Topic: Merry Olde England | |
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Tue 01/22/13 10:54 PM
![]() The message of the above image assumes that it is possible to legislate away crimes committed with firearms. Well, laws work only if people are willing to obey them. Do you really expect criminals to obey stricter laws pertaining to firearms? I expect less 'accidental' deaths and impulse gun deaths,, yes,,,, and shooting someone in the back is not a clear case of 'self defense' ,,,,,,as the person who died in the first story was shot in his back,,not while 'brandishing' something above the shooter ,,,, and I know laws dont stop criminals, but they help law enforcement prevent more crimes by having the 'crime' on the books in the first place I wonder how many other people would die from drunk drivers , if driving drunk wasnt on the books, so that enforcement could PREVENT those they caught abusing the bottle and getting behind the wheel? |
It's been 65 years and I have never needed a gun nor weapon. I work walking the streets in a very high crime, drug infested area. ![]() |
![]() The message of the above image assumes that it is possible to legislate away crimes committed with firearms. Well, laws work only if people are willing to obey them. Do you really expect criminals to obey stricter laws pertaining to firearms? I expect less 'accidental' deaths and impulse gun deaths,, yes,,,, and shooting someone in the back is not a clear case of 'self defense' ,,,,,,as the person who died in the first story was shot in his back,,not while 'brandishing' something above the shooter ,,,, and I know laws dont stop criminals, but they help law enforcement prevent more crimes by having the 'crime' on the books in the first place I wonder how many other people would die from drunk drivers , if driving drunk wasnt on the books, so that enforcement could PREVENT those they caught abusing the bottle and getting behind the wheel? Will,and already have been used in the commission of Crimes! |
![]() The message of the above image assumes that it is possible to legislate away crimes committed with firearms. Well, laws work only if people are willing to obey them. Do you really expect criminals to obey stricter laws pertaining to firearms? I expect less 'accidental' deaths and impulse gun deaths,, yes,,,, and shooting someone in the back is not a clear case of 'self defense' ,,,,,,as the person who died in the first story was shot in his back,,not while 'brandishing' something above the shooter ,,,, and I know laws dont stop criminals, but they help law enforcement prevent more crimes by having the 'crime' on the books in the first place I wonder how many other people would die from drunk drivers , if driving drunk wasnt on the books, so that enforcement could PREVENT those they caught abusing the bottle and getting behind the wheel? Will,and already have been used in the commission of Crimes! yep, and they still give people more of a fighting chance (requiring close one on one contact) than the cowards weapon of choice which only requires one to be within aim and have the strength to pull a trigger,,, any numbers on drive by knivings in america? how about mass hammerings?,,,,, |
Edited by
Wed 01/23/13 07:37 AM
![]() The message of the above image assumes that it is possible to legislate away crimes committed with firearms. Well, laws work only if people are willing to obey them. Do you really expect criminals to obey stricter laws pertaining to firearms? I expect less 'accidental' deaths and impulse gun deaths,, yes,,,, and shooting someone in the back is not a clear case of 'self defense' ,,,,,,as the person who died in the first story was shot in his back,,not while 'brandishing' something above the shooter ,,,, and I know laws dont stop criminals, but they help law enforcement prevent more crimes by having the 'crime' on the books in the first place I wonder how many other people would die from drunk drivers , if driving drunk wasnt on the books, so that enforcement could PREVENT those they caught abusing the bottle and getting behind the wheel? Will,and already have been used in the commission of Crimes! yep, and they still give people more of a fighting chance (requiring close one on one contact) than the cowards weapon of choice which only requires one to be within aim and have the strength to pull a trigger,,, any numbers on drive by knivings in america? how about mass hammerings?,,,,, Hope you are a Master at Unarmed Combat,so you can defend against and disarm a Knifewielding Attacker! And,by taking Firearms away from Lawabiding Citizens,you won't stop Driveby-Shootings,since they are not usually done by them! |
It's been 65 years and I have never needed a gun nor weapon. I work walking the streets in a very high crime, drug infested area. ![]() You're right. I won't be 65 until June. You want me to say almost 65 years. |
