Topic: $17 Trillion , Why So Much Debt? | |
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Sat 10/26/13 11:15 PM
Wrong...In the end the bankster will own diddleysquat because it was all stolen from the common man with usury and fraud. The common man is gonna take it all back, put the play money, pieces, & board back in the box, and never play monopoly again.
Then of course, we can all live happily ever after. And don't say "Oh...If only it were that simple. ...IT IS THAT SIMPLE YOU LUNKHEADS!...QUIT FALLING FOR THEIR CON AND THEIR GAME IS OVER! |
Wrong...In the end the bankster will own diddleysquat because it was all stolen from the common man with usury and fraud. The common man is gonna take it all back, put the play money, pieces, & board back in the box, and never play monopoly again. Then of course, we can all live happily ever after. And don't say "Oh...If only it were that simple. ...IT IS THAT SIMPLE YOU LUNKHEADS!...QUIT FALLING FOR THEIR CON AND THEIR GAME IS OVER! You should run for president. ![]() |
This country has been in debt since shortly after it's beginning. It is the normal way of a government to run. Find one that is not in debt. All of the debt worriers are just using a false premise to bring fear and hate. And deficit and debt are two different things. The debt deniers are dangerous fools. Interest Expense Fiscal Year 2013 September $19,843,542,012.01 August $25,487,831,947.93 July $25,076,777,459.95 June $93,031,790,187.97 May $24,378,480,861.09 April $35,951,751,963.63 March $23,472,400,737.30 February $16,901,310,565.17 January $17,816,590,831.57 December $95,736,594,801.52 November $25,068,968,472.99 October $12,922,741,407.27 Fiscal Year Total $415,688,781,248.40 |
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Sun 10/27/13 05:46 PM
Good thing we don't have to worry about the debt
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Sun 10/27/13 06:36 PM
Good thing we don't have to worry about the debt Of course you do...That money is owed to YOU...and they haven't a hope in hell of recovering a fraction of it...You won't even get a penny on on the dollar! (until we open all the international bank vaults where the gold is really held) The advantage of foreclosing on the corporation that runs your country lies in taking it over and STOPPING the siphoning off of the wealth you create and STARTING to enjoy ALL the fruits of your labour AND your ORIGINAL constitution. If you wonder how it's done, look into a social credit monetary know, "funny money" as the banksters used to call it, to con the people into thinking that lending the money directly to their government (giving the people control of the government purse-strings) was a "bad" thing, compared to the bankster's "solution" of using the people and their labour as collateral for bond issues sold on the open market. According to them, it is much better to let the government run the people as slaves than to have the people run their government administrators as the public servants they should properly be. You can thank your wonderful bankster Fed "public service" corporation for handling all those messy accounting details for you & your government (intended to bring you economic stability by controlling inflation and keeping it manageable), so you don't have to worry those pointy little heads of yours about it... And your "representatives" will be well looked after for all that hard work they do kissing your a$$ every 4 years or so in a staged show that is more like professional wrestling than a real election. These hard working people get their rightful due...making millions sitting on corporate boards of other public service corporations (like Lockheed, Monsanto, GE, Halliburton, etc.) after their term, having Cayman Island accounts to sock, their savings away for a rainy day (just in case their indexed lifetime pensions don't cover the new yachts) and so on. They deserve it after all... Do you know how hard it is to kiss 300 plus million unwashed peasant a$$es every 4 years?...Their work must make their lives a living hell!...especially if it's their turn to lose the election! |
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Mon 10/28/13 02:37 AM
Wait'll it becomes public knowledge that all the money stolen from you & your ancestors by fraud and usury is actually owed to YOU...At that point, the BIS, World Bank, IMF, Goldman Sachs, et al will ALL have to fold, open up their vaults, and pour the wealth they have hoarded back out into the world again! It will be the final victory of the human race against the legal fictions (Banks & business corporations) which we ourselves created and which now rule the entire earth in an inhuman and inhumane tyranny. Let's hear it for the common man (also called the "mindless masses" and "useless eater" by the "economic elite")...He is about to WIN! Maybe then we can finally get some of the peace & love we so richly deserve...or not...the choice is entirely yours. Whatever the case, the only thing we can be sure of is that the human race is about to get what it properly deserves, either extinction, or happiness. It entirely depends on the choices YOU make. Most of my friends tell me it's all over for humanity, and if we're lucky, the avians will be taking over after you're gone. It'd be kinda nice to think so, but I'm not so sure...You can't all be so stupid as to hang yourselves by the collective rope you've placed around your neck! I want all the innocent ones among you who are going to die (there must be a couple, I'm