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Topic: Fakes...
3Rutez's photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:08 AM
Why? Why must some douche bag make a fake profile, only to tell you to add them on a messenger service? It is pretty messed up if you ask me.

Furthermore, where do they get people's pictures for said fake profiles? Cell phone company connections? Are they using pics that are in the phone's memory after the phone has been returned? Saving images from social media sites? Alot of the fakes have self-taken cell phone pics. It is very disturbing how people can do such things. D-BAGS..... all the way.

Anyone agree or have any further input on this topic?

no photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:13 AM
It just happens. Just had one try to get to me too. Profile says they were from Marietta Georgia. They really from Africa. Just the way these scammers work. They can also get pics from any social website, save the pic then upload it claiming it is them.

3Rutez's photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:16 AM
*waves fist in the air*


I guess the forums are where the REAL peeps are at. :D

It's just such a let down when you find they are fake. Oh well.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:25 AM
That is at least 3/4s of the women I try to contact. Like I want to message anyone on Yahoo or MSN or what the hell ever. What is wrong with the mail function and chat here?

It is a shame I can't back hack through this site (noninvasively) to track down the offending IP address and give the offensive computers a CH virus. That is a classic compute killer virus as in it makes a computer dead and completely useless with no hope of repair unless you can desolder the BIOS chip and replace it! That would teach these scumbags to pester us on mingle.

At last I can dream. That isn't against the rules at least!

3Rutez's photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:30 AM
Could also teach them soldering skills too. Pass the flux.

jacktrades's photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:31 AM
Edited by jacktrades on Sat 01/05/13 09:35 AM
I have had it happen about 5 times.It does'nt take long to figure them out. I just hit the block button and move on. I think its funny when they think they are clever.Oh instead of my yahoo messenger email why don't I just give you my pin number you mastermind!!!!

3Rutez's photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:34 AM
Very sad. No Katambe, for the Ugandan scammers.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:36 AM
Just report them...Really can get a tad annoying cluttering the forum with it. The unfortunate addition of a free social site like this is that you will have scammers, AOL has had scammers for years same with Yahoo, only difference is their social site is more based around their messenger.

Now think of how much of a clusterf* it would be if the scammers knew how to work the messenger.

no photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:40 AM
The sad thing is that is makes most men that much more skeptical of all the women on the site. When you have had four or five women try to scam you on one site you tend to be a little more skeptical when someone sends you a "hey your cute I think we should talk type" message. You want to know more before committing anything to them at all. Personally I hate it, but have learned this is the way of internet socializing and dating. Have to work around it.

no photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:40 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 01/05/13 09:42 AM
Scammers are ridiculous. I have several blogs and I have to delete comments constantly because all I get are really stupid badly written generic comments with back links to their commercial websites.

Mingle Forums is one place where I feel I am talking to real people. Chat rooms open your computer up for trojans, worms, and scammers.

3Rutez's photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:42 AM
Yes, their grammar is the dead giveaway. Lol.

no photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:43 AM

Just report them...Really can get a tad annoying cluttering the forum with it. The unfortunate addition of a free social site like this is that you will have scammers, AOL has had scammers for years same with Yahoo, only difference is their social site is more based around their messenger.

Now think of how much of a clusterf* it would be if the scammers knew how to work the messenger.

True. Whenever they ask to go off site within the first message or two, you know right then you are more than likely dealing with a scammer. They want to go where they not only can not be traced as easily, but they don't want their profile on whatever site they are on cancelled out by having it reported.

no photo
Sat 01/05/13 10:15 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 01/05/13 10:15 AM

Just report them...Really can get a tad annoying cluttering the forum with it. The unfortunate addition of a free social site like this is that you will have scammers, AOL has had scammers for years same with Yahoo, only difference is their social site is more based around their messenger.

Now think of how much of a clusterf* it would be if the scammers knew how to work the messenger.

