Topic: women love guys who treat them badly?? | |
I've recently split from my wife. I did everything I could for her, I was a good husband & father and never stopped from doing or going where she wanted... But she started seeing & sleeping with other men at work who just wanted sex and she loved her new life so much she decided to split our family apart for it!! Hey Hubba, I'm sorry to hear this—aand they say us guys are bad, eh? |
So my whole life I've been the nice Guy. Doing everything a man should to make his woman happy...but yet I keep getting effed over...every time. But I see a beautiful girl In a relationship with a Guy who treats her badly, no respect, she works while he uses her money? Just some examples and I'm sure some of y'all have seen this...but when you say, well leave the Guy and she says, "but I love him" soooo I'm not the only one who finds this to be complete bull stick?! Opinions? Thanks It is the psychology technique of push-pull, or in the vulgar "cat string theory". |
I just thought it was the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal.
the way i see it, just because someone wants something to happen doesn't mean it will... there are to many women out there to try to make something work that's not going to. quit worrying about people you can't have, and worry about the ones you can have...if a chic wants someone to treat her badly, then let her find her way. you shouldn't change because you think thats what they want...
As said before it can go both ways but I have to agree I see more girls being disrespected in relationships. My rule of thumb is if the guy doesn't treat his momma right then he won't treat me right. Hang in there hun the right girl will come your way and it won't matter that the other girls picked a relationship that doesn't treat them right. As long as you know your heart is in the right place, that's all that matters.
oh geez. Your whole life is at 21. No I am seriously getting pissed at kids who have no life experience but maybe one or two gals through highschool, AND they need advice on how to find a woman. NO NO. TRY GOING OUT AND MEETING GIRLS..I DONT KNOW..MAYBE AT KMART..MAYBE AT the skating rink...maybe at your buddies house. There is no way you need help finding a date when you are goodlooking and 21. get the **** off the internet and meet a girl. I am sick of this ****. (sorry) I simply asked everyone's opinion on the subject is all. I have no problem meeting women and have plenty of female friends. I'm not a kid either, I've been serving with army since I was 17. Putting my life on the line so people can live free and be able to do what they want. Dont seem like such a kid now huh? Don't have anything nice to or bout the subject at hand then don't say anything at all. "Sorry" |
oh geez. Your whole life is at 21. No I am seriously getting pissed at kids who have no life experience but maybe one or two gals through highschool, AND they need advice on how to find a woman. NO NO. TRY GOING OUT AND MEETING GIRLS..I DONT KNOW..MAYBE AT KMART..MAYBE AT the skating rink...maybe at your buddies house. There is no way you need help finding a date when you are goodlooking and 21. get the **** off the internet and meet a girl. I am sick of this ****. (sorry) I simply asked everyone's opinion on the subject is all. I have no problem meeting women and have plenty of female friends. I'm not a kid either, I've been serving with army since I was 17. Putting my life on the line so people can live free and be able to do what they want. Dont seem like such a kid now huh? Don't have anything nice to or bout the subject at hand then don't say anything at all. "Sorry" Your cool bro, no biggie. Sometimes people on these forums see things from their side without seeing the persons real story or deal. The more they get to know you and you them you learn that their responses come from a place in their thinking that may be in line with yours or their seeing things you or I write from way outside your thoughts intended. It's a good thread and with some good responses already. Thanks for your service BTW! |
Owwhhh! That's what they says love is blind!... I guess that's not, you are the driver of your own car...destiny is just your decisions...
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Us women always dream of the perfect guy but in truth to nice can be off putting. yes we like a bit of a challenge so dont be a yes man and dont accomodate her at every oppertunity! I myself had a guy who would av done anything for me at anytime and it was boring. In theory it was nice but I took advantage of this because I knew I could which looking back wasnt nice and he didnt deserve it. u will iether find someone who appreciates all u do for her or bring a bit of the bad boy out in u.
