Topic: Something has to give | |
Well, you're free enough to whinge about your lack of freedom. I could see where that could be a concept put forward from those without a clue of just what freedom actually entails. But have you heard of the new opportunity down at the government offices, they are looking for "good little citizens" to test this new collar for the sheeple. I understand the pay isn't bad and for the truly good sheeple you can't even tell the difference anyway. |
This could be quite a good topic if it were not for the bickering in the post. I do agree with the posts about family values, 2 incomes competing for the head of the household and children's affection. The decline of the USA is upon us. At least the country we once had. It now takes 2 people working to obtain what our parents had all the while allowing others to raise our children and teaching them their values not ours. If you punish your children you are a monster in the eyes of most communities. So yes the decline of western civilization can be attributed the decline of the family unit.World war 2 was the start of the decline. Wow and you read the whole article and that is the sum total of your conclusion, excellent work. And too imagine that one would deserve the resultant of that conclusion, irrational wouldn't you say? |
I think that is merely perception. Is western society actually in 'decline', or is it merely changing? Is this perception driven by a nostalgia that too, may be idealised? Look at the social impact of the Industrial Revolution, and the subsequent reactionary groups that looked back to an agrarian society with nostalgia. Is any of this new? Wow, this sounds like the summation of a master's thesis. Such profound knowledge, such startling statements. With so little offered, is this the outline for the research or the total knowledge for the thesis? Truth is singular and eternal. It has always been here and it will always be here. It is our perception that must be aligned with it. There is nothing new in the universe, what exists, exists, it is man that is at fault, either through nescience or ignorance. Those searching for knowledge are breaking down the former while the masses throughout eternity are bound to the latter. |
Well, you're free enough to whinge about your lack of freedom. ![]() ![]() Appropriate response, what one has come to expect. |
I do believe much of what we experience as a nation starts with what we encourage in our families,,,,the family is really the foundation of civilization,, when it falls, so do we,,,, That is a very true statement but not in the way it was meant. Teach entitlement as a core value of the family unit and you end up with a future based on entitlement. Teach the lack of morality as a core family value and we end up with families of little moral value. Heck of a foundation for a society, thank god civilization as a value of nature is self correcting, the thanks being we are entering the age of correction. |
Prisoners and caged animals can also "whine" as you put it. Doesn't mean they have any more or less freedoms. Eroding freedoms are always a sign of the manipulation of power by one over another or many. Battered wife syndrome for domestic example. Our forefathers knew this and gave us, the individual and the body public, a constitution and bill of rights. All of our leaders are sworn in under those articles and laws by an oath of defense to them. Anyone who thinks them unimportant to fight for or maintain is either unpatriotic or not an American. While I agree with your base argument, it pulls up a little short. Eroding freedoms manifest themselves as an external symptom but that does not manifest the causation which is internal. While man is not free in the microcosm, they can ill expect to be free in the macrocosm. While the rate of those waking up to the symptoms, those that are actually internalizing the process is still a very slow process. And to translate this for those here incapable of comprehending such heady thoughts, the problem lies with the individual, not the external forces, they are but the symptom and the effects. |
taxes...remember the whole purpose people fought the revolutionary war to begin with... This system is reverting back to square one. Essentially, those who feel things are fine as is, may as well, also say the Emancipation Proclimation should be nullified. after all reversion is reversion. the point is not "how good we have it" compared to other countries. The POINT is, those who fought the Revolutionary war and Civil war, fought for the real freedom. The point is, the Constitutional Rights, are not deniable. We are ENTITLED, as citizens of this place, to have the constitution fulfilled. This current system is full of greed. those of you who are content...with giving money to a system that hardly gives back...are the problem with the whole nation. We are paying to be screwed. The good old Emancipation Proclamation, the words of a man more tyrannical than Odumbo could ever imagine but they do have one thing in common, claiming Illinois as their rise to political fame. This is a document that should be nullified before it spreads any further. This document helped to instill what Odumbo has yet to accomplish but wants to, War. Not just any war but an internal war amongst the people. And to put the Revolutionary War and the Civil War on the same footing is just pure ignorance of the facts. The Revolutionary War was a profound fight for freedom resulting in a nation with freedom never before nor to this present day ever seen in this world. But the Civil War was just the opposite. It wasn't fought for freedom, but enslavement. This period of time was the first major turning point of a free nation starting down that slippery slope of democracy, total enslavement. It but set the stage for things that have since followed, each a bigger disaster than those before it. The results are the modern day world as we know it, specifically our nation and many others on the brink of collapse, all that remains is which little ripple will start the houses of cards to start there tumble, and then the dominoes come into play, one after the other. Maybe we can do better next time. |
