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Topic: Any white man who is a christian here
bikanta's photo
Sun 11/10/13 10:31 PM
hi am a God fearing lady.Looking for a God fearing man between 30 to 60

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/11/13 05:10 AM

hi am a God fearing lady.Looking for a God fearing man between 30 to 60

Why would a woman want a man who is old enough to be her father or grandfather?

bikanta's photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:01 AM
age is just but a number.I prefer a mature man than who act like a kid

bikanta's photo
Wed 11/13/13 10:45 PM

hi am a God fearing lady.Looking for a God fearing man between 30 to 40

no photo
Sun 11/17/13 03:47 AM
I used to adore or wanting a man which older than me. However I prefer a man not much than 10years older than me now. This decision back to the person. Its personal taste. May God bless us with a right couples not our choice but His will .

Daman986's photo
Thu 11/21/13 06:52 AM
I'm not 30 but I'm definitely God fearing...

Is age that important?

Ttyl have a good one ppls :)

no photo
Thu 11/21/13 09:20 AM

hi am a God fearing lady.Looking for a God fearing man between 30 to 60


<<<<<<mormon. xD

bikanta's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:26 PM
age is not important.Coz its just but a number

bikanta's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:27 PM
mark y sorry to me

chezman's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:31 PM
i love to meet a God fearing lady...

chezman's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:33 PM
love is for all....need a good lady here ..

no photo
Mon 11/25/13 11:23 PM

mark y sorry to me

For the fun of it, naturally.

neneh25's photo
Thu 12/12/13 05:24 AM
is there any????

uche9aa's photo
Thu 12/12/13 05:46 AM

is there any????
Yes,there is

neneh25's photo
Fri 12/13/13 12:01 PM

is there any????
Yes,there is

i wonder, ,,,, only God knows, ,

mutale04's photo
Sat 12/14/13 09:47 AM
I almost have given up on my idea of my Mr right being God fearing.Men seldom are God fearing.

neneh25's photo
Sat 12/14/13 10:53 AM

I almost have given up on my idea of my Mr right being God fearing.Men seldom are God fearing.

my sister, God z still on the throne right? don't give up, , there are Godfearing, good men out there, that much I know,

uche9aa's photo
Sat 12/14/13 11:39 AM

I almost have given up on my idea of my Mr right being God fearing.Men seldom are God fearing.
Indeed,majority of men and also women dont have the fear or regard for God.This is even more evident in mingle where a lot of ungodly,profane and vainity seeking men and women oppose anything and anybody that advocate for righteousness,holiness,chastity or godliness.The worst are the half baked compromising unbelieving-believers who aint different from pagans.But the good news is,there are genuine born-again christians brothers and sisters although few in number.Shalom

Dewirose's photo
Sat 12/14/13 08:21 PM
I think she looking for an sugar daddy father than hubby lol

Dewirose's photo
Sat 12/14/13 08:22 PM
I think she looking for an sugar daddy rather than hubby lol

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