Topic: The dumbing down of American thinking.
Ras427's photo
Wed 01/16/13 07:06 PM

NOI did not make this movie. This thread is about the influance of Hollywood and other mediums that sway public thought and opinons. The movie was made for mindless, fearfull paranoid racists who fear others with irrational and illogical thinking patterns. HOLLYWOOD AND WESTERN MEDIA is the worlds most powerfull institutions. This movie sends a negative message to whites in that they better keep their guns ready for race war. Hollywood has a far more reaching effect then the NOI. Anything other then this thread is simply the long effect hollywood has had on the fearfull, cowardly, paranoid and racists. It has nothing to do with the NOI other then their awareness of the film. Get a clue, racist obssesion recedes the limited intellect most racist have.

The topic included the name Jdango.

You claim whitey is perpetrating hatred using the movie.

I pointed out where Eugene, NOI, is using that movie to push his race war agenda.

I agree, Eugene is a paranoid, fear-filled racist who would love to see a race war.

That movie sent an idiotic sense of power to the wanna'-be whitey killers.

Wrong again, this thread is about the dumbing down of American thinking threw the use of Hollywoods mass influence in the American psyche. The movie is called "Jdango, unchained", jdango means "awakened one, who is unchained, no longer a slave who kills many whites. This premise sends a negative message the says "we whites better keep our guns". Many gun manufacterers have sold millions of guns. When whites see this movie, it instills fear of Blackmen, who are awakened and unchained. The NOI does not own hollywood. This thread is about subliminal and negative messages many movies send out to a mentaly unastute masses. It is designed to promote gun ownership and resist laws to disarm society. It is obviousely working in that many immiediately spew nonsence. At the end of the day, many mindless people who watch this movie will walk away with a fear of Blackmen because jdango is killing whites in the movie. Simple as abc.

Now, I have that dead pedo Michael Jackson song stuck in mah head.
Thanks a bunch.
grumble laugh laugh
I see from the posts, the mind game is, trying to blame whitey for the wanna'-be scum that want to kill whitey after seeing the movie.

May I ask?
What is your experience at being a white man and knowing how he thinks?

Why are many of the twitter comments posted those of wanna'-be's having an urge to kill whitey?

Eugene, Nation of Extremists also, is a wanna-be ex slave that jerks off to the dream of killing whitey. He shoulda' been the star of the movie.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I have a mind that works, im of a conscious thinking and have the ability to decipher subliminal messaging through the variouse mediums, all crucial to maintain a level of slumber among the masses. I saw the movie and saw right through the smoke screen. Its designed to bolster gun ownership by creating a sence of fear among whites towards Blacks while creating further resentment among Blacks. But the true essence is to create an atmosphere of keeping guns in the hands of gun owners. So in essence the message being sent subliminaly by this movie is, "dont let the goverment take your guns, we might need them to keep Blacks in their place and keep our guns in the event that the Black guy in the white house takes away more of our rights, really quite simple for a thinking man, but as I stated before, Americans are as dumb as rocks.

TJN's photo
Wed 01/16/13 09:15 PM

NOI did not make this movie. This thread is about the influance of Hollywood and other mediums that sway public thought and opinons. The movie was made for mindless, fearfull paranoid racists who fear others with irrational and illogical thinking patterns. HOLLYWOOD AND WESTERN MEDIA is the worlds most powerfull institutions. This movie sends a negative message to whites in that they better keep their guns ready for race war. Hollywood has a far more reaching effect then the NOI. Anything other then this thread is simply the long effect hollywood has had on the fearfull, cowardly, paranoid and racists. It has nothing to do with the NOI other then their awareness of the film. Get a clue, racist obssesion recedes the limited intellect most racist have.

The topic included the name Jdango.

You claim whitey is perpetrating hatred using the movie.

I pointed out where Eugene, NOI, is using that movie to push his race war agenda.

I agree, Eugene is a paranoid, fear-filled racist who would love to see a race war.

That movie sent an idiotic sense of power to the wanna'-be whitey killers.

