Topic: Is Christianity the world's largest religion? Has the most | |
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Thu 03/07/13 08:48 AM
YEC (young earth creationism) is a myth. It is a fantasy, invented by early humans. You can believe if if you like. You can respect the fact that different people have different opinions.
But it is dishonest to place YEC and any scientific theories on 'equal footing'. Thesis and hypothesis only get the status 'scientific theory' when there is supporting evidence. Neither the big bang theory, nor the theory of evolution is 'just a theory' in the everyday sense of the word: |
Of course, you're quite right. I accept the big bang as a theory the same as I accept creationism as a theory.
In that case, do you accept each of these creation myths as well? from Creation Stories from around the World Encapsulations of some traditional stories explaining the origin of the Earth, its life, and its peoples Fourth Edition July 2000 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents No. Story Land or People Page in print edition Title Page of the print version i Preface iv 1 The Four Creations Hopi 1 2 Odin and Ymir Norse 4 3 The Separation of Heaven and Earth Maori 6 4 The Story of Corn and Medicine Cherokee 8 5 The Origin of Japan and Her People Japan 11 6 Death, and Life and Death Kono 14 7 The Creation and the Emergence Jicarilla Apache 16 8 Creation by and of the Self India 20 9 Marduk Creates the World from the Spoils of Battle Babylonia 21 10 The Golden Chain Yoruba 23 11 The Menominee and Manabush Menominee 25 12 The Naba Zid-Wendé Mossi 27 13 Pan Gu and Nü Wa China 29 14 Yahweh Hebrew 31 15 The Elohim Hebrew 33 16 A Potawatomi Story Potawatomi 35 17 Birth in the Dawn Hawaii 37 18 Life from Moon and the Stars Wakaranga 39 19 Two Brothers and their Grandmother Seneca 40 20 The Moon and the Morning Star Wichita 42 No, you’ve misunderstood my meaning. I accept them AS theories. I do not ACCEPT the creationism theories. The two most widely used basic definitions of theory are: 1. Cumulative analysis of facts and how they related to one another. 2. Abstract thoughts based on speculation. Therefore, I see both "Big Bang" and creationism, as qualifying as threories. Personally, I follow fact based theories as the foundational building blocks that eventually will rise upward to the truth. However, I don’t FULLY accept anything as a hard fact, as we will continue to raise the bar as we always have done and build on those facts until we can piece them together into the whole picture. |
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Thu 03/07/13 10:14 AM
Oh, no, Cynderella, I definitely understood your meaning to the full extent it was re-expressed in your last post.
I just didn't make this clear in my response. I used the word 'accept' in the same way that you did and didn't think the qualifier was necessary - I see now that this was unclear. You are expressing tolerance for other peoples beliefs, and suggesting that creationism and evolution both count as 'theories'. My point is that: if you are going to be so generous to the christian creation myth, don't you also have to do so for all creation creation myths? If the YEC myth is a (colloquial use) theory, then aren't all these creation myths also theories? Edit: To be clear, my 8:47 post wasn't directed at any one person. |
Most politically active Christians who believe in and advocate for YEC are dishonest. They have an agenda to give their pet creation myth maximal (undeserved) credibility in public discourse. They abuse the logical fallacy of equivocation to falsely set scientific theories on equal footing as their pet creation myth, ignoring the fact that the colloquial use of 'theory' and the scientific use of the word 'theory' are completely different. What we call a 'theory' in everyday speech is what a scientists would call 'speculation' or 'thesis' or 'hypothesis'. They want the theory of evolution to be placed on equal footing as their YEC myth, but generally speaking they don't want all creation myths to be placed on equal footing. |
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Thu 03/07/13 10:13 AM