It's been 65 years and I have never needed a gun nor weapon. I work walking the streets in a very high crime, drug infested area. ![]() You're right. I won't be 65 until June. You want me to say almost 65 years. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 01/23/13 09:28 AM
‘Gun control’ has had a long history:-
“The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other type of arms. The possession of these elements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to permit uprising, therefore, the heads of the provinces, official agents, and deputies are ordered to collect all weapons mentioned above and turn them over to the government.” Toyotomi Hideyshi, Shogun, August 29, 1558 |
If I even realized you felt this way about english people, then what am I even doing here? Isn't this thread topic even just a LITTLE racist? Well, thanks very much. :/
If I even realized you felt this way about english people, then what am I even doing here? Isn't this thread topic even just a LITTLE racist? Well, thanks very much. :/ Is English a race? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It's about a dude that gets life in prison for killing, with a gun, a criminal that was about to kill him. Where is this alleged racism?? |
If I even realized you felt this way about english people, then what am I even doing here? Isn't this thread topic even just a LITTLE racist? Well, thanks very much. :/ Are we touchy today? |
If I even realized you felt this way about english people, then what am I even doing here? Isn't this thread topic even just a LITTLE racist? Well, thanks very much. :/ Wow, true to the form of American Liberalism you go right for the race card! I applaud you. You didn't waste much time going there! This is more about a government with a hypocritical set of standards! YOUR nation has become like Rome during their collapse! Fat, decadent, self indulgent, ignorant, and apathetic. The same issues plaguing America. The one biggest difference between us and yourselves is the fact we don't trust our government to protect us from SQUAT! THEY CAN'T AND WE KNOW IT! You want to discuss a little history? One thing that CAUSED us to rebel from England when we were an English Colony was laws like "we could not use metal shovels. We had to make them out of wood. We had to quarter English troops in our homes with no compensation. We were taxed with NO representation. We were unfairly taxed. it was English policy that caused us to rebel. And it is English political policies that make your nation a total crap hole filled with criminals and deadbeats that makes me NOT want to visit England at all. You see I know the world sees most Americans as snobby but the fact also lies that the rest of the world also sees England as snobbish and the shoe seems to fit England Better. Who else tries to tell everyone else how to live and gets huffy when they don't listen? So WHY do you still have a Royal Family if they don't serve any real purpose? Who is kidding who? England still kisses the *** of a queen right in the face of their own parliament! |
Dude......chill.......just chill. Yes things are messed up, here and there both, but that's no reason to take it out on her. I'm sure she knows it without you having to say it in the first place, much less say it like THAT. Chill dude.
If I even realized you felt this way about english people, then what am I even doing here? Isn't this thread topic even just a LITTLE racist? Well, thanks very much. :/ Don't let it get to you, this is the Political section, they insult everyone equally. |
If I even realized you felt this way about english people, then what am I even doing here? Isn't this thread topic even just a LITTLE racist? Well, thanks very much. :/ Wow, true to the form of American Liberalism you go right for the race card! I applaud you. You didn't waste much time going there! This is more about a government with a hypocritical set of standards! YOUR nation has become like Rome during their collapse! Fat, decadent, self indulgent, ignorant, and apathetic. The same issues plaguing America. The one biggest difference between us and yourselves is the fact we don't trust our government to protect us from SQUAT! THEY CAN'T AND WE KNOW IT! You want to discuss a little history? One thing that CAUSED us to rebel from England when we were an English Colony was laws like "we could not use metal shovels. We had to make them out of wood. We had to quarter English troops in our homes with no compensation. We were taxed with NO representation. We were unfairly taxed. it was English policy that caused us to rebel. And it is English political policies that make your nation a total crap hole filled with criminals and deadbeats that makes me NOT want to visit England at all. You see I know the world sees most Americans as snobby but the fact also lies that the rest of the world also sees England as snobbish and the shoe seems to fit England Better. Who else tries to tell everyone else how to live and gets huffy when they don't listen? So WHY do you still have a Royal Family if they don't serve any real purpose? Who is kidding who? England still kisses the *** of a queen right in the face of their own parliament! ![]() Gee, Andy. Weren't you a little hard on the Beaver last night? ![]() ![]() |