sure...maybe the babies) know that your deaths will be avenged! If any of the murderous banksters come out of their bunkers after it's over, us ducks & geese will be right there to $hit on their heads until they hide in the bunkers it isn't like the end of the human race means the end of justice or anything stupid like that. What "Wealth" would that be? ![]() Wads and wads of paper? ![]() Nope, mostly gold and everyone's private information (birth records) If they can't borrow money on your private information (like even knowing you exist), what value are you to them as an asset they can write bonds on?...If it wasn't for your credit & labour value, you'd have no value to them at all and there'd be no "money!" Take back your private information (it's your intellectual property)...even better...LEASE it to them for a royalty! Not very smart! Quit playing their Game and walk away! Unless you want to become the new Game-Master,of course! |
yep,and get Wads and Wads of Paper in return! Not very smart! Quit playing their Game and walk away! Unless you want to become the new Game-Master,of course! The paper is a handy illusion isn't it. Here we are, living human beings with tons of value to ourselves and others, the REAL "money", and these ba$tard$ have us killing one another over little "chits" of paper so we can survive & eke out an existence for another day or two. Your hands are the money...your brain is the money...your love is the money... ...but we're willing to literally sacrifice our rights, enslave ourselves, hate & shoot one another, all for little bits of worthless paper (or computer bits) that some lazy-a$$ slug bankster who wouldn't know work if he stepped in it, said was valuable. The world becomes the choices we make, based on what we perceive to be "reality"...Everyone is living in a bizarre, twisted, Twilight Zone nightmare they can't quite wake up from. Everyone has bought the Brooklyn Bridge, and they're wondering how to get it home, so they can put it on their lawn between the garden gnome and the pink flamingoes...Makes perfect sense to me!...I've almost got enough coloured beads saved to get one myself...another hundred years at hard labour oughtta do it. |
yep,and get Wads and Wads of Paper in return! Not very smart! Quit playing their Game and walk away! Unless you want to become the new Game-Master,of course! The paper is a handy illusion isn't it. Here we are, living human beings with tons of value to ourselves and others, the REAL "money", and these ba$tard$ have us killing one another over little "chits" of paper so we can survive & eke out an existence for another day or two. Your hands are the money...your brain is the money...your love is the money... ...but we're willing to literally sacrifice our rights, enslave ourselves, hate & shoot one another, all for little bits of worthless paper (or computer bits) that some lazy-a$$ slug bankster who wouldn't know work if he stepped in it, said was valuable. The world becomes the choices we make, based on what we perceive to be "reality"...Everyone is living in a bizarre, twisted, Twilight Zone nightmare they can't quite wake up from. Everyone has bought the Brooklyn Bridge, and they're wondering how to get it home, so they can put it on their lawn between the garden gnome and the pink flamingoes...Makes perfect sense to me!...I've almost got enough coloured beads saved to get one myself...another hundred years at hard labour oughtta do it. What would you advise people to do under current circumstances? How should we begin to live our lives and ignore the illusion of paper money? Can we function without the system? Can we ignore the insanity and just go about being free, tilling the soil, etc? How do we get around total government control over our lives without standing out like a sore thumb and being labeled as rebels or criminals? |
yep,and get Wads and Wads of Paper in return! Not very smart! Quit playing their Game and walk away! Unless you want to become the new Game-Master,of course! The paper is a handy illusion isn't it. Here we are, living human beings with tons of value to ourselves and others, the REAL "money", and these ba$tard$ have us killing one another over little "chits" of paper so we can survive & eke out an existence for another day or two. Your hands are the money...your brain is the money...your love is the money... ...but we're willing to literally sacrifice our rights, enslave ourselves, hate & shoot one another, all for little bits of worthless paper (or computer bits) that some lazy-a$$ slug bankster who wouldn't know work if he stepped in it, said was valuable. The world becomes the choices we make, based on what we perceive to be "reality"...Everyone is living in a bizarre, twisted, Twilight Zone nightmare they can't quite wake up from. Everyone has bought the Brooklyn Bridge, and they're wondering how to get it home, so they can put it on their lawn between the garden gnome and the pink flamingoes...Makes perfect sense to me!...I've almost got enough coloured beads saved to get one myself...another hundred years at hard labour oughtta do it. Meanwhile,what will you use as a Tool of Exchange? |
