Topic: women love guys who treat them badly?? | |
I have an experienced like this wherein im the cause(im not the third party).
The husband borrowed my phone to call his girlfriend. The girlfriend called but the husband is not in the house so i gave it the wife since i already have given the info. The wife and the girlfriend talked. The wife showed me fake facade when she hand me back the phone, the girlfriend is on the line crying. When the husband knew, he is very angry to me but the wife and also the girlfriend defended me. I ask them to leave him but they said one thing i love him. But the girlfriend consider the fact that he has a family so she leave. These couple until now has the love and hate relationship. Every time they fight and make up, a baby is formed. Stupid but you cannot judge a heart who love. Strong women was mold due to hard experiences. Maybe it depends upon to a woman what type of guy they want. New experiences is a challenge. Goodluck. |
It's not that women prefer men that treat them badly, it's that they are creeped out by a guy that always kisses up to them. Women insist on a man they can respect and you just can't respect a doormat.
Here's what you should do; 1. Stop respecting women simply because they are women. Some women are worthy of respect and others are not. Just like men. 2. Stop chasing women that aren't interested in you. If you haven't at least kissed her (full on, tongue and all) by the third date, cut your losses and move on because it ain't happening. 3. Stop trying to buy women with gifts and favors. When you do this they will either take advantage of you or they'll be creeped out because they aren't hookers and don't want to be bought. |
If she is a prostitute and she solicits you for business, ask for the clergyman's rate...
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So my whole life I've been the nice Guy. Doing everything a man should to make his woman happy...but yet I keep getting effed over...every time. But I see a beautiful girl In a relationship with a Guy who treats her badly, no respect, she works while he uses her money? Just some examples and I'm sure some of y'all have seen this...but when you say, well leave the Guy and she says, "but I love him" soooo I'm not the only one who finds this to be complete bull stick?! Opinions? Thanks Did you ever think that it might be the woman who has issues? Just because she is beautiful, doesn't mean she doesn't have problems. Just my 2 cents. |
Lord, its so funny both sexes complaining. Hello, you have a bad relationship with one personality type and keep going after that same type- duh you're going to get effed over. Both girls and guys that keep complaing they keep getting hurt, these girls keep going after the goodlooking/hot douchb@gs and these guys keep going after the sexy/hot bit€hes why are you surprised when you realize they are douchb@gs and bit€hes that are not going to change. You want to change the out ome of your relationships, change the type of person you have them with. I mean its natural for people to be attracted to "hotness," but everyone needs to not be blinded by whats on the outside, then get emotionally invested and get burned, after seeing and saying to yourself "this person's hot," talk to them and actually listen to and process the words coming out their mouth, when you sense the other person is a jerk get up, walk away and find someone else.
Or you could just give up on "hot" find someone who is average, with a healthy (not over-inflated by all the "your hot" "your pretty" comments) self-esteem, and level head that will love you for you. Then all the hot bit€hes (guys and girls) will be left to date and deal with each other.
they generally are already inlove with the man before they start getting treated badly, alot of men thrive on power, thats in my own experience, i was pregnant before i started getting physically and emotionally abused and controlled i wasnt allowed to talk to any man, if i did i was accused of sleeping with them or wanting to, i couldnt even.sleep in peace i would get woken.up with accusations, plus much more things anyway he made sure i was hooked first and this started on my birthday, i had a full can of rum pegged at the back of my head for no reason. ive probably told too much.of myself but i do not care
Sometimes that situation are a question of values, self esteem and how the person was educated. For starters every girl or man that go or went through an abusive relationship (or several) of every kind: physically, mentally, emotional, it´s because of self esteem. They don´t love themselves enough to put a stop in that situation or get out of there, even ask for help. They just blind themselves with fear and don´t see the bigger picture, that they could live better if they choose it. I have known women that have a heroine complex too, and want to save the man they love, even knowing that they are complete ********, and those women think that they could be the solution and change the man. Just for the sake that women are "generally" care takers by nature. And I have seen too that it´s the education they received at home. There are a lot of crazy customs out there, and men and women thrive in that feeling of power. In Mexico for quite some time, and still exist mainly in small towns or ranch or farms, chauvinism. And the man with that ideology just thrive with doing any woman less, even his mom and the person who take the worst part of the cake are usually the girlfriend and later the wife. But like it was mentioned before, this go two ways. Men can treat women like ****, but so do girls, they can treat men like ****. The solution it´s in us, love ourselves enough to never let someone do that to us, and hurt us like that. Just don´t settle and don´t look for a relationship cause of loneliness of to fill a void. And NEVER change who you are, be the good guy, be authentic, and believe me some girl is going to appreciate that, and will be quite happy with you. |
