Topic: New to this site, please tell what you think of my profile | |
I want your honest answers. Please don't tell me how ugly I am, I know what I look like.
Hi Poet121,
I don't know where I'd get the idea that you're ugly, since you didn't post a picture. So, your profile needs work. It need a picture. The text is too short and says very little about you. So, you just warned us not to complain about your looks. Did you just take down the photo, moments after asking us to critique your profile? I can tell you now, that even a bad photo is probably better than no photo. From what I could get from your profile, you seem to be the artistic type. So yo need to play that up. Get a photo. If you've got a cellphone with a camera on it, point that camera at yourself, smile and take the picture. Hopefully, facing the light source, so you're not all shadowy. Wear a nice shirt. Better yet, get a friend to snap a picture of you doing something you like to do. If you're just going to look glum, lose that picture and get one of yourself smiling, or at least amused. Next, fix up the blurb. Use that space to tell the ladies what you're like, and describe what kind of woman you seek. Maybe say what the ladies could expect from a relationship with you. Lots of partying? Thoughtful afternoons by a window with a PC in your lap? Use as much or as little space as you feel you need, but make it fun to read. If you're really a poet, like your username suggests, then put a poem, there. Some ladies dig that, and if that's what you're about, then it'll probably be good. Lastly, saying you're unemployed, even if true, is not a good thing to put in your profile. It implies that you're happy to be unemployed, and most ladies I know don't fancy the idea of hooking up with a guy who's just going to spend all day sitting around. What you would be doing if you hadn't got fired, laid off or quit your last job, would be a better profession than saying "unemployed." Maybe you could just say "Poet" or "Artist" which may imply irregular schedules and streams of income, and sound much better than "unemployed." Just my opinion, there. If it works for you, then ignore me. If I had to rate your profile, I'd have to take away points for not having much to look at, and what's there is mostly not interesting. I'd rate it 3/10. Good luck! |
How could I judge whether I find you physically attractive, if you have no pic of you? I know I don't have any of me either, but putting new one's up soon. Camera problems