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Topic: dear 55+ men
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Tue 03/26/13 06:12 PM
Do you still believe in love at first sight?oops

no photo
Tue 03/26/13 06:17 PM
"Too OLD for a date"
Too young to speak out
What is left......


no photo
Tue 03/26/13 06:18 PM

no photo
Tue 03/26/13 06:20 PM
I tell ya i get no respect
NO respect at all...

{Rodney Dangerfield}


dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/26/13 06:23 PM
Oh yeah, I do. Now after everything I've been through (especially the plane wreck of heartache I went through losing the love of my life last year) this belief may be somewhat ragged, but I still believe in it.

sybariticguy's photo
Tue 03/26/13 07:03 PM
Hi! Love at first sight is quite possible the issue for men is they dont always know where to look and i dont mean at a womans figure. A man who is in touch with his emotions has an advantage as he is more receptive to womens emotional intuitive signals and therefore is able to access his vulnerability and if he has sufficient courage and appropriate social skills can invite the woman into his emotional self. The key is in knowing oneself and how to share in a way that reveals yet does not threaten or overpower but rather, offers an invitation to more intimacy...Strong emotional women find this most alluring and will respond accordingly. Not many women though have this capacity but it certainly is appreciated when it is expeerienced first hand....

oldsage's photo
Wed 03/27/13 09:03 AM
I have experienced this & believe it only happens once. You might not know at the exact second it happens, but it will grow & affect your life, FOREVER MORE.ohwell :thumbsup:

dmckinnon's photo
Wed 03/27/13 09:31 AM
I know, because this happened with my ex. She has always been the love of my life and when we broke up it was like a part of me died. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

TBRich's photo
Wed 03/27/13 10:07 AM

Do you still believe in love at first sight?oops

Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time. What do you see when turn out the light, I can't tell you but I know that its mine. Oooh, I get by with a little help from my friends, gonna try with a little from my friends...

oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 03/27/13 10:21 AM

Do you still believe in love at first sight?oops

Yes I do.

no photo
Wed 03/27/13 10:41 AM
No, I do not believe in love at first site but I do believe in infatuation at first site. It has happened to me a few times, but when I got to know the man, he was not the One. Love has to grow and Love never fails to be there for You.

burgundybry's photo
Wed 03/27/13 12:21 PM

Do you still believe in love at first sight?oops

Directly, no... but with a little cultivating and nurturing it can grow into something to be cherished.

no photo
Wed 03/27/13 12:35 PM
a better question for me would be...did I EVER believe in it??

womaninperth's photo
Thu 03/28/13 06:34 PM
Love at first sight...hmmm I have not felt this but an ex claimed he felt this for me..... so one sided love at first site could be cruel but I grew to love him after a while. love

What I really would like to find though is a guy who doesn't think that you should be happy to be groped or to grope them after 1 or 2 dates, not to mention jumping into bed. frustrated

sybariticguy's photo
Sat 03/30/13 09:38 PM
a tad melodramatic....

womaninperth's photo
Mon 04/01/13 04:09 AM

a tad melodramatic....

Hi Sybariticguy......if that was directed at me i call them as i see them.
Unfortunately i dont have to make this stuff up..... just comment on experiences and no i am not man bashing, the blokes i have met manage their own behaviour.

if anything I am not provocative on dates or perhaps I exude a pheramone that I am unaware of.

then again maybe its me as I seem to pick the wrong ones all through my life.

yarnduchess's photo
Sun 04/14/13 06:06 PM
Love at first sight seems shallow to me. There is so much more to a person than just how they look. Maybe "interest at first sight" , but I believe I have to know more about a person before I say I love you.

no photo
Sun 04/14/13 06:26 PM

Do you still believe in love at first sight?oops

Yes, but your photo is clearly 17 years old. You're a goddess.


rkrai99's photo
Mon 04/15/13 07:22 PM
Love at First Sight?
Who said This?
Totally False
It is Lust at first Sight:angry:

no photo
Tue 04/16/13 11:57 PM

In order for there to be love at first sight, there needs to be a first meeting. I keep waiting on emali from those I've reached out to. Timid, undecided, unhealed, busy, too far... For whatever reason, if we can't make time we can't progress.

Do your best and good things will come of it. Bless you all.


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