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amaria90's photo
Sat 02/16/13 05:14 PM
I like to ask questions and answer questions of other people if I know the answer... You're more than welcome to post your own questions here too...

So here's my first question:

If you visited someone long distance would you expect them to at least spend the night in your hotel with you???

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 02/16/13 05:22 PM
I would expect them to at least buy me dinner first.

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 02/16/13 05:23 PM
Only if I were married to the person.
I prefer to save some things for marriage.

amaria90's photo
Sat 02/16/13 05:26 PM
Aaaawwwww Ya'll are definitely Gentlemen... Most I've met expect a kiss just for them buying you dinner...

shortfire8521's photo
Sat 02/16/13 05:29 PM
I would not have any expectations. Especially meeting someone for the first time face-to-face. In truth, I'd be very uncomfortable with the idea of spending the night with someone I'd just met regardless of how long I'd known them on a site or otherwise.

In my humble opinion, this amounts to a booty call, even if you have a standing "relationship" with this person. It implies that the meeting is less about furthering a connection with someone as a potential mate and more about fulfilling a physical need/want.

amaria90's photo
Sat 02/16/13 05:44 PM
That's what I was thinking too... They should come just to meet you and get to know you better in person. It shouldn't be for a booty call... no matter how long you know them...

amaria90's photo
Sat 02/16/13 05:46 PM
Here's another question... Have you ever sent a person flowers, even though you weren't expecting nothing in return?

no photo
Sat 02/16/13 06:06 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 02/16/13 06:08 PM
Yes, so we can spend more time together talking and getting to know one another. Gentlemen do not have to sleep with the lady just because they spend a night in the same hotel.

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 02/16/13 06:32 PM

Here's another question... Have you ever sent a person flowers, even though you weren't expecting nothing in return?

Of course.

fenderbender22's photo
Sat 02/16/13 06:43 PM
Here's a question: ladies, do you prefer finding a woman who fits a "category" or not? For example, "lipstick" "chapstick" "diesel dyke", etc. Or would you prefer a woman who doesn't go to any extremes/doesn't fit a specific type? Just curious as to how other women feel...

fenderbender22's photo
Sat 02/16/13 06:44 PM
Also, please no rude or homophobic comments. We're all here for some sort of connection.

no photo
Sat 02/16/13 09:26 PM
I wouldn't. I like for the relationship to develop properly, before doing any of that kind of stuff. As I have to know their personality. Otherwise I'd not feel very safe.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:32 PM

Only if I were married to the person.
I prefer to save some things for marriage.

Your pants are on fire

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:33 PM

I would not have any expectations. Especially meeting someone for the first time face-to-face. In truth, I'd be very uncomfortable with the idea of spending the night with someone I'd just met regardless of how long I'd known them on a site or otherwise.

In my humble opinion, this amounts to a booty call, even if you have a standing "relationship" with this person. It implies that the meeting is less about furthering a connection with someone as a potential mate and more about fulfilling a physical need/want.


mountainwatergirl's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:34 PM

Here's another question... Have you ever sent a person flowers, even though you weren't expecting nothing in return?

Of course.

Now you have no pants left

amaria90's photo
Sat 02/23/13 09:40 AM

Here's a question: ladies, do you prefer finding a woman who fits a "category" or not? For example, "lipstick" "chapstick" "diesel dyke", etc. Or would you prefer a woman who doesn't go to any extremes/doesn't fit a specific type? Just curious as to how other women feel...

For friendship they don't have to fit any category but if they were trying to hook up with me I would have to dissuade them quickly cause I don't do same sex at all... That's just my opinion.

We're all just a melting pot of humanity anyway especially here in the U.S. God watches out for everyone not just a certain category.

no photo
Sat 02/23/13 09:46 AM

I would expect them to at least buy me dinner first.

u get a snack grumble

krupa's photo
Sat 02/23/13 09:47 AM
I expect to get flirted with...if not...I am on a date with my mom.....or a straight up bull dyke.

amaria90's photo
Sat 02/23/13 10:14 AM

Here's another question... Have you ever sent a person flowers, even though you weren't expecting nothing in return?

Of course.

I hope I'm not being rude... but did you send them to family or to a friend and was it for a holiday or was it random?

Bravalady's photo
Sat 02/23/13 12:01 PM

Aaaawwwww Ya'll are definitely Gentlemen... Most I've met expect a kiss just for them buying you dinner...

How the heck do you know what men expect? Do they tell you? They never tell me. Seem to "expect" me to know. Which I don't. Which probably is part of the reason why things never work out. But I don't read minds well. I can interpret body language about the same as anyone else, but guessing expectations is beyond me.

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