Topic: $17 Trillion , Why So Much Debt? | |
Kinda explains why the religious right is seen as a terrorist organization in some circles. |
Edited by
Wed 10/30/13 06:34 PM
Kinda explains why the religious right is seen as a terrorist organization in some circles. Same interviewer (unfortunately), but this is a much better interview (so far at least...once again, I haven't seen the whole thing yet) |
I would like to know more about how to develop my own fee schedule.
From what I understand that is pretty much up to you. |
Kinda explains why the religious right is seen as a terrorist organization in some circles. Same interviewer (unfortunately), but this is a much better interview (so far at least...once again, I haven't seen the whole thing yet) She is so ill informed about Comet Ison it causes me to be very skeptical about some of her ideas. |
Kinda explains why the religious right is seen as a terrorist organization in some circles. Same interviewer (unfortunately), but this is a much better interview (so far at least...once again, I haven't seen the whole thing yet) She is so ill informed about Comet Ison it causes me to be very skeptical about some of her ideas. Never trust, believe, or follow ANYONE...Learn for yourself (do your own due diligence) and hold fast to that which you find true. Once you have learned enough to protect yourself, get out there and make the world a better place. Be as tenacious as a pitbull and prepare to love your enemies to death. If you fight, you'll lose every time, but if you have only love in your heart, no force in Heaven, or on Earth can stand against you. That may sound naive and stupid to most battle-scarred survivors of the fight for human rights and freedoms, but it is simply true. Learn the wisdom of the computer in "War Games"..."The only way to win is not to fight." Just remember not to get mad & flip over the moneylender's tables...Sooner or later, they'll get you for that. Never put your faith in ANYONE but yourself...Golden idols get tarnished all the time. I like Karen not so much because of what she claims, but because what she claims agrees with the basics of what I've learned, because she makes a good ally, and because her essential message of hope is exactly the same as mine...We can end Hell on Earth in a heartbeat, if we all do our part...If we don't, it is unlikely the human race can be saved, even by "Golden Idols" like Karen. I've known for years that underneath the veil of wars, murder, lies & deceipt of fictional corporate tyranny, the REAL planet earth was a free republic under the rule of law (not men or corporations). I used to blog about 7 years ago that there would come a day when the entire human race would stand up and thunderously cry as with a single, Godlike voice...ENOUGH!!! Maybe it's my tinnitus acting up, but that word keeps ringing in my ears like your Liberty Bell. I think today is the day. |
Some may wonder, 'Why so much debt?'. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Debt and Destruction | From April 1917 to November 1919, when Woodrow Wilson borrowed $30 billion to fight World War I, he was able to do so because of the promise he made to lenders that the commitment to repay them would be backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. At the time, the government's total debt was about $14 billion; so Wilson's painful gambit trebled it. In reality, it was not the full faith and credit of the federal government that promised to repay; it was not the credit worthiness of the federal government at stake; it was not the federal government that paid back the money that was borrowed. That's because the government has no credit or credit worthiness or disposable wealth. Only the taxpayers have that. This is not an academic difference. Wilson knew his creditors could not seize government buildings if he or a successor could not repay the loans in a timely manner. But the IRS could seize private wealth if taxpayers didn't cough up. At the time, the federal income tax was new. In order to get it passed in Congress, Wilson promised that the tax rate on personal incomes would never exceed 3 percent of adjusted gross income, and that it would only be assessed on adjusted gross incomes north of $10,000 a year — the rough equivalent of $250,000 today. Wilson also had a brand-new bank with its own legal printing press at his disposal: the Federal Reserve. With its power, the Federal Reserve could print and lend all the cash it wanted, flood the economy with money, and cheapen the value of the dollar so that when Wilson's $30 billion debt was repaid, it would be done with dollars worth far less — and thus less painful to extract from taxpayers — than those he borrowed. This is, of course, government-induced inflation. It was relatively new in Wilson's era, but it has been practiced by the Fed and accepted by every president from Wilson to Barack Obama. And it can be done