Topic: Obama Supporter Gets A Shock
misswright's photo
Sun 11/10/13 08:30 PM
but anyway,, yeah, its a shame some people are gonna pay more so those in need don't have to die or go without care,,,

,,,and I know that's a catastrophe, because we should continue on with the system we had of a free market that outright excluded people who needed it most because of their bottom line

but times are changing, I don't have to pledge loyalty to a flag,, and people like Obama or other taxpayers can care enough about actual HUMAN BEINGS to pay a little more and other taxpayers who feel shafted by that change can express themselves

,,,,America is grand,,

Excuse me Ms. You keep saying that some people are going to pay more so people who need it won't die or go without care. I need it. I'm not getting it. Still. And now I get to be fined on top of it. Exactly how is this beneficial for us poor folk? The old system was flawed, I'll give ya that. But this new system is worse. Far, far, FAR worse for EVERYONE!!!! We're all getting shafted. How do you not see this? huh

Hospitals are opting out. Doctors are opting out. Businesses are cutting hours so they don't have to provide health insurance to employees under this new act because they can't afford it. People are not switching unless forced to and then they're paying a lot more, and that's if they can even accomplish the feat. The site doesn't work. I have been trying to sign up everyday for the last ten days. I have filled out the application and saved it at least ten times. "Verification is temporarily down and should be fixed within 24 hrs". Yah right!! You go back and have to re-enter all your information again only to get the same message the next day. Tried chat assistance. You get a message that says sorry for the problems, try again later. Try to call, same thing.

Have you actually used the site MsHarmony? Exactly how much money are you saving with the new plan you signed up for? And don't even tell me that you didn't sign up for one. You must have, being such a staunch supporter and professing its greatness!! Even if you didn't have to switch, even if your employer wasn't one of the many cancelling your coverage, I'm sure you're doing your part by choosing to sign up for Obamacare out of the goodness of your heart and to benefit all those poor people that need it. So what if your cost will double. Please don't say you're keeping your policy because you can't afford to pay more. We ALL must be willing to pay more according to you!

As for this actually helping the poor uninsured, well it simply doesn't. If they make enough money, they MUST purchase insurance, more costly insurance now under this new plan. If they make no money, they are told to apply for Medicaid or disability. This is my case and I was denied for both already. Guess what? I'm still denied now. I don't have young children. I don't have medical documentation to prove my disability because I don't have insurance to go to the doctor to get it! See the vicious circle? I will still be uninsured and now it'll cost me $100 of my non-existent income because I'm too poor to afford the affordable care act.

America's grand alright. Can't say the same for its current leader though. He and the ACA are anything but grand. :angry:

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sun 11/10/13 09:55 PM

He lied......period. Welcome to social injustice.

Saul Olinsky's, author of Rules for Radicals, would be so happy to see his rules being applied by the president of the United States and not just unions and community organizers.

This law is working just as intended though. It's destroying the healthcare system, that's what it was intended to do. It's a pathway to what he's always wanted, a single payer system and he doesn't care if it's by causing chaos or hurts people. This is just a small part of Obamas "fundamental transformation of America".

His problem is some of his sheep are fleeing from the flock now.
However the blind sheep will never stray.

and the haters will keep hopping for and seeking out worst case scnearios to legitimize their hating,,

And some will follow the pied piper anywhere.....until he smashes a pie in their face. I didn't have to seek out the worse in Obamacare, it found me in the form of a letter informing me that my insurance is being canceled. The subpar insurance that has paid 93% of my health care costs this year. That crappy insurance where I pay for 7% of my care for bladder cancer treatments or $2200. Last year it paid a larger percentage because I had bypass surgery. Next year I'll be paying at least $4500 or more out of pocket. SMH

There are none so blind as those that will not see.

