Topic: A critique of atheism | |
Psalms 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
Atheist claim to have such a nobal morality that is above those who fear God but is that a fact. We theist know that God is always watching but do atheist's hold to their supposed moral superiority when no one is watching? The Bible says that, "They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." There are none that doeth good. I say that atheist's will only do good when it does themselves some good or out of fear of being caught by their peers, coworkers, family and the law of the land. An easy test is this, do you break the law atheist when the law cannot catch you but keep the law when it can. Example downloading pirated movies is popular but illegal. Do those who download pirated movies keep to the speed limit and stop at red lights? If so it proves that your superior morality is based on what you can and cannot get away with. How say you atheist to this charge? |
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Sat 06/22/13 06:49 PM
Morality is not dependent upon religion, and I say this as someone who does believe in a deity. My morality does not come from fear of punishment by a deity, nor even from ancient religious writings. Right and wrong are recognizable in and of themselves. It's called having a personal moral compass.
I have plenty of atheist friends who are extremely moral, regardless of who is or isn't watching. Again, personal moral compass at work. |
Atheism / Agnostic is not a belief. Atheism is not a religion...Atheism is just a position on a particular claim. Does God exist?
Atheism is not a moral guide. |
You are not talking about morals. You are talking about Uniform commercial codes and man made corporate rules. Which for your information fills a book that no person has ever even read.
There are so many of these rules, you could not possibly obey them all without breaking others. To delude yourself or pretend that a believer in God (theist) will be more likely to obey man made laws than an atheist shows me that you are not in touch with reality. |
Morality is not dependent upon religion.
Bingo |
There are people who are corrupt though, and I do believe there are more psychopaths in this world than we realize. In general most of them don't believe in God, but many pretend that they do just to fit into society.
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Sat 06/22/13 07:02 PM
Obeying a rule or a man made law does not necessarily have anything to do with Morality.
Morality has to do with knowing by intuition and feeling that a certain act is wrong even if it is legal, or a certain act is right even if it might be illegal. I was on a cruise ship where the LAW was that a cruise ship captain can not rescue someone trying to escape Cuba in a raft. And yet not to rescue them would mean that they would die. These were women and children on the raft. The LAW said to leave them to their fate. He broke the law and he did the right and moral thing according to his conscience. |
Great point! Morality =/= legality.
And don't even get me started on people who'd like to try and legislate "morality"... ![]() |
Great point! Morality =/= legality. And don't even get me started on people who'd like to try and legislate "morality"... ![]() Muslims do that I think. |
Great point! Morality =/= legality. And don't even get me started on people who'd like to try and legislate "morality"... ![]() Muslims do that I think. No more than anyone else. I was thinking more of the particular breed of soi-disant "Christians" who think it's their business to tell everyone else in the US how to live their lives, and want to pass laws enforcing their religious code on the general citizenry. Like I said, don't get me started. |
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Sat 06/22/13 07:18 PM
As long as they aren't burning crosses on my lawn, I don't care what they do or think of me - for reading tarot cards. I don't bother them, and they damn well better not bother me.
As long as they aren't burning crosses on my lawn, I don't care what they do or think of me - for reading tarot cards. I don't bother them, and they damn well better not bother me. That's kind of the point though, when they go trying to make things illegal just because "their" religion says it's immoral. Things like birth control, sex education, same-sex marriages, etc. and that's just for starters. MY religion says all three of those things are perfectly acceptable, so why should someone else get to say they aren't? |
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Sat 06/22/13 08:07 PM
changed my mind...don't have my ten-foot-pole with me atm.
Obeying a rule or a man made law does not necessarily have anything to do with Morality.
So do you only obey man's laws out of a fear of punishment, not out of a moral obligation to not steal, for example if you can get away with it. That's kind of the point though, when they go trying to make things illegal just because "their" religion says it's immoral. Things like birth control, sex education, same-sex marriages, etc. and that's just for starters.
