Topic: 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Expose | |
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Tue 01/08/13 03:40 PM
The video at least had facts that can all be verified if you know what to do. Also the end of the video stated that there is at least more reason to investigate these suspects who actually had more reasonable and logical motives (money, as is always the motive)- than the suspects the official report named. It makes ten times more sense than the official story and if you can't see that then you are wearing blinders. how can the facts be verified when the entire video relies on the "evidence" provided by Richard Grove and the only people he claims could have corroborated his evidence were conveniently killed. or was it that he was pissed off because he says he got screwed out of a million dollar bonus by being fired well before 9-11? his whole explanation of being fired then being re hired in some sort of mysterious fashion by an executive that he refuses to identify smells of fiction. if he felt that this executive was setting him up to supposedly be in the WTC and die with the supposed corroborators of said "evidence" one would have to wonder why he refuses to identify him. the absurdity of the idea that someone went to this length to kill a few people to cover up a few hundred billion of fraudulent transactions is beyond the pale. even for the truthers |
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Tue 01/08/13 07:00 PM
The video at least had facts that can all be verified if you know what to do. Also the end of the video stated that there is at least more reason to investigate these suspects who actually had more reasonable and logical motives (money, as is always the motive)- than the suspects the official report named. It makes ten times more sense than the official story and if you can't see that then you are wearing blinders. how can the facts be verified when the entire video relies on the "evidence" provided by Richard Grove and the only people he claims could have corroborated his evidence were conveniently killed. or was it that he was pissed off because he says he got screwed out of a million dollar bonus by being fired well before 9-11? his whole explanation of being fired then being re hired in some sort of mysterious fashion by an executive that he refuses to identify smells of fiction. if he felt that this executive was setting him up to supposedly be in the WTC and die with the supposed corroborators of said "evidence" one would have to wonder why he refuses to identify him. the absurdity of the idea that someone went to this length to kill a few people to cover up a few hundred billion of fraudulent transactions is beyond the pale. even for the truthers The facts in the video (maybe not every single one of the details) can be verified as far as the players and their questionable credentials and connections are concerned. There are thousands of leads that can be followed up detail. Many more than you were ever given by the 9-11 commission who did not present any evidence at all to the public. They just made up a story and expected people to take their word for it. There are also references and links to many books written about it which I am sure will have a lot more information. I'm not saying I've read them, or that they are all the gospel truth, I don't know. But still, anything is better than the official report which is clearly a lie. There is no motive whatsoever for Muslims to have taken down the towers. They did not benefit from that crime at all. In fact, the crime put them all on the worst hate list of all.... and labeled them with the name "terrorist" to such an extent that they have problems building mosques and comedians make fun of them. The ridiculous tale that they hate America because of our "freedom" is so ludicrous that only a moron would believe that. Yet that is what so many politicians claimed. How idiotic. If they hate America, then they hate us for backing Israel and the war on Palestine. If the media wants to claim that Arabs or Muslims hate America they should at least tell people it is because of how America drops drones on them and supports Israel. But did Al-Qaeda terrorists really pull off 9-11? Seriously? Do you seriously expect anyone to believe that these third world country rebels got past all of our government agencies, our NORAD, our FBI, our CIA, our Navy, our Army our Marines, our air-force etc? It is the most insane and absurd story ever told. A bigger lie than the lie about King David and the Chosen people. But that is not even the reason I don't believe it. I read the 9-11 report and my bells started going off during the first few paragraphs. "LIE LIE LIE." I know a lie when I see it and there was very little truth to any of that report. |
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Tue 01/08/13 07:39 PM
Yeah, the real world (thankfully), questionable prosopography does not prove a conspiracy. No-one has, as yet 'proven' (I use the word in its true sense) any conspiracy. If the so-called 'evidence' is enough to build a case, why haven't there been any indictments? No exposees (apart from dodgy youtube clips, and sensationalist websites and blogs)? As for motive, there are plenty of motives and the 1993 WTC bombing, The USS Cole & the Embassy bombings all demonstrate a pattern of Qutbist 'reprisals', but I suppose these are just handwaved away as false flag attempts, or setups for 9/11. Maybe they happened in isolation in another universe or some such? One man's claims that lack any form of corroboration do not prove a conspiracy. It'll sell a few books, though and that's about it. Any racist underestimation of Al-Qaeda's capabilities just sound feeble.
