Topic: Gates Of Heaven
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Sun 09/02/07 10:58 AM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

If it took tears to get you through the gates of heaven,

Then I know your beside the LORD today,

For I never seen so many tears fall,,,,

As I did on that day when you heard JESUS call.

All of your family and all of your friends,

Came to see you , once again.

Knowing this would be, their last "good-bye".

All that anyone could say, was "WHY".

So many hearts have been broken,

So many words left unspoken.

In my heart, you'll always be,

And in my thoughts, I'll always see,

Your smiling face, looking back at me!

So if it took tears to get you through the gates of heaven,

then I know your beside our LORD today.

For I never seen so many tears fall,

as I did on that day, when you heard JESUS call.

Now at rest and in GOD's PLACE, with only smiles on your FACE.

We will never forget the LOVE you had to SHARE.

And all the ways you showed us, your special "CARE".....

So if it took tears to get you through the gates of heaven.

Then I know your beside the LORD today.

For I never seen so many tears fall,

as I did on that day, when you heard JESUS CALL........:heart:

Dedicated to my Niece, who died in a car wreck, Twelve years ago!
Sabrina Morgan, age 15. at her calling.:heart:

And also for TWO other Angels that we have lost here on JSH.
LonelyTearDrop, and, Nascarcutey.
All With our LORD today.
But IN OUR HEARTS "FOREVER".....:heart: :heart: :heart:

Katertots37's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:00 AM
Very beautiful Tflowerforyou :heart:

blonderockermom's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:01 AM
Soooooooo beautiful iam :heart: flowerforyou

nurjoyce's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:02 AM
very beautiful

Marie55's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:03 AM
Beautiful work and so true Terry. A wonderful tribute.:heart: flowerforyou

frankfk's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:29 AM
sorry to hear about ur loss im4u, great thoughts for herflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 09/02/07 12:20 PM
:heart: THANK YOU everyone WHO replied so far.
Could anyone PLEASE tell me, as im NOT a real ENGLISH smart man.?
Is the WORD 'seen' proper english in MY poem, or should I have used 'saw' in its place?????
It has taken me a couple of years to put THIS POEM together, and I finished it TODAY.
It and the PROPER ENGLISH in IT, is very important to me...

Someday, I hope it can become a song..:heart:

If anyone could give me theit opinion, I would appreciate it, and THEM....:heart:

Marie55's photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:52 PM
Technically, I think it should have been "saw" so many tears fall, to use seen, you would need a "have" in front of it, "have seen" so many tears, or "had seen" so many tears to have it in the proper tense. But it doesn't matter, this is a poem that was written from your feelings from your heart, no one is, or should be, critiquing it for grammar.

I think it is beautiful as written, it is from your heart and that is all that matters. Again, Terry, very beautifully written. I don't have the talent for writing poetry, so appreciate those of you who do very much and enjoy reading your work. Take care my friend, and DON'T be critical of your work. :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

blonderockermom's photo
Sun 09/02/07 03:21 PM
i agree marie, saw or seen, it doesnt matter....

BonnyMiss's photo
Sun 09/02/07 05:30 PM
The loss of a loved one is always very hard for any of us to accept sometimes, especially if the person we've lost was very young. Reast assured whatever their ages, we know they are at peace. BTW "I've never seen so many tears " is also quite acceptable Iam. Very beautiful poem, written from the heart flowerforyou flowerforyou

Differentkindofwench's photo
Sun 09/02/07 06:02 PM
"saw" would be grammatically correct. Either way the feeling comes across beautifully ---- very nicely done, I am.

Mystique42's photo
Sun 09/02/07 06:03 PM

no photo
Sun 09/02/07 08:01 PM
:heart: Thamks for all the advice and nice comments.
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: :smile:

jimz's photo
Sun 09/02/07 08:18 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 09/02/07 10:02 PM
Truly beautiful words for a beautiful lady flowerforyou

brwnkimba's photo
Sun 09/02/07 10:08 PM
Blessings be upon you and your loved ones sir.

pkh's photo
Mon 09/03/07 03:56 AM
Just beautiful,brought tears to my eyesflowerforyou

DebbieJo's photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:16 AM
What a beautifully written, and moving poem Terry! Such a heartfelt tribute to lost loved ones...:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 09:47 AM
:heart: Thank you all for sharing your love here.
We all lose people, FRIENDS, FAMILY, PEOPLE, everyday of every year.
This was written as my desire to GIVE tribute to THOSE who WE have lost.:heart:
There are MANY kinds of PAINS and HEARTS being HURT, but to have them LEAVE, "THIS" place is one of the greatest HURTS, a heart has to go through.
And to "RECOVER" from.
"THIS" was part of MY recovery, thanks again..:heart:

blonderockermom's photo
Mon 09/03/07 09:55 AM
iam, you and others have inspired me to pick up my pen, and start writing again myself.
All the poems are so beautiful, and meaningful.
thanks to u and all who take the time to share with us!!flowerforyou flowerforyou