Topic: Homosexual redux | |
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Fri 03/22/13 03:51 PM
are same sex marriages allowed in texas? oh well... i guess i was wrong |
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Fri 03/22/13 03:57 PM
This is all fine and good guys but play nice. The real question is gov too involved in our life? yes...i think so... but like i said, some of it is needed... to many people with to many opinions, the government would have to step in sometime... Why should they have to? Because people get their feelings hurt? Should everyone be the same just to keep peace? No thanks. you really need this explained to you? you didn't take social studies in high school? do you really think that society could function without a government? ![]() If people weren't so god damn reliant on it, then yes. Don't you get it, they WANT you dependent on them because then they can control you exactly how they want. It's a trap dude! They don't want us to know we can handle ourselves without them, they want full power, and they'll get it too so long as we keep allowing them it. At BEST the most a government should be is VERY limited......and that does NOT include getting involved in personal affairs it does not belong in. |
are same sex marriages allowed in texas? No they are not. |
so I guess that answers your question
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Fri 03/22/13 04:28 PM
Christians duty is to stand up for God's Word, for it is not only His spiritual code of conduct but ours. Homosexuality is a sin—the lifestyle is considered abominable by God, not the person, for if they choose they can repent and be transformed by God. I don't go around bashing people in the head with it, but I will speak up about it if the situation arises. The greatest victory the devil gets is when believers don't do or say anything. I’m a curious person so actually have a two part question for you, as the first person to mention it... While marriage obviously has a specific religious significance to you as a Christian, the significance is different for people of other religions, and to those with no religious affiliation at all. Do you feel that only Christians should be allowed to marry? If homosexuality being an abomination is the main reason Christians protest their right to “marry”, then shouldn’t women who wear men’s clothing and people who; sew two kinds of seeds in their soil, wear clothes woven of two different cloth, eat shellfish, re-marry their ex wives who have had another husband, craft molten or graven images, also be denied the legal right to marry? According to the Bible, these and 102 other things are ALL abominations in the eyes of the Lord. I would like to understand why every Christian I know takes more offense to homosexuality than to any other abomination. |
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Fri 03/22/13 04:52 PM
From what I know Michigan has banned same sex marriage. Praise God, I can only hope Michigan stands it's ground against all the opposition. Something even worse than gay marriage is the thought of gays wanting to have kids. The country is definitely getting darker.
Christians duty is to stand up for God's Word, for it is not only His spiritual code of conduct but ours. Homosexuality is a sin—the lifestyle is considered abominable by God, not the person, for if they choose they can repent and be transformed by God. I don't go around bashing people in the head with it, but I will speak up about it if the situation arises. The greatest victory the devil gets is when believers don't do or say anything. I’m a curious person so actually have a two part question for you, as the first person to mention it... While marriage obviously has a specific religious significance to you as a Christian, the significance is different for people of other religions, and to those with no religious affiliation at all. Do you feel that only Christians should be allowed to marry? If homosexuality being an abomination is the main reason Christians protest their right to “marry”, then shouldn’t women who wear men’s clothing and people who; sew two kinds of seeds in their soil, wear clothes woven of two different cloth, eat shellfish, re-marry their ex wives who have had another husband, craft molten or graven images, also be denied the legal right to marry? According to the Bible, these and 102 other things are ALL abominations in the eyes of the Lord. I would like to understand why every Christian I know takes more offense to homosexuality than to any other abomination. Might I add it says stone them to death and they don't, so none of them are standing up for the word of God. The Bible explicitly states the exercise of free will, God wants people to come to him of their own volition because He knows forced obedience just harbors resentment and rebellion. The Bible also states judge not, for that is God's province. So we should not judge others who exercise their free will, regardless of how repulsive or deranged from nature it is. God will sort it out. I do not condone homosexuality, but it is not my place to force my beliefs on another who might not believe in God or whatever, etc. The two people involved in the behavior only hurt themselves, imo. |
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Fri 03/22/13 05:33 PM
Christians duty is to stand up for God's Word, for it is not only His spiritual code of conduct but ours. Homosexuality is a sin—the lifestyle is considered abominable by God, not the person, for if they choose they can repent and be transformed by God. I don't go around bashing people in the head with it, but I will speak up about it if the situation arises. The greatest victory the devil gets is when believers don't do or say anything. I’m a curious person so actually have a two part question for you, as the first person to mention it... While marriage obviously has a specific religious significance to you as a Christian, the significance is different for people of other religions, and to those with no religious affiliation at all. Do you feel that only Christians should be allowed to marry? If homosexuality being an abomination is the main reason Christians protest their right to “marry”, then shouldn’t women who wear men’s clothing and people who; sew two kinds of seeds in their soil, wear clothes woven of two different cloth, eat shellfish, re-marry