Topic: i need either prayers or help
Greyhound's photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:33 PM
You are a very genuine dad. Wish I could say the same thing for my Ex son in law. I have the highest respect for fathers like you. Good luck.flowerforyou

TrueBlue32's photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:43 PM
Best of luck to ya a friend in the same boat.

Not sure what your deal is previous, but you sound pretty sincere to me. Keep it documented, and talk to the court. Most times they have mediators there that can help resolve these things. If they get involved, you've got a fighting chance...


no photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:49 PM
YOu know women like that really piss me off!! My girls have a dad that couldn't care less about any of us unless it is convenient for him!! He pays very little to no child support and there have actually been times that my little girls 4 and 6 have missed him sooo much that I have spent a month trying to get him to return my phone calls ...... just so that they can say hi to their dad!! I have bent over backwards so that my kids won't have a big black hole in their hearts everytime one of their friends mentions the word "Dad".......What I wouldn't give to have them know the love from a father like you have for your daughter.......brokenheart

hotandspicey's photo
Sun 09/02/07 01:54 PM
Well, we all have stories to tell. Like it's been said, keep your comments to anyone very neutral and do not bad talk her to anyone, you never know who she is "in" with and will testify against you.
Try to get her to only communicate via e-mail, and you do the same, do not use the phone, do not talk in person (unless you have a witness) and print and save all e-mails yours and hers, they are admissable evidence.

Katertots37's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:15 PM
anytime thumperflowerforyou

thumper95's photo
Sun 09/02/07 03:18 PM
any telephone conversations are recorded,, any face to faces are recorded,, and all emails are recorded. all of my child support payments, i have the cancelled checks, so i know for a fact she cant use that one against me. so i belive shes just trying to hurt me. and shes succeeded. but i will get her. period end of list

thumper95's photo
Tue 09/04/07 07:29 PM
oct 1 is the date i get for court, and to find out tonight that after all the fighting ive been doing to see my daughter my boss didnt send in 2 monthes of childsupport. and the sherrifs dept is looking for me to serve me. what a ****ing way to get to see her,, with me behind the 8 ball

TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 09/04/07 07:47 PM
Hire an experienced lawyer. If it is not within your financial means speak with someone from Legal Aid.

Best of Luck

no photo
Sun 09/09/07 06:25 PM
Don`t let her get to you document everything .....
be patient it will happen for you .

Roseabud's photo
Tue 09/18/07 07:20 AM
Best of luck to you, and I am a mom, that was in the exact opposite, I wanted my kids father to see the kids all the times, and he was just to busy. but now he is coming around. "Wonderingaround" gave you good advice, follow through on that through the courts. it works. trust me. and I am the last person who judges on looks, but as a mother or 3, and have dealt with the judges for the last 10 years. apperances does matter. and if you give your ex any reason to run the bus over you, they usually go in favor of the mother. so you may want to work on your hair.. no offense.. and my son is 23 and he has the long hair too. but in the area of kids, the judges are hard now a days.. certify a letter to her for a meeting place and time, no show with an outsider, then get the police involved, make sure you have all your emails from her printed for the judge to read. It is a two some that makes a child, she has no grounds to keep you, as the father , away from your child... keeep copies of EVERYTHING, if you can even voice conversation.
My prayers are with you, and you ex, feels the anger now, but you will be surprised, through your hands in the air and give it to GOd. He is the one is control.. NOT YOU EX. Have faith, He is always by your side, you just need to ask for alittle help. best of luck...

Puffins1958's photo
Tue 09/18/07 08:52 AM

Do what ever it takes to be able to see her. It you can't afford it, there must be some sort of legal aid that can help you. If you pay your child support and are not able to see her, your ex is going against some sort of agreement. You need help NOW, don't let your this to you....

Your little girl NEEDS her father in her life...

flowerforyou flowerforyou

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 09/22/07 07:30 AM
thumper file a motion for contempt. You have a court order stating you can see your daughter. You will need to pay the filing fee but stand in that courtroom with the dates she has denied your visits and see what happens. You WILL be able to see your daughter. I am sorry this has happened to you. Just know some mothers ARE NOT THAT WAY!flowerforyou
and BIG KUDOS TO YOU for paying that child support!flowerforyou drinker

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 09/27/07 02:30 PM
Thumper i forgot to add (very LONG day apologies) include in that contempt complaint Parental Alienation Syndrome. This is a BIG TICKET for many single dads who are in the same boat as you. Just so you know I think women who deny dads who ARE doing the right thing are real biatches. Want me to come on down and biatch slap her for ya?! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 09/28/07 09:03 AM

Prayers for a speedy resolution in the highest good of all.

