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Topic: Doctors May Ask About Guns
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Thu 01/17/13 01:41 PM
Obama: Doctors Should Ask About Guns in Homes
Wednesday, 16 Jan 2013
11:58 AM

By Jim Meyers

You’re visiting a doctor because you have flu symptoms. After checking your heart, pulse and other vital signs, the doctor says, “By the way, the federal government has authorized me to ask you: What type and how many guns do you have in your home?"

Sound like George Orwell’s 1984?

No. It’s 2013.

And if President Barack Obama gets his way by executive order, doctors across the country could play a key role in his new gun control initiative.

Obama on Wednesday released 23 executive actions and orders to limit gun usage. And many already have stirred significant controversy.

Order 16, for example, might raise serious concerns with privacy advocates. The order, as summarized, states federal agencies will “clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.”

In addition, a fact sheet provided by the White House with the order list elaborates: “Clarify that no federal law prevents health care providers from warning law enforcement authorities about threats of violence.”

The fact sheet continues: “Doctors and other mental health professionals play an important role in protecting the safety of their patients and the broader community by reporting direct and credible threats of violence to the authorities. But there is public confusion about whether federal law prohibits such reports about threats of violence. The Department of Health and Human Services is issuing a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits these reports in any way.

“Doctors and other health care providers also need to be able to ask about firearms in their patients’ homes and safe storage of those firearms, especially if their patients show signs of certain mental illnesses or if they have a young child or mentally ill family member at home. Some have incorrectly claimed that language in the Affordable Care Act prohibits doctors from asking their patients about guns and gun safety. Medical groups also continue to fight against state laws attempting to ban doctors from asking these questions.

“The Administration will issue guidance clarifying that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit or otherwise regulate communication between doctors and patients, including about firearms.”

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act, dubbed Obamacare, was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. The law totals more than 2,700 pages, but also grants the president and federal agencies sweeping powers over health care. So far, more than 13,000 pages of additional federal regulations have been issued with more to come.

The National Rifle Association has long argued that doctors violate patients’ Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms by asking about gun ownership.

A federal judge in July issued a permanent injunction against enforcement of a Florida law that would have prohibited doctors from asking patients about gun ownership in many instances, saying the prohibition impinged on doctors’ First Amendment right to speak with their patients about gun safety.

The law would have allowed physicians to ask about guns if it seemed relevant to a patient's medical care or safety — for example, if a patient was severely depressed or experiencing violence in the home.

Six other states — Alabama, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia — have considered similar legislation in recent years.

According to Kaiser Health News, the 2010 health care reform bill doesn't prevent doctors from asking about guns, but it does prohibit insurers, employers, and the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services from asking about gun ownership in many instances, and it prohibits HHS from collecting such data.

While revealing a summarized version of President Obama’s executive order Wednesday, the White House has yet to publish the full details and scope of the orders, including the one relating to doctors and guns.

© 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 01/17/13 01:52 PM
I'm not to worried, I haven't been to a doctor in over eleven years, and that was to get stitches. The only question he asked was "how are you going to pay for this?"

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 01/17/13 01:54 PM
Upon being asked such an intrusive question, I'd simply reply that what property I own is my private business and while I respect the fact that he is now required to ask, to the best of my knowledge, his question incurs no obligation on my part to cede my right to privacy by answering it. (You have to be clear that you are NOT REFUSING to answer do so would put you in lawful dishonour)

willing2's photo
Thu 01/17/13 01:55 PM
I'll just tell them I'm a liberal gun hater. Got's ta' play their game.:wink:

Don'tcha just love living in a country where citizens have to prove they have health insurance? And don't have to prove yer a citizen.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 01/17/13 02:03 PM

I'll just tell them I'm a liberal gun hater. Got's ta' play their game.:wink:

Don'tcha just love living in a country where citizens have to prove they have health insurance? And don't have to prove yer a citizen.

simple,Government lies to you,so it is not Unethical to lie to them!

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 01/17/13 02:08 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 01/17/13 02:09 PM
Oops. Provision in Obamacare Forbid Dems from Restricting Guns


Yes. There really was a provision in Obamacare that forbid Democrats from restricting guns. Why? How?

Well, Harry Reid was so worried that the NRA would put their weight against the Obamacare bill that he snuck this piece of legislation in for them.


‘‘(1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS.— A wellness and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a)(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to—

‘‘(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully- possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or

‘‘(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual.

(2) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any in- formation relating to—

‘‘(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition;

‘‘(B) the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or

‘‘(C) the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition.

‘‘(3) LIMITATION ON DATABASES OR DATA BANKS.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used to maintain records of individual ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition.

Forbes reported:

As for Reid’s reasons for burying a pro-gun measure into the body of the Affordable Care Act, the Majority Leader is said to have been concerned that the NRA planned to take an active position against the passage of Obamacare and decided, no doubt with the permission of Reid’s friend, NRA boss Wayne LaPierre, to head the problem off at the pass by putting language in the bill that would mollify the gun lobby.