their ex wives who have had another husband, craft molten or graven images, also be denied the legal right to marry? According to the Bible, these and 102 other things are ALL abominations in the eyes of the Lord. I would like to understand why every Christian I know takes more offense to homosexuality than to any other abomination. Might I add it says stone them to death and they don't, so none of them are standing up for the word of God. The Bible explicitly states the exercise of free will, God wants people to come to him of their own volition because He knows forced obedience just harbors resentment and rebellion. The Bible also states judge not, for that is God's province. So we should not judge others who exercise their free will, regardless of how repulsive or deranged from nature it is. God will sort it out. I do not condone homosexuality, but it is not my place to force my beliefs on another who might not believe in God or whatever, etc. The two people involved in the behavior only hurt themselves, imo. How do you know it's truly harming them though? Because a book says it to be true? I say that with all due respect, as you seem to be a fairly intelligent man from your comments here. How do you know God thinks this way? Can you prove it? A book can tell many things, but it doesn't mean it's the truth automatically. Sometimes we need to think beyond absolutes like that. World would be far less divided if we were. |
It is only hurting them if they believe in God, as it specifically calls out homosexual behavior as abhorrent. It also says to stone them. But I believe Jesus changed that when he wouldn't let the crowd stone a prostitute ("Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.").
That's just my opinion, plus there is aids running around, but it has crossed over into heterosexual relations too. |
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Fri 03/22/13 05:40 PM
It is only hurting them if they believe in God, as it specifically calls out homosexual behavior as abhorrent. It also says to stone them. But I believe Jesus changed that when he wouldn't let the crowd stone a prostitute ("Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."). That's just my opinion, plus there is aids running around, but it has crossed over into heterosexual relations too. Again though can you prove that? A book does not truth make. Would a God of love judge someone or cast them out for simply choosing to love someone of the same sex and wanting to be with them romantically? Yet in the meantime he's perfectly fine with bloodshed and death in his name, even to the point of killing first born children of those who don't obey Him? Take away the religious upbringing for a second and seriously think about that. Does that make any bit of sense? It doesn't to me. As for AIDS, if you research that, that was a government created disease in Africa, it had nothing to do with homosexuals as one may believe. |
It is only hurting them if they believe in God, as it specifically calls out homosexual behavior as abhorrent. It also says to stone them. But I believe Jesus changed that when he wouldn't let the crowd stone a prostitute ("Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."). That's just my opinion, plus there is aids running around, but it has crossed over into heterosexual relations too. Again though can you prove that? A book does not truth make. Would a God of love judge someone or cast them out for simply choosing to love someone of the same sex and wanting to be with them romantically? Yet in the meantime he's perfect fine with bloodshed and death in his name, even to the point of killing first born children of those who don't obey Him? Take away the religious upbringing for a second and seriously think about that. Does that make any bit of sense? It doesn't to me. As for AIDS, if you research that, that was a government created disease in Africa, it had nothing to do with homosexuals as one may believe. I'm just saying aids is out there, and promiscuous behavior spreads it. Not all homo or hetero people are promiscuous or it would be worse, regardless of where it originated. Yes, God deals harshly with those who disobey. You must understand the flesh is nothing to him, it is your soul that counts. This is why I've decided that I would not want someone ramming their beliefs on me, so I should not do it to others. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you thingy. |
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Fri 03/22/13 05:46 PM
It is only hurting them if they believe in God, as it specifically calls out homosexual behavior as abhorrent. It also says to stone them. But I believe Jesus changed that when he wouldn't let the crowd stone a prostitute ("Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."). That's just my opinion, plus there is aids running around, but it has crossed over into heterosexual relations too. Again though can you prove that? A book does not truth make. Would a God of love judge someone or cast them out for simply choosing to love someone of the same sex and wanting to be with them romantically? Yet in the meantime he's perfect fine with bloodshed and death in his name, even to the point of killing first born children of those who don't obey Him? Take away the religious upbringing for a second and seriously think about that. Does that make any bit of sense? It doesn't to me. As for AIDS, if you research that, that was a government created disease in Africa, it had nothing to do with homosexuals as one may believe. I'm just saying aids is out there, and promiscuous behavior spreads it. Not all homo or hetero people are promiscuous or it would be worse, regardless of where it originated. Yes, God deals harshly with those who disobey. You must understand the flesh is nothing to him, it is your soul that counts. This is why I've decided that I would not want someone ramming their beliefs on me, so I should not do it to others. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you thingy. That's fine, but.....I am not shy in telling you have I have a problem with a belief like that. I find it quite offensive to view God in such a light that he would treat people so pettily. you're entitled to your belief of course's pretty disgusting and a bit disheartening to me quite frankly. |
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. And their own life.