Wishing you well flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 10/06/07 03:57 AM
Try to keep this thought in mind maybe it will calm and comfort you. Being a Dad is a lifetime gig. Even spending years as a social worker It took me 46 yrs to find my Dad but we are FAMILY now and there is very little negative I feel toward him. Can't say the same for other people in the situation but they made that bed and they can lie in it. Over the years I have re-united a lot of Dad's and kids and the ones who let the past go usually turned out to have really good relationships with their kids and the kids come through far better. Everytime you attack the Mother of your child remeber it still hurts your baby's soul. Same sex parents need to be left some redeeming value for your child's sake.
Sounds like yours is a littler one so try to keep your tempo down. I don't know if the football is what I would recommend for chilling out. Adrenialen tends to amplify itself an can really mess with your nervous system and up your chances for depression, hypertension, and despair. For one thing you sure don't want to get to court with an injury associated with this. Young children will feel your rage and pick up on the negative vibe really really easy. Judges are trained to spot it. What ever legit way you can mellow yourself out. You have a RIGHT to be mad but you have a RESPONSIBILITY TO control how you express it. An anger management class or reading may actually help no matter how lame it sounds.
Maybe Mommy dearest is winning the battle, at the moment, but if you are a good Dad and keep your cool it will smooth out. I know it seems like forever right now and hurts like a cannon ball dropped on your well you pick the part but it isn't ging to be something she can drag out much longer because the new passport laws are going to keep in country and very young children are now addressing the courts. If she has the problems you are describing I would be prepareing for custody in a big way. Take parenting classes, paint a bedroom, build a doll house, take a first aid class, join a family recreation club like the "Y", get into a church or vounteer at her future school so you will know who her teachers and playmates will be. Your lawyer is going to crucify her with her own handmade cross. You won't even have to chop the wood. If she has any resources you may not have to pay the bill but if you do it is a small price for one extra day.
Kids have an indominble way of cutting through the BS and believeing their parents who say they love them. If you put actions into words by dotting your I's and crossing your T's what your wife does to be and obstrucionist will only come back to bury her. She could loose full custody and you will be trying to sooth your baby through loss of her other parent.
I wouldn't get too worked up your boss screwed up sending your childsupport on. Unless she can prove it was a conspiracy to defraud judges see that kind of petty screw ups all the time. It evidently wasn't that big a deal because she still has her computer on so money isn't too tight.
If you get a knock on the door and taken in on a BS complaint be a Gentleman and stay as calm as possible. Say yes sir, no sir, and ask permission to speak. clearly keep copies of what you have to show the court clerk. They don't want to waste jail space on you unless you make them want to make you miserable. Keep the originals or at least certified copies of the originals in a saftey deposit box. Lawyers loose stuff and even high priced ones can think with their Johnson if your Ex or her buddies are willing to spread it around so don't put all your eggs in one basket. I am not saying lie, or be paranoid, but spread your documentation around. I have seen more than one guy get shafted by best friends or even parents that wanted their kid. Under NO Circumstances refuse and officer of the court. Don't waste their time giving them mountains of stuff that only makes their job harder and proves nothing but you are obsessed. 99% of what happpens in court is decided by "friends of the court" who make their recommendations so do NOT make enemies. Their are lawyers out there that specialize in Dad's Rights but check their over all win record and see if they are a winning or just self grandizeing crybabies at your expense. Lawyer shopping or switching representaion can hurt you as much as mediocre representation.
I have not seen a picture of you but if you have a radical appearance mellow it out now and don't let it look like a last ditch effort to clean up before court. If you smoke stop and get your teeth cleaned or if they need it fixed. Got an ear ring or a pierceing take it out now so the hole will heal up if possible. DO NOT take girlfriend to court. Buy a suit and start earing it so you don't look like a nervous twit in the courtroom. Don't plan on or insist on saying anything in court no matter how bad you want to make some token gesture for the misery you have endured from the system. Get your kid Get her raised and that can be your retirement hobby if you like. GOOD LUCK. I will be praying for you.

Twitch's photo
Sat 10/06/07 05:53 AM
Thumper -- I don't know you well, but I know you are in pain. I don't understand why anyone would use a child against another. You really need to get a good lawyer. You have rights too as a father. If she is recording your messages be careful not to say anything she can use against you. I know it's hard to not lose your temper -- don't give her any more ammunition (if she even has any) to use. I know the system sucks sometimes -- but go about this the right way. I say a prayer for you hon -- good luck.

thumper95's photo
Sat 10/06/07 02:23 PM
pacific, football is what i do to take my aggresion out. what i cant do to people that i want to, i do on the field. i come off gentle as a kitten. and it helps keep me in shape. as far as the mother, i dont vocally or physicilly attack her, i am letting the court do that for me. when they throw her in jail for contempt, i will do nothing but smile, cause its what shes tried to do to me in payment for 4 years of me taking care of everything to do with her well being. its what i got for being a good man.

SarahsF8's photo
Sat 10/06/07 03:10 PM
Thumper... first, you have prayers.

I used to work for an organization (state) in WV called "Children First"--I imagine there is something similar where you are. They aren't CPS or police or anything like that, but they oversee visitation, and will transport the child in extreme cases. I'll look it up for you, let you know what I find.

Good luck!

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 10/06/07 03:13 PM
Well if it works for you then don't fix what isn't broke. I know you miss her so much but I will repeat a child never forgets a loving parent and you have a lifetime ahead of you so try to keep perspective. This painful memory will fade when you get her in your arms. I know I am not your Momma but I held you in my heart and tried my best to will you peace.........Grandma Joy

thumper95's photo
Sat 10/06/07 03:17 PM
and just to add on top of the football thing, if i do good on the 3rd of next month,, i might be on a pro team next year. then i wont have to worry bout havin the resources to do what i have to to make sure my angel is happy and safe