Topic: Study: Welfare pays more than work in most states
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 08/21/13 12:20 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 08/21/13 12:32 PM

Those on welfare quivel over their peanuts while others pay their way....

Liberal bliss!

Very precisely and eloquently put.

Liberals believe only the check is what tax payers pay for.

Tax payers are who make this country run.

Those beholden to the tax payer need show more respect.

give me the list of the individuals who have to pay tax,, and I will show them respect

its not a given that every working person is paying it,,,nor does it matter when it comes to keeping the country running

its the investment we make,, just like we make in education, or national defense

rofl boy are you delusional!

Many if not most will draw far more from welfare in benefits than they EVER pay into it! Then they will expect SS and Medicaid or a free ride on the ACA train on top of it!

Don't be so naive!

For most it's not a decision or choice they made, and the majority will probably never use or be entitled to, but rather a gov't mandate that steals the fruits of their labors in a nanny state supporting a majority who choose not to better themselves when freebies are so readily available

Most sane people would call it with an addict!

If the gov't would mandate those able bodied persons receiving benefits start working on repairing the infrastructure of our roads and bridges to receive benefits, we could kill to important birds with one stone!

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 12:26 PM

Those on welfare quivel over their peanuts while others pay their way....

Liberal bliss!

Very precisely and eloquently put.

Liberals believe only the check is what tax payers pay for.

Tax payers are who make this country run.

Those beholden to the tax payer need show more respect.

give me the list of the individuals who have to pay tax,, and I will show them respect

its not a given that every working person is paying it,,,nor does it matter when it comes to keeping the country running

its the investment we make,, just like we make in education, or national defense

rofl boy are you delusional!

Many if not most will draw far more from welfare in benefits than they EVER pay into it! Then they will expect SS and Medicaid or a free ride on the ACA train on top of it!

Don't be so naive!

For most it's not a decision or choice they made, and the majority will probably never use or be entitled to, but rather a gov't mandate that steals the fruits of their labors in a nanny state supporting a majority who choose not to better themselves when freebies are so readily available

Most sane people would call it with an addict!

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 12:26 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 08/21/13 12:34 PM

Those on welfare quivel over their peanuts while others pay their way....

Liberal bliss!

Very precisely and eloquently put.

Liberals believe only the check is what tax payers pay for.

Tax payers are who make this country run.

Those beholden to the tax payer need show more respect.

give me the list of the individuals who have to pay tax,, and I will show them respect

its not a given that every working person is paying it,,,nor does it matter when it comes to keeping the country running

its the investment we make,, just like we make in education, or national defense

rofl boy are you delusional!

Many if not most will draw far more from welfare in benefits than they EVER pay into it! Then they will expect SS and Medicaid or a free ride on the ACA train on top of it!

Don't be so naive!

For most it's not a decision or choice they made, and the majority will probably never use or be entitled to, but rather a gov't mandate that steals the fruits of their labors in a nanny state supporting a majority who choose not to better themselves when freebies are so readily available

Most sane people would call it with an addict!

so, perhaps people should be able to EARN more ,,,,

but its still an investment like any other we make to be able to have the freedoms and luxuries we have

the whole 'entitlement' crap is just more blame gaming to avoid real issues

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

stop believing that being on assistance is the equivalent of 'being lazy',, or feeling 'entitled',,,,,,

people invest in the country and the country includes those who either cant help themselves or are struggling in their attempt to help themselves,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 08/21/13 12:39 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 08/21/13 12:47 PM

Those on welfare quivel over their peanuts while others pay their way....

Liberal bliss!

Very precisely and eloquently put.

Liberals believe only the check is what tax payers pay for.

Tax payers are who make this country run.

Those beholden to the tax payer need show more respect.

give me the list of the individuals who have to pay tax,, and I will show them respect

its not a given that every working person is paying it,,,nor does it matter when it comes to keeping the country running

its the investment we make,, just like we make in education, or national defense

rofl boy are you delusional!

Many if not most will draw far more from welfare in benefits than they EVER pay into it! Then they will expect SS and Medicaid or a free ride on the ACA train on top of it!

Don't be so naive!

For most it's not a decision or choice they made, and the majority will probably never use or be entitled to, but rather a gov't mandate that steals the fruits of their labors in a nanny state supporting a majority who choose not to better themselves when freebies are so readily available

Most sane people would call it with an addict!

so, perhaps people should be able to EARN more ,,,,

but its still an investment like any other we make to be able to have the freedoms and luxuries we have

the whole 'entitlement' crap is just more blame gaming to avoid real issues

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

stop believing that being on assistance is the equivalent of 'being lazy',, or feeling 'entitled',,,,,,

people invest in the country and the country includes those who either cant help themselves or are struggling in their attempt to help themselves,,,

So we're only wasting about $90Billion on freeloaders?