You say I'm only a hater? Didn't you forget to include that I'm a racist too?? As a white person not agreeing with Obama makes me a racist by default. Or was that just during his first term?
Good comeback....When all else fails hate on the non-haters facts with untruths.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Sun 11/10/13 09:58 PM

but anyway,, yeah, its a shame some people are gonna pay more so those in need don't have to die or go without care,,,

,,,and I know that's a catastrophe, because we should continue on with the system we had of a free market that outright excluded people who needed it most because of their bottom line

but times are changing, I don't have to pledge loyalty to a flag,, and people like Obama or other taxpayers can care enough about actual HUMAN BEINGS to pay a little more and other taxpayers who feel shafted by that change can express themselves

,,,,America is grand,,

Excuse me Ms. You keep saying that some people are going to pay more so people who need it won't die or go without care. I need it. I'm not getting it. Still. And now I get to be fined on top of it. Exactly how is this beneficial for us poor folk? The old system was flawed, I'll give ya that. But this new system is worse. Far, far, FAR worse for EVERYONE!!!! We're all getting shafted. How do you not see this? huh

Hospitals are opting out. Doctors are opting out. Businesses are cutting hours so they don't have to provide health insurance to employees under this new act because they can't afford it. People are not switching unless forced to and then they're paying a lot more, and that's if they can even accomplish the feat. The site doesn't work. I have been trying to sign up everyday for the last ten days. I have filled out the application and saved it at least ten times. "Verification is temporarily down and should be fixed within 24 hrs". Yah right!! You go back and have to re-enter all your information again only to get the same message the next day. Tried chat assistance. You get a message that says sorry for the problems, try again later. Try to call, same thing.

Have you actually used the site MsHarmony? Exactly how much money are you saving with the new plan you signed up for? And don't even tell me that you didn't sign up for one. You must have, being such a staunch supporter and professing its greatness!! Even if you didn't have to switch, even if your employer wasn't one of the many cancelling your coverage, I'm sure you're doing your part by choosing to sign up for Obamacare out of the goodness of your heart and to benefit all those poor people that need it. So what if your cost will double. Please don't say you're keeping your policy because you can't afford to pay more. We ALL must be willing to pay more according to you!

As for this actually helping the poor uninsured, well it simply doesn't. If they make enough money, they MUST purchase insurance, more costly insurance now under this new plan. If they make no money, they are told to apply for Medicaid or disability. This is my case and I was denied for both already. Guess what? I'm still denied now. I don't have young children. I don't have medical documentation to prove my disability because I don't have insurance to go to the doctor to get it! See the vicious circle? I will still be uninsured and now it'll cost me $100 of my non-existent income because I'm too poor to afford the affordable care act.

America's grand alright. Can't say the same for its current leader though. He and the ACA are anything but grand. :angry:

What you talked about made me think about this one girl I knew in college. She had a child and I think got WIK, food stamps and I think something else. She had a job as well. But I think she was about to get a raise and because of how much she would be making with her raise she would then lose the programs that were helping her which also meant that she couldn't afford to do what she needed to do. She realized basically that the programs only help you to a point and then they drop you and put you back into the situation you were in before you had the programs help.

From what I understand this is the problem with most if not all government run programs. It's more like they work to make you a slave to the government.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/11/13 12:58 AM

but anyway,, yeah, its a shame some people are gonna pay more so those in need don't have to die or go without care,,,

,,,and I know that's a catastrophe, because we should continue on with the system we had of a free market that outright excluded people who needed it most because of their bottom line

but times are changing, I don't have to pledge loyalty to a flag,, and people like Obama or other taxpayers can care enough about actual HUMAN BEINGS to pay a little more and other taxpayers who feel shafted by that change can express themselves

,,,,America is grand,,

Excuse me Ms. You keep saying that some people are going to pay more so people who need it won't die or go without care. I need it. I'm not getting it. Still. And now I get to be fined on top of it. Exactly how is this beneficial for us poor folk? The old system was flawed, I'll give ya that. But this new system is worse. Far, far, FAR worse for EVERYONE!!!! We're all getting shafted. How do you not see this? huh

Hospitals are opting out. Doctors are opting out. Businesses are cutting hours so they don't have to provide health insurance to employees under this new act because they can't afford it. People are not switching unless forced to and then they're paying a lot more, and that's if they can even accomplish the feat. The site doesn't work. I have been trying to sign up everyday for the last ten days. I have filled out the application and saved it at least ten times. "Verification is temporarily down and should be fixed within 24 hrs". Yah right!! You go back and have to re-enter all your information again only to get the same message the next day. Tried chat assistance. You get a message that says sorry for the problems, try again later. Try to call, same thing.

