Topic: --- Shy guys --- | |
I just need some salty, vinigar balls, right now.. Anyone? i thought it was chocolate salty balls? |
When one fear outweighs another fear, progress can be made. When your fear of being alone is greater than your fear of approaching someone, methinks you will overcome it. You can always give yourself a worst-case-scenario pep talk.. 'What is the worst thing that can happen?' 'She could say No.' 'Is that worse than not knowing if she will say no or not?' Actually, I greatly sympathize with men, having to be the instigator, glad I am not one :-) The worst case scenario is that she does say 'no' or 'not interested'. It is rather debilitating spiritually and emotionally. Believe me, I know, I've heard it all my life starting with my parents, but I still am not used to it...frustrating... ![]() |
When one fear outweighs another fear, progress can be made. When your fear of being alone is greater than your fear of approaching someone, methinks you will overcome it. You can always give yourself a worst-case-scenario pep talk.. 'What is the worst thing that can happen?' 'She could say No.' 'Is that worse than not knowing if she will say no or not?' Actually, I greatly sympathize with men, having to be the instigator, glad I am not one :-) The worst case scenario is that she does say 'no' or 'not interested'. It is rather debilitating spiritually and emotionally. Believe me, I know, I've heard it all my life starting with my parents, but I still am not used to it...frustrating... ![]() whatever... for every 1 that says no, 2 will say yes... don't be scared of the word "no", it just means try harder or move on... |
Women, what do you think about shy guys? Would you ever date one? Why or why not? I think many shy guys are really nice, respectable men, but it is hard to communicate with some. I dated one, and he was one of the nicest men I ever met. But he was hard work. |
Shy guys are just too much hard work they can't make decisions which means we have to. I don't know about the rest of the ladies out there but I have to make decisions and organise things all day at work. I would really appreciate someone who can just call and say right I've booked ...... at .... at ....time...fancy it? Simples!
I personally have been the shy girl and still can be, but lately I've been taking charge of all my dates; deciding where to go and what to do and it feels great!!!
I think if there is enough chemistry between two shy people, and you can communicate with your date without all that awkward silence, it can work! |
I wouldn't and couldn't date a Shy Guy, most women want a take charge kinda guy. I fit into that category, i want my man to be in charge, until I want to be in charge.
I wouldn't and couldn't date a Shy Guy, most women want a take charge kinda guy. I fit into that category, i want my man to be in charge, until I want to be in charge. ![]() |
I think shy guys are all I'm interested in. Too much bravado bothers me.
Usually though shy guys = guys in pain. So that's a major buzz kill. |
I think there is different levels of Shyness. The same with confidence. I've met a few shy guys who were very self-confident. Just because you're a quiet person in public, it doesn't mean you don't or can't be a great lover. I only date shy men now anyway, as I'm kinda shy myself, so we get along much better, than any other kind I've been out with. I think some only view shy people as being insecure, because they never take the time to see what they're like in person. I can't just go around just claiming all shy people aren't confident with themselves, or that they can't hold down a good relationship. I know SOME do, but like I said, if you don't know the person, then how can you know what they're really like? I even had one ask me to marry him, so yeah. I don't think all of them are insecure. Some just like to keep themselves to themselves.
I wouldnt want any shy woman near me since its hard to communicate
It's a little unfair to say that all men who come across as "shy" automatically have communication problems, or lack courage to protect a woman in any way, among other things stated or implied in previous posts. I myself for example, am shy when it comes to approaching women I do not know. The awkward tension of not knowing anything about her, her personality, etc., does make me reluctant to start things off, and so I usually am quiet or "shy" as you may say. But, after a single conversation, I have absolutely no problems communicating and building on things from there. And I damn sure don't have the least bit of a problem defending her when needed. So, yeah, there are definitely different degrees to being "shy", and we're not quite all wired the same at the core of it all.
men who are shy are insecure. and therefore not really a man.
I've dated a couple of shy, quiet guys, but it was kind of a mismatch because I'm talkative and fairly well extroverted. They were very nice and we had fun together, and they were kind. But I felt like the dominant personality in the mix, when what I really wanted was something where we'd be equal.
I don't think I ever met a shy girl. It would be hard to say.
Haven't seen any shy women around here.
Edited by
Tue 03/19/13 06:19 AM
See now that's the real problem. U women say u want a man to take charge. Then I read this post. So u want a man to take charge until i want to take charge. Right there u just said that u are indecisive maybe not so sure what ur actually looking for. Maybe u should think about what ur actually saying before u jump ship.
Take this from a so-called shy guy: I am not shy as it is put by others. This label, or prejudgement is incorrect as are all predjudices. I am generally the smartest guy in the room ( geeky-nerdy)and the lack of direction in conversation bores me. When I weigh in on the conversation, it comes to a halt. The matter has been resolved. Now I become the guru in the crowd..people seeking answers that they dont take the time to think of themselves, because they are too busy trying to be cool..gurus dont get laid though, so I stop weighing in on topics that I already know inside and out. I know I have a personality disorder ( so I am told) so I go to the bar and the club trying to work to overcome it. Then I meet you, and you call me shy...
I wouldn't and couldn't date a Shy Guy, most women want a take charge kinda guy. I fit into that category, i want my man to be in charge, until I want to be in charge. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Shy guys are attractive. Just because they are shy doesn't mean they would not protect the person they love.