yep,and get Wads and Wads of Paper in return! Not very smart! Quit playing their Game and walk away! Unless you want to become the new Game-Master,of course! The paper is a handy illusion isn't it. Here we are, living human beings with tons of value to ourselves and others, the REAL "money", and these ba$tard$ have us killing one another over little "chits" of paper so we can survive & eke out an existence for another day or two. Your hands are the money...your brain is the money...your love is the money... ...but we're willing to literally sacrifice our rights, enslave ourselves, hate & shoot one another, all for little bits of worthless paper (or computer bits) that some lazy-a$$ slug bankster who wouldn't know work if he stepped in it, said was valuable. The world becomes the choices we make, based on what we perceive to be "reality"...Everyone is living in a bizarre, twisted, Twilight Zone nightmare they can't quite wake up from. Everyone has bought the Brooklyn Bridge, and they're wondering how to get it home, so they can put it on their lawn between the garden gnome and the pink flamingoes...Makes perfect sense to me!...I've almost got enough coloured beads saved to get one myself...another hundred years at hard labour oughtta do it. Meanwhile,what will you use as a Tool of Exchange? My question exactly. Hell if the electricity go down, there is no way to even buy a loaf of bread even if you did have money. The computers don't work, and the bar codes can't be read, and no employee knows how much to charge. Not to mention they can't even open the cash register. |
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Mon 10/28/13 12:29 PM
yep,and get Wads and Wads of Paper in return! Not very smart! Quit playing their Game and walk away! Unless you want to become the new Game-Master,of course! The paper is a handy illusion isn't it. Here we are, living human beings with tons of value to ourselves and others, the REAL "money", and these ba$tard$ have us killing one another over little "chits" of paper so we can survive & eke out an existence for another day or two. Your hands are the money...your brain is the money...your love is the money... ...but we're willing to literally sacrifice our rights, enslave ourselves, hate & shoot one another, all for little bits of worthless paper (or computer bits) that some lazy-a$$ slug bankster who wouldn't know work if he stepped in it, said was valuable. The world becomes the choices we make, based on what we perceive to be "reality"...Everyone is living in a bizarre, twisted, Twilight Zone nightmare they can't quite wake up from. Everyone has bought the Brooklyn Bridge, and they're wondering how to get it home, so they can put it on their lawn between the garden gnome and the pink flamingoes...Makes perfect sense to me!...I've almost got enough coloured beads saved to get one myself...another hundred years at hard labour oughtta do it. What would you advise people to do under current circumstances? How should we begin to live our lives and ignore the illusion of paper money? Can we function without the system? Can we ignore the insanity and just go about being free, tilling the soil, etc? How do we get around total government control over our lives without standing out like a sore thumb and being labeled as rebels or criminals? It is a bit of an involvd process for an individual to claim his or her natural estate from government control (as a "child of the state", you are under the de facto trustee called your government)...However, nobody can deny you your right to inherit! When you "came of age", in the absence of strong evidence to the contrary, you are deemed competent. No doubt you hiave signed "applications" which your government is "forced" to deem you competent to spite your irrationally giving away all your rights so you could serve them as an "employee" (i.e. you must have volunteered yourself (your natural estate) into their service generously & knowingly of your own free will as a rational's the only presumption they can lawfully make!...Ask yourself if you knew that's what you were doing? If it isn't, then something is seriously wrong. Were you incompetent to make rational decisions?...Ask yourself if the applications you signed had any of the terms the government presumes of you listed...If they didn't, then did you get the full disclosure and meeting of the minds so necessary to a legitimate contract?...My guess is that you didn't, but then again, I never saw the applications you filled out. There is an interesting thng about applications...They are really a begging (pleading or asking for something)...There is a presumption that a beggar knows exactly what he's begging for. There is also a presumption that the "beggee" is the one who is the owner/controller of the "property/service" begged for. For instance, If I came over to your house and asked you for a cup of coffee, we know two things 1) It's your coffee 2) We both know I want a cup of coffee....Since i have asked for one, a third presumption comes into play..."beggars can't be choosers"... You (as the beggee) have absolute control of the contract. You might say "Sure; here.", or you might say "I don't like your face! Get out!", or anything inbetween. As the beggar, I have ABSOLUTELY NO LAWFUL CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT YOUR COUNTEROFFER or quit asking. Now here's the situation we're in...We go to the "government" to "beg" for some TINY portion of our natural estate because we need it. Both the governemt and ourselves, make the presumption that our natural estate is THEIR PROPERTY to dole out as they see fit (so if we want some of it, we'd better do exactly what they say we have to do, or we won't get diddleysquat! Here's an example of the absurdity of this situation: You get up in the morning and want a cup of YOUR OWN COFFEE, so you all up some government