Wrong again, this thread is about the dumbing down of American thinking threw the use of Hollywoods mass influence in the American psyche. The movie is called "Jdango, unchained", jdango means "awakened one, who is unchained, no longer a slave who kills many whites. This premise sends a negative message the says "we whites better keep our guns". Many gun manufacterers have sold millions of guns. When whites see this movie, it instills fear of Blackmen, who are awakened and unchained. The NOI does not own hollywood. This thread is about subliminal and negative messages many movies send out to a mentaly unastute masses. It is designed to promote gun ownership and resist laws to disarm society. It is obviousely working in that many immiediately spew nonsence. At the end of the day, many mindless people who watch this movie will walk away with a fear of Blackmen because jdango is killing whites in the movie. Simple as abc.

Now, I have that dead pedo Michael Jackson song stuck in mah head.
Thanks a bunch.
grumble laugh laugh
I see from the posts, the mind game is, trying to blame whitey for the wanna'-be scum that want to kill whitey after seeing the movie.

May I ask?
What is your experience at being a white man and knowing how he thinks?

Why are many of the twitter comments posted those of wanna'-be's having an urge to kill whitey?

Eugene, Nation of Extremists also, is a wanna-be ex slave that jerks off to the dream of killing whitey. He shoulda' been the star of the movie.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I have a mind that works, im of a conscious thinking and have the ability to decipher subliminal messaging through the variouse mediums, all crucial to maintain a level of slumber among the masses. I saw the movie and saw right through the smoke screen. Its designed to bolster gun ownership by creating a sence of fear among whites towards Blacks while creating further resentment among Blacks. But the true essence is to create an atmosphere of keeping guns in the hands of gun owners. So in essence the message being sent subliminaly by this movie is, "dont let the goverment take your guns, we might need them to keep Blacks in their place and keep our guns in the event that the Black guy in the white house takes away more of our rights, really quite simple for a thinking man, but as I stated before, Americans are as dumb as rocks.

That's funny because I have several black friends who own guns and are on the side of the government is having a knee jerk reaction to what has happened and what they want to do with gun control.
They are in no way wanting more regulation on gun owners. And by no means think the white man needs to worry about the black man.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/16/13 11:09 PM

As I sat watching the new movie "jdango", I was reminded of a recent trip abroad. I had a conversation with an African woman while waiting in Heathrow airport for our return to the states. I was surprised at the meaning of "jdango", although quite entertaining, I was reminded of how hollywood and media actually control our thinking. Jdango means "awakened" in several African languages. I found it interesting that Jdango (awakened), unchained, (movies title is jdango unchained) is a movie of an awakened, unchained Blackman who kills white people throughout the movie and released right in the middle of the most contravercial subject in recent memory, GUN LAWS. The message is clearly what is most disturbing. As I left the theater I overheard several people saying some disturbing things. One lady said, "im not sleeping tonight", another man said, "and they want to take our guns? Never". Hollywood has always had the power to sway the minds of the masses. After all, comercials are a subliminal mechanism that not only sells a product, but influences thinking, specially the mindless. Even Hitler knew the power of subliminal deduction. The message this movie sends is indeed a bad precident to 300 million gun owners who depend solely on a media outlet that has a history of distortion. Troubling indeed.

with all the movies of extreme violence, especially tarantino (pulp fiction, kill bill 1 and 2, death proof),, is THIS movie so different and why? Im pretty sure tarantinos has a movie mo for over the top blood and violence, and I Really doubt it had anything to do with the gun controversy as they filmed it before any of this came up.

But it is curious to me, why people resond to THIS MOVIE in the way you described, as opposed to the dozens of other films before it with just as much violence

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 01/17/13 02:25 AM

my point exactly, the message in the movie effects both Black and white. Yet the movie was made, produced, written, directed and financed by whites, not Blacks. The fact that the movies title "Jdango" or "awakened" unchained" clearly suggests that Blackmen should be feared, and the "N word in the white house wants our guns. In harmony with the Gun regulation debate, this is another hollywood production geared at continual divisions based on race, of which can even escalate into race skirmishes which would then inspire more gun regulations geared at mass disarming champaigns. Hollywood is controlled by whites to influence their already festering racial paranoia. The movie will effect both, but it was made to instill fear in white while instilling resentment in Blacks. Whites however are behind the movie, clearly to instigate.

