Topic: Bush declared war on Iran
Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:27 AM
Knox..I guess we should not be concerned at all when Saddam takes over Kuwait or Saudi Arabia and wants to control 75% of the oil in the world...certainly its not a threat at all to us.

As for Bosnia , Fanta..Nato would not have engaged in this "peace mission" if the US did not commit, Clinton gave Bosnia the ultimatum "through" nato...Nato forces were not was UN forces and the safe zones established by the UN that were attacked when Clinton started the "nato Bombing".

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:31 AM
So I guess since it is a Coalition War against Iraq, all we have to do is say it is a peace keeping mission to stop ethnic cleansing of Sunni's, ****es and Kurds and all will be justified by you twolaugh laugh laugh drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker Man are getting me drunklaugh laugh drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:32 AM
I knew that would work!!!drinker drinker drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:39 AM
oops got to go!drinker drinker
See ya later bro!!!drinker

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sun 09/02/07 12:11 PM
Me too bud..see ya later drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker laugh

no photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:12 PM
Don't go, guys...I'm back!

Hey, Searchin,

Just one question,sir:

You talked about being concerned about Saddam taking over Kuwait or Saudi Arabia and controlling 75% of the world's oil.

Fair enough.

So, you're FINALLY admitting that this "Iraq War" is indeed, a war for oil?

That's cool that you feel that way, and there's nothing wrong with admitting it.

Try not to get too drunk, you twodrinker . On the other hand, it'll be interesting to see some drunken postslaugh !

adj4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:21 PM
whether it is over oil or not is not the point

of justification or not

if a convict is on parole

they must meet certain conditions

iraq was on parole and one of the terms of it was

unobstructed seaches

he broke that condition

thus this quagmire of stuff going on now

simple fact

no photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:28 PM
"Whether it is over oil or not is not the point"


Let's make our minds up here, folks.

Neocons scream bloody murder about how this war's not over oil.

However, when faced with irrefutable evidence it IS, They suddenly clain that our reasons for being over there doesn't matter.

Just proves my point that Bushco. has yet to give the American people a straight, honest answer as to why we're over there.

Oh, and adj4u, I'm not calling you a neocon. I know you're not. But your post was reminder of how neocons have been acting towards this war.

adj4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:35 PM
i dont no knox

you quote me

call names

then say yer not talking about me

that sounds kind of

beating around the BUSH to me

bigsmile bigsmile

no photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:48 PM
Beating around the Bushlaugh

Good One, Sir.

No, I wasn't referring to you as a neocon. Like I said, I've read enough of your posts to know you're not. Sorry if I insulted you. It was not intentionaldrinker .

gardenforge's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:04 PM
well Knox you know my plan but I still haven't heard anything out of you about what your plan is if in fact you have one. I hear the same old leftwing rant "Bush lied" but I see no plan.

no photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:09 PM
And I see no plan from you, Forge, except "blow everyone but us up".

no photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:10 PM
And Bushco. DID lie. It's not my job to get us out of this mess!

no photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:18 PM
we talking about iraq in a thread about iran?

here's a plan gardenforge. the administration has already been discussing dismantling portions of the iraqi security foces due to corruption and a failure to put national issues in front of their sectarian issues. they plan on more stringent background checks and training. after this is completed they should withdrawal a portion of the active troop base to nearby areas and placed on standby. the reamaining troops will only deal with terrorist operations only. the rest is up to the iraqi governemnt,iraqi secuity forces, police forces and iraqi citizens to restore some national pride and fight for their right to live free and in peace.
we should also turn over the rebuilding process to the iraqi's so that they have a sense of involvement in their new beginning.
hiring iraqi companies to do the work will give them the sense that they are in control of their future and improve the economy. just a start.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:27 PM
Ah I love the way you artfully dodged the question and it is as I surmised you have no plan well as the saying goes if you don't have a solution you are part of the problem. Lets all sit in a circle and sing Kumbya and wait to get hit again.

Actually the left wingers in this country want things to get worse, much worse that way they can implement a socialist dictatorship that will fix everything for us. OMG I think I just started a new conspriacy theroy laugh

no photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:33 PM

Your first paragraph. No one's heard a reasonable plan out of you. you still think we should nuke everyone but us, huh? Oh, THAT'LL go over greatnoway .

Your second paragraph. You're half right. You think Republicans don't want a dictatorship? 7 years of Bushco. has gotten us closer to a dictatorship than America's ever been. We're under attack by BOTH sides here, my friend. Don't let Democrats OR Republicans fool you. At the end of the day, the power brokers on BOTH sides all want the same thing.

adj4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:33 PM
even if bush was wrong about the wmd

it is still irrelevant

iraq agreed to inspections

and then di not honor the agreement

simple truth

and no other country had the guts to enforce their own rules

cause they were sceered of the terror threat

i am not a bush fan

but kerry come on

we need to oust both political parties

and get some independants and third party people running this country

people people kick out the politicians and their corrupt power
grabbing parties out

adj4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:36 PM
oh and by the way

it is everyones job to run this country proberly

ain't my job is a cop out line

is it yer job to moan and complain

without an idea to change what yer complaining about

Fanta46's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:48 PM
It did not have anything to do with guts!

No one did anything because the Iraq Military and Saddam were too ineffective to threaten their neighbors or anyone else!

The French and others wouldnt join the coalition, because their intelligence knew Bush and Cheney had fabricated the WMD intelligence!
What did Bush do, he attacked them with slander just like he did soo many others, Americans included!

Even the US military commanders advised Bush that invadeing was unneccessary, because Saddam was ineffective!

What happened there, he got rid of the ones who disagreed publicly and replaced them with yes men, more concerned with climbing the ranks than about their men.

Look at the the ambassadors wife, Valerie Plame! when her husband tried to speak the truth!

Why do you think Colin Powell resigned? Bush wouldnt take his expert and wise advice, so why stay!

Like Knox says look at yalls stories and excuses! Oh how many times will they change while Americans die in this illegal war!!

adj4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:59 PM
point being they did not live up to the

agreement of the stopping of aggregation

of the first time around

i am not saying i think we should be there

but they did fail in there obligation

to inspections

why hide what you do not have to begin with

and who is to say he would have used the milatry to deliver

any wmd he was hiding that he dint have

it seems that everyone is forgeting the type of person

sadaam was killing his own countries people by

dusting their village with noxious gas

who is to say he would not have delivered something in a

diplomatic package somewhere that would case havic and murder

short memories the american people have

but you can believe the arab people have long vengeful memories

that is why the area is in so much turmoil