Topic: Befuddled
no photo
Wed 08/22/07 02:22 PM
So confusing
So many questions running through my head
If he created man
And created Earth
Then where did the dinosaurs come from
Science can't be all wrong
Remains of them are found

If she ate the apple and was told not to
And we now pay for her sin
None of this makes sense
It just befuddles me more

My child like mind becomes clouded
My childlike eyes become blinded
I ask the questions, simple questions
Get complexly confusing answers
I read his book
And still get no answers
Fancy words of old
Cluttering the pages

I go to a man of the cloth
Ask him all of my questions
He looks at me as if I am stupid
Like I should just know
He goes into deeply complexly confusing answers
Befuddling my head even more
Clouding my mind
Blinding my eyes

I stand alone in a field
Shouting out loud
"I don't understand, I am confused"
Waiting for something
A sign, an answer
Something...I get nothing

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Wed 08/22/07 02:30 PM
ahh Jenni, I know how that can happen to the mind...........I am confused and befuddled at different times each day...........good to see you postingflowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Wed 08/22/07 02:37 PM
(((( Jenni ))))

Befuddled is my life,,, And within your loving arms we can be befuddled together,,, Most awesome look into your befuddled mind, heart and soul..

~~~~~~ HE 'OLINA LEO KA KE ALOHA ~~~~~~~~~~

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Robert1680's photo
Wed 08/22/07 02:47 PM
beyond the questions in our minds
are secret golden truths
if there was no mystery
we would need no proof
God is he who needs no test
He saved our souls and we are blessed
that evidence alone shall stand
we need no theory wrought by man
the bright sunshine and blowing breeze
the earth the grass the hills and trees
are the pallets of the king
And in him is everything.

Robert © "The proof" 8/22/07

frankfk's photo
Wed 08/22/07 03:48 PM

Jess642's photo
Wed 08/22/07 06:18 PM
Let fuddled be...what it needs to be... and fuddled shall be...exactly as it is supposed to be.

'Mine is not to question why, but, to let it be.'
