Topic: Bradley Manning | |
I have no respect for classified data in today's politics of classifying everything just to keep corruption and incompetence covered up. If they are not doing anything wrong they should not be hiding everything under the guise of "classified." I am sure Hitler liked to classify everything he was doing as well. We are not in some world war. We are engaging third world countries for the corporate globalization of the world. Its all about money and business. ![]() Would you care to elaborate on that statement? |
I have no respect for classified data in today's politics of classifying everything just to keep corruption and incompetence covered up. If they are not doing anything wrong they should not be hiding everything under the guise of "classified." I am sure Hitler liked to classify everything he was doing as well. We are not in some world war. We are engaging third world countries for the corporate globalization of the world. Its all about money and business. And to compare Nazi-Germany with the US is pretty poor reasoning! You have a long way to go yet,and I doubt if you'll ever get there I give you a 0.00001% in History! ![]() |
Bradley Mannings Government invaded Iraq under false pretence. Bradley Manning exposed a shocking incident which showed the US military in a very,very bad way. Instead of dealing with that the focus has been shifted to one Soldier.
guess he is a pretty Unhappy Bunny by now! ![]() Unhappy Bunny x 69....What happened to all that over inflated optimism? ![]() |
Reality check... Fact, Manning's actions COULD have put lives in danger, THEY DIDN"T... Fact, Manning passed info to an IDIOT, not al Qaeda... Fact, freedom to publish the leaked material is fundamental to democracy... Fact, a Private 1st Class has NO RIGHT to decide what, how, and to whom classified info should become de-classified... Fact, it is wrong and dangerous business for government to withhold reasonable disclosure... Fact, the RIGHT wants to paint Manning as a terrorist mastermind, the LEFT wants to idolize him as a hero...Both are wrong... Fact, Manning is not a whistleblower who identified a wrong and risked his life to put it right, he is a man who got pizzed and acted out like a little boy... Fact, when the U.S. government moved against WikiLeaks they retaliated by publishing a list of sites deemed vital to public safety around the globe. That list of potential terror targets included vaccine and insulin production facilities, communication centers, important bridges, pipelines, and undersea cables. A person would have to ignore several REALITIES to claim that WikiLeaks has never intentionally aided terrorists JUST TO SPITE governments, including that of the United States... Fact, Wikileaks' involvement is what really screwed Manning.... Fact, Manning was a troubled man in personal turmoil when he stole the documents...He was prone to emotional outbursts, he emailed a sergeant about his gender identity problems, he had an altercation with a superior that resulted in him being restrained, he was receiving "regular" psychiatric evaluations BEFORE being sent to Iraq and given access to classified material and guns... To focus on vilifying Manning is wrong IF YOU OMIT THE FACT the our military has been reckless on so many levels throughout the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, SOMETHING THAT WAS ALREADY COMMON KNOWLEDGE AND IS A CIRCUMSTANCE OF EVERY WAR..Why was this obviously troubled kid even there and, if the leaked docs were THAT SENSITIVE, why did he have access to them?... Fact, as a member of the armed forces, Manning broke the rules...He must answer for that...He is not a hero, nor is he a threat to our national security...Lets hope the verdict when it comes will be the result of fair minded reasoning based on FACT rather than sibling rivalry.... I could get into a lengthy debate on each of these points.... but I love having you as a friend... ![]() ![]() One point tho...."Fact, a Private 1st Class has NO RIGHT to decide what, how, and to whom classified info should become de-classified... " It's not about his right, it's about his obligation as a citizen of the US first, a servant of his country second, and exposing what he perceived as a threat and violation against the fundamental values of our country, its laws, and those he took an oath to protect and defend. Thanks to our present atmosphere of gov't, where everything they do is secret (even the smallest detail) and above question or public knowledge, who was he supposed to report these atrocities to? His superiors, the ones responsible for committing or allowing these acts? Congress? Yeah, like they are going to expose their own corruption of supporting them! Manning thought the American people would support him when he risked everything to reveal these atrocities and policies.... WE THE PEOPLE LET HIM DOWN! We are our own worst enemies! no, he let the people down... just because you think something doesn't make it true, and nobody on this site has any knowledge of what war is like. if everyone decided to "do what they want" in the military, we wouldn't have a military... ![]() ![]() I can't believe that is what you think. Seriously. I guess if his fellow military buddies were killing and raping women and children and he has a security clearance and was sworn to secrecy you would support his covering up these war crimes. THESE ARE WAR CRIMES. If they are not then they are just gross negligence and incompetence. But I'm telling you this, they get away with killing innocents all the time. Co-lateral damage and friendly fire. And it is over looked all the time. War is hell. I'm against it. The rule is, if a superior officer orders you to do something that is AGAINST YOUR MORAL JUDGEMENT you have an OBLIGATION TO DISOBEY. If you don't, and if you will do anything your superior officer tells you to do, even if it is against your moral judgement, then you have been what is called "dehumanized." You are a robot. These are the vets who end up committing suicide because they can't live with what they have done. The ones who don't give a crap, go on to be serial killers. You have an obligation to disobey under protest but not lead CLASSIFIED data to the entire world. some in here don't seem to understand this.... |
I have no respect for classified data in today's politics of classifying everything just to keep corruption and incompetence covered up. If they are not doing anything wrong they should not be hiding everything under the guise of "classified." I am sure Hitler liked to classify everything he was doing as well. We are not in some world war. We are engaging third world countries for the corporate globalization of the world. Its all about money and business. And to compare Nazi-Germany with the US is pretty poor reasoning! You have a long way to go yet,and I doubt if you'll ever get there I give you a 0.00001% in History! ![]() The patriot act and other executive orders have given the presidential office as much or more power than Hitler had. I have also noticed an anti Arab or anti-muslim trend growing in this country that rivals Hitlers anti-Jewish crap. |
If the data is damning of course its "classified." When criminals are in charge, of course they punish the whistle blowers for exposing them.
You are either taking part in their corruption or you are not. |