I thought Muslimism was the biggest ? At least i would have sworn i read that somewhere... Learn something new every day That is my philosophy... Thanks for that info ! But i have to say that What ever faith we believe in is good as long as we bELIve ... GOODNESS ! Be Blessed EVERYONE ! KiK |
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Thu 03/07/13 10:57 AM
Oh, no, Cynderella, I definitely understood your meaning to the full extent it was re-expressed in your last post. I just didn't make this clear in my response. I used the word 'accept' in the same way that you did and didn't think the qualifier was necessary - I see now that this was unclear. You are expressing tolerance for other peoples beliefs, and suggesting that creationism and evolution both count as 'theories'. My point is that: if you are going to be so generous to the christian creation myth, don't you also have to do so for all creation creation myths? If the YEC myth is a (colloquial use) theory, then aren't all these creation myths also theories? Edit: To be clear, my 8:47 post wasn't directed at any one person. I see. We'll work our way there eventually. Yes, by definition, I do accept them as theories...not "scientific theories". Most of those on your list are long dead, but were theories in their own time. Obviously I have my opinions, but the scientific theories I subscribe to and support are not WHOLE TRUTHS in themselves...yet. My conviction in my beliefs may dictate that I feel creationism in any form is therefore wrong. And it is not out of diplomatic reasoning that I say this, but I honestly believe in an individual’s right to BE wrong. I practice that right myslef at times. I do like understanding the WHY of their thinking though. |
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Thu 03/07/13 11:12 PM
4. Darwinism also supports the accuracy of the Bible. How? One-hundred percent of the ‘missing links’ (1859 to 2012) were discovered by atheists. (Can you say conflict of interest?) All of there so-called ‘finds’ were filled with fraud … forgery … and fabrication.
Hey massagetrade, here's 40 more facts for you to answer with ... cartoon characters. (That's 320 [plus] factual evidences vs. your 12 cartoon characters.) Evolution Frauds, Forgeries & Fabrications 1. 1812 - Lady of Guadeloupe (female human skeleton fossils cover-up) 2. 1856 - Neanderthal Man (human fossils with rickets and osteoarthritis) 3. 1856 - Dryopithecus (fossils of deceased chimpanzees) 4. 1859 - Darwin’s Theory published 5. 1860 - Castenodolo Skull (radiocarbon dating shows its’ a modern human skull) 6. 1860 - Archaeopteryx (forged bird-reptile slabs/plates) 7. 1860 - Ernst Haeckel (German biologist, atheist and artist; embryo drawing fraud) 8. 1863 - Moulin-Quignon (gravel pit in France; human tooth & jawbone forgery) 9. 1866 - Calaveras Man (California; American Indian skull hoax) 10. 1868 - Cro-Magnon Man (cave in SW France; modern human skeletons) 11. 1879 - Hyracotherium (horse fraud: fossils “appear fully distinct; remain unchanged”) 12. 1888 - Wadjak Skulls (fraud by evolutionist Eugene Dubois; modern human skull) 13. 1888 - Galley Hill Man (Darwin supporter, A. Kings’ fraudulent dating of human skeleton) 13. 1891 - Java Man (Eugene Dubois’ [student of Ernst Haeckel] missing link fraud) 14. 1907 - Heidelberg Man (fraudulent dating method of human jaw) 15. 1912 - Piltdown Man (evolution fraud: human skull & orangutan jaw joined together) 16. 1914 - Australia Man (human skull fraud) 17. 1921 - Rhodesia Man (human skeleton fraud “…misinterpreted … curious errors…”) 18. 1922 - Nebraska Man (Hesperopithecus - pig’s tooth; from a peccary [species of pig]) 19. 1924 - Australopithecus Africanus ( evolution fraud; skull of extinct species of chimpanzees) 20. 1929 - Peking Man (small human skull-cap ‘reconstructed’ to resemble a missing-link) 21. 1932 - Ramapithicus (fossils of extinct orangutan) 22. 1935 - Swanscombe Man (human skull fragments; discovered in England by A. Marston, [dentist and avid evolutionist]; the 1937 the Royal Anthropological Institute said the small fragments were “ … indistinguishable from homo sapiens.”) 23. 