without the consent of Congress because Congress already gave the Fed the unlimited power to print cash and lend it. Today, this is done without ink and paper; rather, by pressing a few computer keys. So today, when the president wants to borrow more than the law allows, the Fed can provide the cash, but the president needs a change in the law so as to have the legal authority to commit as yet unborn taxpayers to repay the government's additional debt. While in office, Obama has borrowed about $1.2 trillion a year with the approval of Republicans as well as Democrats in Congress. The lenders are quick to make their loans, because the feds have never failed to extract the cash from taxpayers or borrow more in their names to pay the debt service. Presidents and Congresses don't worry about paying back the principal or paying the debt service, as long as they can continue to borrow more in order to do so. As absurd as it sounds, the federal government borrows money in order to pay the debt service on money it has already borrowed and spent. Is it any wonder that today the government's debt has reached $17 trillion? In his zeal to persuade Congress to let the government borrow another trillion dollars in the next nine months, Obama has stated that raising the debt ceiling will not add to the nation's debt. He is either willfully ignorant or Clintonesque in his use of misleading words. He knows the feds never have declined to borrow whatever they want, whenever they want it, up to the limit of their legal borrowing authority. And they have done so with their eyes on only immediate political needs, with disdain for the economic consequences and with contempt for the future. But the future cannot sustain this much longer. The half-trillion dollars a year the feds now pay in debt service on present and ancient debt is equivalent to one-fifth of all the yearly revenue collected in taxes. And the $1.2 trillion the feds borrow and spend each year is the equivalent of half of all the yearly revenue collected in taxes. If the mindset of borrow and spend and damn the future persists, American society as we know it will collapse as taxpayers reach the tipping point beyond which it will no longer make sense to earn income. Do you think this sounds apocalyptic? Think again. Nearly half of the taxpayers in America are there already. Why should they work, they no doubt reason, when the feds will continue to tax and borrow and transfer wealth to them. The president and all congressional Democrats and most Senate Republicans and about half of the House Republicans want to continue this descent into an economic maelstrom, and they have demonized those brave House and Senate Republicans who have had enough of it. Many courageous congressional Republicans understand the harm the feds have done to the dollar, believe the government must stay within the confines of the Constitution and recognize that borrowing money in order to pay the interest on money already borrowed will lead to perdition — and they are resisting it. Obama says they are holding the Treasury hostage and demanding a ransom. He is wrong again. They are defending the dollar and the Constitution. He is saddling future generations with debt they will not be able to afford. He will turn the IRS into debt collectors for the Chinese government, which is the federal government's largest foreign creditor. The courageous House and Senate Republicans are standing athwart the progressive tidal wave and saying: STOP. I expect they will stand firm. When they do, they will be history's heroes. As for Obama, I suspect he doesn't realize that since the principal of Wilson's $30 billion loan has yet to be repaid, the Treasury is still paying interest on it. Do you know anyone who consented to that? By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano Because we have a President who is a complete idiot and loves to spend money on BS. His attitude is don't worry, we can just print more. |
Some may wonder, 'Why so much debt?'. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Debt and Destruction | From April 1917 to November 1919, when Woodrow Wilson borrowed $30 billion to fight World War I, he was able to do so because of the promise he made to lenders that the commitment to repay them would be backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. At the time, the government's total debt was about $14 billion; so Wilson's painful gambit trebled it. In reality, it was not the full faith and credit of the federal government that promised to repay; it was not the credit worthiness of the federal government at stake; it was not the federal government that paid back the money that was borrowed. That's because the government has no credit or credit worthiness or disposable wealth. Only the taxpayers have that. This is not an academic difference. Wilson knew his creditors could not seize government buildings if he or a successor