I know many who enjoy "disabled" status who are far healthier than I, but I have to support them while doing my cancer treatments, running my business, and paying a 43% tax with a 37% overhead to support them......

And that's fair to you? slaphead

I'll be lucky if there is any SS by the time I retire....and I'm 63!

If it wasn't for my VA medical I would give up and take welfare while my disability is pending..... but I'm far too proud and thoughtful of others to be part of the problem instead of the solution!

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:05 PM

Those on welfare quivel over their peanuts while others pay their way....

Liberal bliss!

Very precisely and eloquently put.

Liberals believe only the check is what tax payers pay for.

Tax payers are who make this country run.

Those beholden to the tax payer need show more respect.

give me the list of the individuals who have to pay tax,, and I will show them respect

its not a given that every working person is paying it,,,nor does it matter when it comes to keeping the country running

its the investment we make,, just like we make in education, or national defense

rofl boy are you delusional!

Many if not most will draw far more from welfare in benefits than they EVER pay into it! Then they will expect SS and Medicaid or a free ride on the ACA train on top of it!

Don't be so naive!

For most it's not a decision or choice they made, and the majority will probably never use or be entitled to, but rather a gov't mandate that steals the fruits of their labors in a nanny state supporting a majority who choose not to better themselves when freebies are so readily available

Most sane people would call it with an addict!

so, perhaps people should be able to EARN more ,,,,

but its still an investment like any other we make to be able to have the freedoms and luxuries we have

the whole 'entitlement' crap is just more blame gaming to avoid real issues

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

stop believing that being on assistance is the equivalent of 'being lazy',, or feeling 'entitled',,,,,,

people invest in the country and the country includes those who either cant help themselves or are struggling in their attempt to help themselves,,,

So we're only wasting about $90Billion on freeloaders?

I know many who enjoy "disabled" status who are far healthier than I, but I have to support them while doing my cancer treatments, running my business, and paying a 43% tax with a 37% overhead to support them......

And that's fair to you? slaphead

I'll be lucky if there is any SS by the time I retire....and I'm 63!

If it wasn't for my VA medical I would give up and take welfare while my disability is pending..... but I'm far too proud and thoughtful of others to be part of the problem instead of the solution!

so, do you figure, because the system qualified others for disability instead of you,, that the whole population in need is at fault and should receive no help?

willing2's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:16 PM
I'm believing the system needs reformed.

Again, psychological, economic testing and mandatory BC for chronic welfare recipients.

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:19 PM
yeah, for those few 'chronic' recipients who re on for more than 2 yers (which most aren't)

TBRich's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:22 PM
I have limited experience with the nuts and bolts of this, but did work with accessing set-asides for clients and I think they could do a better job in their formula in dividing what is in the pot and the needs of the people. I was only aware SSA and SSDI were entitlements. BTW, I did teach Welfare-to-Work classes and have had graduates go on to get their MSWs, etc. I also (at one job) had an average of 52% of the clients competitively employed which reduced their SSI pay outs, however budget cuts kicked me out of that job and recent inexperienced grads get all the jobs now because they accept lower pay

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:23 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 08/21/13 01:24 PM

Those on welfare quivel over their peanuts while others pay their way....

Liberal bliss!

Very precisely and eloquently put.

Liberals believe only the check is what tax payers pay for.

Tax payers are who make this country run.

Those beholden to the tax payer need show more respect.

give me the list of the individuals who have to pay tax,, and I will show them respect

its not a given that every working person is paying it,,,nor does it matter when it comes to keeping the country running

its the investment we make,, just like we make in education, or national defense

rofl boy are you delusional!

Many if not most will draw far more from welfare in benefits than they EVER pay into it! Then they will expect SS and Medicaid or a free ride on the ACA train on top of it!

Don't be so naive!

For most it's not a decision or choice they made, and the majority will probably never use or be entitled to, but rather a gov't mandate that steals the fruits of their labors in a nanny state supporting a majority who choose not to better themselves when freebies are so readily available

Most sane people would call it with an addict!

so, perhaps people should be able to EARN more ,,,,

but its still an investment like any other we make to be able to have the freedoms and luxuries we have

the whole 'entitlement' crap is just more blame gaming to avoid real issues

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

stop believing that being on assistance is the equivalent of 'being lazy',, or feeling 'entitled',,,,,,

people invest in the country and the country includes those who either cant help themselves or are struggling in their attempt to help themselves,,,

So we're only wasting about $90Billion on freeloaders?