so I guess that answers your question i already answered that 3 or 4 posts up... |
It is only hurting them if they believe in God, as it specifically calls out homosexual behavior as abhorrent. It also says to stone them. But I believe Jesus changed that when he wouldn't let the crowd stone a prostitute ("Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."). That's just my opinion, plus there is aids running around, but it has crossed over into heterosexual relations too. Again though can you prove that? A book does not truth make. Would a God of love judge someone or cast them out for simply choosing to love someone of the same sex and wanting to be with them romantically? Yet in the meantime he's perfectly fine with bloodshed and death in his name, even to the point of killing first born children of those who don't obey Him? Take away the religious upbringing for a second and seriously think about that. Does that make any bit of sense? It doesn't to me. As for AIDS, if you research that, that was a government created disease in Africa, it had nothing to do with homosexuals as one may believe. quit making things up... you have no idea how it started, just like everyone else... |
It is only hurting them if they believe in God, as it specifically calls out homosexual behavior as abhorrent. It also says to stone them. But I believe Jesus changed that when he wouldn't let the crowd stone a prostitute ("Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."). That's just my opinion, plus there is aids running around, but it has crossed over into heterosexual relations too. Again though can you prove that? A book does not truth make. Would a God of love judge someone or cast them out for simply choosing to love someone of the same sex and wanting to be with them romantically? Yet in the meantime he's perfectly fine with bloodshed and death in his name, even to the point of killing first born children of those who don't obey Him? Take away the religious upbringing for a second and seriously think about that. Does that make any bit of sense? It doesn't to me. As for AIDS, if you research that, that was a government created disease in Africa, it had nothing to do with homosexuals as one may believe. quit making things up... you have no idea how it started, just like everyone else... Uh......yeah I think I do. Research it, do your homework before you spout off at the mouth. |
This is all fine and good guys but play nice. The real question is gov too involved in our life? yes...i think so... but like i said, some of it is needed... to many people with to many opinions, the government would have to step in sometime... Why should they have to? Because people get their feelings hurt? Should everyone be the same just to keep peace? No thanks. you really need this explained to you? you didn't take social studies in high school? do you really think that society could function without a government? ![]() If people weren't so god damn reliant on it, then yes. Don't you get it, they WANT you dependent on them because then they can control you exactly how they want. It's a trap dude! They don't want us to know we can handle ourselves without them, they want full power, and they'll get it too so long as we keep allowing them it. At BEST the most a government should be is VERY limited......and that does NOT include getting involved in personal affairs it does not belong in. either way, have you thought about how you and the government you gripe about so much are the same? your trying to tell me how and what to think, just like the government... the whole government is full of people like you, just waiting to push their beliefs on others. I'm not saying this to make you mad, I'm saying this because you yourself said " you think the world could be a better place", that's exactly the way everyone in the government, your neighbors, me, and the other 400 million people are saying... the only problem with that is there is 400 million opinions on how to do that, and to you, yours is right, and to them, they are right... who is right and wrong here? that's why we have to have a government. they found this out about 12,000 years ago, and it will never change... |
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Fri 03/22/13 06:15 PM
This is all fine and good guys but play nice. The real question is gov too involved in our life? yes...i think so... but like i said, some of it is needed... to many people with to many opinions, the government would have to step in sometime... Why should they have to? Because people get their feelings hurt? Should everyone be the same just to keep peace? No thanks. you really need this explained to you? you didn't take social studies in high school? do you really think that society could function without a government? ![]() If people weren't so god damn reliant on it, then yes. Don't you get it, they WANT you dependent on them because then they can control you exactly how they want. It's a trap dude! They don't want us to know we can handle ourselves without them, they want full power, and they'll get it too so long as we keep allowing them it. At BEST the most a government should be is VERY limited......and that does NOT include getting involved in personal affairs it does not belong in. either way, have you thought about how you and the government you gripe about so much are the same? your trying to tell me how and what to think, just like the government... the whole government is full of people like you, just