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Topic: love is rare
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Thu 10/10/13 02:40 AM

I think real love is rare...just like some people.flowerforyou


But that is does exist.

Add my opinion to yours!!

I also think real,genuine love is rare...

Morning ((((newbie)))flowerforyou

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Thu 10/10/13 02:50 AM
This thread has definitely been eye opening
For meohwell
Heartbreaking actually.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 10/10/13 03:21 AM
Easy to say? In my experience it isn't said that easily at all. Most ppl fear saying it, esp when you're not sure the feeling is mutual. Many feel awkward about saying "I love you".
Apart from the love relationship, how often do parents tell their kids they love them? I don't think I ever heard that happen.
I regularly told my kids I loved them, if the occasion called for it, not willy nilly. I thought it was ridiculous to not say it to the ppl you love unconditionally in this world: your kids!

My son regularly told me he loved me or missed me (i.e. when he was on holidays with his dad). Always moved me that a then 15 yr old boy would tell his mum over the phone that he loved her, even though his mates were right next to him.
The other day he'd been here with his girl, went to his car to go home, suddenly he turned around and shouted from the driveway "I love you, mum!"
He's 22 now, and no, he's not a wuss, far from it. The fact he feels free to say how he feels, even with his mates or girl there, tells me I raised myself some fine kids :) :)

At least he knows what love feels like, dares to say those words (many don't), meaning he can and will say them to his partner too.

We tend to focus on a partner with this, but partners may come and go. Kids are forever, as is the love between parent and children.

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 10/10/13 04:18 AM
I tell my son and the rest of my family I love them every time they come or go from my surroundings. You never know what could happen before the next time you see someone close to you. I personally don't want to have guilt or regret on my conscience if I don't get to see them again.

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 10/10/13 12:30 PM

This thread has definitely been eye opening
For meohwell
Heartbreaking actually.

Nothing you didn't already know.

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Thu 10/10/13 09:59 PM

This thread has definitely been eye opening
For meohwell
Heartbreaking actually.

Nothing you didn't already know.

True DAT.flowers

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Fri 10/11/13 07:00 AM
I wonder if you mean the kind of relationship that your grandparents have? That old-fashioned romance. The type that never wanes.

misswright's photo
Fri 10/11/13 07:32 AM

Why is love so difficult to find,but easy to say?!

I don't think love is difficult to find. Look in any mirror. It's inside you. It's a gift you have that you give to others. It's not something you can go out and search for. It's not rare. It's everywhere. You see it everyday, even if you don't recognize it for what it is. That old couple walking hand in hand down the street...that's love. The mom pushing her child on the swing at the park...love. That guy you see outside working in the heat all day, wiping the sweat from his brow...that's love, the love he has for his family that propels him to get up and go to work that day. Love is shown in so many ways, little ways that we don't always see.

I'm guessing it's easy to say because there are so many kinds of love and we like to express how we feel regardless of the emotion. I tell lots of people I love them...my family, my man, my friends...and I mean it whole heartedly to each although I obviously don't love them all in the same way. Love is too complex and vast to think it's just a word or that it has just one face. I see love everywhere because I focus on loving myself and loving others and I recognize it for the treasure it is. :heart:

no photo
Fri 10/11/13 07:46 AM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Fri 10/11/13 08:38 AM

This thread has definitely been eye opening
For meohwell
Heartbreaking actually.

Nothing you didn't already know.

True DAT.flowers

I value our friendship,((((Duane))))..showing Love is just the way I roll.It does not mean you have to return the feelings~or even believe in themflowers....Any of you, as far, as that goes. flowerforyou
although,One day I hope someone special comes into your life,and you can feel Love.flowerforyou flowers {{{{{warm hugs}}}}
I am really blessed to have your friendship, as well as many others here.flowerforyou I know this is going to hurt..but I got to do it...
I Love youuuuuuussssss.smokin

smokin :heart: smooched love flowers Always.

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Mon 10/28/13 06:48 AM
Maybe some people just don't know how to show love. Like maybe they never learned. Some people (myself included) are just really ****ed up....

no photo
Mon 10/28/13 06:49 AM

This thread has definitely been eye opening
For meohwell
Heartbreaking actually.

Nothing you didn't already know.

True DAT.flowers

I value our friendship,((((Duane))))..showing Love is just the way I roll.It does not mean you have to return the feelings~or even believe in themflowers....Any of you, as far, as that goes. flowerforyou
although,One day I hope someone special comes into your life,and you can feel Love.flowerforyou flowers {{{{{warm hugs}}}}
I am really blessed to have your friendship, as well as many others here.flowerforyou I know this is going to hurt..but I got to do it...
I Love youuuuuuussssss.smokin

smokin :heart: smooched love flowers Always.

I love you, too, (((Sherrie))) you've been very kind to me. I appreciate it.:heart: :heart: :heart:

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