could not repay the loans in a timely manner. But the IRS could seize private wealth if taxpayers didn't cough up. At the time, the federal income tax was new. In order to get it passed in Congress, Wilson promised that the tax rate on personal incomes would never exceed 3 percent of adjusted gross income, and that it would only be assessed on adjusted gross incomes north of $10,000 a year — the rough equivalent of $250,000 today. Wilson also had a brand-new bank with its own legal printing press at his disposal: the Federal Reserve. With its power, the Federal Reserve could print and lend all the cash it wanted, flood the economy with money, and cheapen the value of the dollar so that when Wilson's $30 billion debt was repaid, it would be done with dollars worth far less — and thus less painful to extract from taxpayers — than those he borrowed. This is, of course, government-induced inflation. It was relatively new in Wilson's era, but it has been practiced by the Fed and accepted by every president from Wilson to Barack Obama. And it can be done without the consent of Congress because Congress already gave the Fed the unlimited power to print cash and lend it. Today, this is done without ink and paper; rather, by pressing a few computer keys. So today, when the president wants to borrow more than the law allows, the Fed can provide the cash, but the president needs a change in the law so as to have the legal authority to commit as yet unborn taxpayers to repay the government's additional debt. While in office, Obama has borrowed about $1.2 trillion a year with the approval of Republicans as well as Democrats in Congress. The lenders are quick to make their loans, because the feds have never failed to extract the cash from taxpayers or borrow more in their names to pay the debt service. Presidents and Congresses don't worry about paying back the principal or paying the debt service, as long as they can continue to borrow more in order to do so. As absurd as it sounds, the federal government borrows money in order to pay the debt service on money it has already borrowed and spent. Is it any wonder that today the government's debt has reached $17 trillion? In his zeal to persuade Congress to let the government borrow another trillion dollars in the next nine months, Obama has stated that raising the debt ceiling will not add to the nation's debt. He is either willfully ignorant or Clintonesque in his use of misleading words. He knows the feds never have declined to borrow whatever they want, whenever they want it, up to the limit of their legal borrowing authority. And they have done so with their eyes on only immediate political needs, with disdain for the economic consequences and with contempt for the future. But the future cannot sustain this much longer. The half-trillion dollars a year the feds now pay in debt service on present and ancient debt is equivalent to one-fifth of all the yearly revenue collected in taxes. And the $1.2 trillion the feds borrow and spend each year is the equivalent of half of all the yearly revenue collected in taxes. If the mindset of borrow and spend and damn the future persists, American society as we know it will collapse as taxpayers reach the tipping point beyond which it will no longer make sense to earn income. Do you think this sounds apocalyptic? Think again. Nearly half of the taxpayers in America are there already. Why should they work, they no doubt reason, when the feds will continue to tax and borrow and transfer wealth to them. The president and all congressional Democrats and most Senate Republicans and about half of the House Republicans want to continue this descent into an economic maelstrom, and they have demonized those brave House and Senate Republicans who have had enough of it. Many courageous congressional Republicans understand the harm the feds have done to the dollar, believe the government must stay within the confines of the Constitution and recognize that borrowing money in order to pay the interest on money already borrowed will lead to perdition — and they are resisting it. Obama says they are holding the Treasury hostage and demanding a ransom. He is wrong again. They are defending the dollar and the Constitution. He is saddling future generations with debt they will not be able to afford. He will turn the IRS into debt collectors for the Chinese government, which is the federal government's largest foreign creditor. The courageous House and Senate Republicans are standing athwart the progressive tidal wave and saying: STOP. I expect they will stand firm. When they do, they will be history's heroes. As for Obama, I suspect he doesn't realize that since the principal of Wilson's $30 billion loan has yet to be repaid, the Treasury is still paying interest on it. Do you know anyone who consented to that? By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano Because we have a President who is a complete idiot and loves to spend money on BS. His attitude is don't worry, we can just print more. Well,can you blame him,he's never had to earn anything? |