1938 - Coelacanth (evolutionary ‘transitional form’ proven false; currently a living fish) 24. 1947 - Fontechevade Man (human skull cap pieces found in cave; modern looking) 25. 1953 - Peppered Moth (natural selection f-r-a-u-d by B. Kettlewell of England) 26. 1972 - KNM-ER 1470 (Kenya; evolution fraud of large ape skull ‘creatively’ reconstructed) 27. 1974 - Lucy (deception; skeleton 3 and ½ foot tall; resembles modern chimpanzees) 28. 1977 - Darwin’s Finches (natural selection fraud re: beaks; no evolution whatsoever) 29. 1983 - “Flipperpithecus” (dolphin bone fraud; found by evolutionist Dr. Noel Boaz) 30. 1984 - Turkana Boy (Mr. & Mrs. Leakey’s fraud attempt; skeleton of 12 year-old human) 31. 1984 - Orce Man (discovered in Spain; later found to be a skull fragment of a donkey) 32. 1986 - Stone Age Swindle (Tasaday tribe hoax; local tribes paid to dress in leaves) 33. 1994 - Boxgrove Man (human bone fragments -- not missing link -- found by atheist Mark Roberts) 34. 1999 - Archeoraptor (evolution forgery - bird fossil with dinosaur tail glued on) 35. 2000 - The Devils’ Archaeologist (artifact forgeries by Japanese archaeologist) 36. 2001 - Vestigial Organs (whale’s vestigial [useless] pelvis & leg bones proven false; bones are found only in males and are necessary for reproduction) 37. 2004 - Bacteria’s Resistance to Antibiotics (fraud; horizontal gene transfer already built-in) 38. 2005 - Anthropology Fraud (German Prof. Dr. Reiner Protsch found guilty of falsifying dates on fossils -- for the past thirty [30] years) 39. 2009 - Ardi (evolution fraud involving Modern Bonobo [pigmy chimpanzee]; fossils were very small, scattered, broken, fragments. 40. 2010 - Darwinius Maxillae or “Ida” (huge evolution fraud/media blitz; fossils have exactly the same characteristics as modern lemurs) |
Oh my your posts are so long my head is aching already. Anyway. We are thought that muslims are the biggest group of followers. Maybe the christians are being added to catholics that is why they seem that its the largest. I respected who is anybody's God. Now the thing is what we believe in is not a myth. Its a matter of faith. Science is a different thing also.
Oh my your posts are so long my head is aching already. Anyway. We are thought that muslims are the biggest group of followers. Maybe the christians are being added to catholics that is why they seem that its the largest. I respected who is anybody's God. Now the thing is what we believe in is not a myth. Its a matter of faith. Science is a different thing also.
Summary of the “10 Things Everyone Needs to Know about Islam”: by Dr. Emir Caner 1. Allah and Jehovah are NOT the same God 2. Jihad, or holy war, is prescribed in the Koran and Hadith 3. There are specific protocols in Islam (e.g. women are not to go to Jihad) 4. Islam does not believe in religious freedom 5. Islam has a lower view of woman than Christianity 6. Islam has a low view of Jesus 7. Islam has a low view of the Bible 8. Islam is the most work-based religion in the world 9. Islam is divided among denominations 10. Many Muslims are coming to faith in Christ Allah and Jehovah are different names for YHWH. All semitic people recognize God's command not to utter his true name. You have facts mixed in with exaggerations here-generally known as propaganda. I suggest you read the church fathers (the Orthodox and Catholic fathers, specifically. These are the only churches that can trace their roots back to the apostles and Christ himself. All the Protestants make stuff up as they go along.) btw, the conflict between jews and muslims is tracs back to disagreement on whether Isaac or Ishmael was to receive the blessing of Abrahm (ultimately derived from YHWH). As the tribes of Israel have always done, these peoples warred (and tend to continue to war) over this and other beliefs. As an aside, keep in mind there is no one monolithic thing called "judaism" and another called "Islam". Judaism alone has always been divided into 3 primary groups, and Islam is generally considered even more splintered. Trying to make blanket statements about any religion is naive and ignorant at best. |
Mom always said to try your best...