True. Whenever they ask to go off site within the first message or two, you know right then you are more than likely dealing with a scammer. They want to go where they not only can not be traced as easily, but they don't want their profile on whatever site they are on cancelled out by having it reported.

Ha ha, yes when someone wants you to go off site to some chat room or messenger right away.... that's like them picking you up in some bar.

"Hey let's blow this joint and go over to my place."

You've been picked up. LOL

I don't ever fall for that. I know they all have ulterior motives and I don't want to find out what.

India75's photo
Sat 01/05/13 10:28 AM
The men are just as bad as the women on here. Terrible scammers. Classic sign are their profiles. Mostly written by someone else, or copied from some text. If you have the misfortune to chat with them, the lack of social conversation skills and grammar soon becomes apparent.

no photo
Sat 01/05/13 10:51 AM
They are out in force today, for real - rofl. Seven so far today. That is what I get for still being on vacation from work and online. frustrated

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 01/05/13 10:52 AM
Sad but people will pic up pictures a lot of places. Got to agree it is kind of funny when the photos don't even match the site questions. Or the age the OP says they are. I mean come on you say you are late in one decade and clearly the pic is two decades younger? Or kids playing are useing Mom and Dad's pictures. Or useing their kids pictures. That is really pretty sick. Being older I have actually run into guys doing that.

I have been asked and asked for pics so I figure somewhere they are probably up being passed off on a someone else. I guess a person could google search their own pics and try not to allow that kind of abuse but then that would be a full time job.

All of this makes a good arguement for staying on site. And just dateing local. Talk a few weeks and if they seem normal go some place safe and very public and see if they are who they are. Wasteing emotions/time on vampires you are never going to see is a collassal mistake when you can be enjoying someone in real life.

Kind of sad the number of people around the world that think they can pimp themself out and go to another country and it will be all milk and honey. Every so often they bust a cat house in Sacramento in one of the many forclosed properties and some of the kids have been been behind bars selling themsleves so long they have Vitamin D deficencies it has been so long they have seen daylight. Really heartbreaking.

teebee79's photo
Sat 01/05/13 11:00 AM

Why? Why must some douche bag make a fake profile, only to tell you to add them on a messenger service? It is pretty messed up if you ask me.

Furthermore, where do they get people's pictures for said fake profiles? Cell phone company connections? Are they using pics that are in the phone's memory after the phone has been returned? Saving images from social media sites? Alot of the fakes have self-taken cell phone pics. It is very disturbing how people can do such things. D-BAGS..... all the way.

Anyone agree or have any further input on this topic?

??? Is it the fake pic that has you pissed or the fake person??
Well..either way sorry for the fake encounters...we all get d bags in our lives, especially online!

no photo
Sat 01/05/13 11:12 AM
Edited by toxicpoizon on Sat 01/05/13 11:13 AM
This is a question more for the ladies that have posted. What kind of script do they use on you? I ask because once you recognize the scripts, it is very easy to not waste your time dealing with them.

Todays scammers were asking what kind of girl I was into and then wanted me to go watch their webcam. The others were using profiles here and then trying to go offsite. How they wanted a serious relationship and no jokes - but couldn't understand how them using a fake profile in several ways was not real? LOL.

cherbear0118's photo
Sat 01/05/13 11:30 AM
This is all really interesting as I am relatively new here and still learning the ropes. I actually prefer to chat on my Yahoo messenger with someone I meet and am interested in on here just because its easier for me, especially if I'm at work or something. Now I may need to reconsider that. I definitely don't give out my number or anything until I'm sure I'm dealing with a real person, but how do you know? I was hesitant to enter the online dating pool because of the horror stories I've heard, but I have a really hard time meeting people in the real world because of my busy schedule. Do the pay sites like Match and eHarmony have a lot of fakes and spammers too? *sigh*, what's a lonely girl to do?

3Rutez's photo
Sat 01/05/13 11:45 AM
During my trial, I met someone and went on a few dates. Cannot afford their insane prices, so no more Match for this guy. Lol. I GOT KIDS TO FEED. Hehe.

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