And in this oath, is swore to SERVE AND PROTECT...absolutely any "official" office, is subject to 1 single title. PUBLIC SERVANT. What oath? Whom is to protect? Where are their servants for the public? An oath is but a statement based upon the honor of a man. But that is not what is drawn to government, it is the psychopathic statist, one totally without moral fiber and without moral fiber there can be no honor. Protect, those nine little actors in their magnificent black robes long ago put that myth to bed. It was in their opinion no obligation of government to protect, which in a way was true. What most people do not realize is the context of that opinion. When "We the People..." ordained and established the constitution as a social contract, it was to protect the "peoples" rights, a republic. But once the "people" decided they would rather be in a democracy, the constitution becomes just a silly piece of paper, the brunt of jokes. Public Servant, that was in the republic. In the democracy, the voters, qualified electors all, have elected "leaders" and "officials", not public servants. And to add pain to injury, the large majority of officials aren't even elected. So now back to that fiction called an oath, a statement by those of little moral turpitude, taken based upon a document reduced to a joke, and without any means of holding one accountable to that oath. I would say that pretty much sums up today's society, the rule of the ignorant masses represented by psychopathic statists. |
You haven't missed much. People here are still using this forum to promote hatred, bitterness, paranoia and conspiracy theories. On the positive side, the price of tin-foil stock keeps rising. ![]() But the majority are still the tin hats that block out all vestiges of the truth. It is a logical fallacy to gauge the veracity of any information based upon how you feel when first seeing or hearing it. I've come to realize that the biggest problem anywhere in the world is that people's perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want, and do not want, to be true. - Travis Walton Truth is objective, meaning that it is not based on perceptions of human beings (which is capable of wavering). Truth is simply that which is. It is that which has occurred in the past and that which is occurring in the present. That which is. But then, none of this seems to stand in your way, does it? |
exactly he does deserve the same respect and so does his office as Commander and Chief. It doesn't mean you have to like him or agree with him but if your idea of respect (that you have already said you respect him as you do others) is what you have demonstrated on here then I don;t want or need your idea of respect, thanks don;t know what it means. He deserves what he has earned, I know a foreign concept to many here, but that is total scorn. But on the subject of respect, I would dare say, quite often I might add, that it would be you that are in ignorance of the concept of respect. Let me give a refresher. Think of someone you respect highly. Then see if you agree with this: The need to feel genuinely worthwhile, important, admired, trusted, valued, and appreciated ("liked") is universal in adults and kids - specially in shame-based survivors of low-nurturance childhoods. Genuine (vs. pseudo) respect is a requisite for friendship and love. The opposite of respect is scorn, disdain, indifference, disgust, dislike, rejection, and disapproval. Reality check: think of the last time you felt disrespected, and see if this feels true. Respect can be global ("I respect you as a person") or partial ("I respect you as a fe/male / parent / friend / neighbor / sailor / chef / listener / Muslim / citizen / musician / etc.) Respecting someone is different than liking or needing them. True respect must be earned via experience. It is often based on personal attributes like honesty, compassion, courage, patience, generosity, integrity, optimism, wisdom, resilience, humor, and humility. Respect cannot be demanded, ordered, or expected, for it can only occur spontaneously. Mutual respect is a primal need in any communication. Without it, listening falters, and defensiveness, hurt, anxiety, and resentments quickly rise. About Respect So just what in the bold part does Odumbo exhibit? I think Odumbo's attributes lie more in the italicized sentence, therefore disdain would be more appropriate from those based in reality and determining things on their own. But it is nice to see the old indoctrination system is alive and well and posting very positive results. |
Edited by
Fri 05/30/14 12:25 PM
The office of the presidency commands respect. The jackal in the office, deserves none. No telling who or what his daddy was. His mama just might have done a gig in Tj with the donkey. The office is but a title and commands nothing. The current jackal in the office is getting all the disdain he deserves, actually one of the few things he has earned. But his momma did the donkey in TJ, I though that was Lucy. There was one dumba$$ US chick that was doing a horse in one of the bars though, seems she preferred Zorro's horse over the Lone Rangers. God, that's bigoted and disgusting, oh well, these are the times. |
