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Topic: question for the ladies
sparkyae5's photo
Thu 09/12/13 01:06 PM
have you met a man that had the qualities your were looking for ,but there was no attraction?

no photo
Thu 09/12/13 01:19 PM
On my part or his? Because if he has the qualities I'm looking for, I'd be attracted to him....

no photo
Thu 09/12/13 01:24 PM

they go oreo*filling*oreo..and Milklove

no photo
Thu 09/12/13 01:57 PM
if he has all da qualities he should qualify 2 win yo heart

Pinkhippy13's photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:01 PM
Even if he has the qualities you seek, if there's no physical attraction it won't work, unless you settle for that over everything else!

You should be able to have the "whole kit and kaboodle"!! just might take a little longer to find, but hey surely it's worth the wait?

sparkyae5's photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:06 PM
attraction is not a has nothing so much to do with the outside of the person.....we are looking for a image......

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:07 PM
I've encountered men with tons of wonderful qualities that I appreciate in a partner AND were devilishly handsome to boot...but still no spark. flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:16 PM

have you met a man that had the qualities your were looking for ,but there was no attraction?

Yes, I have and sometimes it really sucks...Especially if they are sexually attracted to you...sad2

no photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:22 PM

have you met a man that had the qualities your were looking for ,but there was no attraction?

Yes, I have and sometimes it really sucks...Especially if they are sexually attracted to you...sad2

no photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:48 PM

have you met a man that had the qualities your were looking for ,but there was no attraction?

Yes, I have and sometimes it really sucks...Especially if they are sexually attracted to you...sad2

There was life before ManOwhoa

no photo
Thu 09/12/13 03:02 PM

have you met a man that had the qualities your were looking for ,but there was no attraction?

Yes, I have and sometimes it really sucks...Especially if they are sexually attracted to you...sad2

There was life before ManOwhoa

sparkyae5's photo
Thu 09/12/13 03:05 PM
leigh2154,,,,that happened to me also,,,,,,, except it was a woman in my was a bummer......huh

sparkyae5's photo
Thu 09/12/13 04:40 PM
to paintcards01....really........"we see what we want" time will tell..............

no photo
Thu 09/12/13 05:10 PM
Yes, but no real "Chemistry".

pkh's photo
Thu 09/12/13 08:56 PM
Yes I have and I ended up falling in love with him and we lived together 3 years

no photo
Thu 09/12/13 11:57 PM

have you met a man that had the qualities your were looking for ,but there was no attraction?

Oh yes.....
One,had aaaaaallll the spark,the connection and eerything,BUT,no connection in the sack!!
Second-had all I'd want,but no attraction-at all!!!

Too weird to explain,yet real!!

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 09/13/13 12:04 AM

if he has all da qualities he should qualify 2 win yo heart

I'm for this....:heart:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 09/13/13 02:18 AM
Yeah, been there too. But it does mean not ALL the qualities you want/need are there. Really great guy, nuts about me, rather good looking, tall, sweet and so on. Basically the ideal man. But no spark. Well, he felt a spark. I didn't.

pearl1987's photo
Fri 09/13/13 09:27 AM
does he even exist? :P

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 09/13/13 09:36 AM

does he even exist? :P

Probably not, but a girl can dream right? tongue2

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