Topic: 2 explosions at the boston marathon finish line, dozens hurt | |
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Mon 04/15/13 04:51 PM
And here's your smoking gun, anyone wanna try and debate this? This was made 8 hours ago, long before the's been changed now to reflect a difference but it was there! |
guess the conspiracy continues,, site cant be displayed,,,
![]() |
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Mon 04/15/13 04:52 PM
fixed the link.
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Mon 04/15/13 05:28 PM
First person: USA TODAY Sports president recounts moments after Boston blast. |
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Mon 04/15/13 06:12 PM
So, what's it to be about?
Race, religion or a Gov. distraction? This just in. 'Obama issues another Executive order. Due to the bombing at the Boston Marathon, Ovomit has issued an executive order requiring background checks and registration of all assault style bombs purchased after today! He said "Had these rules been in place, we could have prevented the carnage!" |
fixed the link. F* your link, prove your s*...I'm getting pretty sick of these theories being thrust forth as truth, it is actually sickening coming from a journalism background where we had to fact check facts just to make sure they were right. Something a ton of you are completely oblivious to, or simply do not know how to do. My recommendation before you go off on another psycho-babble retreat is to check your s*, again and again, until it is solid. Otherwise it is just bulls*...Which is what it currently stands as, if we used the scientific method with this bulls* it wouldn't hold up to air much less water. |
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Mon 04/15/13 07:00 PM
fixed the link. F* your link, prove your s*...I'm getting pretty sick of these theories being thrust forth as truth, it is actually sickening coming from a journalism background where we had to fact check facts just to make sure they were right. Something a ton of you are completely oblivious to, or simply do not know how to do. My recommendation before you go off on another psycho-babble retreat is to check your s*, again and again, until it is solid. Otherwise it is just bulls*...Which is what it currently stands as, if we used the scientific method with this bulls* it wouldn't hold up to air much less water. That's right, nothing to see here, your government is there to help you...... ![]() For ***** and giggles's what the page looked like BEFORE it was changed: |
fixed the link. F* your link, prove your s*...I'm getting pretty sick of these theories being thrust forth as truth, it is actually sickening coming from a journalism background where we had to fact check facts just to make sure they were right. Something a ton of you are completely oblivious to, or simply do not know how to do. My recommendation before you go off on another psycho-babble retreat is to check your s*, again and again, until it is solid. Otherwise it is just bulls*...Which is what it currently stands as, if we used the scientific method with this bulls* it wouldn't hold up to air much less water. That's right, nothing to see here, your government is there to help you...... ![]() For ***** and giggles's what the page looked like BEFORE it was changed: Congrats...Another bulls* link. |
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Mon 04/15/13 07:10 PM
I guess someone will take credit for the bombing soon. I expect it will be college age radicals, probably Muslim but maybe not.
We will then get the "SPIN"! What we did wrong, why it wasn't stopped, why no one is to blame, etc. I feel so sorry for the innocents who paid the price of someone's point to make. Too bad Massachusetts doesn't have the death penalty. |
Trying this again...Your picture doesn't have an original date, it is invalid, right off the bat it is completely inconsequential because there is no way to see when it was done. Now we have that out the way, do you know how incredibly easy time stamps are to fabricate? They've been fabricated in film, music, even journalism...So, now, me knowing all of that like I do, am supposed to take your picture that doesn't even have a date on it as cold hard fact? Not gonna happen, do you know why? Because your proof is either floating away with the wind or sinking rapidly in the water, because it is not proof. Photoshop and all that jazz...Oh, but we're supposed to trust your sources, right? Because in no way, shape, or form do they have their own personal agenda, right? Honestly, float away in the clouds with your irrational fears...I don't really care. |
Trying this again...Your picture doesn't have an original date, it is invalid, right off the bat it is completely inconsequential because there is no way to see when it was done. Now we have that out the way, do you know how incredibly easy time stamps are to fabricate? They've been fabricated in film, music, even journalism...So, now, me knowing all of that like I do, am supposed to take your picture that doesn't even have a date on it as cold hard fact? Not gonna happen, do you know why? Because your proof is either floating away with the wind or sinking rapidly in the water, because it is not proof. Photoshop and all that jazz...Oh, but we're supposed to trust your sources, right? Because in no way, shape, or form do they have their own personal agenda, right? Honestly, float away in the clouds with your irrational fears...I don't really care. Same to you buddy, same to you, go ahead and be a god damn sheep, you'll regret it soon enough. |
Trying this again...Your picture doesn't have an original date, it is invalid, right off the bat it is completely inconsequential because there is no way to see when it was done. Now we have that out the way, do you know how incredibly easy time stamps are to fabricate? They've been fabricated in film, music, even journalism...So, now, me knowing all of that like I do, am supposed to take your picture that doesn't even have a date on it as cold hard fact? Not gonna happen, do you know why? Because your proof is either floating away with the wind or sinking rapidly in the water, because it is not proof. Photoshop and all that jazz...Oh, but we're supposed to trust your sources, right? Because in no way, shape, or form do they have their own personal agenda, right? Honestly, float away in the clouds with your irrational fears...I don't really care. Same to you buddy, same to you, go ahead and be a god damn sheep, you'll regret it soon enough. Getting mad because people don't blindly believe your conspiracy theory isn't going to help at all. |
Trying this again...Your picture doesn't have an original date, it is invalid, right off the bat it is completely inconsequential because there is no way to see when it was done. Now we have that out the way, do you know how incredibly easy time stamps are to fabricate? They've been fabricated in film, music, even journalism...So, now, me knowing all of that like I do, am supposed to take your picture that doesn't even have a date on it as cold hard fact? Not gonna happen, do you know why? Because your proof is either floating away with the wind or sinking rapidly in the water, because it is not proof. Photoshop and all that jazz...Oh, but we're supposed to trust your sources, right? Because in no way, shape, or form do they have their own personal agenda, right? Honestly, float away in the clouds with your irrational fears...I don't really care. Same to you buddy, same to you, go ahead and be a god damn sheep, you'll regret it soon enough. Getting mad because people don't blindly believe your conspiracy theory isn't going to help at all. Perhaps not, but people have got to be aware of what is going on, cause otherwise they will easily fall for all the emotional manipulation that comes from events like this, it happens every single time. We have to know the game. |
What if it is you that is the sheep?