agency and ASK them if you can have it. Yu'd better hope the bureaucrat you talk to is in a good mood that morning and has had HIS morning coffee, or he'll tell you where to get off. Even worse, he might senfd the men in white coats to get you, because you are soo far divorced from reality that you're calling him to ask for a cup of your own coffee!...Obviously you are so far gone that you present a possible danger to the public; you could be capable of anything!...You might even be "paper terrorist" trying to clog the system...Obviously you have to be "dealt with." What I recommend is getting together and forming closely knit communities of about a hundred people who trust one another...each member of the community has a different circle of friends, so what forms is a deeply interconnected "friend-to-friend" network where the trusts formed make a HUGE peer-to-peer community of PEOPLE who care about their neighbours, want to help one another, want to stick together to help one another, etc. Oh yes...The other thing the community should NOT do is even talk to or beg ANY favour of any federal government agency. If a government agency contacts any of you with a claim like "You are obliged to pay blah blah", just get back to them with a simple question..."Where did I incur this alleged obligation?"...They know damned well you didn't and will shut up for awhile...That give you and your friend-to friend network some "breathing space" to work on your CLAIMS for your natural estates! And take heart!...You are nowhere near alone... By now damn near everybody feels as you do, so it isn't you against the government, it is the government attacking all of you!...Well all I can say about that is what Gandhi said regarding his peaceful non-compliance: "First they laugh at you...Then they attack you...Then you WIN! There are about 300 million people in the US who feel as you do, so don't feel alone!...UNITE in peaceful non-compliance and the crooks in power will lose all their power overnight!...It's about bloody time these crooked monsters learned who's in charge...the public, or their public servants!...Don't let anyone tell you any different...It is YOUR COUNTRY...YOUR PROPERTY!...YOU OWN IT...It doesn't own you!!...It has a proper allegiance to YOU...Quit letting them con you into thinking it's the other way around! You can end the militarization, rape of our beautiful can end man's inhumanity to man in a heartbeat...They need you far more than you'll ever need them, IF you can get together with your family, friends and neighbours to UNITE and help each other. |
Okay, but what can a single individual do? (Also, I worked and paid into Social Security all my life, and feel I am entitled to getting my check. I don't think I would want to give it up. That up would not benefit me.)
How will opting out of the system benefit someone who is already in it? I drive a car, which has to be registered, I have a licence to drive, how can giving that up benefit me? |
Okay, but what can a single individual do? (Also, I worked and paid into Social Security all my life, and feel I am entitled to getting my check. I don't think I would want to give it up. That up would not benefit me.) How will opting out of the system benefit someone who is already in it? I drive a car, which has to be registered, I have a licence to drive, how can giving that up benefit me? You'd be utterly amazed what a single individual can do! At this point, I'm not going to give you any "recipes" for baking a "freedom pie", only some encouraging moral lessons & stories. Margaret Mead once said something that I now live my life by: "Never forget that a small group of dedicated citizens working to a common purpose can change the world...Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." Until recently I believed that in it's entirety, until people started telling me that no one man can change the world, so I thought I'd look into it. (Being a duck I wouldn't really know, but) I do know a few humans who compassionately stop by the pond occasionally to feed the hungry ducks, and I've gotten to know them quite well. In fact one in particular, who doesn't believe the general "truisms"...He's looked into this "no one man..." business for himself and thinks it's a load of horsehockey! In fact he has set out to refute the truism and now claims that he is about to change the world for the better. He says the secret to such power is akin to the shot heard 'round the world. He says that on a dry year, a single spark can set a forest fire going that could burn half a continent...It doesn't take much...just a little spark. He says he's got a (metaphorical) piece of flint and he wants to test out his "theory" very soon...I told him as long as it doesn't burn down my nest, I wish him every success. He assures me that the fire that will start is only metaphorical, but it will in fact change the world. Being the skeptical little duck that I am, I'll believe it when I see it. I will say this much however, if I were a human being, I'd be trying to do it myself...just to see. If a whole bunch of individual people decided to change the entire world, I have absolutely no doubt that at least one of them would be right, and the whole world would change, and prove this guy's theory. If one, lone human being could actually do it, just imagine what would happen if a whole bunch of people got together to do it!...Moving mountains would become little more than a dinky little magician's trick. |
Further to what an individual can do...