Have you actually used the site MsHarmony? Exactly how much money are you saving with the new plan you signed up for? And don't even tell me that you didn't sign up for one. You must have, being such a staunch supporter and professing its greatness!! Even if you didn't have to switch, even if your employer wasn't one of the many cancelling your coverage, I'm sure you're doing your part by choosing to sign up for Obamacare out of the goodness of your heart and to benefit all those poor people that need it. So what if your cost will double. Please don't say you're keeping your policy because you can't afford to pay more. We ALL must be willing to pay more according to you!

As for this actually helping the poor uninsured, well it simply doesn't. If they make enough money, they MUST purchase insurance, more costly insurance now under this new plan. If they make no money, they are told to apply for Medicaid or disability. This is my case and I was denied for both already. Guess what? I'm still denied now. I don't have young children. I don't have medical documentation to prove my disability because I don't have insurance to go to the doctor to get it! See the vicious circle? I will still be uninsured and now it'll cost me $100 of my non-existent income because I'm too poor to afford the affordable care act.

America's grand alright. Can't say the same for its current leader though. He and the ACA are anything but grand. :angry:

What you talked about made me think about this one girl I knew in college. She had a child and I think got WIK, food stamps and I think something else. She had a job as well. But I think she was about to get a raise and because of how much she would be making with her raise she would then lose the programs that were helping her which also meant that she couldn't afford to do what she needed to do. She realized basically that the programs only help you to a point and then they drop you and put you back into the situation you were in before you had the programs help.

From what I understand this is the problem with most if not all government run programs. It's more like they work to make you a slave to the government.

also called Bauern-Faengerei (Catching Peasants) here in Europe,an expression from the 30year-War,when they would get Peasants drunk,so they would sign up in the Armies as Mercenaries,but being too drunk to realize what they really were getting themselves into!!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/11/13 01:01 AM

that's a problem with twitter, if its even true

I could really care less about twitter, childs play, in my opinion

but anyway,, yeah, its a shame some people are gonna pay more so those in need don't have to die or go without care,,,

,,,and I know that's a catastrophe, because we should continue on with the system we had of a free market that outright excluded people who needed it most because of their bottom line

but times are changing, I don't have to pledge loyalty to a flag,, and people like Obama or other taxpayers can care enough about actual HUMAN BEINGS to pay a little more and other taxpayers who feel shafted by that change can express themselves

,,,,America is grand,,

I suggest you have a look at the Swiss Healthcare System!laugh

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/11/13 01:04 AM

He lied......period. Welcome to social injustice.

Saul Olinsky's, author of Rules for Radicals, would be so happy to see his rules being applied by the president of the United States and not just unions and community organizers.

This law is working just as intended though. It's destroying the healthcare system, that's what it was intended to do. It's a pathway to what he's always wanted, a single payer system and he doesn't care if it's by causing chaos or hurts people. This is just a small part of Obamas "fundamental transformation of America".

His problem is some of his sheep are fleeing from the flock now.
However the blind sheep will never stray.

and the haters will keep hopping for and seeking out worst case scnearios to legitimize their hating,,

And some will follow the pied piper anywhere.....until he smashes a pie in their face. I didn't have to seek out the worse in Obamacare, it found me in the form of a letter informing me that my insurance is being canceled. The subpar insurance that has paid 93% of my health care costs this year. That crappy insurance where I pay for 7% of my care for bladder cancer treatments or $2200. Last year it paid a larger percentage because I had bypass surgery. Next year I'll be paying at least $4500 or more out of pocket. SMH

There are none so blind as those that will not see.

You say I'm only a hater? Didn't you forget to include that I'm a racist too?? As a white person not agreeing with Obama makes me a racist by default. Or was that just during his first term?
Good comeback....When all else fails hate on the non-haters facts with untruths.

