Topic: Excess drugs | |
Ok, what I want to know is why everyone is crying about there being too many drugs, and yet they keep coming up with somesort of new drug for a health issue, and putting kids on drugs as well. I dont get that. Its like we're starting em out young, then complaining when they start doing different makes no sense.
Are you making an observation about how young people get accustomed to pharmaceutical medications, and it can lead to illegal drug dependency later in life, Rae?
As in the different meds available for treatment of ADD ADHD ODD, etc? And anti-depressants? I have written papers on this very subject regarding the links between Meds such as Ritalin, and it's generic cousins, and elevated speed and amphetamine usage in teenagers here in Australia. I believe there can be direct correlations between the treatments, and then illegal drug usage of young people who were medicated for most of their young lives. I feel personally, there is a trend to symptom treatments, and not many preventative treatments of the causatives of these illnesses, dis-orders. |
My son was on meds starting in kindergarden, for ADHD, Ritalin, and others. He was on them til I was told he had outgrown them. He is healthy, happy, and a non drug user of any kind. He even hates taking an aspirin.
good to hear your son is doing good.
Did he see any side effects of any of them medications? from what the recent research is ont he anti deppressants for example.doesnt help,but only have adverse actions of the reasone for taking them in the first place. also like on tv or something you hear a pill called viloprex for pregnancy.the side effects may include,diarreah,loss of vision,hemeroids,anal seepage,vomiting. |
i know im tired when i misspell,so at that goodnight all.
I can remember a thread called Prozac Nation.
Some people need medications to stay alive...
There is deffinately an abuse and over use of prescription drugs going on in this world... As for street drugs... Well I will keep right on *itching... They have ruined manys lives and took several others lives... JMO Teddy... |
lee, i personally believe the correlation is slightly different.
children with ADHD have a chemical imbalance...and they are more likely to use drugs because they are self-medicating. amphetamines help them to control their thought-processes...if they aren't diagnosed and, for those that require it, medicated with prescriptions...they may have a higher tendency to use the illegal ones. you take a hit...and suddenly, you can think straight. |
Not to mention the liver damage.
I was having anxiety attacks as well as panic attacks after the death of Harry. I was even breaking out in severe hives. So bad that emergency rooms were not helping it. No meds, nothing worked. I was in turmoil to say the least. I got put on Zoloft and after a few months I felt more like myself than the person I had become. They did work for me. I gardually got off them and have never taken them since. I did however have an attack every now and again. To which I was givn Visterol? Not sure if I spelled it right. They did good for me. I seem to be fine now, thank God. Kat |
I believe drugs have there place. Not every child needs this stuff they need somthing to do,and involvement. I was a over active child but was givin many chors to do and was corrected wen did somthing wrong. I was never medicated till i fit in.Back up 30yrs and get them outside make them wrk, be responsible for there actions as well as our as parents and adults.Some kids need more help,even medication.
I did not have a PC to chat my space , playstaion a car just givin to me, free money, or free time with no responsibilies.I had to help. |
True ADD and ADHD is hard to diagnose. I find that sooooooo many teachers, when they themselves cannot "reach" a child, blame it on these diseases. One teacher even thought that about my child. I had already had him tested by the best doctors available......what I did tell that teacher that maybe he should go to the local library and look up different learning disabilities and not to label people. Maybe the teachers themselves need to be educated on how to teach the 40 billion types of learning disabilities and not try to drug every child they cannot teach!!!
i hate [eople who take drugs ...................
like the police,airport security ,customs n excise,coastguard etc ![]() |
The reason I mentioned liver damage was this: While I was on these meds, Zoloft and they even tried Amatriptoline (made me go out of my mind) they did blood tests. While I was taking them, my liver activity went up.
Both of my natural sons were highly active and intelligent. They were bored in school. Teachers and principles sent note after note home wanting mt to test them for various things. I refused. Because there was not anything wrong with them but they were bored. I even went to their Drs. with this school concern. They said no way. Turned out they both needed to be tested for their intelligence. Bingo! There was the problem. They were both put into classes that were more advanced to keep them occupied. It was that simple. Of course I put them in different things such as, YMCA, and Tae Kwon Do, and music-band whatever. Some kids are mis diagnosed as Drs. get pay offs for promoting those meds. Some kids absolutelt need them. I know one young boy that was on Ridlin for a long time. Turns out his step dad was molesting him. Got rid of the problem, got rid of the meds. Kat |