Is your claim that those, dumbed down wanna' kill whitey folks, can't comprehend the difference between fiction and real life?
That the movie will give them justified grounds to commit more violent acts?
They will see, blaming a movie for their actions?
That they, and old Sharpton will claim they were the oppressed victim who were overtaken with such passion, they can't possibly be guilty of killing or harming whitey?

BTW. Michael Moore is a stupid liberal, no?

You're half right. Between Hollywierd and Eugene's NOI, that division will stay infected.
Is that the Mikey "PIZZA" Moore who has Bodyguards,and is also packing personal Heat?

Lovable Fellow!

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:22 AM

What's Jdango?

a quentin tarentino movie

except instead of a violent and gory telling the cliche story of kick butt women, or drug addicts

its about a kickbutt black man during slavery whose wife was taken, who sets out killing folks (whites) on a mission to take back his wife

,,,the racial element has alot of people feeling 'uncomfortable',,,,to say the least,,,lol

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:24 AM

NOI did not make this movie. This thread is about the influance of Hollywood and other mediums that sway public thought and opinons. The movie was made for mindless, fearfull paranoid racists who fear others with irrational and illogical thinking patterns. HOLLYWOOD AND WESTERN MEDIA is the worlds most powerfull institutions. This movie sends a negative message to whites in that they better keep their guns ready for race war. Hollywood has a far more reaching effect then the NOI. Anything other then this thread is simply the long effect hollywood has had on the fearfull, cowardly, paranoid and racists. It has nothing to do with the NOI other then their awareness of the film. Get a clue, racist obssesion recedes the limited intellect most racist have.

The topic included the name Jdango.

You claim whitey is perpetrating hatred using the movie.

I pointed out where Eugene, NOI, is using that movie to push his race war agenda.

I agree, Eugene is a paranoid, fear-filled racist who would love to see a race war.

That movie sent an idiotic sense of power to the wanna'-be whitey killers.

Wrong again, this thread is about the dumbing down of American thinking threw the use of Hollywoods mass influence in the American psyche. The movie is called "Jdango, unchained", jdango means "awakened one, who is unchained, no longer a slave who kills many whites. This premise sends a negative message the says "we whites better keep our guns". Many gun manufacterers have sold millions of guns. When whites see this movie, it instills fear of Blackmen, who are awakened and unchained. The NOI does not own hollywood. This thread is about subliminal and negative messages many movies send out to a mentaly unastute masses. It is designed to promote gun ownership and resist laws to disarm society. It is obviousely working in that many immiediately spew nonsence. At the end of the day, many mindless people who watch this movie will walk away with a fear of Blackmen because jdango is killing whites in the movie. Simple as abc.

Now, I have that dead pedo Michael Jackson song stuck in mah head.
Thanks a bunch.
grumble laugh laugh
I see from the posts, the mind game is, trying to blame whitey for the wanna'-be scum that want to kill whitey after seeing the movie.

May I ask?
What is your experience at being a white man and knowing how he thinks?

Why are many of the twitter comments posted those of wanna'-be's having an urge to kill whitey?

Eugene, Nation of Extremists also, is a wanna-be ex slave that jerks off to the dream of killing whitey. He shoulda' been the star of the movie.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I have a mind that works, im of a conscious thinking and have the ability to decipher subliminal messaging through the variouse mediums, all crucial to maintain a level of slumber among the masses. I saw the movie and saw right through the smoke screen. Its designed to bolster gun ownership by creating a sence of fear among whites towards Blacks while creating further resentment among Blacks. But the true essence is to create an atmosphere of keeping guns in the hands of gun owners. So in essence the message being sent subliminaly by this movie is, "dont let the goverment take your guns, we might need them to keep Blacks in their place and keep our guns in the event that the Black guy in the white house takes away more of our rights, really quite simple for a thinking man, but as I stated before, Americans are as dumb as rocks.