I know many who enjoy "disabled" status who are far healthier than I, but I have to support them while doing my cancer treatments, running my business, and paying a 43% tax with a 37% overhead to support them......

And that's fair to you? slaphead

I'll be lucky if there is any SS by the time I retire....and I'm 63!

If it wasn't for my VA medical I would give up and take welfare while my disability is pending..... but I'm far too proud and thoughtful of others to be part of the problem instead of the solution!

so, do you figure, because the system qualified others for disability instead of you,, that the whole population in need is at fault and should receive no help?

Leave it to you to misconstrue with liberal logic laugh

What I said was basicly this....

It was not that long ago that we had no welfare, medicaid, medicare, food stamps, or anything else, the people and organizations filled those gaps out of kindness and regard for human suffering. As a nation, we were the most profitable, sought after, envied and proud nation on earth!

Then gov't got involved!

And here we are today! Bankrupt, spied on, hated, criminalized by regulation, jobless, homeless, corrupt leaders, propaganda and lies instead of journalism.... the fourth echelon... who is supposed to bear truth to power in gov't, now restrained, scripted and persecuted if they try!

It doen't take a brain trust or a think tank to figure out why!

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:32 PM

Those on welfare quivel over their peanuts while others pay their way....

Liberal bliss!

Very precisely and eloquently put.

Liberals believe only the check is what tax payers pay for.

Tax payers are who make this country run.

Those beholden to the tax payer need show more respect.

give me the list of the individuals who have to pay tax,, and I will show them respect

its not a given that every working person is paying it,,,nor does it matter when it comes to keeping the country running

its the investment we make,, just like we make in education, or national defense

rofl boy are you delusional!

Many if not most will draw far more from welfare in benefits than they EVER pay into it! Then they will expect SS and Medicaid or a free ride on the ACA train on top of it!

Don't be so naive!

For most it's not a decision or choice they made, and the majority will probably never use or be entitled to, but rather a gov't mandate that steals the fruits of their labors in a nanny state supporting a majority who choose not to better themselves when freebies are so readily available

Most sane people would call it with an addict!

so, perhaps people should be able to EARN more ,,,,

but its still an investment like any other we make to be able to have the freedoms and luxuries we have

the whole 'entitlement' crap is just more blame gaming to avoid real issues

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

stop believing that being on assistance is the equivalent of 'being lazy',, or feeling 'entitled',,,,,,

people invest in the country and the country includes those who either cant help themselves or are struggling in their attempt to help themselves,,,

So we're only wasting about $90Billion on freeloaders?

I know many who enjoy "disabled" status who are far healthier than I, but I have to support them while doing my cancer treatments, running my business, and paying a 43% tax with a 37% overhead to support them......

And that's fair to you? slaphead

I'll be lucky if there is any SS by the time I retire....and I'm 63!

If it wasn't for my VA medical I would give up and take welfare while my disability is pending..... but I'm far too proud and thoughtful of others to be part of the problem instead of the solution!

so, do you figure, because the system qualified others for disability instead of you,, that the whole population in need is at fault and should receive no help?

Leave it to you to misconstrue with liberal logic laugh

What I said was basicly this....

It was not that long ago that we had no welfare, medicaid, medicare, food stamps, or anything else, the people and organizations filled those gaps out of kindness and regard for human suffering. As a nation, we were the most profitable, sought after, envied and proud nation on earth!

Then gov't got involved!

And here we are today! Bankrupt, spied on, hated, criminalized by regulation, jobless, homeless, corrupt leaders, propaganda and lies instead of journalism.... the fourth echelon... who is supposed to bear truth to power in gov't, now restrained, scripted and persecuted if they try!

It doen't take a brain trust or a think tank to figure out why!

it was not long ago we had job stability, about 2/3 the population, stay at home moms where fathers earned enough to support families,, and a host of other factors too

but those times dissolved and with them the needs of people increased,,,,

willing2's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:43 PM
The false claim or two years of welfare is a truck load if crap.

Welfare can start at the time a Dr says the broad is knocked up until an adult is still in school til age 26

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:45 PM

The false claim or two years of welfare is a truck load if crap.

Welfare can start at the time a Dr says the broad is knocked up until an adult is still in school til age 26

I don't know where you get your information

since welfare reform under Clinton there is , in most places , a LIFETIME cap of 5 years,,, period.

most are on it for under 2

willing2's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:52 PM
Medicaid, food stamps, HUD, all tax payer funded.

Cradle to grave.

Where you get your info?laugh

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 01:59 PM

Medicaid, food stamps, HUD, all tax payer funded.

