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Topic: Why do Men hurt our feelings?
Mon 08/27/07 04:43 PM
I am really saddened by the fact of how many men continue to hurt womens feelings. We do and do for them, and what do we get in return.???????????????? Being a single woman, you can't be too careful these days. So, when you start talking to a guy and he seems nice, you want to get to know him a little better right.???????????? You both seem to have a lot in common, maybe a little chemistry on line. Then you find out he's just like the rest. Telling you he's the only one for you and your his angel and crap like that. PLEASE. STOP THE MADNESS. Is it so hard for a man to just be honest??????????????? Is it that difficult?????????????????? One of my dear friends on this site was involved in a situation that really pissed me off. I just had to write about it. Guess I needed to vent. So, all of you out there this evening, how do you feel about being honest? how do you feel when you get your feelings hurt? I know, men get there feelings hurt tooo, not just us women, so let's talk about it. I'd like to know how people really feel. Thanks for reading.grumble grumble drinker

Katertots37's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:46 PM
I agree..i've been hurt way too many times and alot of them don't care how we feel

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:47 PM
I've never had that problem, I've always been a woman's "big brother" until she finds another man. Its like getting used then tossed away until she comes back. :cry:

needagoodlaugh's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:47 PM
A little bit of honesty would be nice. The game playing is so childish. SIGH. Hang in there folks. flowerforyou

coco56's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:47 PM

AllSmilesInTulsa's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:49 PM
I hate to hear ALL men categorized as I know there are some truely nice men on here. Unfortunately it is the bad apples that spoil it for them. Try to remember men and women are genetically predisposed to two different ways of thinking. We are very emotional creatures and what we see as hurtful, they may not. And believe it or not,,, there are times we seem less than rational to them!!

Smiles2b4U's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:51 PM
SexyB, Dont I know it...I was involved with a guy for several months, he tells me he is falling in love with me, i am the true, real, forever kind, then within one week of this, he stands me up, stops calling or calls like nothing ever happened or some lame excuse, then he sees me and it back to i am the only one and he is madly in love, then out of sight out of mind...I can deal with some honesty myself. Its easier to deal with the facts and not the fantasymad

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:53 PM

I know. It sucks. I've had my fair share of jerks from online too.

Boo on them! :angry:

Hang in there.

*hugs* to you! flowerforyou

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:58 PM
Atleast Bay has a weed whacker to take then out with laugh

im2fun's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:01 PM
one thing I am learning about this site is that people stick together and if one gets hurt watch out, there may be hell to pay. I do not understand what the problem is with just being honest. If you do not like someone and the feelings are not there be honest about it and not make like she/he is your all in all when in reality you know better. Then lead them on to only drop them later.......what is the deal, I would truly like to know, anyone can chime in PLEASE!

CATBW56's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:02 PM
Hooray for weed wackers laugh laugh

CATBW56's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:03 PM
I know few players, users and losers I could use that wacker onlaugh laugh

Johncenawlife316's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:05 PM
I have no reason not to be honest unless the other is being unhonest.

I am who I am and I don't act like somebody else when or if I where to meet somebody from online off line that is.

I'm the real deal.

And yeah it does suck that there are more bad men out there killing off the good men that are nice and everything else women so called want but then turn around and all they want is somebody in jail or has been in jail or whatever else it maybe.

Sorry but I'm that nice guy and shy person, who doesn't ask women out any more because some women lie way to much or can't be honest enough to say they don't like me etc.

See there is to much mind games being played here and not enough truth.

I would ask any women out but some how I think in my mind all they would and can say is no or make some story up, why not just be honest with me instead of messing about with my feelings.

See woman do it too, they like to mess with men's feelings and whatever else.

needagoodlaugh's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:07 PM
Nobody's denying that both sides play the games. It is silly and hurtful. We're grown-ups, right?

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:14 PM
it's a people thing not a man woman thing. people in general don't care about each others feelings. if you find one that is sincere it will be different.

TheShadow's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:19 PM
Being honest is alway kept me free and smiling. I don't know who some people live with themselves when there dishonest.

I aways been a people watcher. I can read people with in a certen amount of time and if your not honest with me, it will show... I think being on the net, we tend to get caught up in experiencing something new that we forget to step back and take a look. it' the feeling of being a teen again. it's a nice feeling but at the same time it can block what is really going on at times. I can't count how many times I did see something wrong and didn't pay attention to it because I wanted what i wanted no matter what. There always going to be dishonest people out there. It's just learning how to take time to get to know someone and knowing if your on the net. don't just jump at the first chance you get to meet someone.

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:19 PM
i don't know about anyone here but i kinda question when someone tells me they love me after one week.

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:20 PM
that was perfect shadow

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:21 PM

Yea, what Shadow said. flowerforyou

Of course, he found his woman.... grumble

laugh flowerforyou

TheShadow's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:24 PM
One week, King? lol what kinda women are you running into. I know :smile: Hell, Id be afraid if someone told me that after a week.

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