I have told no untruth
I have accused no one of being racist

I have simply made the observation that haters will find whatever reason they can to hate

before obamacae, people were going through what you have experienced

BEFORE OBAMCARE,, but its easy now to just believe its only because of obamacare,,

,,,to each their own

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/11/13 01:06 AM
basically, yes

its either be slave to government on welfare or be slave to the employee on scraps that barely meet basic needs,,,,unless you get past a certain socioeconomic level,,,

I agree

Mortman's photo
Mon 11/11/13 03:32 AM

but anyway,, yeah, its a shame some people are gonna pay more so those in need don't have to die or go without care,,,

,,,and I know that's a catastrophe, because we should continue on with the system we had of a free market that outright excluded people who needed it most because of their bottom line

but times are changing, I don't have to pledge loyalty to a flag,, and people like Obama or other taxpayers can care enough about actual HUMAN BEINGS to pay a little more and other taxpayers who feel shafted by that change can express themselves

,,,,America is grand,,

Excuse me Ms. You keep saying that some people are going to pay more so people who need it won't die or go without care. I need it. I'm not getting it. Still. And now I get to be fined on top of it. Exactly how is this beneficial for us poor folk? The old system was flawed, I'll give ya that. But this new system is worse. Far, far, FAR worse for EVERYONE!!!! We're all getting shafted. How do you not see this? huh

Hospitals are opting out. Doctors are opting out. Businesses are cutting hours so they don't have to provide health insurance to employees under this new act because they can't afford it. People are not switching unless forced to and then they're paying a lot more, and that's if they can even accomplish the feat. The site doesn't work. I have been trying to sign up everyday for the last ten days. I have filled out the application and saved it at least ten times. "Verification is temporarily down and should be fixed within 24 hrs". Yah right!! You go back and have to re-enter all your information again only to get the same message the next day. Tried chat assistance. You get a message that says sorry for the problems, try again later. Try to call, same thing.

Have you actually used the site MsHarmony? Exactly how much money are you saving with the new plan you signed up for? And don't even tell me that you didn't sign up for one. You must have, being such a staunch supporter and professing its greatness!! Even if you didn't have to switch, even if your employer wasn't one of the many cancelling your coverage, I'm sure you're doing your part by choosing to sign up for Obamacare out of the goodness of your heart and to benefit all those poor people that need it. So what if your cost will double. Please don't say you're keeping your policy because you can't afford to pay more. We ALL must be willing to pay more according to you!

As for this actually helping the poor uninsured, well it simply doesn't. If they make enough money, they MUST purchase insurance, more costly insurance now under this new plan. If they make no money, they are told to apply for Medicaid or disability. This is my case and I was denied for both already. Guess what? I'm still denied now. I don't have young children. I don't have medical documentation to prove my disability because I don't have insurance to go to the doctor to get it! See the vicious circle? I will still be uninsured and now it'll cost me $100 of my non-existent income because I'm too poor to afford the affordable care act.

America's grand alright. Can't say the same for its current leader though. He and the ACA are anything but grand. :angry:

The Affordable Care Act was never about cheaper insurance. It was about access to affordable care for all. If you're so poor, then you're eligible for government subsidies until you make 400% of the poverty level. If you're going to just cry about it and not get insurance, then you'll simply pay some extra taxes for leaving all that risk on the rest of society. Good luck with that.

As far as this not helping the uninsured, tell that to the people who can now get insurance despite pre-existing conditions. Also, if an old insurance plan was canceled, then that plan was probably crap. Many idiots bought "catastrophic coverage" with lifetime limits, for example, that wouldn't cover the first surgery, or more than a few days of cancer treatment. Go ahead and cry me a river about it being "more expensive" but since those suckers with the cheaper plans were stupid enough to buy them, I'm not betting they'll understand the benefits, unless they, God forbid, ever actually needed the coverage.

Lastly, the federal website is having problems dealing with customers, but if your state's governor had actually gotten things going like he/she should have, then your state's exchange would probably be fine. Here in California, for example, we have not had the problems on and hundreds of thousands have already enrolled. Some people even enrolled before October because the site was up and running ahead of schedule. If you've got a problem with your state's exchange website, then you should take it up with your Governor around election time.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/11/13 03:44 AM

but anyway,, yeah, its a shame some people are gonna pay more so those in need don't have to die or go without care,,,

,,,and I know that's a catastrophe, because we should continue on with the system we had of a free market that outright excluded people who needed it most because of their bottom line

but times are changing, I don't have to pledge loyalty to a flag,, and people like Obama or other taxpayers can care enough about actual HUMAN BEINGS to pay a little more and other taxpayers who feel shafted by that change can express themselves

,,,,America is grand,,

Excuse me Ms. You keep saying that some people are going to pay more so people who need it won't die or go without care. I need it. I'm not getting it. Still. And now I get to be fined on top of it. Exactly how is this beneficial for us poor folk? The old system was flawed, I'll give ya that. But this new system is worse. Far, far, FAR worse for EVERYONE!!!! We're all getting shafted. How do you not see this? huh

