
but those that do should have strict
tariffs and fines imposed on them if
things like lead-based paint show up
in their products.

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 08:29 AM
Did you forget about those "POOR" b*****ds filling their pockets, while American workers go hungry?huh huh

TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 09/04/07 08:36 AM
My thoughts exactly hiker.

Never been a fan of company outsourcing. It bennifits the American corporations and not the american laborers or its consumers.

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 08:39 AM
Hello daughter in law.flowerforyou

laugh laugh laugh

TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 09/04/07 08:49 AM
Hey Andreaflowerforyou

Good to see ya ((((hugs))))

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:43 AM
well you can buy cheaper labour in those countries.....why would america want to spend on their own???huh

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:46 AM
Damn cheap, crappy pepper mills.grumble

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:48 AM

There's nothing worse than working on an outsourcing project and knowing that 80% of your co-workers are working themselves out of job. grumblesad

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:48 AM
prolly made in china.....!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh And they make things cheaply so you have to buy more.......grumble grumble grumble

Not saying anything bad about the chinese etc but the companies that employ them.

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:50 AM

I'm made in china...

Actually, I'm not. I was outsourced to the US...

laugh laugh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:51 AM

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:51 AM
I wanted to get a tattoo on my lower back......Made in Canada with a maple leaf!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

adj4u's photo
Tue 09/04/07 12:02 PM
the double standard that the govt sets as for working conditions and such is the problem

if other countries want to have free trade they should HAVE TO meet the same standards that have to be meet in the u s

such as osha regs

and min wage

it kind of hypocritical to permit u s companies to move the production out of the country to avoid manufacturing regulations

but that is what it will take to establish the coveted one world government

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 12:03 PM
all these recalls should be a sign to voters to check out the candidates that want to close the tax loopholes so it's not as lucrative to outsource. what's more important, american jobs and the safety of quality products or the stock holders of major corporations getting richer while we get poorer and sicker? globalization is not what it's cracked up to be.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 09/04/07 02:52 PM
once again someone seems to have overlooked the law of supply and demand. The demand is for cheap products and the only way to supply them is from foreign markets. Cheap and Qulaity do not go hand in hand. You want a cheap car buy a Yugo, want a quality car buy a BMW they are not interchangable. If the American consummers are willing to pay for quality products, they will get quality products if they are only willing to pay for junk they will get junk. The same people who decry outsourcing of jobs are the same ones who line up at the local mega store to buy the cheapest thing they can get. Once again "the fault dear Ceasar lies not in the start but in ourselves."

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 02:58 PM
how is anyone overlooking supply and deman? if they didn't outsource so many jobs there would be more demand and cheap don't cut it because none of the savings that these companies achieve by outsourcing is getting passed on to the customer.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 09/04/07 04:03 PM
you got the cart before the horse king, the demand is for cheap products the only way to supply that demand is to go where labor is cheap and quality standards are low. If there was no market for crap there would be no crap on the market. Consummer demand drives the marketplace. You can't blame business for giving the customer what the customer demands.

adj4u's photo
Tue 09/04/07 04:13 PM
so garden are you saying rather than

protect and serve the "people"

by requiring companies that want to send to the u s

abide by u s standards

that th

u s should abolish these standards in side the borders of u s

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