I have to disagree. Faith is only required where there is a LACK of evidence. I cannot agree that any of this is evidence at all, let alone evidence that proves Christianity is any more real than any other religion...or real at ALL for that matter. Sorry, you have not sold me. |
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Fri 03/08/13 04:14 PM
Christianity is no different than any other religion it's the same ole s h i t with different characters,a god and magical delusions.It's the most popular cause back in the day if you didn't convert you were killed so it was either be a jesus freak or die.Then it just traditionally stuck with most.
There maybe evidence that christians existed but still none for god unless you accept the creationist pseudoscience of the flagellas spinning tail(lol) which is basically all they can grasp straws at. |
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Fri 03/08/13 04:27 PM
4. Darwinism also supports the accuracy of the Bible. How? One-hundred percent of the ‘missing links’ (1859 to 2012) were discovered by atheists. (Can you say conflict of interest?) All of there so-called ‘finds’ were filled with fraud … forgery … and fabrication.
Hey massagetrade, here's 40 more facts for you to answer with ... cartoon characters. (That's 320 [plus] factual evidences vs. your 12 cartoon characters.) Evolution Frauds, Forgeries & Fabrications 1. 1812 - Lady of Guadeloupe (female human skeleton fossils cover-up) 2. 1856 - Neanderthal Man (human fossils with rickets and osteoarthritis) 3. 1856 - Dryopithecus (fossils of deceased chimpanzees) 4. 1859 - Darwin’s Theory published 5. 1860 - Castenodolo Skull (radiocarbon dating shows its’ a modern human skull) 6. 1860 - Archaeopteryx (forged bird-reptile slabs/plates) 7. 1860 - Ernst Haeckel (German biologist, atheist and artist; embryo drawing fraud) 8. 1863 - Moulin-Quignon (gravel pit in France; human tooth & jawbone forgery) 9. 1866 - Calaveras Man (California; American Indian skull hoax) 10. 1868 - Cro-Magnon Man (cave in SW France; modern human skeletons) 11. 1879 - Hyracotherium (horse fraud: fossils “appear fully distinct; remain unchanged”) 12. 1888 - Wadjak Skulls (fraud by evolutionist Eugene Dubois; modern human skull) 13. 1888 - Galley Hill Man (Darwin supporter, A. Kings’ fraudulent dating of human skeleton) 13. 1891 - Java Man (Eugene Dubois’ [student of Ernst Haeckel] missing link fraud) 14. 1907 - Heidelberg Man (fraudulent dating method of human jaw) 15. 1912 - Piltdown Man (evolution fraud: human skull & orangutan jaw joined together) 16. 1914 - Australia Man (human skull fraud) 17. 1921 - Rhodesia Man (human skeleton fraud “…misinterpreted … curious errors…”) 18. 1922 - Nebraska Man (Hesperopithecus - pig’s tooth; from a peccary [species of pig]) 19. 1924 - Australopithecus Africanus ( evolution fraud; skull of extinct species of chimpanzees) 20. 1929 - Peking Man (small human skull-cap ‘reconstructed’ to resemble a missing-link) 21. 1932 - Ramapithicus (fossils of extinct orangutan) 22. 1935 - Swanscombe Man (human skull fragments; discovered in England by A. Marston, [dentist and avid evolutionist]; the 1937 the Royal Anthropological Institute said the small fragments were “ … indistinguishable from homo sapiens.”) 23. 1938 - Coelacanth (evolutionary ‘transitional form’ proven false; currently a living fish) 24. 1947 - Fontechevade Man (human skull cap pieces found in cave; modern looking) 25. 1953 - Peppered Moth (natural selection f-r-a-u-d by B. Kettlewell of England) 26. 1972 - KNM-ER 1470 (Kenya; evolution fraud of large ape skull ‘creatively’ reconstructed) 27. 1974 - Lucy (deception; skeleton 3 and ½ foot tall; resembles modern chimpanzees) 28. 1977 - Darwin’s Finches (natural selection fraud re: beaks; no evolution whatsoever) 29. 