Topic: Entire present admin coming under fire
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 05/16/13 08:32 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 05/16/13 08:45 AM
When your whole agenda is a house of cards, surrounded by strategically placed dominoes, a simple breeze can bring it all down if a single one should fall.

WH and O under fire, DOJ under fire, IRS under fire, ACA (Obamacare) under fire and up for a repeal vote today....

According to the media sources sympathetic to the WH.....there's not much to see here of course.... because our leaders say so....but THEY will investigate it.

Of course the guy that's resigning wasn't even in charge when this all took place, and his post was temporary due to end in June (when his resignation takes effect) anyway

What a joke! frustrated

Physician heal thyself! slaphead

no photo
Thu 05/16/13 08:43 AM
A rats nest surrounded by a cesspool. It is now up to those that we elected to clean up this mess. If they don't we are in serious trouble.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/16/13 10:02 AM

A rats nest surrounded by a cesspool. It is now up to those that we elected to clean up this mess. If they don't we are in serious trouble.
wasn't Nancy elected to go and drain that Cesspool?pitchfork

no photo
Thu 05/16/13 10:18 AM
Hey, I've got it.....let's have an investigation! drinker

no photo
Thu 05/16/13 11:20 AM
How about an election where the media is not involved in any way.

willing2's photo
Thu 05/16/13 11:26 AM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 05/16/13 11:31 AM
Open the debates and race to all the parties.

Screw the monopoly the repubes/dems have on the elections.

History repeats?

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/16/13 12:57 PM

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/16/13 01:15 PM

Chicken coming home to roost?

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 05/16/13 01:20 PM


Do you even know what an impeachment is?

It is a formal accusation of wrongdoing.

Impeachment by itself doesn't remove anyone from public office.
That is why President Clinton was impeached and yet remained in the Oval Office.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/16/13 02:03 PM


Do you even know what an impeachment is?

It is a formal accusation of wrongdoing.

Impeachment by itself doesn't remove anyone from public office.
That is why President Clinton was impeached and yet remained in the Oval Office.
yep,accused in Congress(Articles of Impeachment),tried in the Senate,with the Chiefjustice of the Supreme Court presiding,and the Senate then Voting on Guilt or Innocence.(In a Nutshell)

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 05/16/13 03:11 PM

This monkey is gonna keep dancing till somebody stops the organ grinder or people quit throwing money in the cup