Topic: Something has to give | |
This is right in your strike zone.. The decline of the USA is upon us. Upset that someone is copying your paranoia? I'm glad to see that one is finally starting to see the reality all around them, the decline. You deserve to be praised for your progress. However, you don't really need to get paranoid about it, paranoid doesn't solve problems, just leads one to ignore the truths and decline into the "New Age" era of blind acceptance, wait that was the starting point and here it looked like one was advancing. But as Cato demonstrated, it is never too late to learn to play the flute, but then he already had a firm grasp of the trivium. |
Same bullarky as always eh? No harm has come to this country from Obama except the racists got mad and flipped the hell out. If that is harming the country that is.... He isn't perfect but he hasn't started a war with a country that didn't do anything to us. Gotta give him that. He has attempted to get poor Americans healthcare that they couldn't afford otherwise. He makes attempts at saving our environment. He makes attempts at giving women a fair shake. He is limited by congress who answers to the racists ![]() But President Obama hasn't done any legitimate verifiable damage to this country. And I have to say...verifiable by a legitimate source not Faux News Channel or any of the right wing hate sites of course. They only want to make people fear the president and therefore hate him. OMG,still drinking that Kool-Aid? ![]() What Koolaid? I have yet to see one verified fact of damage to this country. So no Koolaid here. Now you drink it regularly though LOL so regular you can't even taste that Bitter-Almond Flavor any longer,hmm? ![]() |
Another truth vs perception lecture. These lectures as you deem them, seem to be a waste of your time, so why do you insist on wasting time? A perception based on belief needs no other dichotomy of knowledge. One should never question belief, it is so much easier to just accept that ignorance, the ignoring of any knowledge not within the current belief system is so much easier to deal with. I doubt you have ever read much less attempted to write a Master's thesis, so your opinion is irrelevant. First, let's just make sure that we are on the same page, a Master's thesis, that which is earned from an institute of higher indoctrination, of course I haven't, I refused to be indoctrinated, found education via the trivium methodology much more effective. Now for the reality of the matter, I have enrolled many accepted masters in their fields of endeavor and with their guidance have been able to achieve or accede their level of mastery of many subjects. While to master any subject, there needs to be much writing, it is the oral interaction with others that provides the understanding or dialectic or a subject to bring that subject fully into use, the wisdom, not just rhetoric. What is new with that? There is nothing new in this universe, what is, is. What isn't never will be. It is but a man without the understanding of natural law that would declare man's discovery as new when it is just what it says, discovery. |
The good old Emancipation Proclamation, the words of a man more tyrannical than Odumbo could ever imagine but they do have one thing in common, claiming Illinois as their rise to political fame. This is a document that should be nullified before it spreads any further. This document helped to instill what Odumbo has yet to accomplish but wants to, War. Not just any war but an internal war amongst the people. And to put the Revolutionary War and the Civil War on the same footing is just pure ignorance of the facts. The Revolutionary War was a profound fight for freedom resulting in a nation with freedom never before nor to this present day ever seen in this world. But the Civil War was just the opposite. It wasn't fought for freedom, but enslavement. This period of time was the first major turning point of a free nation starting down that slippery slope of democracy, total enslavement. It but set the stage for things that have since followed, each a bigger disaster than those before it. The results are the modern day world as we know it, specifically our nation and many others on the brink of collapse, all that remains is which little ripple will start the houses of cards to start there tumble, and then the dominoes come into play, one after the other. Maybe we can do better next time. This is actually pretty funny because in another thread you were opining that the British were acting in coordination with the Rothschilds. Really, is that how you have comprehended this whole matter? Is history something you prefer to ignore? And just how do you equate Germany, England, and the Rothschilds to Lincoln? You seem to be totally confused about Lincoln and the matter that got him killed. There was definitely no correlation between 1812 and 1865. I do wish you would get up to speed before entering a conversation. You remember? You know... That greatest army in the world vs a nothing army that couldn't have possibly won unless there was a conspiracy.. Something about Israeli bankers.. Should I link to the thread? Of course I remember, do you? Perhaps you should link the thread and show the relevance to the Emancipation Proclamation. Are you trying to promote a conspiracy theory even Jesse Ventura would dodge? And I really would like to see you tie ole Abe into any bankers other than as staunch opponents, actually enemies. And you really do need to improve your comprehension skills, the patriarch of the Rothschilds was Mayer Amschel Rothschild, born of the Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, in a Jewish ghetto. It was his third born son, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, that was dispatched to London. The rest as they say, is history. He that chooses to remain ignorant of history is destined to repeat it. |
But the majority are still the tin hats that block out all vestiges of the truth. It is a logical fallacy to gauge the veracity of any information based upon how you feel when first seeing or hearing it. I've come to realize that the biggest problem anywhere in the world is that people's perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want, and do not want, to be true. - Travis Walton Truth is objective, meaning that it is not based on perceptions of human beings (which is capable of wavering). Truth is simply that which is. It is that which has occurred in the past and that which is occurring in the present. That which is. But then, none of this seems to stand in your way, does it? Actually, it is the tin hat wearing, paranoid, conspiracy theorists that are the biggest problem. That 20% of the weak minded that buy the BS the conspiracy quacks are pushing.. Throughout history, the ignorant masses have chosen to ignore, hence ignorant, the world around them. They have been the clay to be molded into any vile vestige of endurance demanded of them, all the while claiming it's only a conspiracy theory. But the truly ignorant, still stand and claim conspiracy theory, well after it has been proven that is wasn't a theory, but indeed a fact. But on the absolute bottom scale of depravity are those that refuse the knowledge of history and insist it is the others that are crazy. It was this ignorance that led to the persecution of men that claimed the world was round. And this continues to this very day, the USS Maine, the Lusitania, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Iraq WMD, and of course let's not forget Syria and Ukraine. I am not amazed at this phenomena, it has been so throughout history. The ignorant masses will always be the ignorant masses. I wonder if the last thoughts of the Jews where, "This is a conspiracy theory", as the gas canisters were hissing in their showers? And thank you for helping to demonstrate my point so proficiently. |
What Koolaid? I have yet to see one verified fact of damage to this country. So no Koolaid here. Now you drink it regularly though LOL so regular you can't even taste that Bitter-Almond Flavor any longer,hmm? ![]() Sadly, there is no "Bitter Almond" and they just continue to pro-create. |
good read and many good notions therein, thank you. Whether or not someone likes Mr. Obama, respect is due the nation's President. I am apalled by some of the derogatory comments I see. Do you think you'd have seen that poster with the condom in reference to JFK, Lyndon Johnson or Geo Bush? no. The pervasive lack of respect for the office of the President is not a wise choice for this country I am quite sorry, but reality is, no one deserves respect simply for being selected to take an office. Actions speak louder than words.. this country is full of naïve people who believe our government is oh so great... and more often than not, those same people believe what they hear on main stream media, without questioning it... 9/11 for a great example... how many still believe Larry Silverstein and some elements of the government had nothing to do w he demolition, despite all of the legit scientific factual PROOF, ya know, simple physics of gravity? While Osama may have done a couple good thing, he has, overall, been pretty useless... little more than an errand boy. Reality check please, thanks have a great day. |