Same bullarky as always eh? Some would see it that way, well not some but the entire ignorant masses that permeate this nation. Those that prefer there heads in the sand, on their knees with their reward receptacle held high waiting for that deserving reward. All those slaves that choose to ignore what is going on around them. No harm has come to this country from Obama except the racists got mad and flipped the hell out. If that is harming the country that is.... Yeah, that racist Odumbo gets pissed off a lot it seems and flips out. Imagine those people not believing his lies and deceit. But that's ok, these leaders of ex or current communist countries keep leading him around by the nose and keeping him in line. And I think Odumbo is really smitten with that image of Putin without a shirt but I hear Putin is more interested in Mechelle, something about wild broncos. He isn't perfect but he hasn't started a war with a country that didn't do anything to us. Gotta give him that. Really into NBC eh? You did get one thing right though, "a", denoting singular. The list of his atrocities is a long and distinguished one, even one that despite to the people up in arms only slowed thing down a mite. You really should watch FOX occasionally just to get a perspective of the lies from the other camp. He has attempted to get poor Americans healthcare that they couldn't afford otherwise. Ah, the joke of the century, total enslavement of the masses and they celebrate it. By the way, there is no healthcare involved, just medical care. Healthcare in many ways is against the law and forbidden within the auspices of Odumbocare and Medicare. Surprisingly, a little is allowed in Medicaid. And the poor, that is a bigger joke. Kentucky is a role model for that, of the 413,410 enrolled, 330,615 were the freebies, good luck on that being sustainable. Just who in the heck do you think is paying for all this, taxpayers broke, country broke, states broke, well just print more of that funny money, the hidden tax. He makes attempts at saving our environment. No limit to the depravity of a mind, is there? Sure he has, making the publishing of the toxic chemicals involved in fracking a felony, there goes the water supply. Stating these GMO foods that have a modified gene that manufactures it's own poison pesticide, gee I want my body to pick up that gene, after all why use an external source when we can be modified to generate out own poisons. He makes attempts at giving women a fair shake. He is limited by congress who answers to the racists ![]() I would say thank god, but that would be misplaced, there are no constraints, just smoke and mirrors to keep the ignorant masses confused. Without disparity, there would be unity and lord forbid that should happen But President Obama hasn't done any legitimate verifiable damage to this country. And I have to say...verifiable by a legitimate source not Faux News Channel or any of the right wing hate sites of course. They only want to make people fear the president and therefore hate him. And now for the climax, the wonderous conclusion or actually not so wonderous considering the extreme amount of premises in error. But I would dare say that with the justifications as explained would point to a conclusion that the one offering the stated conclusion would be ill equipped to do so. Truth is objective, meaning that it is not based on perceptions of human beings (which is capable of wavering). Truth is simply that which is. It is that which has occurred in the past and that which is occurring in the present. That which is. And until one can separate perception from truth, all you have is a perception of a world one wants to see. I've come to realize that the biggest problem anywhere in the world is that people's perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want, and do not want, to be true. - Travis Walton |
What Koolaid? I have yet to see one verified fact of damage to this country. So no Koolaid here. Now you drink it regularly though LOL Of course you wouldn't find any thing that could be deemed verifiable. Nescience vs Ignorance - The context of not knowing. Nescience From the Latin verb nesciere: "to not know because knowledge was absent or unobtainable" Ignorance From the Latin verb ignorare: "to not know even though necessary information is present, because that information has been willfully refused or disregarded. Ignorance carries blame. The masses are in a state of ignorance. The question is why? |
Yea, I am a pretty big respect until proven it shouldn't be given type person. And Obama hasn't done anything to be disrespected for yet. Now Bush on the other hand deserved to be disrespected for the idiot he was. Killing all those people for nothing... I let him have my respect until he stopped deserving it I will do the same for this president. Really, that does say a lot about a person, the one that gives what hasn't been earned. Demonstrates a total lack of discretion. Reminiscent of one that shows a lack of self esteem thus the absence of self respect. One that judges instead of evaluates, one that use emotions as a basis of judgement, therefore totally masking evaluation skills. When one states that a person had respect and then latter stopped deserving it, just what was that judgement based on? And what changed, the only falsely getting respect, of the lack of sound judgement on the part of the one that actually changed? And no, you will not do the same for this president, some day you may want to sit down and have a very open and honest conversation with yourself, but that also will never happen. |
Well, you're free enough to whinge about your lack of freedom. I could see where that could be a concept put forward from those without a clue of just what freedom actually entails. But have you heard of the new opportunity down at the government offices, they are looking for "good little citizens" to test this new collar for the sheeple. I understand the pay isn't bad and for the truly good sheeple you can't even tell the difference anyway. great reply.. you have nothing.. |
Edited by
Sat 05/31/14 10:35 PM