Edited by
Thu 10/31/13 01:01 PM
I would like to know more about how to develop my own fee schedule. That's easy...Think of yourself as a company selling services...look at various fee schedules on the net, then make up your own fee schedule, charginf for the services you provide and send it to the appropriate counterparty that's gonna want to do business with your government. When someone (a cop say) gives you an order, think of him as a customer and yourself as a restaurant owner/waitress: e.g. "Give me your name!"..."What's it worth to you?"..."Are you refusing to give me your name?!??" (NEVER refuse anything or he's "got you"!!!)..."Don't be silly, I just wasn't sure that you had my fee for the service of providing my name (hand him your fee schedule, which says "fee varies - email for price quote") In this case, I think I'll charge $500 cash in advance for the service of providing my name; do you have the money or are you REFUSING to do business?" (This throws the ball back in his court and he is now on the defensive...If he has to call his supervisor, you already know he's in over his pointy little head.) They will do whatever they can to intimidate you, but if you know what you're doing, and aren't afraid of being ambushed at night by a gang of masked rogue cops (it DOES happen occassionaly), you will "win." This is only the tip of the iceberg insofar as what a properly set up fee schedule will do for you. Most people charge for unlawful arrest, assault, handcuffing, etc., but I don't waste my time on that unprofitable crap. I sent my old fee schedule to the Government of Canada and now they don't want to talk to me, but I know how to make them talk to me and will soon be serving them with my new & improved fee/fine schedule. Mwahahahaha |
I would like to know more about how to develop my own fee schedule. That's easy...Think of yourself as a company selling services...look at various fee schedules on the net, then make up your own fee schedule, charginf for the services you provide and send it to the appropriate counterparty that's gonna want to do business with your government. When someone (a cop say) gives you an order, think of him as a customer and yourself as a restaurant owner/waitress: e.g. "Give me your name!"..."What's it worth to you?"..."Are you refusing to give me your name?!??" (NEVER refuse anything or he's "got you"!!!)..."Don't be silly, I just wasn't sure that you had my fee for the service of providing my name (hand him your fee schedule, which says "fee varies - email for price quote") In this case, I think I'll charge $500 cash in advance for the service of providing my name; do you have the money or are you REFUSING to do business?" (This throws the ball back in his court and he is now on the defensive...If he has to call his supervisor, you already know he's in over his pointy little head.) They will do whatever they can to intimidate you, but if you know what you're doing, and aren't afraid of being ambushed at night by a gang of masked rogue cops (it DOES happen occassionaly), you will "win." This is only the tip of the iceberg insofar as what a properly set up fee schedule will do for you. Most people charge for unlawful arrest, assault, handcuffing, etc., but I don't waste my time on that unprofitable crap. I sent my old fee schedule to the Government of Canada and now they don't want to talk to me, but I know how to make them talk to me and will soon be serving them with my new & improved fee/fine schedule. Mwahahahaha I do think of myself as a company. So that is in place. I used to do process service, but I have quit doing that because I don't like working for corporate lawyers. A large process service company emailed me and asked if I wanted to do some work for them serving papers, but they ignored what my website listed as my fees told me what they will pay. (A very piddly amount) and they were completely trying to run my private business by telling me what they would pay me. ![]() I told them no thanks, I am self employed and I have my own fees and charges and they still wanted to call me a "contractor" and not an employee, that I would continue to charge what I want and if they want my service they will pay my fees. They wanted me to go by their rules, the pay was lousy, and they wanted my SS number, and to undergo a background check! THE NERVE!! So I understand fees and I also have "company policies." If someone demands something of me I have been known to tell them no because it is against my company policy. Do I have a company name? Yep. It is my legal name. There is no need for a business name or alias. |
Okay if I get summoned to serve on a jury, can I send them a bill for my services? (Not what they decide to pay me, but what I want to charge.)