too many americans see themselves as John Waynes fictional characters,,,,and movies help them imagine they are tougher than they are,,,

many cant tell storytelling from reality
or opinion from fact
or sound historical discussion from personal attack,,,

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:32 AM

NOI did not make this movie. This thread is about the influance of Hollywood and other mediums that sway public thought and opinons. The movie was made for mindless, fearfull paranoid racists who fear others with irrational and illogical thinking patterns. HOLLYWOOD AND WESTERN MEDIA is the worlds most powerfull institutions. This movie sends a negative message to whites in that they better keep their guns ready for race war. Hollywood has a far more reaching effect then the NOI. Anything other then this thread is simply the long effect hollywood has had on the fearfull, cowardly, paranoid and racists. It has nothing to do with the NOI other then their awareness of the film. Get a clue, racist obssesion recedes the limited intellect most racist have.

The topic included the name Jdango.

You claim whitey is perpetrating hatred using the movie.

I pointed out where Eugene, NOI, is using that movie to push his race war agenda.

I agree, Eugene is a paranoid, fear-filled racist who would love to see a race war.

That movie sent an idiotic sense of power to the wanna'-be whitey killers.

Wrong again, this thread is about the dumbing down of American thinking threw the use of Hollywoods mass influence in the American psyche. The movie is called "Jdango, unchained", jdango means "awakened one, who is unchained, no longer a slave who kills many whites. This premise sends a negative message the says "we whites better keep our guns". Many gun manufacterers have sold millions of guns. When whites see this movie, it instills fear of Blackmen, who are awakened and unchained. The NOI does not own hollywood. This thread is about subliminal and negative messages many movies send out to a mentaly unastute masses. It is designed to promote gun ownership and resist laws to disarm society. It is obviousely working in that many immiediately spew nonsence. At the end of the day, many mindless people who watch this movie will walk away with a fear of Blackmen because jdango is killing whites in the movie. Simple as abc.

Now, I have that dead pedo Michael Jackson song stuck in mah head.
Thanks a bunch.
grumble laugh laugh
I see from the posts, the mind game is, trying to blame whitey for the wanna'-be scum that want to kill whitey after seeing the movie.

May I ask?
What is your experience at being a white man and knowing how he thinks?

Why are many of the twitter comments posted those of wanna'-be's having an urge to kill whitey?

Eugene, Nation of Extremists also, is a wanna-be ex slave that jerks off to the dream of killing whitey. He shoulda' been the star of the movie.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I have a mind that works, im of a conscious thinking and have the ability to decipher subliminal messaging through the variouse mediums, all crucial to maintain a level of slumber among the masses. I saw the movie and saw right through the smoke screen. Its designed to bolster gun ownership by creating a sence of fear among whites towards Blacks while creating further resentment among Blacks. But the true essence is to create an atmosphere of keeping guns in the hands of gun owners. So in essence the message being sent subliminaly by this movie is, "dont let the goverment take your guns, we might need them to keep Blacks in their place and keep our guns in the event that the Black guy in the white house takes away more of our rights, really quite simple for a thinking man, but as I stated before, Americans are as dumb as rocks.

too many americans see themselves as John Waynes fictional characters,,,,and movies help them imagine they are tougher than they are,,,

many cant tell storytelling from reality
or opinion from fact
or sound historical discussion from personal attack,,,

Many?!!noway Is that opinion or fact?:laughing:

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:36 AM

NOI did not make this movie. This thread is about the influance of Hollywood and other mediums that sway public thought and opinons. The movie was made for mindless, fearfull paranoid racists who fear others with irrational and illogical thinking patterns. HOLLYWOOD AND WESTERN MEDIA is the worlds most powerfull institutions. This movie sends a negative message to whites in that they better keep their guns ready for race war. Hollywood has a far more reaching effect then the NOI. Anything other then this thread is simply the long effect hollywood has had on the fearfull, cowardly, paranoid and racists. It has nothing to do with the NOI other then their awareness of the film. Get a clue, racist obssesion recedes the limited intellect most racist have.