I know the answer from the CT'ers is that there is a Cabal/NWO/Royal Family/Illuminati/Star Chamber/Reptilian/Bilderberg/Media (insert this week's fashionable body to hate) cover-up, but that's stretching credibility beyond anything remotely terrestrial (or sane). At the end of the day, the video does not prove 9/11 was a conspiracy or anything remotely resembling one. |
The definition of "a conspiracy" is anything that is planned and executed by two or more people.
Of course 9-11 was a "conspiracy." The question is who is involved and why. |
The definition of "a conspiracy" is anything that is planned and executed by two or more people. Of course 9-11 was a "conspiracy." The question is who is involved and why. Thanks for pointing out the blatantly obvious. I was referring to the conspiracy posited in the video, of course. After all, it is what the thread is about. |
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Tue 01/08/13 08:13 PM
The definition of "a conspiracy" is anything that is planned and executed by two or more people. Of course 9-11 was a "conspiracy." The question is who is involved and why. Thanks for pointing out the blatantly obvious. I was referring to the conspiracy posited in the video, of course. After all, it is what the thread is about. I don't think I ever made the claim that any particular conspiracy had been "proven." But it is obvious that 9-11 REQUIRED a conspiracy of some kind. And it is obvious that there is a conspiracy of some kind. The government's version is the least believable. The question at hand has always been.. who is involved and why. |
Solved, Proven, just semantics.
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Tue 01/08/13 08:16 PM
I agree that nothing has been "proven." NOTHING. That includes the official reports. They have no proof, no motive and no evidence.
So I think we can all agree that nothing has been "proven." So?? |
I agree that nothing has been "proven." NOTHING. That includes the official reports. They have no proof, no motive and no evidence. So I think we can all agree that nothing has been "proven." So?? I was only referring to the video, nothing else. |
I am sorry if the word "solved" has been misconstrued as meaning the same thing as "proven."
Both words are still a matter of convincing a majority or a jury of your peers of something. Therefore it may be "solved" or "proven" for some, and not for others. As they say, you can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can never fool all of the people all of the time. That goes for convincing people of things also. The 9-11 commission report did not do a very good job of convincing very many people. If they had, then there would not be hundreds of alternate conspiracy theories out there in cyber space. ![]() People want to know the truth. |
There would be CT's no matter what the government, or any independent body produced, so why bother trying to disprove them? Any evidence would be disregarded without consideration as merely being another facet of the coverup. A lot of CTer's are not rational individuals.