This could be quite a good topic if it were not for the bickering in the post. I do agree with the posts about family values, 2 incomes competing for the head of the household and children's affection. The decline of the USA is upon us. At least the country we once had. It now takes 2 people working to obtain what our parents had all the while allowing others to raise our children and teaching them their values not ours. If you punish your children you are a monster in the eyes of most communities. So yes the decline of western civilization can be attributed the decline of the family unit.World war 2 was the start of the decline. Wow and you read the whole article and that is the sum total of your conclusion, excellent work. And too imagine that one would deserve the resultant of that conclusion, irrational wouldn't you say? This is right in your strike zone.. The decline of the USA is upon us. Upset that someone is copying your paranoia? |
I think that is merely perception. Is western society actually in 'decline', or is it merely changing? Is this perception driven by a nostalgia that too, may be idealised? Look at the social impact of the Industrial Revolution, and the subsequent reactionary groups that looked back to an agrarian society with nostalgia. Is any of this new? Wow, this sounds like the summation of a master's thesis. Such profound knowledge, such startling statements. With so little offered, is this the outline for the research or the total knowledge for the thesis? Truth is singular and eternal. It has always been here and it will always be here. It is our perception that must be aligned with it. There is nothing new in the universe, what exists, exists, it is man that is at fault, either through nescience or ignorance. Those searching for knowledge are breaking down the former while the masses throughout eternity are bound to the latter. Another truth vs perception lecture. I doubt you have ever read much less attempted to write a Master's thesis, so your opinion is irrelevant. What is new with that? |
taxes...remember the whole purpose people fought the revolutionary war to begin with... This system is reverting back to square one. Essentially, those who feel things are fine as is, may as well, also say the Emancipation Proclimation should be nullified. after all reversion is reversion. the point is not "how good we have it" compared to other countries. The POINT is, those who fought the Revolutionary war and Civil war, fought for the real freedom. The point is, the Constitutional Rights, are not deniable. We are ENTITLED, as citizens of this place, to have the constitution fulfilled. This current system is full of greed. those of you who are content...with giving money to a system that hardly gives back...are the problem with the whole nation. We are paying to be screwed. The good old Emancipation Proclamation, the words of a man more tyrannical than Odumbo could ever imagine but they do have one thing in common, claiming Illinois as their rise to political fame. This is a document that should be nullified before it spreads any further. This document helped to instill what Odumbo has yet to accomplish but wants to, War. Not just any war but an internal war amongst the people. And to put the Revolutionary War and the Civil War on the same footing is just pure ignorance of the facts. The Revolutionary War was a profound fight for freedom resulting in a nation with freedom never before nor to this present day ever seen in this world. But the Civil War was just the opposite. It wasn't fought for freedom, but enslavement. This period of time was the first major turning point of a free nation starting down that slippery slope of democracy, total enslavement. It but set the stage for things that have since followed, each a bigger disaster than those before it. The results are the modern day world as we know it, specifically our nation and many others on the brink of collapse, all that remains is which little ripple will start the houses of cards to start there tumble, and then the dominoes come into play, one after the other. Maybe we can do better next time. This is actually pretty funny because in another thread you were opining that the British were acting in coordination with the Rothschilds. You remember? You know... That greatest army in the world vs a nothing army that couldn't have possibly won unless there was a conspiracy.. Something about Israeli bankers.. Should I link to the thread? |
You haven't missed much. People here are still using this forum to promote hatred, bitterness, paranoia and conspiracy theories. On the positive side, the price of tin-foil stock keeps rising. ![]() But the majority are still the tin hats that block out all vestiges of the truth. It is a logical fallacy to gauge the veracity of any information based upon how you feel when first seeing or hearing it. I've come to realize that the biggest problem anywhere in the world is that people's perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want, and do not want, to be true. - Travis Walton Truth is objective, meaning that it is not based on perceptions of human beings (which is capable of wavering). Truth is simply that which is. It is that which has occurred in the past and that which is occurring in the present. That which is. But then, none of this seems to stand in your way, does it? Actually, it is the tin hat wearing, paranoid, conspiracy theorists that are the biggest problem. That 20% of the weak minded that buy the BS the conspiracy quacks are pushing.. |
Well, you're free enough to whinge about your lack of freedom. I could see where that could be a concept put forward from those without a clue of just what freedom actually entails. But have you heard of the new opportunity down at the government offices, they are looking for "good little citizens" to test this new collar for the sheeple. I understand the pay isn't bad and for the truly good sheeple you can't even tell the difference anyway. great reply.. you have nothing.. Why thank you, but if the trivium had been used, a better understanding may have been achieved and even perhaps the meaning of great compared to nothing. |