Does a person have to send notice to the court or government in advance or can it be done after I get a summons to serve? |
Okay if I get summoned to serve on a jury, can I send them a bill for my services? (Not what they decide to pay me, but what I want to charge.) Does a person have to send notice to the court or government in advance or can it be done after I get a summons to serve? That ought to get you off that Jury in a hurry! ![]() ![]() |
Kinda explains why the religious right is seen as a terrorist organization in some circles. Same interviewer (unfortunately), but this is a much better interview (so far at least...once again, I haven't seen the whole thing yet) She is so ill informed about Comet Ison it causes me to be very skeptical about some of her ideas. Never trust, believe, or follow ANYONE...Learn for yourself (do your own due diligence) and hold fast to that which you find true. Once you have learned enough to protect yourself, get out there and make the world a better place. Be as tenacious as a pitbull and prepare to love your enemies to death. If you fight, you'll lose every time, but if you have only love in your heart, no force in Heaven, or on Earth can stand against you. That may sound naive and stupid to most battle-scarred survivors of the fight for human rights and freedoms, but it is simply true. Learn the wisdom of the computer in "War Games"..."The only way to win is not to fight." Just remember not to get mad & flip over the moneylender's tables...Sooner or later, they'll get you for that. Never put your faith in ANYONE but yourself...Golden idols get tarnished all the time. I like Karen not so much because of what she claims, but because what she claims agrees with the basics of what I've learned, because she makes a good ally, and because her essential message of hope is exactly the same as mine...We can end Hell on Earth in a heartbeat, if we all do our part...If we don't, it is unlikely the human race can be saved, even by "Golden Idols" like Karen. I've known for years that underneath the veil of wars, murder, lies & deceipt of fictional corporate tyranny, the REAL planet earth was a free republic under the rule of law (not men or corporations). I used to blog about 7 years ago that there would come a day when the entire human race would stand up and thunderously cry as with a single, Godlike voice...ENOUGH!!! Maybe it's my tinnitus acting up, but that word keeps ringing in my ears like your Liberty Bell. I think today is the day. I'm not saying that most of what she says is not true or right, she is what authorities here would call "one of those sovereign citizens" (which is a contradiction in terms anyway) and the authorities are trying to put them into a class of "terrorists" who gunk up the system filing papers etc. (somebody needs to do it) The trick is not to fight the system but to use it against them. |
Okay if I get summoned to serve on a jury, can I send them a bill for my services? (Not what they decide to pay me, but what I want to charge.) Does a person have to send notice to the court or government in advance or can it be done after I get a summons to serve? That ought to get you off that Jury in a hurry! ![]() ![]() Too obvious. They will probably put you on it for saying that. |
Okay if I get summoned to serve on a jury, can I send them a bill for my services? (Not what they decide to pay me, but what I want to charge.) Does a person have to send notice to the court or government in advance or can it be done after I get a summons to serve? That ought to get you off that Jury in a hurry! ![]() ![]() Too obvious. They will probably put you on it for saying that. ![]() |
Okay if I get summoned to serve on a jury, can I send them a bill for my services? (Not what they decide to pay me, but what I want to charge.) Does a person have to send notice to the court or government in advance or can it be done after I get a summons to serve? That ought to get you off that Jury in a hurry! ![]() ![]() Too obvious. They will probably put you on it for saying that. ![]() Yes I know, but I was not worried about how to get out of Jury duty. My questions involved billing them for my time if they did put me on. |
The trick is not to fight the system but to use it against them. Now ya got it! It's a commercial system and the only real freedom in it is your RIGHT to FREELY conduct commerce...If they try to deny you that right, they are heinously breaking their own commercial law and the entire system falls apart/ You have a right to conduct commerce...USE IT! On the jury duty thing, I can only say that I consider it my duty to serve my community when called and to be as fair-minded as possible, so I would NEVER charge for jury duty, considering it an honour to help serve Lady Justice. That said, I'm fully aware of two things: 1) The TRUE power of a jury (to spite the bull$hit a judge lays out when instructing it) 2) The fact that most people have been dumbed down to the point that they don't generally think logically or fairly and usually convict long before the defendent even appears at the trial based on the charges alone. Somebody accused of child molesting is gonna hang even if he can prove he was 10,000 miles away from the scene of the crime...Meanwhile someone only accused of ripping off widows & orphans for everything they're worth was probably only making a few errors in his bookkeeping (to hear his lawyer tell it) and is a good family man and a pillar of the community. He'll be lucky if he gets off with only a humanitarian award....The only thing worse than a kangaroo court these days is a kangaroo court with a jury. |