Hospitals are opting out. Doctors are opting out. Businesses are cutting hours so they don't have to provide health insurance to employees under this new act because they can't afford it. People are not switching unless forced to and then they're paying a lot more, and that's if they can even accomplish the feat. The site doesn't work. I have been trying to sign up everyday for the last ten days. I have filled out the application and saved it at least ten times. "Verification is temporarily down and should be fixed within 24 hrs". Yah right!! You go back and have to re-enter all your information again only to get the same message the next day. Tried chat assistance. You get a message that says sorry for the problems, try again later. Try to call, same thing.

Have you actually used the site MsHarmony? Exactly how much money are you saving with the new plan you signed up for? And don't even tell me that you didn't sign up for one. You must have, being such a staunch supporter and professing its greatness!! Even if you didn't have to switch, even if your employer wasn't one of the many cancelling your coverage, I'm sure you're doing your part by choosing to sign up for Obamacare out of the goodness of your heart and to benefit all those poor people that need it. So what if your cost will double. Please don't say you're keeping your policy because you can't afford to pay more. We ALL must be willing to pay more according to you!

As for this actually helping the poor uninsured, well it simply doesn't. If they make enough money, they MUST purchase insurance, more costly insurance now under this new plan. If they make no money, they are told to apply for Medicaid or disability. This is my case and I was denied for both already. Guess what? I'm still denied now. I don't have young children. I don't have medical documentation to prove my disability because I don't have insurance to go to the doctor to get it! See the vicious circle? I will still be uninsured and now it'll cost me $100 of my non-existent income because I'm too poor to afford the affordable care act.

America's grand alright. Can't say the same for its current leader though. He and the ACA are anything but grand. :angry:

The Affordable Care Act was never about cheaper insurance. It was about access to affordable care for all. If you're so poor, then you're eligible for government subsidies until you make 400% of the poverty level. If you're going to just cry about it and not get insurance, then you'll simply pay some extra taxes for leaving all that risk on the rest of society. Good luck with that.

As far as this not helping the uninsured, tell that to the people who can now get insurance despite pre-existing conditions. Also, if an old insurance plan was canceled, then that plan was probably crap. Many idiots bought "catastrophic coverage" with lifetime limits, for example, that wouldn't cover the first surgery, or more than a few days of cancer treatment. Go ahead and cry me a river about it being "more expensive" but since those suckers with the cheaper plans were stupid enough to buy them, I'm not betting they'll understand the benefits, unless they, God forbid, ever actually needed the coverage.

Lastly, the federal website is having problems dealing with customers, but if your state's governor had actually gotten things going like he/she should have, then your state's exchange would probably be fine. Here in California, for example, we have not had the problems on and hundreds of thousands have already enrolled. Some people even enrolled before October because the site was up and running ahead of schedule. If you've got a problem with your state's exchange website, then you should take it up with your Governor around election time.

Don't worry,you won't be left out!
Your Shock is yet to come!laugh

misswright's photo
Mon 11/11/13 03:47 AM

before obamacae, people were going through what you have experienced

BEFORE OBAMCARE,, but its easy now to just believe its only because of obamacare,,

,,,to each their own

No Ms. You're missing the point. Before Obamacare I was in this situation, as were lots of others as you pointed out, and now I'm still in this situation after Obamacare AND, see the big AND, AND I'm getting FINED now on top of it. Only about $100 this year but it goes up to $700 next year if my situation doesn't change. And just where do us poor folk come up with $700 to pay a fine for being poor?

That's what I'm mad about. And his blatant lies and meaningless apology. And the fact that's he's exempted himself and other members of govt from having to use the same insurance that we citizens must now carry. What makes them so ****ing special? Where's my ****ing exemption? Am I pissed? You bet your sweet *** I am and you should be too!!!

Obamacare didn't put me here but it didn't get me out of it either, which is what you keep claiming is its sole glorifying purpose, to help the uninsured. It punishes us along with everyone else in the country that have to pay more now for their insurance, if they can afford it at this point.