1983 - “Flipperpithecus” (dolphin bone fraud; found by evolutionist Dr. Noel Boaz) 30. 1984 - Turkana Boy (Mr. & Mrs. Leakey’s fraud attempt; skeleton of 12 year-old human) 31. 1984 - Orce Man (discovered in Spain; later found to be a skull fragment of a donkey) 32. 1986 - Stone Age Swindle (Tasaday tribe hoax; local tribes paid to dress in leaves) 33. 1994 - Boxgrove Man (human bone fragments -- not missing link -- found by atheist Mark Roberts) 34. 1999 - Archeoraptor (evolution forgery - bird fossil with dinosaur tail glued on) 35. 2000 - The Devils’ Archaeologist (artifact forgeries by Japanese archaeologist) 36. 2001 - Vestigial Organs (whale’s vestigial [useless] pelvis & leg bones proven false; bones are found only in males and are necessary for reproduction) 37. 2004 - Bacteria’s Resistance to Antibiotics (fraud; horizontal gene transfer already built-in) 38. 2005 - Anthropology Fraud (German Prof. Dr. Reiner Protsch found guilty of falsifying dates on fossils -- for the past thirty [30] years) 39. 2009 - Ardi (evolution fraud involving Modern Bonobo [pigmy chimpanzee]; fossils were very small, scattered, broken, fragments. 40. 2010 - Darwinius Maxillae or “Ida” (huge evolution fraud/media blitz; fossils have exactly the same characteristics as modern lemurs) |
Christianity is no different than any other religion it's the same ole s h i t with different characters,a god and magical delusions.It's the most popular cause back in the day if you didn't convert you were killed so it was either be a jesus freak or die.Then it just traditionally stuck with most. There maybe evidence that christians existed but still none for god unless you accept the creationist pseudoscience of the flagellas spinning tail(lol) which is basically all they can grasp straws at. |
You appear to be confused about what a 'missing link' really is.
Here are your cartoon characters: |
Christianity is no different than any other religion it's the same ole s h i t with different characters,a god and magical delusions.It's the most popular cause back in the day if you didn't convert you were killed so it was either be a jesus freak or die.Then it just traditionally stuck with most. There maybe evidence that christians existed but still none for god unless you accept the creationist pseudoscience of the flagellas spinning tail(lol) which is basically all they can grasp straws at. Some religions of the Middle East have massive followings but Christianity has gotta be right on up there. |
I have always wondered how scientists figure time?
They tell us the earth and universe are billions of years old. yet when it comes to like Methusula (sp) was 969 years old when he died. They will say the days were shorter back then.. even believers say this. If this is so, then how do we measure time at all if the length of days has ever changed? |
I have always wondered how scientists figure time? They tell us the earth and universe are billions of years old. yet when it comes to like Methusula (sp) was 969 years old when he died. They will say the days were shorter back then.. even believers say this. If this is so, then how do we measure time at all if the length of days has ever changed? |
Summary of the “10 Things Everyone Needs to Know about Islam”: by Dr. Emir Caner 1. Allah and Jehovah are NOT the same God 2. Jihad, or holy war, is prescribed in the Koran and Hadith 3. There are specific protocols in Islam (e.g. women are not to go to Jihad) 4. Islam does not believe in religious freedom 5. Islam has a lower view of woman than Christianity 6. Islam has a low view of Jesus 7. Islam has a low view of the Bible 8. Islam is the most work-based religion in the world 9. Islam is divided among denominations 10. Many Muslims are coming to faith in Christ |