We should all be so passionate about the destruction of our protections under the constitution being laid to waste by a tyrannical and self serving govt of banker/corporate puppets. Some are not so eloquent in their delivery as others, but when you put a peoples back against the wall you are going to get reactions and results you may not like at times.... |
We should all be so passionate about the destruction of our protections under the constitution being laid to waste by a tyrannical and self serving govt of banker/corporate puppets. Some are not so eloquent in their delivery as others, but when you put a peoples back against the wall you are going to get reactions and results you may not like at times.... The head of the snake lies under English Global Banking! It figures that England would degenerate into a criminal's paradise! Am I being critical? HELL YES! Why? I am sick of the English looking down their nose on us telling us how messed up we are! Come to think of it Queen Mary was a NOTABLE Historical art thief. She has stolen MILLIONS from everyone including her own subjects. Likewise it was an English nobleman who likewise caused a rebellion when he decided that he owed his soldiers no pay in that it was their duty to serve him. they were starving under him and he was living large. That nobleman died horridly after his own troops turned on him. I know he was around post King Henry the VIII but I cannot find the reference to him online easily! I remember this bastard believed everyone had an obligation and owed the crown everything. And that is England. The world owes them becasue God supposedly chose you! Everyone is running around believing they are God's chosen. It is NOT the English people I have issue with per say. It is their government which is corrupt as much if not more so than our own here in the good old USA. Note, the royal family of England is the #1 land owners of England. So who is a worthless figurehead? PARLIAMENT! They are worthless. Look at the laws they saddle England with. Sorry but English progress lately has been backwards! So we have to save them from their own corruption? I think not! They should keep their noses in their own country. I hope Piers Morgan meets a very bad fate. Not one that ends in his death but one that has a lot of pain and suffering in it. He is a foreign agent trying to do damage to our nation. England needs to take back their trash! |
The Liberty and Freedom Foundation
LIBERALS TO UNVEIL THEIR GUN BAN TODAY...AND IT INCLUDES BOTH HANDGUNS AND SHOTGUNS - Despite all the pontification from the Obamaist left about only wants to ban "assault weapons" their true agenda will be revealed today by Liberal extremist Sen. Diane Feinstein's legislation has nothing to do with Automatic weapons, but she intends to expand on this new ban on Constitutional rights to include handguns and shotguns, in addition to rifles. She would decrease from two to one the number of cosmetic features on a gun to have it be considered an “assault weapon.” This means that if a gun has just one item like a pistol grip or bayonet lug, then it is illegal. Additionally, anyone who owns one now has to register it with her Liberal government cohorts, and be approved to continue their ownership of the Constitutionally permitted arms, by of course, Obamaist extremists who want to take them from you. That is what they are proposing. Of course, the Main Stream Media won't report the full text of the ban. |
I will stick with Texas law.
Eight Illegal Weapons in Texas In Texas, some weapons are classified as illegal due to the dangers they pose. While some people are allowed to possess these items through special licensing, most individuals found with these items will be charged with a felony. Eight weapons that are illegal to possess in the state of Texas include: Machine guns Explosive weapons, such as grenades or bombs Brass knuckles Switchblade knives Shotguns with barrels less than 18 inches Rifles with barrels less than 16 inches Nightsticks Chemical dispensing devices |
If I even realized you felt this way about english people, then what am I even doing here? Isn't this thread topic even just a LITTLE racist? Well, thanks very much. :/ Don't let it get to you, this is the Political section, they insult everyone equally. Oh yea! That's what you think you dumb Polak. |