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 02:21 PM
Edited by CeriseRose on Thu 01/17/13 02:23 PM
Since doctors have political convictions,
who's to say that my answer may not trigger an emotional response from him.
My answer may jeopardize my healthcare treatment? spock

willing2's photo
Thu 01/17/13 02:48 PM

Since doctors have political convictions,
who's to say that my answer may not trigger an emotional response from him.
My answer may jeopardize my healthcare treatment? spock

Answer wrong and just might get a drone enema.

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 04:01 PM
Edited by CeriseRose on Thu 01/17/13 04:02 PM

Since doctors have political convictions,
who's to say that my answer may not trigger an emotional response from him.
My answer may jeopardize my healthcare treatment? spock

Answer wrong and just might get a drone enema.

Now see, that's what I'm talking about. whoa

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/17/13 04:31 PM

In my case it's a catch 22.

In my PTSD group you must talk thru your ...... symptoms(?)..... or your benefits or the possibility of them can be jeopardized. In doing so, as in the new Obozo exec plan on gun control, that can now be used against me if I continue my group. They may even be able to to penalize me for past revelations now that my medical history will become an open book for any alphabet agency who might want to use it against me.

People snivel and complain about kids in jeopardy.... what about us vets who fought and bled for their freedom to do so?

willing2's photo
Thu 01/17/13 04:39 PM

In my case it's a catch 22.

In my PTSD group you must talk thru your ...... symptoms(?)..... or your benefits or the possibility of them can be jeopardized. In doing so, as in the new Obozo exec plan on gun control, that can now be used against me if I continue my group. They may even be able to to penalize me for past revelations now that my medical history will become an open book for any alphabet agency who might want to use it against me.

People snivel and complain about kids in jeopardy.... what about us vets who fought and bled for their freedom to do so?

You are already on the potential homegrown terrorist list, my friend.
Enemas for the three of us?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/17/13 04:52 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 01/17/13 04:56 PM

In my case it's a catch 22.

In my PTSD group you must talk thru your ...... symptoms(?)..... or your benefits or the possibility of them can be jeopardized. In doing so, as in the new Obozo exec plan on gun control, that can now be used against me if I continue my group. They may even be able to to penalize me for past revelations now that my medical history will become an open book for any alphabet agency who might want to use it against me.

People snivel and complain about kids in jeopardy.... what about us vets who fought and bled for their freedom to do so?

You are already on the potential homegrown terrorist list, my friend.
Enemas for the three of us?

Have a funny for ya willing....

I went for another hearing on my VA benefits claim (number 7) and told the Dr I would like to send Obozo a $hit cake to show my appreciation for his "actual" support of veterans like myself (denied benefits multiple times for different reasons each time).

I went a couple weeks later for the follow-up on my latest surgery and the nurse asked me what kind of frosting I thought I might use. laugh

It's now a permanent addition to my medical file!

No drone yet, but ya never know!

willing2's photo
Thu 01/17/13 05:51 PM

In my case it's a catch 22.

In my PTSD group you must talk thru your ...... symptoms(?)..... or your benefits or the possibility of them can be jeopardized. In doing so, as in the new Obozo exec plan on gun control, that can now be used against me if I continue my group. They may even be able to to penalize me for past revelations now that my medical history will become an open book for any alphabet agency who might want to use it against me.

People snivel and complain about kids in jeopardy.... what about us vets who fought and bled for their freedom to do so?

You are already on the potential homegrown terrorist list, my friend.
Enemas for the three of us?

Have a funny for ya willing....

I went for another hearing on my VA benefits claim (number 7) and told the Dr I would like to send Obozo a $hit cake to show my appreciation for his "actual" support of veterans like myself (denied benefits multiple times for different reasons each time).

I went a couple weeks later for the follow-up on my latest surgery and the nurse asked me what kind of frosting I thought I might use. laugh

It's now a permanent addition to my medical file!

No drone yet, but ya never know!

I'm still a virgin.
Sent in the app. and have signed various releases. Still no hearing or interviews.
I've only been in the system for three years.
I have a nurse coming to my house next week. I will do the interview outside. She ain't coming into my house, She will just have to make all her observations from the patio.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:11 PM

can not be restricted,, is not the same as MUST


how is asking a question about guns, restricting the right to own and bear one?

willing2's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:15 PM

In my case it's a catch 22.

In my PTSD group you must talk thru your ...... symptoms(?)..... or your benefits or the possibility of them can be jeopardized. In doing so, as in the new Obozo exec plan on gun control, that can now be used against me if I continue my group. They may even be able to to penalize me for past revelations now that my medical history will become an open book for any alphabet agency who might want to use it against me.

People snivel and complain about kids in jeopardy.... what about us vets who fought and bled for their freedom to do so?

You are already on the potential homegrown terrorist list, my friend.
Enemas for the three of us?

