Topic: Obamacare,Obamaphobia and Nazi metamorphosis | |
The fact that Obama's supporters are turning against him would indicate that bias has NOTHING to do with it. The problem is incompetence, lousy policies, and lack of leadership. Pay attention. Obama's supporters (the ones who voted for him and have defended him relentlessly) are turning against him. If your supporters don't support you, there is a reason. In this case the reasons are lies, incompetence, and lousy policies. The fact that his supporters are turning against him is positive proof that the ones who never supported his form of government did so out of objection to the policies, not out of bias. If he did a great job of bringing the parties together, improving the economy, avoiding scandal, defending our allies and our country, and doing the things he promised to do, then a case for bias could be made. Few are bigger supporters than the liberal media press and they are leaving the sinking ship like rats. |
Edited by
Tue 10/29/13 04:07 AM
The worst of all worlds is replacing Barry with somebody worse...The same way he replaced the shrub in 2008.
IMO he should be either impeached and a whole new election held immediately (to prevent martial law), or FORCED to do the right thing at gunpoint until the next election. Better yet...Burn down the Fed and imprison the banksters...He'll be good after that I'm sure. |
The worst of all worlds is replacing Barry with somebody worse...The same way he replaced the shrub in 2008. IMO he should be either impeached and a whole new election held immediately (to prevent martial law), or FORCED to do the right thing at gunpoint until the next election. Better yet...Burn down the Fed and imprison the banksters...He'll be good after that I'm sure. He will never be impeached. He has insulated himself from every scandal from IRS to Benghazi. He knows nothing. ![]() |
„Mein Name ist Hase, ich weiß von nichts Meaning: I don’t know about anything; I have nothing to do with it. Literal Meaning: My name is hare. I don't know anything. – However, this is its literal meaning today, as nowadays it means something different than what it originally stood for as explained further below. Example: You usually state the whole sentence as is: “Mein Name ist Hase, ich weiß von nichts.” Use it when: You want to state that you are not guilty of something or you have no information to give about a certain situation. History: This expression has nothing to do with hares, bunnies or any other animal. It has to do with a certain man named Victor von Hase. Hase was a law student in Heidelberg in the 19th century. He got into trouble with the law when he helped his friend flee to France after he shot another student in a duel. When Hase was asked in court what his involvement was, he declared: “Mein Name ist Hase; ich verneine die Generalfragen; ich weiß von nichts.” From that phrase came the expression that is still in use today. the expression would serve Barry well! ![]() |
He also has the best insulator and insurance policy in the world......BIDEN! |
He also has the best insulator and insurance policy in the world......BIDEN! 'Hoof in the Mouth' Joe! ![]() |
The worst of all worlds is replacing Barry with somebody worse...The same way he replaced the shrub in 2008. IMO he should be either impeached and a whole new election held immediately (to prevent martial law), or FORCED to do the right thing at gunpoint until the next election. Better yet...Burn down the Fed and imprison the banksters...He'll be good after that I'm sure. He will never be impeached. He has insulated himself from every scandal from IRS to Benghazi. He knows nothing. ![]() He doesn't even know who he is. He became a Mountain Dew stealing alien the moment he entered the white house. ![]() |
The organized campaign of calumny and innuendos against the person of president Obama may backfire with its corrateral damages on the average Americans at the ultimate shakedown.This was exactly how the Nazis started.They were allowed to run freely with their anti-semitic hate in what was supposed to be a democratic Germany and before the normal Germans and the world realized it,they had imposed their evil agender legitimately.History repeats itself if care isnt taken. the nazis were socialists that believed in a totalitarian dictatorship form of government based on a nationalized and militarized economy. the idea that this is what Obama opponents want is just idiotic. |
The organized campaign of calumny and innuendos against the person of president Obama may backfire with its corrateral damages on the average Americans at the ultimate shakedown.This was exactly how the Nazis started.They were allowed to run freely with their anti-semitic hate in what was supposed to be a democratic Germany and before the normal Germans and the world realized it,they had imposed their evil agender legitimately.History repeats itself if care isnt taken. the nazis were socialists that believed in a totalitarian dictatorship form of government based on a nationalized and militarized economy. the idea that this is what Obama opponents want is just idiotic. But it's not that far fetched for his supporters! ![]() |
I don't go for all the blather but I do think some of the fanatics on both sides of issues do more harm to our country and political system than good. Shutting down the government makes us look like we are a country run by idiots and incompetents that can't make decisions but can use bully tactics to get what they want. Will Obama care solve all our health care problems? Probably not but instead of the hysteria why can't someone come up with a program where all citizens who practice basic good health practices are rewarded and our health care industry doesn't get outsourced. I see more malpractice prevention being done than cleaning up our service delivery. We have the technological ability to put consumer back into place over patient and delete the massive fraud that is going on in health care but nothing changes. No we can't afford Cadillac care and sustaining addicts or gargantuan profits to medical and research black holes or bloated investment funds but we could clean up the cost of health care and actually afford it. Even restore the public faith in using rather than abusing the system. and keep the medical professionals from jumping shores and practicing where they