The topic included the name Jdango.

You claim whitey is perpetrating hatred using the movie.

I pointed out where Eugene, NOI, is using that movie to push his race war agenda.

I agree, Eugene is a paranoid, fear-filled racist who would love to see a race war.

That movie sent an idiotic sense of power to the wanna'-be whitey killers.

Wrong again, this thread is about the dumbing down of American thinking threw the use of Hollywoods mass influence in the American psyche. The movie is called "Jdango, unchained", jdango means "awakened one, who is unchained, no longer a slave who kills many whites. This premise sends a negative message the says "we whites better keep our guns". Many gun manufacterers have sold millions of guns. When whites see this movie, it instills fear of Blackmen, who are awakened and unchained. The NOI does not own hollywood. This thread is about subliminal and negative messages many movies send out to a mentaly unastute masses. It is designed to promote gun ownership and resist laws to disarm society. It is obviousely working in that many immiediately spew nonsence. At the end of the day, many mindless people who watch this movie will walk away with a fear of Blackmen because jdango is killing whites in the movie. Simple as abc.

Now, I have that dead pedo Michael Jackson song stuck in mah head.
Thanks a bunch.
grumble laugh laugh
I see from the posts, the mind game is, trying to blame whitey for the wanna'-be scum that want to kill whitey after seeing the movie.

May I ask?
What is your experience at being a white man and knowing how he thinks?

Why are many of the twitter comments posted those of wanna'-be's having an urge to kill whitey?

Eugene, Nation of Extremists also, is a wanna-be ex slave that jerks off to the dream of killing whitey. He shoulda' been the star of the movie.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I have a mind that works, im of a conscious thinking and have the ability to decipher subliminal messaging through the variouse mediums, all crucial to maintain a level of slumber among the masses. I saw the movie and saw right through the smoke screen. Its designed to bolster gun ownership by creating a sence of fear among whites towards Blacks while creating further resentment among Blacks. But the true essence is to create an atmosphere of keeping guns in the hands of gun owners. So in essence the message being sent subliminaly by this movie is, "dont let the goverment take your guns, we might need them to keep Blacks in their place and keep our guns in the event that the Black guy in the white house takes away more of our rights, really quite simple for a thinking man, but as I stated before, Americans are as dumb as rocks.

too many americans see themselves as John Waynes fictional characters,,,,and movies help them imagine they are tougher than they are,,,

many cant tell storytelling from reality
or opinion from fact
or sound historical discussion from personal attack,,,

Many?!!noway Is that opinion or fact?:laughing:

judging from mingle posts,, ID say its fact,,,,

espeically since 'many' is a general and indefinite description

just like one child dying is too 'many'...

willing2's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:43 AM

NOI did not make this movie. This thread is about the influance of Hollywood and other mediums that sway public thought and opinons. The movie was made for mindless, fearfull paranoid racists who fear others with irrational and illogical thinking patterns. HOLLYWOOD AND WESTERN MEDIA is the worlds most powerfull institutions. This movie sends a negative message to whites in that they better keep their guns ready for race war. Hollywood has a far more reaching effect then the NOI. Anything other then this thread is simply the long effect hollywood has had on the fearfull, cowardly, paranoid and racists. It has nothing to do with the NOI other then their awareness of the film. Get a clue, racist obssesion recedes the limited intellect most racist have.

The topic included the name Jdango.

You claim whitey is perpetrating hatred using the movie.

I pointed out where Eugene, NOI, is using that movie to push his race war agenda.

I agree, Eugene is a paranoid, fear-filled racist who would love to see a race war.

That movie sent an idiotic sense of power to the wanna'-be whitey killers.