Funny you still didn't respond with how much you're saving on the new plan you signed up for and how easy it was to use the site and get it done. To each their own but your argument loses its credence when even Obamacare supporters like yourself won't enroll! Need I say more? noway

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/11/13 05:20 AM

I have simply made the observation that haters will find whatever reason they can to hate

In other words, you resorted to the use of ad hominem when you couldn't make a good counter-argument.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/11/13 05:36 AM

He lied......period. Welcome to social injustice.

Saul Olinsky's, author of Rules for Radicals, would be so happy to see his rules being applied by the president of the United States and not just unions and community organizers.

This law is working just as intended though. It's destroying the healthcare system, that's what it was intended to do. It's a pathway to what he's always wanted, a single payer system and he doesn't care if it's by causing chaos or hurts people. This is just a small part of Obamas "fundamental transformation of America".

His problem is some of his sheep are fleeing from the flock now.
However the blind sheep will never stray.

and the haters will keep hopping for and seeking out worst case scnearios to legitimize their hating,,
yep,and Saul Alinsky codified Class-Hate,and present POTUS is one of his Disciples!

no photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:12 AM

Butbutbut The Fuhrer said over and over "If you like your current policy you can keep your policy!"

yes, he really should dumb down his speaking for those who cant use logic

had all those people thinking suddenly that employees and insurance companies would be prevented from cancelling any policies,,,going out of business, undergoing unsuccessful mergers,,,,,

Policies are being cancelled because of Obamacare. Got it?

policies are cancelled due to free market, GOT IT?

much like any time in the past when a company cannot COMPETE,, there are cuts, or adaptations or they go out of busnes

some aren't willing or able to provide the level of service that others can, so they are canceling policies,,, noting new to see hee,,

just an easier bigger scapegoat to point to,,

Yeah, but David is not referring to those companies, he's talking about the policies that are being canceled as a direct result of the ACA that Obama signed into law...I know it's confusing to a lot of people, but the ACA is a bad law...Eventually, it will be repealed...

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:14 AM
"Lastly, the federal website is having problems dealing with customers, but if your state's governor had actually gotten things going like he/she should have, then your state's exchange would probably be fine. Here in California, for example, we have not had the problems on and hundreds of thousands have already enrolled. Some people even enrolled before October because the site was up and running ahead of schedule. If you've got a problem with your state's exchange website, then you should take it up with your Governor around election time."

So you're saying the states can do things better than the federal government? If they would have taken control then things would have been better? I agree.

While I don't agree with everything republicans say many of them were and are saying it should be up to individual states to determine the best way to deal with health care.

I can't believe you agree with them.

Or were you trying to blame the states for the failures of the federal government to make Obamas lies more palatable?

no photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:22 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Mon 11/11/13 07:23 AM

"Lastly, the federal website is having problems dealing with customers, but if your state's governor had actually gotten things going like he/she should have, then your state's exchange would probably be fine. Here in California, for example, we have not had the problems on and hundreds of thousands have already enrolled. Some people even enrolled before October because the site was up and running ahead of schedule. If you've got a problem with your state's exchange website, then you should take it up with your Governor around election time."

So you're saying the states can do things better than the federal government? If they would have taken control then things would have been better? I agree.

While I don't agree with everything republicans say many of them were and are saying it should be up to individual states to determine the best way to deal with health care.

I can't believe you agree with them.

Or were you trying to blame the states for the failures of the federal government to make Obamas lies more palatable?

Never, ever give a staunch Obama supporter a multiple choice question!!laugh

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 11/11/13 07:29 AM

What I can't believe is that people actually bother responding to some posts at all....well, not completely true..... sometimes frustration, truth and documented facts makes you speak out against absurd or uninformed opinion or so called "logic".

It's always best to consider the source, and knowing what to expect, save yourself the obvious frustration.

Obozocare is a failure on every level unless you were exempted, are getting it free, or one of the lucky ones guaranteed coverage by employer contract.... those too will soon be in fear of losing their jobs more than likely when this monstrosity is fully unleashed.

The only "proven" facts about obozocare care is that it is law, the biggest transfer of wealth since the federal Reserve act, an invasion of personal rights and privacy, large scale data mining, is actually unaffordable to most, makes you buy coverage for care you biologically have no use for, gives the gov't (not the Dr or the patient) control of individual healthcare, has deductables only those with serious medical problems might benefit from but can't work because of, and higher premiums because of the added coverages most people don't want or need.