The trick is not to fight the system but to use it against them. Now ya got it! It's a commercial system and the only real freedom in it is your RIGHT to FREELY conduct commerce...If they try to deny you that right, they are heinously breaking their own commercial law and the entire system falls apart/ You have a right to conduct commerce...USE IT! On the jury duty thing, I can only say that I consider it my duty to serve my community when called and to be as fair-minded as possible, so I would NEVER charge for jury duty, considering it an honour to help serve Lady Justice. That said, I'm fully aware of two things: 1) The TRUE power of a jury (to spite the bull$hit a judge lays out when instructing it) 2) The fact that most people have been dumbed down to the point that they don't generally think logically or fairly and usually convict long before the defendent even appears at the trial based on the charges alone. Somebody accused of child molesting is gonna hang even if he can prove he was 10,000 miles away from the scene of the crime...Meanwhile someone only accused of ripping off widows & orphans for everything they're worth was probably only making a few errors in his bookkeeping (to hear his lawyer tell it) and is a good family man and a pillar of the community. He'll be lucky if he gets off with only a humanitarian award....The only thing worse than a kangaroo court these days is a kangaroo court with a jury. Okay, thanks. If I tell them I am proud to serve on the jury (for free,) they will probably not put me on it. Now would you please tell me why you would charge to give out your name but you would not charge to serve on a jury? How do you decide what you might charge a fee for? |
Edited by
Thu 10/31/13 09:42 PM
The trick is not to fight the system but to use it against them. Now ya got it! It's a commercial system and the only real freedom in it is your RIGHT to FREELY conduct commerce...If they try to deny you that right, they are heinously breaking their own commercial law and the entire system falls apart/ You have a right to conduct commerce...USE IT! On the jury duty thing, I can only say that I consider it my duty to serve my community when called and to be as fair-minded as possible, so I would NEVER charge for jury duty, considering it an honour to help serve Lady Justice. That said, I'm fully aware of two things: 1) The TRUE power of a jury (to spite the bull$hit a judge lays out when instructing it) 2) The fact that most people have been dumbed down to the point that they don't generally think logically or fairly and usually convict long before the defendent even appears at the trial based on the charges alone. Somebody accused of child molesting is gonna hang even if he can prove he was 10,000 miles away from the scene of the crime...Meanwhile someone only accused of ripping off widows & orphans for everything they're worth was probably only making a few errors in his bookkeeping (to hear his lawyer tell it) and is a good family man and a pillar of the community. He'll be lucky if he gets off with only a humanitarian award....The only thing worse than a kangaroo court these days is a kangaroo court with a jury. Okay, thanks. If I tell them I am proud to serve on the jury (for free,) they will probably not put me on it. Now would you please tell me why you would charge to give out your name but you would not charge to serve on a jury? How do you decide what you might charge a fee for? I'm a loving & giving li'l dukky who likes to give of myself completely for nothing out of the goodness of my heart. I also despise the current crooked & fraudulent commercial system that screws & enslaves everybody. So if I'm doing a favour for my fellow ducks (or even humans) I work for nothing. If some corporation wants something from me for nothing, well...That's a whole 'nother story...I charge whatever the traffic will bear and sometimes even more than it can bear to pay! I'm a barometer of the society you live in...I will not turn to begging or crime even to survive, so if nobody ever comes by the pond to feed the ducks, I will literally starve to death. I figure if there isn't enough kindness and generosity to keep me alive, then the human race has pronounced its own death sentence, and if there is enough, then there is hope for humanity. There was once a man who hated capital punishment, who, when he saw an execution said "There but for the Grace of God go I."...He must have fallen from grace in the eyes of God, because one day he himself was burned at the stake. That was hundreds of years ago, and I know damn well he never fell from grace!...The human race is damn lucky it wasn't reduced to ashes that very day!...Since then, it's only the innocent of the world that have forestalled final judgment...I do what I do for the innocent...The only ones who don't deserve the $hitty world we've given them. I will NEVER abandon them...EVER!!! |