Topic: why do we lie? | |
I try my best not to lie, and I am mostly successful. ah an honest answer! everyone lies those that claim they don't are liars.I think it depends on the kind of lie, deceitful lie? boastful lie? exaggerated lie? lying by omission? lying on your tax forms? lying to your SO? the list can go on and on..............Some people tell ya "I hate liars" yea like you've NEVER lied, such a hypocrite. The point is there are BIG LIES and LITTLE LIES. Try getting through the week without telling a lie..................see if you can do it, depending on how much you are out in public or the type of work you do bet you it will be difficult to do.................. |
Does this tu-tu make me look younger? ![]() I'd be a liar if I said it did but it does make you look cute |
I try my best not to lie, and I am mostly successful. ah an honest answer! everyone lies those that claim they don't are liars.I think it depends on the kind of lie, deceitful lie? boastful lie? exaggerated lie? lying by omission? lying on your tax forms? lying to your SO? the list can go on and on..............Some people tell ya "I hate liars" yea like you've NEVER lied, such a hypocrite. The point is there are BIG LIES and LITTLE LIES. Try getting through the week without telling a lie..................see if you can do it, depending on how much you are out in public or the type of work you do bet you it will be difficult to do.................. I never said I have never lied. I just dont do it anymore. Sucks to be you~ |
We shun truthfulness in most of it's forms in reality but teach it as the right thing to do.
Examples: Southern hospitality is not really hospitable in the sense that they are going to be nice as a sunny day to your face but you will be the scourge of the earth once you leave. I use this example because it covers both sexes and is considered the "way it is and should be". They flat out give you the impression of welcome like you are family but will complain and tell others every slight flaw they found in you, starting with the fact you accepted their help in the first place. Indeed, sadly enough, there are certainly cases like this. It does not follow that all cases of southern hospitality have this two-facedness at heart though. So we must realize that just because some folk are like this, it doesn't mean that all folk are. Another example: You can take the idea of not hurting others feelings to almost any level to be untruthful. You don't want to cause a hardship so you don't tell your lover you haven't worked for 6 months...You cheated but don't want to hurt your lover so you don't tell them....Your sister is committing child abuse on a regular basis but you don't want to case more trouble so you don't tell her or the authorities what is really going on...
The examples here are endless. Indeed, we can envision many such cases. As before though, we can also envision cases where folk decide to be honest in these cases too. By action we teach lying as acceptable but we teach it in concept as wrong.
Well, in general, lying is unacceptable. Society requires honesty and trust. Everyday conversation requires the listener trusting and/or believing that the speaker is being honest. There are not very many laws of human behavior that I can think of but all this indicates one. A listener cannot take a speaker at their word unless trust in the truthfulness of the testimony is present. Now, I am not sure of the vice of which you spoke but being shunned or feared for your honesty is very common especially among the people with a weaker constitution.
It is all too often the case that someone we depend upon for our livelihood forbids our being truthful in certain circumstances. *I am not speaking of those who are rude and claim it as honesty either. Those who are mean and angry and claim it is truth are not the example of an honest person. They are intentionally being harmful to others and getting by with it in the false name of truth and honesty. Lots of examples even here in these forums. These are people who have issues and push others around because of them in the name of truth.* Whole nuther thread for that discussion.
![]() Indeed. Rudeness is not necessary for honesty. |
why do you lie? what makes you lie? as a general rule, I don't lie.. although probably could come up with something that sounded legitimate IF the occasion warranted it (you know.. facing down the barrel of a gun..) however, just because I DON'T.. doesn't mean I'm not capable of lying.. I simply choose not to.. life's too short and inevitably.. lies are always discovered in the end.. so why bother |
I try my best not to lie, and I am mostly successful. ah an honest answer! everyone lies those that claim they don't are liars.I think it depends on the kind of lie, deceitful lie? boastful lie? exaggerated lie? lying by omission? lying on your tax forms? lying to your SO? the list can go on and on..............Some people tell ya "I hate liars" yea like you've NEVER lied, such a hypocrite. The point is there are BIG LIES and LITTLE LIES. Try getting through the week without telling a lie..................see if you can do it, depending on how much you are out in public or the type of work you do bet you it will be difficult to do.................. I never said I have never lied. I just dont do it anymore. Sucks to be you~ and you just suck no lie! |
I lie cos i want to lie......
I don't trust people who don't lie. This makes me sad. I've put a ton of effort into not lying; I've made many conscious efforts to find other ways to express myself, and if I cannot think of a good way to tell somebody a bitter truth, I simply tell them "I dont know what to say right now" or simply "no comment." As my mother often said, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all" which is not that hard to do, and let me just say I prefer a bitter truth to a sweet lie. To simply not trust someone because they refuse to play games with people they care about really loses me a lot of faith in our species. Even more sadly, most people often seem to think the truth I speak are lies, yet will believe a lie in a heartbeat. Is it really that impossible to not have hidden agendas or false feelings? I can be the greatest friend and someone like you would be missing out a great deal V_V. I'm sure most of you deal mostly in lil white lies and maybe its not so serious for most, but I'm really ashamed so many seemingly take the easy way out from their own discomfort instead of pushing themselves to be the person they hope for in a partner (unless someone wants a partner who lies to them... ugh). That is all, sorry for so many words. |
I so admire the one who spoke so much truth!!! I thought I was the only weird one. Yet- Even the bible states that men would believe a lie before they would believe the truth. Boiled down- I guess we must decide who's team we're on.... or whom we're not...
There are many different reasons and it still comes down to what a person wants to believe. When it's something that it really important then i like to have the facts that can prove it or I just don't believe it. I'm baseing my comment on a really important situation that was life changing for myself. I was told one thing and was given wrong information, whether it was a lie or just what the person believed the fact remains that I based my reaction on what I was told and nothing else.
sometimes only joking....sometimes because something one asks something that is none of their business......maybe to protect a loved one in a dificult spot.....or to hide a surprise party
![]() but normally I don't ....I am trustworthy tho (unless I'm covering up a surprise party or joking) ![]() |
Hmmmm. Do you think it's a good thing if you lie as soon as you get what you want from it? Will you suddenly think it was a bad idea, when the thing you got from the lying, is taken away from you?
Was it bad that I lied to get out of an audition? I lied because I felt like I was gonna puke all day long. There was no way I would have been able to wait in that long queue of auditionee's. It was more of a practical, purposeful lie.
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Two people commit the same act. To one it's a sin, to the other it is not. A bible verse which tells me the judgement occurs in the purity of the persons heart who has made their decision in the reasons for why they do what their going to do.
Two people commit the same act. To one it's a sin, to the other it is not. A bible verse which tells me the judgement occurs in the purity of the persons heart who has made their decision in the reasons for why they do what their going to do.
Edited by
Mon 02/18/13 12:00 AM
People lie because they are just too stupid to tell the truth. I'm with you on this navygirl. Lying is the easy way out. Deceiving people without lying takes more brain power! ![]() |
I think that falls somewhere in half truth... not quite the topic.
Light is light, dark is dark. They don't mix well. Where light shines- darkness must leave. That's why the purity of the heart- for deciding an action- never fails. It may back fire if guilt... but the good news is ' truth will set you free' You cannot condemn that which is pure.
Or rather.... maybe it is....
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The world's greatest lie is that our lives are controlled by fate.