You prove my point entirely. Do you support homosexuality even though 3000 babies are born every day with HIV? Do you support abortion but not capital punishment? |
You all just prove my point by claiming to be a law unto yourselves and so your so called moral compass will point to whatever you so please, your who morality is based on sex, as you have listed. Sexual gratification is your only moral compass.
Also God gave us everything we have including our intelligence and bodies and He will hold you into account for that. You guys have to make up your own religious beleifs or belief in aliens to excuse not obeying God. The fact that you can only make up these things shows that in the light of Gods revealed truth, they are wrong. You cannot justify them any other way. The clock ticks ever closer to your demise, and then the judgement. You cannot avoid it any more then you can stop time. God has absolute power and has set the times and seasons for your life and the account you must give for it. The only reason why you have free will is because you cannot be juged without it. |
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Sat 06/22/13 09:09 PM
I find it interesting how you can come into this thread and spout off about morality, then you turn up on another thread and justify cheating on one's spouse. (Y'know, that thing your precious Bible calls "adultery"?)
There's a word for people like that, but at least some of the folks on this thread are what I would consider 'polite company', so I won't type it here. Fortunately, they're all intelligent enough that I don't need to anyway. |
I wasn't justifying cheating on a spouse I was giving an example from Shakespeare as to why some do cheat.
I have never cheated on anyone or with anyone in my life. The moral argument cab be settled so easily. If you obey the Bible there would be no AIDS, alcoholism, crime, sexually transmitted diseases, and the so many other problems that are a part of secularism. The consequences speak for themselves. Why people choose to disobey God speaks for itself. Good and evil has to be measured by the consequences. 3000 babies being born with HIV a day is horrendous. Sodomy was the perfect catalysts for spreading AIDS, since the rectum wall was not designed for sexual intercourse and blood and semen get mixed together. Whereas the vagina does not bleed and a man can even have sex with a women who has AIDS and there is a very low chance of contracting the virus. Through anal there is a 100 percent chance if the giver has AIDS. Gods laws are the best because He knows was best, and we prove that society needs those laws, because everyone wants to do what is harmful to themselves and others. Gods law clearly speaks for itself and all who are oppossed to it are so because of the sexual restrictions, which has spread aids world wide, for not obeying. |
Actually, there were plenty of things advocated in the Old Testament that would be considered crimes today, including rape, child abuse, murder, theft, torture and a number of other deeds.
Likewise, you can't really say much about abortion, considering that a method for performing it was outlined in the OT and endorsed as a means of determining whether or not adultery had occurred. Finally, you're entitled to your idea of who and what God may be, but that doesn't make you correct. There are many views of the Divine (thankfully!) and a lot of them (again, thankfully!) do not match with yours. In any case, most of the atheists I know have a more highly-developed moral sense than most of the alleged paragons of "morality" lauded in the bible. Not coincidentally, they also tend to be more highly moral than most of the people who go around bible-thumping too. Case closed. |
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Sat 06/22/13 10:02 PM
It is good that you are trying to be a better person, but I think you are passing judgement on others in general whom you do not even know. Having morals and knowing right from wrong via spiritual instinct is not being "a law unto oneself." It is being a channel for God/Spirit. Spirit (God) is omnipresent, meaning everywhere at all times, and in all things. I believe it speaks to everyone, even atheists via their subconscious and feelings. I think the best way to demonstrate Godliness is by example, not by condemnation and criticism of others. |
William8 It is good that you are trying to be a better person, but I think you are passing judgement on others in general whom you do not even know. Having morals and knowing right from wrong via spiritual instinct is not being "a law unto oneself." It is being a channel for God/Spirit. Spirit (God) is omnipresent, meaning everywhere at all times, and in all things. I believe it speaks to everyone, even atheists via their subconscious and feelings. I think the best way to demonstrate Godliness is by example, not by condemnation and criticism of others. Well-said! ![]() |