You should be aware that the thing they want most is your signature or verbal agreement. That's because they want access to your private estate and ONLY YOU can authorize it. So a good rule of thumb is to NEVER apply for or sign anything to do with the government. If you're already receiving pension, that's probably OK, because once they have sent you some cheques (about 3), you have a RIGHT to expect that to continue, so they can't simply cut you off. The catch here is your bank account. If it's an interest-bearing "public" one, it probably belongs to "The People" and not you (Up here, it's "Her Majesty's" bank account). The best bet is to have a PRIVATE bank account which doesn't require a SSN number, and deposit the government cheques into that...even better, is to cash them and take the cash to a bullion dealer and buy silver coins & use those for trade. The Fed will hate you for it. LMAO |
Further to what an individual can do... You should be aware that the thing they want most is your signature or verbal agreement. That's because they want access to your private estate and ONLY YOU can authorize it. So a good rule of thumb is to NEVER apply for or sign anything to do with the government. If you're already receiving pension, that's probably OK, because once they have sent you some cheques (about 3), you have a RIGHT to expect that to continue, so they can't simply cut you off. The catch here is your bank account. If it's an interest-bearing "public" one, it probably belongs to "The People" and not you (Up here, it's "Her Majesty's" bank account). The best bet is to have a PRIVATE bank account which doesn't require a SSN number, and deposit the government cheques into that...even better, is to cash them and take the cash to a bullion dealer and buy silver coins & use those for trade. The Fed will hate you for it. LMAO Thanks. However I don't know of any private banks that don't require a SS number in my area. (I don't know if they even exist anymore in the U.S.) They are not interest bearing. The checks are automatically deposited and a lot of my bills are paid electronically too, automatically. |
Further to what an individual can do... You should be aware that the thing they want most is your signature or verbal agreement. That's because they want access to your private estate and ONLY YOU can authorize it. So a good rule of thumb is to NEVER apply for or sign anything to do with the government. If you're already receiving pension, that's probably OK, because once they have sent you some cheques (about 3), you have a RIGHT to expect that to continue, so they can't simply cut you off. The catch here is your bank account. If it's an interest-bearing "public" one, it probably belongs to "The People" and not you (Up here, it's "Her Majesty's" bank account). The best bet is to have a PRIVATE bank account which doesn't require a SSN number, and deposit the government cheques into that...even better, is to cash them and take the cash to a bullion dealer and buy silver coins & use those for trade. The Fed will hate you for it. LMAO Thanks. However I don't know of any private banks that don't require a SS number in my area. (I don't know if they even exist anymore in the U.S.) They are not interest bearing. The checks are automatically deposited and a lot of my bills are paid electronically too, automatically. In that case, you might want to consider switching to Bitcoin...a bankless peer-to-peer currency...look into it. A checking account with an SSN attached to it isn't your checking's theirs...That's how they can seize it without so much as a how do you do....Anybody can make deposits to anybody else's account, but only the real owners of an account can make withdrawals. Actually, it is sort of yours...They consider you a child and that they are your "mommy" and have let you open your very own bank account...but everybody knows Mommy really has control of the account and if you aren't really good, Mommy can tell the bank what "stupid" things you are not allowed to do with "your" account, or shut off the tap altogether if you aren't using it "right". As far as your "bills" goes, In Canada, those in the know have noticed that bills