You can see the same pattern with those that consider the Apollo Program as a hoax. Plenty of evidence is available, but they refuse to acknowledge its validity. |
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Wed 01/09/13 02:18 AM
There would be CT's no matter what the government, or any independent body produced, so why bother trying to disprove them? Any evidence would be disregarded without consideration as merely being another facet of the coverup. A lot of CTer's are not rational individuals. You can see the same pattern with those that consider the Apollo Program as a hoax. Plenty of evidence is available, but they refuse to acknowledge its validity. Al Capone refused to acknowledge that he didn't pay his income tax properly, but he would have been untouchable if he had never been arrested & dragged into court. Just because some people may have placed themselves "above" the law, is no reason not to do some proper detective work to build a prima facie case, then arrest them & put them on trial. If it can't be "proved" beyond a reasonable doubt that they "did it", then they have nothing to fear from a fair trial because they will be acquitted, just like O.J, was...So what are they worried about? If they didn't do it, they have nothing to fear and a trial could exonerate them in the eyes of the public. |
The video at least had facts that can all be verified if you know what to do. Also the end of the video stated that there is at least more reason to investigate these suspects who actually had more reasonable and logical motives (money, as is always the motive)- than the suspects the official report named. It makes ten times more sense than the official story and if you can't see that then you are wearing blinders. how can the facts be verified when the entire video relies on the "evidence" provided by Richard Grove and the only people he claims could have corroborated his evidence were conveniently killed. or was it that he was pissed off because he says he got screwed out of a million dollar bonus by being fired well before 9-11? his whole explanation of being fired then being re hired in some sort of mysterious fashion by an executive that he refuses to identify smells of fiction. if he felt that this executive was setting him up to supposedly be in the WTC and die with the supposed corroborators of said "evidence" one would have to wonder why he refuses to identify him. the absurdity of the idea that someone went to this length to kill a few people to cover up a few hundred billion of fraudulent transactions is beyond the pale. even for the truthers ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I like the nano thermite theory! As the Nutty Prof said (since fired from his job) 'hundreds of tons!' and then, we learn it can be mixed with regular explosive and painted onto beams but of course, CTs can't decide if it was melting steel or exploding it.
Hundreds of tons, painted onto beams. Mixed with regular everyday corner store C4 and brought up in lunch buckets, five pounds at a time for ............... let's see ......... five pounds, and a hundred tons ...................... that's two hundred thousand pounds ................... five pounds for forty thousand trips with the thermite not to mention the C4. Or, Jeb Bush helping (Cheney's heart wouldn't take the strain), that's only twenty thousand trips a piece just to get the stuff there. Ok, so, is there any record of workers all over the place with buckets of slop bringing hundreds of tons into the access panels to paint this crap onto the beams and pillars? And, when working with slop, it doesn't all go where you want it to, is there any record of people over the months/weeks/years whatever getting sick from having a strange substance (which explosives do to people) getting sick from contact their skin and even their food or drink? That is probably the main evidence that there was an inside job is the sickness rate of the people who worked in the WTC. And, now we have to get the charges up there remembering that every place there was this 'special' material sloped on, it has to blow as the evidence can't remain as some shmuck worker on the ground might pull up a fragment of metal with a piece of det cord, remote det or whatever on it attatched to some painted on explosive thermite which didn't go off. So, that's a lot of stuff to get done. Lot of people. Lot of construction people with passes, excuses, paychecks etc. All without being noticed by the union who took care of the buildings. How did they do it? And, without anybody getting sick, spilling one once of this stuff onto the carpets, clothes, into the air ducts, and without being noticed? And the unions had no problem with these non union guys just doing all this work too. And ... everything hinges on the planes hitting the buildings. If they don't hit, the explosives will be discovered and the guys that put it all there (100 - 1000 non union guys) will get lethal injections. They have no problem doing this work over weeks or months knowing that their *** is covered by dirty terrorists living in caves in Afghanistan so, are in like a dirty shirt. on the big day, they're nervous, they have to have the explosive evidence all destroyed or their *** is toast in Terra Haute so they're anxious yet, once the planes hit, they wait ............ calmly waiting ........ they need all the evidence to go up. They can't have any inspector see the explosives, wires, detonators, remote devices whatever yet they wait ....... and wait ........ long after they could logically blow the building ......... with the WT7 just sitting there with anybody who wants to find the explosives there about to expose the whole thing sending them all to the injection chamber and then ........ They blow it. Nothing far fetched going on there. Union guys risking their lives on the promise that some dudes living in a cave will come through with an elaborate plan kept secret for years and on four separate planes. And nobody has said a word, nobody has had any seocnd thoughts of guilt, nobody has found religion or guilt in all this time. Nobody has gotten murdered, none of the people who are exposing this conspiracy are being silenced. The entire government of the USA wants them dead and here they are, just targets for a poisoning, letter bomb, faulty ground in a hot tub, a heart attack and ......... they're all still spewing the nonsense. ![]() |
Just because you don't happen to know 'how' they accomplished the feat does not mean it was impossible. The planes/missiles were probably remotely targeted to the exact spot they were supposed to hit.