Wrong again, this thread is about the dumbing down of American thinking threw the use of Hollywoods mass influence in the American psyche. The movie is called "Jdango, unchained", jdango means "awakened one, who is unchained, no longer a slave who kills many whites. This premise sends a negative message the says "we whites better keep our guns". Many gun manufacterers have sold millions of guns. When whites see this movie, it instills fear of Blackmen, who are awakened and unchained. The NOI does not own hollywood. This thread is about subliminal and negative messages many movies send out to a mentaly unastute masses. It is designed to promote gun ownership and resist laws to disarm society. It is obviousely working in that many immiediately spew nonsence. At the end of the day, many mindless people who watch this movie will walk away with a fear of Blackmen because jdango is killing whites in the movie. Simple as abc.

Now, I have that dead pedo Michael Jackson song stuck in mah head.
Thanks a bunch.
grumble laugh laugh
I see from the posts, the mind game is, trying to blame whitey for the wanna'-be scum that want to kill whitey after seeing the movie.

May I ask?
What is your experience at being a white man and knowing how he thinks?

Why are many of the twitter comments posted those of wanna'-be's having an urge to kill whitey?

Eugene, Nation of Extremists also, is a wanna-be ex slave that jerks off to the dream of killing whitey. He shoulda' been the star of the movie.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I have a mind that works, im of a conscious thinking and have the ability to decipher subliminal messaging through the variouse mediums, all crucial to maintain a level of slumber among the masses. I saw the movie and saw right through the smoke screen. Its designed to bolster gun ownership by creating a sence of fear among whites towards Blacks while creating further resentment among Blacks. But the true essence is to create an atmosphere of keeping guns in the hands of gun owners. So in essence the message being sent subliminaly by this movie is, "dont let the goverment take your guns, we might need them to keep Blacks in their place and keep our guns in the event that the Black guy in the white house takes away more of our rights, really quite simple for a thinking man, but as I stated before, Americans are as dumb as rocks.

too many americans see themselves as John Waynes fictional characters,,,,and movies help them imagine they are tougher than they are,,,

many cant tell storytelling from reality
or opinion from fact
or sound historical discussion from personal attack,,,

Many?!!noway Is that opinion or fact?:laughing:

judging from mingle posts,, ID say its fact,,,,

espeically since 'many' is a general and indefinite description

just like one child dying is too 'many'...

Isn't that a hypocritical statement?

All the kids Hussein has killed, from the posts I've seen are just trash to be swept under the rug. He's still having them put down, as we speak.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:44 AM

NOI did not make this movie. This thread is about the influance of Hollywood and other mediums that sway public thought and opinons. The movie was made for mindless, fearfull paranoid racists who fear others with irrational and illogical thinking patterns. HOLLYWOOD AND WESTERN MEDIA is the worlds most powerfull institutions. This movie sends a negative message to whites in that they better keep their guns ready for race war. Hollywood has a far more reaching effect then the NOI. Anything other then this thread is simply the long effect hollywood has had on the fearfull, cowardly, paranoid and racists. It has nothing to do with the NOI other then their awareness of the film. Get a clue, racist obssesion recedes the limited intellect most racist have.

The topic included the name Jdango.

You claim whitey is perpetrating hatred using the movie.

I pointed out where Eugene, NOI, is using that movie to push his race war agenda.

I agree, Eugene is a paranoid, fear-filled racist who would love to see a race war.

That movie sent an idiotic sense of power to the wanna'-be whitey killers.

Wrong again, this thread is about the dumbing down of American thinking threw the use of Hollywoods mass influence in the American psyche. The movie is called "Jdango, unchained", jdango means "awakened one, who is unchained, no longer a slave who kills many whites. This premise sends a negative message the says "we whites better keep our guns". Many gun manufacterers have sold millions of guns. When whites see this movie, it instills fear of Blackmen, who are awakened and unchained. The NOI does not own hollywood. This thread is about subliminal and negative messages many movies send out to a mentaly unastute masses. It is designed to promote gun ownership and resist laws to disarm society. It is obviousely working in that many immiediately spew nonsence. At the end of the day, many mindless people who watch this movie will walk away with a fear of Blackmen because jdango is killing whites in the movie. Simple as abc.