40 million were uninsured before this fiasco, supposedly 30 million will still be uninsured even with this law, and those are people who were too sick to work or get coverage before..... But now others are mandated to pay for them....more debt to working taxpayers.

The problem is, now, because of the higher premiums and deductables, the young and healthy will choose NOT to enroll until catastrophic care or surgery is needed, men will now be forced to buy prenatal or abortion coverage they don't need, the same problem for older persons, causing cancellations to existing policies.... so add 30 million more to the uninsured list, not to mention those who have already been cancelled but can't sign up thru the failed website....

All in all..... find me one thing that makes it about caring or being affordable to anyone but those who will receive it free by becoming a further burden to taxpayers, or are being exempted by policies of the group who ruled exemptions for themselves.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:27 AM

but anyway,, yeah, its a shame some people are gonna pay more so those in need don't have to die or go without care,,,

,,,and I know that's a catastrophe, because we should continue on with the system we had of a free market that outright excluded people who needed it most because of their bottom line

but times are changing, I don't have to pledge loyalty to a flag,, and people like Obama or other taxpayers can care enough about actual HUMAN BEINGS to pay a little more and other taxpayers who feel shafted by that change can express themselves

,,,,America is grand,,

Excuse me Ms. You keep saying that some people are going to pay more so people who need it won't die or go without care. I need it. I'm not getting it. Still. And now I get to be fined on top of it. Exactly how is this beneficial for us poor folk? The old system was flawed, I'll give ya that. But this new system is worse. Far, far, FAR worse for EVERYONE!!!! We're all getting shafted. How do you not see this? huh

Hospitals are opting out. Doctors are opting out. Businesses are cutting hours so they don't have to provide health insurance to employees under this new act because they can't afford it. People are not switching unless forced to and then they're paying a lot more, and that's if they can even accomplish the feat. The site doesn't work. I have been trying to sign up everyday for the last ten days. I have filled out the application and saved it at least ten times. "Verification is temporarily down and should be fixed within 24 hrs". Yah right!! You go back and have to re-enter all your information again only to get the same message the next day. Tried chat assistance. You get a message that says sorry for the problems, try again later. Try to call, same thing.

Have you actually used the site MsHarmony? Exactly how much money are you saving with the new plan you signed up for? And don't even tell me that you didn't sign up for one. You must have, being such a staunch supporter and professing its greatness!! Even if you didn't have to switch, even if your employer wasn't one of the many cancelling your coverage, I'm sure you're doing your part by choosing to sign up for Obamacare out of the goodness of your heart and to benefit all those poor people that need it. So what if your cost will double. Please don't say you're keeping your policy because you can't afford to pay more. We ALL must be willing to pay more according to you!

As for this actually helping the poor uninsured, well it simply doesn't. If they make enough money, they MUST purchase insurance, more costly insurance now under this new plan. If they make no money, they are told to apply for Medicaid or disability. This is my case and I was denied for both already. Guess what? I'm still denied now. I don't have young children. I don't have medical documentation to prove my disability because I don't have insurance to go to the doctor to get it! See the vicious circle? I will still be uninsured and now it'll cost me $100 of my non-existent income because I'm too poor to afford the affordable care act.

America's grand alright. Can't say the same for its current leader though. He and the ACA are anything but grand. :angry:

The Affordable Care Act was never about cheaper insurance. It was about access to affordable care for all. If you're so poor, then you're eligible for government subsidies until you make 400% of the poverty level. If you're going to just cry about it and not get insurance, then you'll simply pay some extra taxes for leaving all that risk on the rest of society. Good luck with that.

As far as this not helping the uninsured, tell that to the people who can now get insurance despite pre-existing conditions. Also, if an old insurance plan was canceled, then that plan was probably crap. Many idiots bought "catastrophic coverage" with lifetime limits, for example, that wouldn't cover the first surgery, or more than a few days of cancer treatment. Go ahead and cry me a river about it being "more expensive" but since those suckers with the cheaper plans were stupid enough to buy them, I'm not betting they'll understand the benefits, unless they, God forbid, ever actually needed the coverage.