They had easy access to the building, poor security, elevators, an entire floor that was off limits to the public and had full access to elevators. To suggest that explosives could not have been planted just indicated ignorance of what is possible. I find it very hard to believe that a printer can print a vital organ or a tool. And yet.... people claim this is true. |
Just because you don't happen to know 'how' they accomplished the feat does not mean it was impossible. The planes/missiles were probably remotely targeted to the exact spot they were supposed to hit. They had easy access to the building, poor security, elevators, an entire floor that was off limits to the public and had full access to elevators. To suggest that explosives could not have been planted just indicated ignorance of what is possible. I find it very hard to believe that a printer can print a vital organ or a tool. And yet.... people claim this is true. Then there should be indictments coming soon naming individuals. Seems that it would be very hard to keep a conspiracy a conspiracy with so many people involved. What dozens of people, perhaps hundreds involved in the cover up? Perhaps one whistle blower would come forward? Just asking. |
Holy cow! Alleoops looks so normal.
Just because you don't happen to know 'how' they accomplished the feat does not mean it was impossible. The planes/missiles were probably remotely targeted to the exact spot they were supposed to hit. They had easy access to the building, poor security, elevators, an entire floor that was off limits to the public and had full access to elevators. To suggest that explosives could not have been planted just indicated ignorance of what is possible. I find it very hard to believe that a printer can print a vital organ or a tool. And yet.... people claim this is true. Then there should be indictments coming soon naming individuals. Seems that it would be very hard to keep a conspiracy a conspiracy with so many people involved. What dozens of people, perhaps hundreds involved in the cover up? Perhaps one whistle blower would come forward? Just asking. On the contrary. Conspiracy is very difficult to prove. Besides, the people responsible are above the law. The law can't touch them. If the law could touch them, we could arrest the President. Who is going to arrest the President? If you can't even indict or arrest the president what makes you think you can indict or arrest the Elite criminals who bought and paid for him to be in office? How many judges do you think they have in their pockets? The globalist mafia is not going to indict itself. If you are in the club you are above the law. |
In order to understand the improbability of the government’s explanation of 9/11, it is not necessary to know anything about what force or forces brought down the three World Trade Center buildings, what hit the Pentagon or caused the explosion, the flying skills or lack thereof of the alleged hijackers, whether the airliner crashed in Pennsylvania or was shot down, whether cell phone calls made at the altitudes could be received, or any other debated aspect of the controversy.
You only have to know two things. One is that according to the official story, a handful of Arabs, mainly Saudi Arabians, operating independently of any government and competent intelligence service, men without James Bond and V for Vendetta capabilities, outwitted not only the CIA, FBI, and National Security Agency, but all 16 US intelligence agencies, along with all security agencies of America’s NATO allies and Israel’s Mossad. Not only did the entire intelligence forces of the Western world fail, but on the morning of the attack the entire apparatus of the National Security State simultaneously failed. Airport security failed four times in one hour. NORAD failed. Air Traffic Control failed. The US Air Force failed. The National Security Council failed. Dick Cheney failed. Absolutely nothing worked. The world’s only superpower was helpless at the humiliating mercy of a few undistinguished Arabs. It is hard to image a more far-fetched story–except for the second thing you need to know: The humiliating failure of US National Security did not result in immediate demands from the President of the United States, from Congress, from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and from the media for an investigation of how such improbable total failure could have occurred. No one was held accountable for the greatest failure of national security in world history. Instead, the White House dragged its feet for a year resisting any investigation until the persistent demands from 9/11 families for accountability forced President George W. Bush to appoint a political commission, devoid of any experts, to hold a pretend investigation. |
Holy cow! Alleoops looks so normal. except when I dance. |