are not in their name, but in "Her Majesty's" name for them (their "tax name")...turns out that one can prepay their bill and claw it back from Canada Revenue Agency at tax time if they know what they're doing (pay Her Majesty's Bill for her and get reimbursed)...The "A4V" process that I understand works in the US doesn't seem to work in Canada, but it shouldn't matter if you can get it all back at tax time. They rely on people not actually studying the statutes like the Income Tax Act...Believe it or not, if you understand the legalese, there is a lot of remedy in the statutes if you interpret them correctly (they can be interpreted in "orthodox" and "unorthodox" ways...who's to say which interpetation is "right"?...QUESTION EVERYTHING...and ASK THEM ABOUT EVERYTHING...pretty soon you will catch them stonewalling...That's when you know you're onto something!)...Listening to Creditors in Commerce can sometimes be a help, though I don't take everything they say as gospel (even though their interpretation is pretty much a correct one, it is only one interpretation)...You have to think for yourself if you really want to get anywhere. In Canada, we've noticed that the only real bills we get are always in Her Majesty's "tax Name" (e.g. JOHN Q PUBLIC...when did you ever omit the period from your initial??)...Since the name is hers and not yours, she holds the liability for it. Until now you have BEEN the tax name (thus assuming its liability and owing its debt). What you (probably?) can do is act as the "authorized representative" FOR their name (thus NOT assuming the liability/debt and only "prepaying" it for them). This means at tax time, you should be doing the taxes FOR them and charging for the service of doing their taxes as a paid representative (like you're H&R Block kinda thing). Anyway, most of your "bills" aren't really bills at all, but "statements." To the best of my knowledge you aren't required to pay by statement (it doesn't really ask anything of only uses innuendo to imply that you have a's an ALLEGATION that a debt exists...nowhere will you find a real demand for payment, only the MEANS by which it must be paid.) Think of the language itself...when you make a statement, are you really asking for something? are just giving somebody information, not demanding anything...Where they get you is if you don't respond. There is a maxim in law that says "He who does not deny admits", so when they allege a debt exists, and you don't get back to them to validate the debt and confirm that it's you that owes, they get to "presume" that you owe the debt they are alleging and are trying to skip out of payment...Then they actually do owe them and you'd better pay up or else. I quit paying statements years ago, and "collection agencies are just a joke...they are third parties you definitely have no contract with, so if a collection agent calls, just tell him you pay all legitimate obligations, but you NEVER pay by statement...send a true BILL and you will pay promptly...They NEVER send the bill and quickly stop hounding you. (This can also protect you credit rating if you have a paper trail to show the credit rating agencies, because they will always try to destroy your credit rating with false allegations of include those agencies as part of your ongoing process...even a collection agency won't commit fraud if they know they'll get caught at it. I don't usually recommend this stuff to people because until now, nobody believed me anyway, and a lot of people who tried it didn't know what they were doing and got into trouble (until you know how to refute unstated presumptions, and which ones to refute, you are asking to get "spanked." I usually tell the kids not to try this at home...but since you've asked, I figured "ah...what the hell!" LOL |
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Wed 10/30/13 03:39 PM
Some time ago there used to be private banks but I have not seen any around for a long time. All banks are connected and federally insured etc. and they all require identification, SS numbers etc as per the "Patriot Act" with the excuse that they are trying to monitor money to prevent money being funneled to "terrorists."
