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Topic: differences are what makes life interesting
nurjoyce's photo
Sat 08/11/07 09:24 AM
awe adj4u
smooched smooched smooched

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/11/07 09:28 AM
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/11/07 09:30 AM
just a thought

if someone says they are upset cause such and such a thing is why some do not have romantic interest towards them

does that mean they have romantic interest in everyone

or is this a double standard


just wondering

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 09:42 AM
Ok I have a story for you. I had a friend, nice fellow, maybe a little dull and not too good looking, worked for me some years back. One day I had been away from the office and when I came back he said that some girl had come by selling cellular phone service. He said this girl was really nice looking and he'd like it if he could see this gal again. Now this friend of mine was not good looking, what do I know, I'm a guy after all, but generally a little misshapen in the face, not quite proportional, and he did not have the look of a sharp spark. I don't mean to be unkind here, and he was a friend after all, bust not Adonis by any means. Well anyway I decided since he had made me curious I could do something to give the fellow a little help there. So I took the card she had left and give her a call to see if she would stop by and give us another shot at buying the cell phone service, giving my friend to warning so if he would be there he could see her again. Well. When the girl got there I was surprised and not surprised for the most peculiar reason. This girl looked so much like my friend that she could have been his sister. Same misshapen appearance and slightly off proportions. I was not the least bit interested in this girl, but to my friend, she was the bomb. So basically, different strokes for different folks. Oddly enough, she was not interested in my friend. Just one more thing to ponder. As for her phone service, unfortunately her plan was really quite bad and I would have spent a lot of money to convert. I'm ok for supporting small business and local sales, but that was just a little out of my reach.

Puffins1958's photo
Sat 08/11/07 09:45 AM
That.....just brings me to my point....

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, really

wanting1forlife's photo
Sat 08/11/07 09:51 AM
puffins, exactly!! just remember attitude is a choice, and personalities can always be improved. have a great day everyone!!

Phxlilly's photo
Sat 08/11/07 10:08 AM
I'm wondering if Philosphers friend took after his mom in looks. It seems that men look for women like their mothers and women look for men like their dads. Why we would do this who knows (sounds kinda sick actually) but we do. He may have been attracted to her as she reminded him of his mom. She was NOT attracted to him as he did not look like her dad (she may have taken after her mom also). Just a thought as I see this a lot and have found myself even liking traits that resemble my dad... I know... noway I'm a sicko too laugh

nurjoyce's photo
Sat 08/11/07 12:33 PM
i do not look for men like my dad

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 12:35 PM
hmmmm my Dad looks like Johnny Cash......hmmmm not looking for a look alike either!!!noway noway noway noway

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 12:46 PM
My mom doesn't bite sticks with pointy teeth.

beachbum71's photo
Sat 08/11/07 05:23 PM
People, people just be happy with who you are!!!!happy

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