treated better. All the recent military lay offs and government shutdowns have done is make many of the working Americans do is consider taking their skills elsewhere. They see no loyalty to them by their employers or the citizenry. They know they are living in a world economy and the numbers of them will be abandoning the job market here should make everybody nervous. Home ownership has become a joke as non-citizen and corporate buyers have squeezed all but the wealthy out of the market. Renting is not even remotely secure housing and looking more and more like slums. While pushing seniors to the street in homelessness may become the new acceptable euthanasia the families that resist will find ways to make it work and add to the problem if we continue to make it fruitless to save and plan for the future by disallowing anything but full time employment, mass transit, and shared housing. Don't even get me started on the lousy education and fraud there. The USA and some of it's allies need to wakeup and take some personal responsibility for the mess they are in and stop letting the few ultra wealthy live like Kings and the rest of the people live like slaves. We need to stop pouring money into propping up dictators and drug kingpins and treat people with respect here and abroad. Sure we can distract ourselves with idiot debates on birth certificates, and lying about what is an isn't be voted for or if it was a rigged deal or actually work for some reform and try some new ideas. What most of us are bitching about is you have two prospects, not choices and I say that because the biggest difference between the democrat and republican parties is the spelling. If you cast a vote for either member you voting for the same BS that we already have and most of the most of us bitching are trying to wake people up to 3rd party choices. |
Edited by
Wed 10/30/13 03:44 PM
I don't go for all the blather but I do think some of the fanatics on both sides of issues do more harm to our country and political system than good. Shutting down the government makes us look like we are a country run by idiots and incompetents that can't make decisions but can use bully tactics to get what they want. Will Obama care solve all our health care problems? Probably not but instead of the hysteria why can't someone come up with a program where all citizens who practice basic good health practices are rewarded and our health care industry doesn't get outsourced. I see more malpractice prevention being done than cleaning up our service delivery. We have the technological ability to put consumer back into place over patient and delete the massive fraud that is going on in health care but nothing changes. No we can't afford Cadillac care and sustaining addicts or gargantuan profits to medical and research black holes or bloated investment funds but we could clean up the cost of health care and actually afford it. Even restore the public faith in using rather than abusing the system. and keep the medical professionals from jumping shores and practicing where they treated better. All the recent military lay offs and government shutdowns have done is make many of the working Americans do is consider taking their skills elsewhere. They see no loyalty to them by their employers or the citizenry. They know they are living in a world economy and the numbers of them will be abandoning the job market here should make everybody nervous. Home ownership has become a joke as non-citizen and corporate buyers have squeezed all but the wealthy out of the market. Renting is not even remotely secure housing and looking more and more like slums. While pushing seniors to the street in homelessness may become the new acceptable euthanasia the families that resist will find ways to make it work and add to the problem if we continue to make it fruitless to save and plan for the future by disallowing anything but full time employment, mass transit, and shared housing. Don't even get me started on the lousy education and fraud there. The USA and some of it's allies need to wakeup and take some personal responsibility for the mess they are in and stop letting the few ultra wealthy live like Kings and the rest of the people live like slaves. We need to stop pouring money into propping up dictators and drug kingpins and treat people with respect here and abroad. Sure we can distract ourselves with idiot debates on birth certificates, and lying about what is an isn't be voted for or if it was a rigged deal or actually work for some reform and try some new ideas. What most of us are bitching about is you have two prospects, not choices and I say that because the biggest difference between the democrat and republican parties is the spelling. If you cast a vote for either member you voting for the same BS that we already have and most of the most of us bitching are trying to wake people up to 3rd party choices. What surprises me is that it took you guys so long to learn about the right/left puppet show. IMO, what you should do is run fully independent, non-partisan candidates of the constituency's choosing in every constuency, then vote for the non-party people en mass. There are many advantages to this, as there would be no "leadership" in the houses and people would vote their conscience and if there was any legislation proposed, it would probably be private member bills for the good of the people (instead of Lockheed, Monsanto, etc.etc.)...There would be no parties to bribe and the lobbies would have to get the agreement of (bribe) a majority of the reps (very uneconomical)...There are other advantages as well. Perfect?...Not by a long shot, but only someone who spends his day drooling into his shoes would believe a party/partisan system would be better. Problem...I don't think you'll make it to the next election to do that...You'll be a full-fledged Stalinist dictatorship by then...The people in power are anything but stupid, and seeing the wave of the future coming up fast, they'll know (as they already do) that they can't wait till the next election...It's time to step on the people NOW!...If you don't wanna get stepped on, it's time to start wearing beartraps on your heads! |
If evolution were used as a model for governing, change would come in small increments ... each tested by it's results and discarded or retained depending upon it's usefulness.
