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Topic: --- Shy guys ---
Brainiac42's photo
Thu 03/21/13 01:01 PM
I am a self-professed shy guy. I have allowed people in the past to walk over me. My last relationship had ended badly and have taken 7 years off from dating altogether. I feel now that I am ready and definitely want to be more assertive for myself, not just for a relationship.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 03/21/13 01:14 PM
I have dated shy men before. Just because a man is shy doesn't mean he wouldn't be able to protect a woman.

no photo
Thu 03/21/13 02:28 PM

Shy girls, not a big deal. Actually most of them are married with kids, and living the American dream. I'm attracted to shy girls.

Shy guys on the other hand, that has to be the worst combination ever. Women want to feel protected and want the confident man. Shy guy doesn't cut it.

Women, what do you think about shy guys? Would you ever date one? Why or why not?

What level of shyness are you talking about? For a long time I was shy about asking a girl out, still a little shy at times or it may be more of not knowing what to say. Once I get passed that part and am dating the girl, I’m not shy about my feelings.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 03/21/13 03:10 PM

I prefer a shy guy to a point but if he doesn't have enough courage to get up to bat then it is pretty frusterateing.

Thought about this and I think I would probably have to say I am more into guys that are "reserved" than shy. A reserved guy will step back and see what you are all about before bolting over and trying to create and impression when they know nothing more than they like your smile or the fact you are female.

A shy guy will see you, maybe even like you but he can't get out of his own way to come over and ask you out it really is his loss because He has already shot himself down.

I don't have the time or desire to try and build up his self confindence or value if he doesn't see it in the first place. To me accute shyness is just another form of narcissim because it is all about the shy person and doesn't give the person they are interested in the benifit of the doubt that they will give them a chance you are kind of putting them down.

Where I did the majority of my dateing was in an environment where there were five eligible guys for every one eligble female, so I understand the need to compete for dates and what could make a guy who doesn't believe he has a lot going on feel intimidated, but what always impressed me was a guy that had enough interest to find out who I was and was about before he made a "play" and I would give that guy my interest first.

Unless someone is overtly rude I will generally at least hear his invitation out and thank him for the compliment of the invitation.

Doesn't mean I feel I have to explain why I have rejected someone but if it is reasonable I may tell them if they don't make asking why a "challenge". It kind of all comes down to attitude.

I would say clearly half or more of the mail I get on line absolutely ignored the profile I took time to write. I don't know if guys just like rejection or what but evidently they have a lot of time on their hands to write.

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