waiting to push their beliefs on others. I'm not saying this to make you mad, I'm saying this because you yourself said " you think the world could be a better place", that's exactly the way everyone in the government, your neighbors, me, and the other 400 million people are saying... the only problem with that is there is 400 million opinions on how to do that, and to you, yours is right, and to them, they are right... who is right and wrong here? that's why we have to have a government. they found this out about 12,000 years ago, and it will never change... Only because no one has the GUTS to do it. And no I'm NOT telling you how to think, you can be prejudice all you want, but when you use that to try and tell someone ELSE how to live, you cross the line. Nuff said. Everyone can have opinions, but those opinions should NOT effect public policy. The ONLY reason for government intervention is when someone's rights are being taken away by someone else, that's the ONLY reason, anything else is overreaching. People are gonna be different than you, deal with it it's part of what a free society is supposed to be. Don't like it, than go somewhere where there are more like you. And if you think the government now wants things a better place, you are so naive it's ridiculous. They want things better for THEM, and them ONLY. We matter not, educate yourself, you play right into their hands by asking them for intervention on petty matters. |
It is only hurting them if they believe in God, as it specifically calls out homosexual behavior as abhorrent. It also says to stone them. But I believe Jesus changed that when he wouldn't let the crowd stone a prostitute ("Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."). That's just my opinion, plus there is aids running around, but it has crossed over into heterosexual relations too. Again though can you prove that? A book does not truth make. Would a God of love judge someone or cast them out for simply choosing to love someone of the same sex and wanting to be with them romantically? Yet in the meantime he's perfectly fine with bloodshed and death in his name, even to the point of killing first born children of those who don't obey Him? Take away the religious upbringing for a second and seriously think about that. Does that make any bit of sense? It doesn't to me. As for AIDS, if you research that, that was a government created disease in Africa, it had nothing to do with homosexuals as one may believe. quit making things up... you have no idea how it started, just like everyone else... Uh......yeah I think I do. Research it, do your homework before you spout off at the mouth. no, your the one saying you know how it started... prove it... your a doctor? you know about infectious diseases? all you know is what you read off the internet, on the CT'ers site... NO ONE knows how or where it started, for all we know it could have started 5000 years ago, or a million... you just don't know |
This is all fine and good guys but play nice. The real question is gov too involved in our life? yes...i think so... but like i said, some of it is needed... to many people with to many opinions, the government would have to step in sometime... Why should they have to? Because people get their feelings hurt? Should everyone be the same just to keep peace? No thanks. you really need this explained to you? you didn't take social studies in high school? do you really think that society could function without a government? ![]() If people weren't so god damn reliant on it, then yes. Don't you get it, they WANT you dependent on them because then they can control you exactly how they want. It's a trap dude! They don't want us to know we can handle ourselves without them, they want full power, and they'll get it too so long as we keep allowing them it. At BEST the most a government should be is VERY limited......and that does NOT include getting involved in personal affairs it does not belong in. either way, have you thought about how you and the government you gripe about so much are the same? your trying to tell me how and what to think, just like the government... the whole government is full of people like you, just waiting to push their beliefs on others. I'm not saying this to make you mad, I'm saying this because you yourself said " you think the world could be a better place", that's exactly the way everyone in the government, your neighbors, me, and the other 400 million people are saying... the only problem with that is there is 400 million opinions on how to do that, and to you, yours is right, and to them, they are right... who is right and wrong here? that's why we have to have a government. they found this out about 12,000 years ago, and it will never change... Only because no one has the GUTS to do it. And no I'm NOT telling you how to think, you can be prejudice all you want, but when you use that to try and tell someone ELSE how to live, you cross the line. Nuff said. Everyone can have opinions, but those opinions should NOT effect public policy. The ONLY reason for government intervention is when someone's rights are being taken away by someone else, that's the ONLY reason, anything else is overreaching. People are gonna be different than you, deal with it or go somewhere where there are more like you. yes you are.. you've been telling me how wrong i am, calling me racist, and arguing everything i say... if you don't like my OPINION, then don't respond to it... it's very simple |