Evolution would not create an Obamacare to handle general healthcare. Obamacare is about redistribution of wealth and government control and growth. Take, for example, our previous healthcare system. What if we just passed a bill that said folks with massive healthcare problems such as cancer or aids that exceeded the limits of old insurance policies, after scrutiny, got medicare for a price based on their ability to pay? Wouldn't that handle the problem of preexisting conditions without costing the taxpayer trillions of dollars? Every convinced problem with healthcare could be solved a little at a time in a way that did not bankrupt the nation. And, by the way, people too poor or destitute already get medicaid. |
Edited by
Thu 10/31/13 11:06 AM
I just turned on CNN to see what they had to say and BAM! There was a stream of FORMER OBAMA SUPPORTERS who were savaging Obama!!!! There was even discussion of Obamacare marking the END of liberalism!!! The rats leaving the sinking ship have turned into rats jumping overboard as the ship rolls upside down!!! They were even quoting Fox commentators as a source! ![]() The lions are laying with the sheep! It's raining frogs. It's time to KYAG. (For those who don't get "IT") It's the blues. It's flooding. (Lyrics) "It's flooding down in Texas but all the telephone lines are down. I tried to call my baby but couldn't get a single sound!" |
Newsflash!!!! I just turned on CNN to see what they had to say and BAM! There was a stream of FORMER OBAMA SUPPORTERS who were savaging Obama!!!! There was even discussion of Obamacare marking the END of liberalism!!! The rats leaving the sinking ship have turned into rats jumping overboard as the ship rolls upside down!!! They were even quoting Fox commentators as a source! ![]() The lions are laying with the sheep! It's raining frogs. It's time to KYAG. the Good Ship,The SS Obamanic! ![]() |
Well,be patient.You have another chance in the next three years to vote in a long haired guru
The worst of all worlds is replacing Barry with somebody worse...The same way he replaced the shrub in 2008. IMO he should be either impeached and a whole new election held immediately (to prevent martial law), or FORCED to do the right thing at gunpoint until the next election. Better yet...Burn down the Fed and imprison the banksters...He'll be good after that I'm sure. It would be nice of people would learn what an impeachment is before calling for one. Bill Clinton was impeached, but he remained POTUS. |
Well,be patient.You have another chance in the next three years to vote in a long haired guru Funny that the Founding Fathers were generally wearing their Hair quite long! ![]() |
The worst of all worlds is replacing Barry with somebody worse...The same way he replaced the shrub in 2008. IMO he should be either impeached and a whole new election held immediately (to prevent martial law), or FORCED to do the right thing at gunpoint until the next election. Better yet...Burn down the Fed and imprison the banksters...He'll be good after that I'm sure. It would be nice of people would learn what an impeachment is before calling for one. Bill Clinton was impeached, but he remained POTUS. I wonder why they always forget that the Trial in the Senate determines whether POTUS will be removed from Office or not! ![]() |
The worst of all worlds is replacing Barry with somebody worse...The same way he replaced the shrub in 2008. IMO he should be either impeached and a whole new election held immediately (to prevent martial law), or FORCED to do the right thing at gunpoint until the next election. Better yet...Burn down the Fed and imprison the banksters...He'll be good after that I'm sure. It would be nice of people would learn what an impeachment is before calling for one. Bill Clinton was impeached, but he remained POTUS. I wonder why they always forget that the Trial in the Senate determines whether POTUS will be removed from Office or not! ![]() That system doesn't work very well when the congress and the senate are ALSO standing trial along with the President and his executive branch...And if the supreme court and the military won't play ball, THEY could easily find themselves on trial along with the other traitors. |