Have a funny for ya willing....

I went for another hearing on my VA benefits claim (number 7) and told the Dr I would like to send Obozo a $hit cake to show my appreciation for his "actual" support of veterans like myself (denied benefits multiple times for different reasons each time).

I went a couple weeks later for the follow-up on my latest surgery and the nurse asked me what kind of frosting I thought I might use. laugh

It's now a permanent addition to my medical file!

No drone yet, but ya never know!

How was your surgery?
All well?

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:27 PM
I still can't get my head around the law that says it is a crime to lie to an FBI agent.

Rule # 2 NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE (unless you are reporting a crime, and do that anonymously.)

I have never been asked about guns by a doctor, and if I did, I would tell him that the information is classified.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:33 PM

In my case it's a catch 22.

In my PTSD group you must talk thru your ...... symptoms(?)..... or your benefits or the possibility of them can be jeopardized. In doing so, as in the new Obozo exec plan on gun control, that can now be used against me if I continue my group. They may even be able to to penalize me for past revelations now that my medical history will become an open book for any alphabet agency who might want to use it against me.

People snivel and complain about kids in jeopardy.... what about us vets who fought and bled for their freedom to do so?

You are already on the potential homegrown terrorist list, my friend.
Enemas for the three of us?

Have a funny for ya willing....

I went for another hearing on my VA benefits claim (number 7) and told the Dr I would like to send Obozo a $hit cake to show my appreciation for his "actual" support of veterans like myself (denied benefits multiple times for different reasons each time).

I went a couple weeks later for the follow-up on my latest surgery and the nurse asked me what kind of frosting I thought I might use. laugh

It's now a permanent addition to my medical file!

No drone yet, but ya never know!

How was your surgery?
All well?

Since my records will all be common knowledge soon anyway....

3 nerves severed to reduce pain, golfball sized lump removed, I can walk again, pain is 50% decreased, slight limp....women will now have to beware the dragon once again laugh ..... when I can afford to start dating

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:38 PM

In my case it's a catch 22.

In my PTSD group you must talk thru your ...... symptoms(?)..... or your benefits or the possibility of them can be jeopardized. In doing so, as in the new Obozo exec plan on gun control, that can now be used against me if I continue my group. They may even be able to to penalize me for past revelations now that my medical history will become an open book for any alphabet agency who might want to use it against me.

People snivel and complain about kids in jeopardy.... what about us vets who fought and bled for their freedom to do so?

You are already on the potential homegrown terrorist list, my friend.
Enemas for the three of us?

Have a funny for ya willing....

I went for another hearing on my VA benefits claim (number 7) and told the Dr I would like to send Obozo a $hit cake to show my appreciation for his "actual" support of veterans like myself (denied benefits multiple times for different reasons each time).

I went a couple weeks later for the follow-up on my latest surgery and the nurse asked me what kind of frosting I thought I might use. laugh

It's now a permanent addition to my medical file!

No drone yet, but ya never know!

How was your surgery?
All well?

Since my records will all be common knowledge soon anyway....

3 nerves severed to reduce pain, golfball sized lump removed, I can walk again, pain is 50% decreased, slight limp....women will now have to beware the dragon once again laugh ..... when I can afford to start dating

I guess I will stop complaining about my aches and pains. :wink:

Get better.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:42 PM

In my case it's a catch 22.

In my PTSD group you must talk thru your ...... symptoms(?)..... or your benefits or the possibility of them can be jeopardized. In doing so, as in the new Obozo exec plan on gun control, that can now be used against me if I continue my group. They may even be able to to penalize me for past revelations now that my medical history will become an open book for any alphabet agency who might want to use it against me.

People snivel and complain about kids in jeopardy.... what about us vets who fought and bled for their freedom to do so?

You are already on the potential homegrown terrorist list, my friend.
Enemas for the three of us?

Have a funny for ya willing....

I went for another hearing on my VA benefits claim (number 7) and told the Dr I would like to send Obozo a $hit cake to show my appreciation for his "actual" support of veterans like myself (denied benefits multiple times for different reasons each time).

I went a couple weeks later for the follow-up on my latest surgery and the nurse asked me what kind of frosting I thought I might use. laugh

It's now a permanent addition to my medical file!

No drone yet, but ya never know!

How was your surgery?
All well?

Since my records will all be common knowledge soon anyway....

3 nerves severed to reduce pain, golfball sized lump removed, I can walk again, pain is 50% decreased, slight limp....women will now have to beware the dragon once again laugh ..... when I can afford to start dating

I guess I will stop complaining about my aches and pains. :wink:

Get better.

Thanks Jeannie.... much better.... like being reborn

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 01/17/13 08:08 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 01/17/13 08:10 PM
<--- Future gun totin Doc everyone. If you are good boys and girls I'll invite ya to my shootin range. ( I guess i could integrate that into my eye exams and have insurance pay for the ammo!:wink: )

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