This is sooo true and defies explanation. Beautiful women in the hands of men who treat them like **** is something I noticed as a teen ager, just couldn't understand it and still don't. Whe I was young just becoming interested in girls I was very shy, intimidated and in high school went steady with a very beautiful younger girl. Suddenly it was like I could have any woman I wanted, something like a power, never experienced it before. And like all absolute power, it corrupts absolutely. I cheated on this girl, hurt her terribly and it was only when I enlisted in the military towards the end of Viet Nam that I realized how much I was in love with her. I lost this girl forever, about once every five years she would reenter my life for a few days, and then leave me without explanation, again and again until I married womeone elsek someone really not worthy of my attention or love. I tried and never cheated of another woman or intentionally hurt one again and it just doesn't work. My marriage failed, subsequent women would stay, sometimes for years, then then cheat on me, lie to me, wtf is this ****. I never try to figure a woman out, just accept them as they are, it's not my place to try and change anyone. Now at 57, I still see the same game going one, beautiful women with men who just don't appreciate what they have, treat them as possessions, have no respect for them, control them. Is this the way it's suppose to be? I'm sorry, I just cant treat people like ****, women or men. The last one left me, lying and cheating again, with a huge financial debt that I'm still struggling with. Never again will I trust a woman with mney. I'm not interested in her money if she has any, and she will nevercontrol what I have at my disposal. I just don't understand.
I think people are missing an element in these types of relationships. People don't start out being bad to the other. For those that say "I would never love this type of person", just know that no one ever starts out that way. Women that are attracted to the "bad boy" are not attracted to the cheating, lying, douche bag, they are attracted to the confident, strong, in control man that they appear to be. It only happens later that they become the womanizing, lying abusive person. Reason? because they are themselves insecure with the relationship. As much as you ask yourself why these women are with them, they are asking the same question. The only way they know to keep them is to belittle them and make them feel of less value then they are. This keeps them clinging to the guy because the women starts to believe that they are not as good as they really are.
And while I use the bad guy, good girl example, it really is a two way street. As much as you seem to get the bad girls in your life, they are the equivalent of the Bad boy you see with the good girls. My advise, be yourself and don't apologize for it. Know what you want and who you want. Be the person your looking for, is looking for, and it will all work out. |
So my whole life I've been the nice Guy. Doing everything a man should to make his woman happy...but yet I keep getting effed over...every time...Opinions? Thanks I am not an authority. That bares repeating... In some ways I've had the same experience. If I can offer an opinion I would simply say follow your own personal code of ethics. If you are the type to treat people with respect and dignity don't let that change for the women you meet. If they want to play games let that be their least you won't be conflicted by trying to play a role out character for you. Personally, I'd rather be who I am and let the chips fall where they may. I think any woman worth being with will appreciate the "nice guy" factor. That probably didn't help... |
As Leigh says, it goes both ways. There are people who will misuse others, and there are people who allow themselves to be misused. Ironically, it’s typically self esteem issues that are responsible for both the user and the misused alike. I think with guys when this kind of thing happens as a pattern one possibility is that men tend to be very visual so they can be instantly attracted based on looks and it takes awhile for them to realize that they need to be looking a little deeper. Women can do that too and I am sure some do. I am trying not to be overly gender specific so what happens when we allow our attraction for someone to be based on superficial qualities like looks, age, or money is that we don't really know the person we are with and eventually we try to make that partner into someone (on the inside) who we want....not realizing that is never who they were, it's not ever who they are gonna is where the control issues start....that's the slippery slope. we have an idea buried in our minds of who we want our partner to be as far as personality, habits, interests and behaviors. but when we first got together with this other person we were looking at the surface and not really assessing whether this partner's personality was compatible to our own, then we learn, after a couple of mistakes, to take that idea from the recesses or subconcious and bring it fully into the light. It's called maturing I guess, or learning to chose a partner on less superficial qualities and I think both men and women can male this kind of mistake or some bariation of it cuz ya, the sex might be great but what we really need is for the sex to be great AND someone we want to have hang around for breakfast & can talk with (w/out arguing) too....if a relationship is desired, that is |