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Mon 04/15/13 10:36 PM
What if it is you that is the sheep? If it was true I'd own up to it, but it's not. Governments, be it ours or others have a long history of killing its' own in events like this if doing so fits their agendas. People may not wanna believe or accept that fact that those that they entrust to protect them could act in such a way, but nevertheless it has happened and will keep happening so long as people keep falling for the lies. We have got to stop being so gullible and easily led and learn from the past. If we ever want to change the present it has to begin there. |
I wonder which fanatic group will claim it? i'l be willing to bet that it will be religious ties to it... It was God!! Westboro Baptist says so. News Westboro Baptist Church Will Picket Boston Bomb Funerals Westboro Baptist @WBCSays BREAKING: Westboro Baptist Church to picket funerals of those dead by Boston Bombs! GOD SENT THE BOMBS IN FURY OVER FAG MARRIAGE! #PraiseGod 9:21 PM - 15 Apr 13 Westboro Baptist @WBCSays Everyone can give a big thanks to the likes of @TheEllenShow in supporting same-sex marriage -- THAT is the reason GOD SENT BOSTON BOMBS! 9:18 PM - 15 Apr 13 The hate mongers of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church have vowed to protest at the funerals of those killed in today's Boston Marathon Bombing. Why we rejoice #Boston Ps 58:10 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. 9:46 PM - 15 Apr 13 THANK GOD FOR THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBS! WBC TO PICKET THE FUNERALS OF THOSE KILLED BY THE BOMBING IN BOSTON, MA From WBC website In response to these fanatics .......... Petition: Ban Westboro Baptist Church from Boston Bomb Funerals A White House peition has been started to ban the Westboro Baptist Church from Boston after the church promised to picket the funerals of the bomb victims. |
I wonder which fanatic group will claim it? i'l be willing to bet that it will be religious ties to it... It was God!! Westboro Baptist says so. News Westboro Baptist Church Will Picket Boston Bomb Funerals Westboro Baptist @WBCSays BREAKING: Westboro Baptist Church to picket funerals of those dead by Boston Bombs! GOD SENT THE BOMBS IN FURY OVER FAG MARRIAGE! #PraiseGod 9:21 PM - 15 Apr 13 Westboro Baptist @WBCSays Everyone can give a big thanks to the likes of @TheEllenShow in supporting same-sex marriage -- THAT is the reason GOD SENT BOSTON BOMBS! 9:18 PM - 15 Apr 13 The hate mongers of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church have vowed to protest at the funerals of those killed in today's Boston Marathon Bombing. Why we rejoice #Boston Ps 58:10 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. 9:46 PM - 15 Apr 13 THANK GOD FOR THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBS! WBC TO PICKET THE FUNERALS OF THOSE KILLED BY THE BOMBING IN BOSTON, MA From WBC website In response to these fanatics .......... Petition: Ban Westboro Baptist Church from Boston Bomb Funerals A White House peition has been started to ban the Westboro Baptist Church from Boston after the church promised to picket the funerals of the bomb victims. why am I not surprised they'd jump on this???? ![]() Sometimes I wonder if they are on the take somehow to create's almost too extreme how far they go at times. |
Two words: FALSE FLAG. That is all. Seem that someone listens to too much Alex Jones. No, just someone who has seen these games enough times to know it's going on. Kinda surprised as aware as you are of how they operate you of all people ought to be able to recognize it too. Do I believe that the Government will take advantage of this to Push an Agenda; yes I do. Do I believe that the Government did this; why would they when they can just sit back and wait? The Patriot Act right after the Oklahoma Bombing by the Staff of Joe Biden but after the final touches, cooler minds had taken over and so it was Shelved until the Next Event to Justify passing Legislation Blindly when people were scared. |