Now, I have that dead pedo Michael Jackson song stuck in mah head.
Thanks a bunch.
grumble laugh laugh
I see from the posts, the mind game is, trying to blame whitey for the wanna'-be scum that want to kill whitey after seeing the movie.

May I ask?
What is your experience at being a white man and knowing how he thinks?

Why are many of the twitter comments posted those of wanna'-be's having an urge to kill whitey?

Eugene, Nation of Extremists also, is a wanna-be ex slave that jerks off to the dream of killing whitey. He shoulda' been the star of the movie.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I have a mind that works, im of a conscious thinking and have the ability to decipher subliminal messaging through the variouse mediums, all crucial to maintain a level of slumber among the masses. I saw the movie and saw right through the smoke screen. Its designed to bolster gun ownership by creating a sence of fear among whites towards Blacks while creating further resentment among Blacks. But the true essence is to create an atmosphere of keeping guns in the hands of gun owners. So in essence the message being sent subliminaly by this movie is, "dont let the goverment take your guns, we might need them to keep Blacks in their place and keep our guns in the event that the Black guy in the white house takes away more of our rights, really quite simple for a thinking man, but as I stated before, Americans are as dumb as rocks.

too many americans see themselves as John Waynes fictional characters,,,,and movies help them imagine they are tougher than they are,,,

many cant tell storytelling from reality
or opinion from fact
or sound historical discussion from personal attack,,,

Many?!!noway Is that opinion or fact?:laughing:

judging from mingle posts,, ID say its fact,,,,

espeically since 'many' is a general and indefinite description

just like one child dying is too 'many'...

Isn't that a hypocritical statement?

All the kids Hussein has killed, from the posts I've seen are just trash to be swept under the rug. He's still having them put down, as we speak.


its exhausting, truly

whats hypocritical about defining what 'many'

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 07:02 AM

As I sat watching the new movie "jdango", I was reminded of a recent trip abroad. I had a conversation with an African woman while waiting in Heathrow airport for our return to the states. I was surprised at the meaning of "jdango", although quite entertaining, I was reminded of how hollywood and media actually control our thinking. Jdango means "awakened" in several African languages. I found it interesting that Jdango (awakened), unchained, (movies title is jdango unchained) is a movie of an awakened, unchained Blackman who kills white people throughout the movie and released right in the middle of the most contravercial subject in recent memory, GUN LAWS. The message is clearly what is most disturbing. As I left the theater I overheard several people saying some disturbing things. One lady said, "im not sleeping tonight", another man said, "and they want to take our guns? Never". Hollywood has always had the power to sway the minds of the masses. After all, comercials are a subliminal mechanism that not only sells a product, but influences thinking, specially the mindless. Even Hitler knew the power of subliminal deduction. The message this movie sends is indeed a bad precident to 300 million gun owners who depend solely on a media outlet that has a history of distortion. Troubling indeed.
What makes you so special?

What makes you immune to influence?

What makes you so special that you can pass judgement on 300 million gun owners and represent there thought process based on the reactions of a couple of people in a single movie theater?

Honestly . . . your post shows me how inconsiderate you are, and a lack of consideration tends to lead to false judgements, which leads to doing stupid things, and stupid is as stupid does.

Might want to look in a mirror bud.

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 07:04 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Thu 01/17/13 07:06 AM

{b]whats hypocritical about defining what 'many'

In answer to YOUR question, whats hypocritical about it is assuming you can "dumb down" your definition ...laugh

man·y [men-ee] Show IPA adjective, more, most, noun, pronoun.
constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people.
noting each one of a large number (usually followed by a or an ): For many a day it rained.
a large or considerable number of persons or things: A good many of the beggars were blind.
the many, the greater part of humankind.
many persons or things: Many of the beggars were blind. Many were unable to attend.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/13 07:07 AM

too many americans see themselves as John Waynes fictional characters,,,,and movies help them imagine they are tougher than they are,,,

many cant tell storytelling from reality
or opinion from fact
or sound historical discussion from personal attack,,,

Many?!!noway Is that opinion or fact?:laughing:

judging from mingle posts,, ID say its fact,,,,

espeically since 'many' is a general and indefinite description

just like one child dying is too 'many'...