Cradle to grave.

Where you get your info?laugh

oh,, your whinging about medical care for children ,,

I have no idea about HUD, I have never lived in housing and don't know the numbers on welfare who do,,,,

willing2's photo
Wed 08/21/13 02:04 PM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 08/21/13 02:05 PM
Whinging? laugh laugh
No. Whining, no also.
Kids born to chronic welfare recipients are avoidable.

The cut-off age is 26. Kinda old for a kid to be living with his mama. laugh

Projects, HUD, same same.

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 02:06 PM

Whinging? laugh laugh
No. Whining, no also.
Kids born to chronic welfare recipients are avoidable.

The cut-off age is 26. Kinda old for a kid to be living with his mama. laugh

Projects, HUD, same same.

the cut off age for WHAT is 26?

willing2's photo
Wed 08/21/13 02:08 PM
Look it up.
It's part of oBummercare.

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 02:08 PM

Look it up.
It's part of oBummercare.

Ill take that as no answer,,lol

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/21/13 02:15 PM

The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer coverage to children on their parents’ plan to make the coverage available until the adult child reaches the age of 26. The issued regulations state that young adults are eligible for this coverage regardless of any, or a combination of any, of the following factors: financial dependency, residency with parent, student status, employment and marital status. This applies to all plans in the individual market and to employer plans created after the date of enactment (March 23, 2010).

applies to plans in the INDIVIDUAL market,, not to medicare,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 08/21/13 03:23 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 08/21/13 03:35 PM

Those on welfare quivel over their peanuts while others pay their way....

Liberal bliss!

Very precisely and eloquently put.

Liberals believe only the check is what tax payers pay for.

Tax payers are who make this country run.

Those beholden to the tax payer need show more respect.

give me the list of the individuals who have to pay tax,, and I will show them respect

its not a given that every working person is paying it,,,nor does it matter when it comes to keeping the country running

its the investment we make,, just like we make in education, or national defense

rofl boy are you delusional!

Many if not most will draw far more from welfare in benefits than they EVER pay into it! Then they will expect SS and Medicaid or a free ride on the ACA train on top of it!

Don't be so naive!

For most it's not a decision or choice they made, and the majority will probably never use or be entitled to, but rather a gov't mandate that steals the fruits of their labors in a nanny state supporting a majority who choose not to better themselves when freebies are so readily available

Most sane people would call it with an addict!

so, perhaps people should be able to EARN more ,,,,

but its still an investment like any other we make to be able to have the freedoms and luxuries we have

the whole 'entitlement' crap is just more blame gaming to avoid real issues

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

stop believing that being on assistance is the equivalent of 'being lazy',, or feeling 'entitled',,,,,,

people invest in the country and the country includes those who either cant help themselves or are struggling in their attempt to help themselves,,,

So we're only wasting about $90Billion on freeloaders?

I know many who enjoy "disabled" status who are far healthier than I, but I have to support them while doing my cancer treatments, running my business, and paying a 43% tax with a 37% overhead to support them......

And that's fair to you? slaphead

I'll be lucky if there is any SS by the time I retire....and I'm 63!

If it wasn't for my VA medical I would give up and take welfare while my disability is pending..... but I'm far too proud and thoughtful of others to be part of the problem instead of the solution!

so, do you figure, because the system qualified others for disability instead of you,, that the whole population in need is at fault and should receive no help?

Leave it to you to misconstrue with liberal logic laugh

What I said was basicly this....

It was not that long ago that we had no welfare, medicaid, medicare, food stamps, or anything else, the people and organizations filled those gaps out of kindness and regard for human suffering. As a nation, we were the most profitable, sought after, envied and proud nation on earth!

Then gov't got involved!

And here we are today! Bankrupt, spied on, hated, criminalized by regulation, jobless, homeless, corrupt leaders, propaganda and lies instead of journalism.... the fourth echelon... who is supposed to bear truth to power in gov't, now restrained, scripted and persecuted if they try!

It doen't take a brain trust or a think tank to figure out why!

it was not long ago we had job stability, about 2/3 the population, stay at home moms where fathers earned enough to support families,, and a host of other factors too

but those times dissolved and with them the needs of people increased,,,,

Yep, the FDR "New Deal" where the bankers took over and gave us the "better way" we have today!

Nixon put the icing on the cake with the "Petro Dollar" and took us off the gold system which allowed bankers to "speculate" on futures and turned the stock market into a world economy over night..... and brought us to bailouts for those same bankers and a $17T dollar debt!

Then Clinton turned us over to the UN and gave away all our parks, monuments, lakes, and waterways!