Topic: Kansas State House Pass Liberalized Gun Law
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Sat 03/16/13 10:59 PM
Can we Clone some of the Kansas Political Class into Illinois? How about Transplanting a Few Brain Cells into our Brain Dead Political Class? (Hope that I didn't offend the Brain Dead with that last comment.)

The State House of Kansas passed three measures to Expand Gun Rights.

The bill also would expand the number of public buildings where people with a state permit could bring concealed weapons, including the Statehouse.

Read more here:

willing2's photo
Sun 03/17/13 04:08 AM
Good for Kansas.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 03/17/13 04:13 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 03/17/13 04:18 AM

Can we Clone some of the Kansas Political Class into Illinois? How about Transplanting a Few Brain Cells into our Brain Dead Political Class? (Hope that I didn't offend the Brain Dead with that last comment.)

The State House of Kansas passed three measures to Expand Gun Rights.

The bill also would expand the number of public buildings where people with a state permit could bring concealed weapons, including the Statehouse.

Read more here:
if you transplanted those Braincells,they'd probably revolt,and cloning sadly enough is still in it's infancy.
But if you'd send Clones to Illinois,they would probably catch that same fatal Anti-Gun-Disease!

no photo
Sun 03/17/13 08:40 AM
Can we Clone some of the Kansas Political Class into Illinois?
Too late..