I was just being jokey in my last comment ;) I can't blame you men, though. I mean, it's like you can't win. Am I right? If you're "too" nice, she automatically assumes you have something to hide. If you're "too" much of a bad guy, she ends up walking out anyway. Not all women like bad guys though. I think if you're nice towards a woman, and she wants to dismiss it as hiding something, then her loss. A lot of my male friends are nice, sweet people, and I see it happen to them too. I tell them she probably wasn't right for you then, as she will always be looking for any ounce of "closet behaviour" that may not even be there. I get it. No such thing as TOO nice.
Your young and you will come across this from both sexes. Low self esteem is killer and brings most people crashing down at some point in their life. If you have or had this problem (I have) then you have to learn to love yourself before you can love others.
What gets me is women always seem to think they have to try to change us. If you want a challange, there are many reality tv shows to get on. Some of us guys are hard wired to treat our significant others really special and if we like to spoil you then just appreciate it. Life is challenging enough, relationships shouldn't be. They should be easy, comfortable and enjoyable. My experiences with women have left a sour taste in my mouth more often then not. But I keep trying because somewhere out there is "the one". You know, the one who will appreciate a good guy and not try to change him. I would like to find a woman who doesn't smoke. Accept it ladies, us guys are who we are for a reason. Were not broke and don't need fixing. Albeit, we do understand compromise, but don't expect us to give up everything we enjoy in life just to be with you. I've been down that road and now I find myself starting my life over yet again. It's getting to the point that maybe you women just aren't worth the effort on my part. Why is it so hard to find a decent woman out there! I've known guy's in my past that have attempted to take their own life because of a woman. Noone is worth that.
I've seen the same thing, I totally don't understand that crap. Treat them like a piece of crap and they stay with you. Whats up with that?
Yes. Some women are too paranoid for their own good. You gotta wonder why at times.
You guys ever think that perhaps the reason some women will go for the "bad boy" is due to the fact the very least....the bad boy makes life interesting?
Let's face it. If you are with a woman and you keep her bored, then she is going to look for excitement. When a man gets the girl, a man tends to have this bad habit of becoming complacent. This will kill any relationship, and it will drive a girl into wanting a man for excitement. A "bad boy" may run around on her, or not be there for her when she needs it, but there will never be a dull moment while she is with him. Men can be nice guys all they want, but the fact is that a vast majority of women simply don't want JUST that. They need a man to be an azz at times, be nice at times and be the lover she dreams of at times. You do that and you have harmony. |
I've been told that women biologically seek out the best provider and protector for her young so as to sustain them. For many of them that may mean someone that others fear or look up to. Someone intimidating and/or in a high position. With that in mind how does a woman (in general) feel attracted to someone who is willing to subjugate themselves to her. Do I agree that this is the appropriate way to be in this day and age? not really. A lot of women are raised to be broken wing fixers. they want to help fix a man who except for a few negative attributes would otherwise appear to be the confident tribal leader. If you think that we have evolved ourselves out of those procreational instincts visualize yourself at your most sexually driven moment in life and tell me that you were in total control of those feelings inside and out. I could have worded this better and given each part of the argument it's due value but that would probably have taken volumes to thoroughly explain what I am really trying to say. So please don't pick it apart but rather take it as whole possibility. Thanks, Greg |
From a guys point of view i have pondered this very same question about y do woman like bad boys. Not men but boys im 23, 2 jobs 3 cars that i paid for my own apartment the whole nine yards and i notice that woman will stay will guys who treat them like less than who they are and they will continue to go back to that person or those type of boys. I finally got tired of it and asked why they all said similar things. Its because they find security in the known. Its the same with some guys they know there girl is cheating on them but will continue to play ignorant because they are afraid of the unknown afraid of change.
Personal opinion only |
Dere is no way I'll eva lov a man who treats me badly.
Oh good, I was just thinking there hasn't been a nice guy thread posted in awhile.
I think the problem is that women don't know what they want. They say they do and they even think they do, but their actions say otherwise.