Topic: Should a christian sleep with her fiance be4 marriage?
JerryNtege's photo
Wed 07/31/13 07:02 AM
Am from a christian family and am here to find am soulmate

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/31/13 07:16 AM
to answer the thread title

biblically speaking, I think once two people sleep together they ARE married,,,,,if there has been a commitment made to each other and God,,,,

I don't believe formal or legal ceremonies are what define a marriage, biblically speaking,, but the vow/commitment made between two people and God,,,,

so, biblically speaking, I don't think its really possible to sleep with someone 'before' marriage because the act of becoming one and 'knowing' one another constitutes the beginning of the marriage if both parties have a commitment to each other and God,,,

just my thoughts,,,,,

but Im not looking for sex or marriage,,, just to be the best me I can and leave the rest for God,,,

no photo
Wed 07/31/13 11:06 AM
If you sleep with a person before marriage, it is fornication.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 07/31/13 12:37 PM
To answer the question in the thread title, if you are so determined to have sex with the person you are engaged to, then just go ahead and marry the person.

JerryNtege's photo
Thu 08/01/13 03:38 AM
No comment

no photo
Sat 08/10/13 05:41 PM
Absolutely Not!

no photo
Sat 08/10/13 05:43 PM
Spiritually they have become one through soul tie but are they legally married in the site of God and their family absolutely not so therefore hit is fornication.

smokin7193421's photo
Sun 08/18/13 02:22 PM
from biblical standpoint it is wrong to sleep with your significent other before marriage. God instituded the act of mariage. the wife is given away by the father to the husband. in the same since we are given away through baptism to be the bride of Christ. take alook at 1 corinthians 7.note verses 1-3. so much immorality. people having sex before marriage. when you get married you make a commitment before God and everyone present to be faithful. the same type of commitment you make to God to be faithful. you give your life to him in baptism. you give your life to each other in marriage. you have a choice before marriage to have sex with someone else. just in the same sinse you have the right and choice to serve God. focus on verse 8 and 9. if you cannot control your fleshly desires you should get married. now if this was not important why would paul write anything conserning marriage?

no photo
Sun 08/18/13 03:21 PM
ask your pastor...

shaksweet123's photo
Mon 08/19/13 09:29 PM
No, should wait until marriage for sex.

shylee_smile's photo
Fri 08/30/13 08:37 PM
Edited by shylee_smile on Fri 08/30/13 08:40 PM need to wait until marriage was need to control ur flesh...coz its fornication..

shylee_smile's photo
Fri 08/30/13 08:41 PM

from biblical standpoint it is wrong to sleep with your significent other before marriage. God instituded the act of mariage. the wife is given away by the father to the husband. in the same since we are given away through baptism to be the bride of Christ. take alook at 1 corinthians 7.note verses 1-3. so much immorality. people having sex before marriage. when you get married you make a commitment before God and everyone present to be faithful. the same type of commitment you make to God to be faithful. you give your life to him in baptism. you give your life to each other in marriage. you have a choice before marriage to have sex with someone else. just in the same sinse you have the right and choice to serve God. focus on verse 8 and 9. if you cannot control your fleshly desires you should get married. now if this was not important why would paul write anything conserning marriage?

doulas4life's photo
Sat 09/07/13 07:04 PM
Marriage is a really big deal to God, I believe marriage is symbolic of Christ covenant to the church, and symbolic of Christ relationship with the church. The groom being symbolic of Christ, the bride being symbolic of the church. God said the marriage bed was undefiled; not the engagement bed, if you truely believe God exist honor Him with your life, not just your lips.

Richardhopkins's photo
Sun 09/08/13 12:09 PM
The answer is NO

Friend25v's photo
Sun 09/15/13 02:46 PM
Agreed , when u have sex you just don't have sex with the body , your having sex with the soul

Goddependant's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:47 AM
Christians should flee sexual sin and wait for marriage

uche9aa's photo
Mon 09/16/13 05:12 AM
Dumb question.A real born again christian wouldnt even ask that question.We are not only commanded to flee fornication but to be pure in heart,mind,action and speech.Whats the rush to sex for? some of us by God's grace have lived eight to ten years now without sex since repentance.People should discard 'mere church going' that can't save from sin's power and embrace genuine salvation while there is time pls