Lastly, the federal website is having problems dealing with customers, but if your state's governor had actually gotten things going like he/she should have, then your state's exchange would probably be fine. Here in California, for example, we have not had the problems on and hundreds of thousands have already enrolled. Some people even enrolled before October because the site was up and running ahead of schedule. If you've got a problem with your state's exchange website, then you should take it up with your Governor around election time.

more of the barry cheer-leading squad.... The "crap plans" as you call them, are what the people that had them wanted... but dictator barry lies and tells them all is good, then lies some more.... i'm glad you cheerleaders are happy with barry, and i"ll be happier when you realize what what a joke barry really is...

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:35 AM

The Affordable Care Act was never about cheaper insurance. It was about access to affordable care for all. If you're so poor, then you're eligible for government subsidies until you make 400% of the poverty level. If you're going to just cry about it and not get insurance, then you'll simply pay some extra taxes for leaving all that risk on the rest of society. Good luck with that.

As far as this not helping the uninsured, tell that to the people who can now get insurance despite pre-existing conditions. Also, if an old insurance plan was canceled, then that plan was probably crap. Many idiots bought "catastrophic coverage" with lifetime limits, for example, that wouldn't cover the first surgery, or more than a few days of cancer treatment. Go ahead and cry me a river about it being "more expensive" but since those suckers with the cheaper plans were stupid enough to buy them, I'm not betting they'll understand the benefits, unless they, God forbid, ever actually needed the coverage.

Lastly, the federal website is having problems dealing with customers, but if your state's governor had actually gotten things going like he/she should have, then your state's exchange would probably be fine. Here in California, for example, we have not had the problems on and hundreds of thousands have already enrolled. Some people even enrolled before October because the site was up and running ahead of schedule. If you've got a problem with your state's exchange website, then you should take it up with your Governor around election time.

Now,explain to me why it is called AFFORDABLE CARE-ACT?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:37 AM

The Affordable Care Act was never about cheaper insurance. It was about access to affordable care for all. If you're so poor, then you're eligible for government subsidies until you make 400% of the poverty level. If you're going to just cry about it and not get insurance, then you'll simply pay some extra taxes for leaving all that risk on the rest of society. Good luck with that.

As far as this not helping the uninsured, tell that to the people who can now get insurance despite pre-existing conditions. Also, if an old insurance plan was canceled, then that plan was probably crap. Many idiots bought "catastrophic coverage" with lifetime limits, for example, that wouldn't cover the first surgery, or more than a few days of cancer treatment. Go ahead and cry me a river about it being "more expensive" but since those suckers with the cheaper plans were stupid enough to buy them, I'm not betting they'll understand the benefits, unless they, God forbid, ever actually needed the coverage.

Lastly, the federal website is having problems dealing with customers, but if your state's governor had actually gotten things going like he/she should have, then your state's exchange would probably be fine. Here in California, for example, we have not had the problems on and hundreds of thousands have already enrolled. Some people even enrolled before October because the site was up and running ahead of schedule. If you've got a problem with your state's exchange website, then you should take it up with your Governor around election time.

Now,explain to me why it is called AFFORDABLE CARE-ACT?

barry named it... barry lies

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/11/13 08:38 AM

The Affordable Care Act was never about cheaper insurance. It was about access to affordable care for all. If you're so poor, then you're eligible for government subsidies until you make 400% of the poverty level. If you're going to just cry about it and not get insurance, then you'll simply pay some extra taxes for leaving all that risk on the rest of society. Good luck with that.

As far as this not helping the uninsured, tell that to the people who can now get insurance despite pre-existing conditions. Also, if an old insurance plan was canceled, then that plan was probably crap. Many idiots bought "catastrophic coverage" with lifetime limits, for example, that wouldn't cover the first surgery, or more than a few days of cancer treatment. Go ahead and cry me a river about it being "more expensive" but since those suckers with the cheaper plans were stupid enough to buy them, I'm not betting they'll understand the benefits, unless they, God forbid, ever actually needed the coverage.

Lastly, the federal website is having problems dealing with customers, but if your state's governor had actually gotten things going like he/she should have, then your state's exchange would probably be fine. Here in California, for example, we have not had the problems on and hundreds of thousands have already enrolled. Some people even enrolled before October because the site was up and running ahead of schedule. If you've got a problem with your state's exchange website, then you should take it up with your Governor around election time.

Now,explain to me why it is called AFFORDABLE CARE-ACT?

barry named it... barry lies