Isn't that a hypocritical statement?

All the kids Hussein has killed, from the posts I've seen are just trash to be swept under the rug. He's still having them put down, as we speak.


its exhausting, truly

{b]whats hypocritical about defining what 'many'

In answer to YOUR question, whats hypocritical about it is assuming you can "dumb down" your definition ...laugh

man·y [men-ee] Show IPA adjective, more, most, noun, pronoun.
constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people.
noting each one of a large number (usually followed by a or an ): For many a day it rained.
a large or considerable number of persons or things: A good many of the beggars were blind.
the many, the greater part of humankind.
many persons or things: Many of the beggars were blind. Many were unable to attend.

me thinks some do protest too much

we all know the english language is not LIMITED In the definitions and contexts which any one word can be applied to

my definition was not 'dumbing down',, it was actually from miriam webster,,,

and still , accurate

many of the students failed,,,(could mean 5 or could mean 50, its an INDEFINITE description)

many children died

many people believe,,,,

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 07:12 AM
Blah blah blah, stupid movie, and stupid people who care too much about what it MEANS . . .

Its a stupid movie, just like a ton of stupid movies, it has no meaning, its meant to make money.

If the movie makes you think, that is perfectly ok, just keep thinking.

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 07:13 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Thu 01/17/13 07:18 AM

"Me thinks" when facts are twisted wise men and women should protest...:wink: Most peeps see it for what it is, but in a good debate, it never hurts to "Keep" pointing it out ...:smile:

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 07:39 AM
judging from mingle posts,, ID say its fact,,,,

espeically since 'many' is a general and indefinite description

just like one child dying is too 'many'...
Right so your opinion, and since it is based on a single, tiny website, it is also not well founded.

Gotcha . . .

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:20 PM

Blah blah blah, stupid movie, and stupid people who care too much about what it MEANS . . .

Its a stupid movie, just like a ton of stupid movies, it has no meaning, its meant to make money.

If the movie makes you think, that is perfectly ok, just keep thinking.

to thinking people, its just a movie

to those inclined to believe in a world strictly as representend by media,,,,,their reality is easily impressed upon

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:22 PM

"Me thinks" when facts are twisted wise men and women should protest...:wink: Most peeps see it for what it is, but in a good debate, it never hurts to "Keep" pointing it out ...:smile:

I agree. Though 'many' is too indiscriminate to not be 'factual'. so long as its more than one (singular, solo), or two(a couple)

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:23 PM

judging from mingle posts,, ID say its fact,,,,

espeically since 'many' is a general and indefinite description

just like one child dying is too 'many'...
Right so your opinion, and since it is based on a single, tiny website, it is also not well founded.

Gotcha . . .

yes, well, until I can go around and survey every person in america, I guess I should remove 'many' from my vocabulary,,,,

let me change 'Ive seen many',,,that should make it better 'founded', for those people stuck on the concept,,,

no photo
Fri 01/18/13 01:17 PM

Posted on Friday, 01.18.13Posted on Friday, 01.18.13
`Django Unchained' action figures discontinued
By CHRISTY LEMIRE The Associated Press

AP Movie Writer

LOS ANGELES -- The Weinstein Co. has asked a toy maker to discontinue a line of "Django Unchained" action figures after receiving complaints that they were offensive.
The studio said Friday that such collectibles have been created for all of director Quentin Tarantino's films, including "Inglourious Basterds," and that they were meant for people 17 and older, the audience for the film.

"Django Unchained" is a violent mix of spaghetti Western and blaxploitation genres about a freed slave (Jamie Foxx) who becomes a bounty hunter. Civil rights groups argued that the toys trivialized the horrors of slavery.
"We have tremendous respect for the audience and it was never our intent to offend anyone," The Weinstein Co. said in a statement. Toy maker NECA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.