Its a bunch of crap propaganda. They simply want a paper trail for all transactions. Here is what really annoyed me this year. The Colorado State Fair forbid the exchange of cash inside the fair grounds and if you wanted to spend money or purchase anything you had to purchase tickets or credits or something. They did this to insure that they can keep track of all transactions and get their tax cut. I can see this sort of thing happening in the near future. The government hates cash transactions and a person can even get arrested for having a large amount of cash on him even if it is his money and even if he can prove where he acquired it. He is a suspect. Suspected of "dealing drugs" or some other unregulated commerce. They simply want their cut (tax) of every transaction. They have made it difficult if not impossible (and expensive) for a person to do day to day business transactions by paying with cash. |
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Wed 10/30/13 04:20 PM
Some time ago there used to be private banks but I have not seen any around for a long time. All banks are connected and federally insured etc. and they all require identification, SS numbers etc as per the "Patriot Act" with the excuse that they are trying to monitor money to prevent money being funneled to "terrorists." Its a bunch of crap propaganda. They simply want a paper trail for all transactions. Here is what really annoyed me this year. The Colorado State Fair forbid the exchange of cash inside the fair grounds and if you wanted to spend money or purchase anything you had to purchase tickets or credits or something. They did this to insure that they can keep track of all transactions and get their tax cut. I can see this sort of thing happening in the near future. The government hates cash transactions and a person can even get arrested for having a large amount of cash on him even if it is his money and even if he can prove where he acquired it. He is a suspect. Suspected of "dealing drugs" or some other unregulated commerce. They simply want their cut (tax) of every transaction. They have made it difficult if not impossible (and expensive) for a person to do day to day business transactions by paying with cash. We all have to protect ourselves...I've been studying law for ages and know what to say when one of the corporate bullies approaches me...In fact I have a "fee schedule" for my "services on file with the country, so they know damn well what I charge for torts committed against me...They leave me totally alone (They don't much care abot ducks to begin with, but just in case somebody wants to turn me into Duck l'orange, one look at my menu style fee schedule tends to spoil their appetite. See, one little "chink" in their "armor" is that I'm NOT a BAR lawyer and can do what lawyers are prevented from doing by their BAR oaths. Another big "chink" is to reverse their process on them. Rather than make a statement of claim that I have to prove in court (which is very often impossible), If I feel wronged, I send a bill for it, and leave it to them to argue & dispute the charges...THEY have to prove THEIR claim of "innocence"...since they usually can't, I wind up with them TACITLY AGREEING that they owe me a pile of money, and if they don't pay, I can just go to a judge and get a court order to pay...and if they don't do it then, I can go back with the sheriffs and start seizing property. A guy in Florida did that last year with the Bank of America...they wouldn't pay, even with the court order, so he went down and started loading up the filing cabinets...As soon as he did that, the manager came running out with a check for the full amount and pleaded with him to unload the stuff. You asked what an individual can do in the face of all this tyranny...The answer is PLENTY...Believe me, once they know you are not a force to be trifled with, they will stop bothering you and give you a WIDE berth! Not for nothing do I belong to The F.R.E.E. Society�! I'm a citizen of planet earth, a resident of planet earth and I'm domiciled on planet earth (it's my domicile of choice)...What that means is that I'm in the universal jurisdiction of natural law (Jus Naturale), so I'm not subject to ANY of the legalese garbage they've written down & called "law"...I'm not even subject to common law...only to the pure, compassionate reason of natural law. If they want to adjudicate in court, I won't attorn to any puny state, provincial, or federal court (I don't have to unless I've committed a bona fide crime of harm...(like the fraud they've foisted on everyone.) Their court MUST attorn to mine if they want to adjudicate at all! Basiclly, I'm in the same jurisdiction as the man in the Pope suit! (but NOT the Pope...that's just a corporation (sole)...his office.) |
Speaking of the Pope. Are you aware that in July the Pope issued an Apostolic Letter that effectively strips away the Immunity of all Judges, Attorneys, Government Officials and all entities established under the Roman Curia? [hint, all corporations are established under the Roman Curia]. The United States is a corporation as we all know and as such was established under Roman Curia. Every last one of them can now be prosecuted. |
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Wed 10/30/13 06:03 PM
Speaking of the Pope. Are you aware that in July the Pope issued an Apostolic Letter that effectively strips away the Immunity of all Judges, Attorneys, Government Officials and all entities established under the Roman Curia? [hint, all corporations are established under the Roman Curia]. The United States is a corporation as we all know and as such was established under Roman Curia. Every last one of them can now be prosecuted. I'm VERY well aware of that...I'm also aware that, in a HIGHLY unusual move, the Jesuit General SPOKE and publicly backed the pope, directing severe criticism also at the US. As you might know, the Jesuits & SMOM have been playing "Satan" for a long time now...I guess everyone's agreed that "judgment Day" is coming up fast. You might want to listen to what this lady has to say.: I like her...She knws the score, and she is a perfect example of what ONE person can accomplish to straighten out the mess we've gotten ourselves into. Just imagine what we could do if WE ALL GOT TOGETHER...We'd be utterly invincible!! ADDENDUM: I should have watched the whole interview before I posted!...Karen's great...unfortunately some of the people interviewing her sometimes leave something to be desired. |